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C H S NC Ii: Omputer Ardware Ervicing

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Unit of competency
Summary questions
Occupational Health and Safety
Disassembly and Assembly of PC
Software installations
Computer configurations
Device driver installation
Cabling configurations
Electronics symbols
Oral question and answer
Unit of Competency
Unit of Competency
Install Computer System and Networks

Diagnose and Troubleshoot Computer System

Configure Computer System and Networks

Maintain Computer System and Networks

Plan and Prepare work to ensure occupational health
and safety (OHS) policies and procedures are
Obtain materials, tools, equipment and testing
devices needed to conform the job requirements.
Interpret work instructions according to the job
Obtain computer components/devices/systems and
determines its location prior to
Install equipment/devices/systems in accordance
with the job requirements.
Check/test devices/systems and/ or installations to
determine the conformity to the job requirements.
Check computer systems and networks for
configuration in accordance with the specification
and requirements.
Diagnose fault or problem in the computer systems
and networks in line with the standard operating
Configure the identified systems and networks
based on the specifications and job requirements.
Inspect and test configured computer systems and
networks in conformity with manufacturer's
Correct/adjust components or parts of computer
system and networks in accordance with job
Test computer systems and networks to ensure
safe operation.
Performs scheduled/periodic maintenance in
accordance with manufacturer's
Make needed repairs/replacements in accordance
with established procedures when necessary.
Document tasks undertaken in the accordance with
standard operation procedure (SOP).
Clean and clear worksite of all surplus/excess
materials in accordance with company standard
operation procedure(SOP).
• Computer Casing ( Mini Tower Casing)
• Mother Board (Socket 478 / LGA 775)
• Microprocessor (Pentium 4 / Core2Duo)
• Power Supply (ATX 500 Watts)
• Memory modules (DDR1 /DDR2)
• Video Card (AGP/PCIE)
• Modem
• Drives (Optical / Hard disk drives)
• Cables
Anti Static protection (wrist wrap)
Screw drivers
Multi-meter (VOLT OHM Meter)
Cable Tester
Crimping tool
Side Cutter
UTP Cable
Cable tie
Logic Probe
Table / work board
Rubber matt
Extension power cord ( 220V )
Personal Computer with LAN
Occupational health
and safety
Occupational health and safety
Always ground yourself before touching any part of
the computer
Do not work alone
Be careful with tools that may cause short circuit
Replace only fuses with those proper ratings
Wear safety glasses for protection against sparks and
metal fragmented
Use only grounded plugs and receptacles
Working area should have ventilations, trash can , fire
exit and capable of being disinfect.
Occupational health and safety
Keep one hand in your pocket when working live
Wear rubber sole shoes when standing on the
ground or in a concrete floor.
Always power off and unplug the computer before
working on it.
Wear hard hat when someone working above you
When making circuit changes, switch off and unplug
the power cord from the equipment then discharge
the capacitors.
PC Assembly
Discharge yourself before touching any part of
the computer.
Apply 5S . Segregate and arrange the computer
peripherals .
Casing configurations. Open the case and install
the power supply.
Mother board configurations. Install the CPU,
CPU fan and RAM.
PC Assembly
Install the motherboard to the case and screw.
Connect the power, switches and IDE
connectors to the mother board.
 Inspect all connectors, be sure that it is in a
proper places and tighten.
Connect the external part peripherals
Switch on the computer system
PC disassembly
Switch off and unplug the computer from the power
Disconnect all the external connector peripherals.
Open the case.
Unplug all the internal connectors from the mother
Unscrew the power supply.
Unscrew all the drives (HDD,CDROM and Floppy
Unscrew the mother board.
Basic Trouble Shooting
Beep Code Troubleshooting.
Component isolation
RAM isolation
Equipment isolation
Software Installation
CMOS/BIOS/POST Configurations
CMOS Configuration. Press delete key for 5 to 10
seconds upon booting the computer to enter the
CMOS Setup Utility for the CLONE Computers
Change the booting sequence into
CDROM/DVDROM first to boot.
Insert the CD OS installer .
Press any key. Forcing the system to boot from
CDROM drive in which the CD OS installer
located. Then follow screen instruction.
Partitioning the Hard disk drive
Press D key in order to delete partition
Press C key in order to create partition
Press L key to confirm the deletion of the partition
Delete the existing capacity eg. 40000mb. Then
enter new required capacity eg. 20000mb.
Formatting the Hard disk drive
Choose NTFS quick formatting to quickly format
your hard disk.

