A Seminar On: Geo-Synthetics
A Seminar On: Geo-Synthetics
A Seminar On: Geo-Synthetics
Presented By :
Padarabinda Parida
Regd No : 0501106324
7th Semester
What is geo-synthetic?
A geo-synthetic has been defined by the “American Society for Testing and
Materials (ASTM) Committee D35 on Geo-synthetics” as “A planar product
manufactured from polymeric material used with soil, rock,
earth, or other geotechnical engineering related material as an
integral part of a man-made project, structure, or system.”
Geo synthetics are classified as follows:
1. Geotextiles
2. Geogrids
3. Geonets
4. Geomembranes
5. Geosynthetic clay liners
6. Geocells/geo web members
7. Geofoam
8. Geocomposites
Geotextiles are defined as “any permeable textile used with foundation soil, rock
earth, or any other geotechnical engineering-related material as an integral part of a
human-made project, structure, or system”.
•They have open grid like configuration i.e. they have large aperture
between individual ribs.
•They have Low strain and stretch about 2% under load.
•Strength is more that other common geotextiles.
•Function: Used exclusively for reinforcement
•Formed by continuous extrusion of
parallel sets of polymeric ribs(LDPE &
HDPE) at preset angles to one another.
•Their design function is completely
within the in-plane drainage area where
they are used to convey all types of
•Though they are used for the drainage
function but they have high tensile
•Generally used along with one or two
geotextile matter one at the top and other
at the bottom to prevent soil intrusion .
•Large but but extreamly light materials with gas filled cells.
•Made from expanded poly styrene and extruded poly styrene by
polymeric expansion process.
•Function: separation, lightweight fill, compressible inclusions, thermal
Geotextile-Geonet Composites
Geotextile –Geomembrane Composiets
Geotextile –Geogrid Composiets
Geomembrane –Geogrid Composite
Geotextile-Polymer Core Composite
A Comparative Review.
Geogrid YES
Geonet YES
Geomembrane YES
Geofoam YES
1. Grab test
2. Seam testing
3. Puncture test
4. CBR push through test
5. Tear test
6. Diaphragm bursting strength test
7. Cone drop test
8. Dry sieve test
9. Gradient test
The rapid growth in the geosynthetic market the
world over has lent confidence to the civil engineer
in their use. One should not be tempted to imagine
geosynthetics are magical materials to yield
excellent results, without due consideration of the
problem or soil geosynthetic interaction. Such a
blind approach could lead to disaster. The future
appears to be more promising with stronger & more
durable geosynthetics emerging into the market
along with fibrous system to be mixed with soil for
giving more hope as well as challenge to the
Geotechnical engineer in the years to come