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Present Simple:: Affirmative Form: Get Up Gets Up

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6° año – Inglés - Semana 4/5

FECHA DE ENTREGA: 20 / 05 / 2020


Present Simple: Se utiliza para hablar de acciones que se repiten en el tiempo (rutinas, habitos) y
verdades generales (que son siempre así).

Affirmative form:

I/you/we/they + Verb. Ex: I get up at 7 am every day.

He/she/it + Verb (s/es). Ex. She gets up at 7 am every day.

Negative form:

I/you/we/they + don’t + verb. Ex: I don’t get up at 7 am every day.

He/she/it + doesn’t + verb. Ex. She doesn’t get up at 7 am every day.

Interrogative form:
(Wh-) Do + I/you/we/they + verb …? Ex: Where do you work? I work in a company / Do you work? Yes, I
do/No, I don’t.

(Wh-) Does + he/she/it + verb …? Ex. Where does she work? She works in a company / Does she work
in a company? Yes, she does / No, she doesn’t.

Adverbios de frecuencia: sirven para indicar con qué frecuencia realizo cada acción. En la primer imagen
tienen los significados en español. En la segunda están los adverbios y ejemplos.

Son las palabras claves que me indicarían por ejemplo, en un ejercicio donde hay varios tiempos verbales,
que tengo que completar con PRESENTE SIMPLE.


Free time activities

1. Complete with one word the following activities.


a) Relax.

b) Hang out with friends. g) do yoga.

c) Visit family or friends. h) Tidy my room
d) Play on the computer. i) read a book
e) chat help others. j) chat online
f) play an instrument. k) listen to music

2. What do you normally do? Write 3 affirmative and 3 negative sentences.

I always relax.

I don’t play an instrument.

a) I play on the computer games

b) I don't read a book

c) I listen to music

d) I don't do yoga

e) I chat online

f) I don't usually relax

3. What do you do during quarantine? Write 4 sentences. They can be affirmative or negative.
You can add more actions.

I use the computer and the phone every day.

a) I work in the countryside

b) I sometimes play video games

c) I don't never read a book (cuando usamos never el verbo queda en afirmativo porque la connotación
la da la palabra never)

d) I often cook the lunch

4. Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in Simple Present. RECORDAR: cuando
hablamos de una tercera persona (he/she/it) el verbo agrega -s/-es!

2 Makes
3 Takes
4 Starts
5 Haves has (have es un verbo “irregular” porque tiene dos formas en presente dependiendo la
persona: I/YOU/WE/THEY -> HAVE – HE/SHE/IT -> HAS)
6 Works
7 Sees
8 Meets
9 Finishes
10 Reads
11 Gets
12 Haves has
13 Goes

5. Based on the text, correct the sentences about Al.

Al gets up early in the morning.

He doesn’t get up early in the morning. He gets up in the afternoon.

a) Al goes to work by taxi.

Al goes to work by bus.

b) Al has a salad for lunch.

Al has two or three hot dogs.

c) Al reads a magazine on the bus.

Al reads on the bus the morning newspaper.

d) He gets home late at night.

He gets home early in the morning.

e) Al has lunch with his family.

Al has family breakfast with them.

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