Note: Best practice is selecting NTFS because

it can handle larger than 32 gig capacity ,
supports file-level security compression and
auditing, and has the ability of file and folder
Product Key
Comes from the vendor or someone who give
the OS. Normally it is place at the cover of the
Computer Name Organizations /
Put the unique computer name eg. your name
Put the organization as simple as possible eg.
home or office.
Put the workgroup as simple as possible eg.
tesda or lsgh or anhs
Firewall Configuration stage
Select On the firewall or the tab which indicated
Internet configuration stage
Select skip. Please note that the LAN card is
not yet configure so there is no chance that you
can connect directly to the internet/network at
this stage.
Creating Prime User
You must create prime user account other than
administrator in order to continue the installation.
Use user account as simple as possible eg.
Device Driver installation
Manual and automatic installation. Before
installation please visit the device manager tab –
to view the hardware components device
software installed or not.
Automatic installation. Place the CD device
software installer in to the CDROM Drive then wait
until it prompt then follow screen instructions.
Manual installation. It is recommended for trouble
shooting / isolation purposes.
Printer installation
For old printers such as dot matrix etc. Connect
the printer cable to the system unit’s printer port.
Connect the power cord to the outlet then switch
ON the printer.
Insert the CD printer installer. Allow the System
to detect the printer. Install the printer driver
software automatic or manual technique.
Cable Configurations and
Sharing the Printer
After installing the printer’s driver software there
will be an icon created inside the printer/fax tab
icon in the control panel.
Locate the appropriate printer’s name then right
click. Click the sharing security, then click OK.
ATX – Advance Technology Attachment
RAM – Random Access Memory
SDRAM – Synchronous Dynamic Random Access
DRAM – Dynamic Random Access Memory
EDO RAM – Extended Data Output Random
Access Memory
SIMM – Single Inline Memory Module
DIMM – Double Inline Memory Module
RIMM – Rambus Inline Memory Module
AT – Advance Technology
USB – Universal Serial Bus
IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer
OHS – Occupational Health and Safety
CPU – Central Processing Unit
UDMA – Ultra Direct Memory Access
BIOS – Basic Input Output System
ISA – Industry Standard Architecture
PCI – Peripheral Component Interconnect
EISA – Extended Industry Standard Architecture
VESA – Video Electronics Standard Association
IDE – Integrated Drive Electronics
SCSI – Small Computer System Interface
CMOS – Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
ROM – Read Only Memory
DDR – Double Data Rate
Electronic Symbols
Variable resistor
Variable capacitor
Coil or Inductor

Zener diode

Loud speaker

Crystal oscillator

Integrated Circuit
Ground Chasis
Ground System
Switch ( SPST)
Single Pole Single Throw
Switch ( SPDT)
Single Pole Double Throw
Switch ( DPST)
Double Pole Single Throw
 Switch ( DPDT)
Double Pole Double Throw
Rotary Switch
Single Pole (4 positions)
Rotary Switch
Double Pole (4 positions)
Oral Question and
Acceptable Answer
Set A
You have just installed Windows 98. During
testing , it fails to start after the “starting Windows
98 “ message appear. What should you do to
troubleshoot this problem? Name at least two ways.
a. Type Win/D:M add the command prompt
to start windows.
b. Press F8 when Windows restarting and
select safe mode
You have configured a dual boot system consisting
Windows 98 in FAT 32 partition and Windows 2000
using NTFS partition. You check your Windows
2000 installation and it looked good. However, when
you boot to Windows 98 you can not see the files in
the NTFS partition. What might be the source of the

Windows 98 is not compatible with NTFS

You successfully install Windows 2000 Professional and
you want to check your drives for errors. Name one way
of checking for errors.

Disk Defragmenter. Open control panel, click

administrative tool, click computer
management and within the storage tab
click disk defragmenter
You want to setup a dual boot scenario between
Windows 98 and Windows 2000. How would you do
Partition your hard drive. Install
Windows 98 first. And install
Windows 2000 to the second
A customer complains that his hard disk is making
lots of noise. After examining the computer and
hearing the noise for your self, you notice that high
pitch noise seems to be coming from the fan in the
power supply. Which component should be replaced?
Power Supply
 What part of HP Laser printer is malfunction if you
receive a “50 service error”?
A customer complains that he can’t get his computer
to work. When she turn it on, she gets no video and
hears a series of beeps. The beeps are in the
sequence of one long beep, then two short beeps.
You tell the customer to bring the machine in. Upon
further examination you are able to identify the
problem. What should be your next step? What is
the error?
Replace the video card
be sure that it is tighten
What is indicated by a “201” error at system start up?
Bad memory. Most of the error begins
with 2 indicate memory error of
some sort.
What two command files are used by DOS to
configure the computer?
Autoexec.bat and Config.sys
You install a newly purchase sound card into your
computer, but upon rebooting you find that the new
device is not recognized by the system. Moreover, your
modem, which has always worked perfectly, has
stopped functioning. What is probably the problem?
The sound card is using the same
IRQ as the modem
 What is the correct way to use the protocol utility
IPCONFIG in a Windows 2000 environment?
Choose start, click run and type cmd
then press enter key. At the
command prompt type IPCONFIG
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP) is a collection of protocols that help
manage the internet communication. Each computer
running TCP/IP must have a unique IP address
assigned to it. What is an IP address? Describe the
An IP address is set of four numbers, each of
which must be from 0 to 255.
What is the correct sequence to start Windows 2000
backup program?
Choose start-Programs-then
Accessories- then System Tools- then
You’ve setup a network whereby each computer act
as a client and a server and in which each user shares
each other’s resources, including printers. What is
the correct term for such arrangement?
Peer to peer networking
Sending and receiving electronic mail (e-mail) is a
common benefit of the internet. Assuming a user
has access to the internet on a properly configure
PC. What is before a user can begin using e-mail?
E-mail account and e-mail client
What is the name of the executable file for Microsoft
Backup for DOS? For Windows 3.x?
What would you type at a DOS command line to
start the Microsoft Anti-Virus?
Type MSAV at the command prompt.
What program in the control panel can be used to
create a startup disk.?
Add/Remove Programs
What is the final option in the Configure Screen
Compatibility test

The MSBACKUP Program in DOS receives its

settings from what file?
SET file
Set B
Which Windows NT 4.0 utility should you use after
installing a new hard drive to make usable?
Disk Administrator
 Which is the proper command to install Windows
2000 recovery console as a startup option in the CD
Rom in drive E?
E:\i386\winnt32.exe /cmdcons.
 During the Windows 2000 setup, you are ask to
choose between NTFS file system and the FAT
filesystem. Can you site disadvantage on NTFS?
NTFS is more sophisticated file system
however it is not compatible with DOS.
After the successful upgrading to Windows 2000,
what should you do with the temporary files generated
during the setup process?
Nothing. Because all generated
temporary files are automatically
remove during the process.
 You are preparing the computer for dual booting
between Windows 98 and 2000. Your drive is
partitioned, and Windows 98 is already installed.
What should be your next step?
You must choose FAT
for Windows 2000 partition
Which of the following is not the Windows 2000 key
Boot file? Why?
Autoexec.bat – This is the key boot for Windows 3.1
and 9X are not necessary for Windows 2000
 What is the most likely cause of a paper jam on a dot
matrix printer?
Obstructed paper path
HP printer laser jet III printer is not printing at all.
The computer indicates that the “device on LPT1 is
not ready” You perform a service self test o the printer
and it prints on the page of vertical lines with no
problem. The front panel self test does not work,
however which component do you suspect is giving
you the problem
The Formatter
A computer is experiencing random reboots and
phantom problems that disappear after reboot . What
should you do?
Open the cover and reset all cards and chips
 Using either a Windows 9X or Windows 2000
workstation, what components do you need to connect
to a Microsoft network server?
Protocol, client and adapter
 You are enable file and printer sharing on your
Windows 9X system. You must now specify how security
will be handled. What could be the options?
Share level Access Control and User
level control
 A Windows 9x workstation includes default support for
what network OS/client types?
MS Windows Networking and Novell’s Netware within
a Windows 9x workstation, clients are provided for
Microsoft and Novell Network
 What is the third element required to configure a
Windows 2000 system as a network client? A client, an
adapter, and ______?
 What would you need to do to create a new dial-up
networking (DUN) connection within a Windows 9x
Choose: Start-Programs-Accessories: choose and
click Dial up networking then double click Make
new connection. Or double click My computer icon
on the desktop then click dial up networking.
 What would you use to map a network drive in both
Windows 9x and Windows 2000?
Map network Drive
 What type of back up involves selecting the files you
want to back up as well as when you want them to
Custom backup
 There are several pieces of backup hardware that are
currently available. Of the following, which is not valid
backup hardware?
Stationary hard disk
Which type of backup that backup files on a disk that
has changed since the last full backup?
Differential backup

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