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Rotator Cuff Tears: What Have We Learned From Animal Models?

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J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact 2011; 11(2):150-162

ReviewArticle Hylonome

Rotator Cuff Tears:

What have we learned from animal models?
L. Edelstein, S.J. Thomas, L.J. Soslowsky
McKay Orthopaedic Laboratory, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Pennsylvania, United States


Rotator cuff tendon tears are among the most common soft tissue injuries that occur at the shoulder. Despite advancements in
surgical repair techniques, rotator cuff repairs experience a high rate of failure. The common occurrence of tears and the frequency
of re-tears require a further understanding of the mechanisms associated with injuries, healing, and regeneration of the rotator
cuff. This paper reviews in vivo studies using the various animal shoulder models of the rat, rabbit, sheep, canine, and primate.
These animal models have been used to study intrinsic and extrinsic factors leading to shoulder degeneration, various suture tech-
niques, effects of post-surgical treatment, numerous biologic and synthetic scaffolds, and an assortment of biologic augmentations
used to accelerate healing. These effects can be examined in a controlled manner using animal models without other confounding
factors that sometimes limit clinical studies. The clinically impactful results will be explained to highlight the specific knowledge
gained from using animal models in rotator cuff research.

Keywords: Animal Model, Rotator Cuff, Tendon Healing

Introduction healing, and regeneration of the rotator cuff. We will review

the animal models commonly used in rotator cuff research and
Musculoskeletal injuries and conditions affect over 28 million explain their relevance to the human condition.
Americans every year costing an estimated $254 billion1. These A systematic approach, evaluating over thirty animals, used
injuries mainly involve soft tissues, including tendon, ligament, specific criteria relating shoulder anatomy and function to the
muscle, nerve, and cartilage. Rotator cuff tendon tears are among human to determine the rat as an appropriate model to study
the most common soft tissue injuries that occur at the shoulder2. many aspects of the rotator cuff10. These criteria included:
The rotator cuff tendons function to provide dynamic stability to shoulder musculature of the rotator cuff, deltoid, and biceps;
the inherently unstable glenohumeral joint3-5. This functional role, bony anatomy including the acromion, clavicle, coracoid, and
in combination with other factors, often leads to degenerative humerus; articulations; and motions such as elevations and ro-
tears, particularly in older patients4,6. Approximately 25-50% of tations. Only the rat had a prominent supraspinatus tendon
asymptomatic individuals over the age of 50 have a rotator cuff which passes under an enclosed arch, similar to that of the
tear7,8. Even with the advanced approaches to rotator cuff repairs, human supraspinatus tendon (Figure 1)10. The rat is also an ap-
the rate of failures and re-tears are estimated to be at 70%9. propriate animal model for studying a wide range of rotator cuff
This review focuses on in vivo animal model research that pathologies because defects made to the rat rotator cuff result
has been useful in furthering our understanding of injuries, in inferior biomechanical and other properties11. It has been
used to study both intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms of injury,
the effects of overuse, passive motion, and rehabilitation.
The rabbit model has been used to examine muscular
The authors have no conflict of interest. changes associated with rotator cuff tears, including muscle
atrophy, twitch tension, fatigue index, and the discharge of
Corresponding author: Louis J. Soslowsky, PhD, University of Pennsylvania,
McKay Orthopaedic Research Laboratory, 424 Stemmler Hall, 36th Street mechanosensitive afferent units. It has also been used to study
and Hamilton Walk, Philadelphia, PA 19104, United States rotator cuff healing with and without scaffold augmentation. Commonly, the supraspinatus or infraspinatus has been used,
however, more recent studies have proposed the use of the sub-
Edited by: S. Warden
Accepted 27 March2011 scapularis due to this tendon passing under an enclosed arch12.

L. Edelstein et al.: Rotator Cuff Tears and animal models

has only been used in one recent in vivo study of rotator cuff
tears and healing18. This is most likely due to the large cost,
complexities, facilities, and management difficulties required
to maintain primates in sufficient numbers for such purposes.

Native properties at the tendon insertion

An understanding of the native rotator cuff is crucial to rec-

ognize pathologic changes that occur to the tendon insertion site.
The unique structure of the tendon insertion site has been
related to specific localized gene expression during develop-
ment. Tenomodulin (Tnmd) and Chondromodulin-1 (Chm1)
are homologous angiogenesis inhibitors that are predominantly
expressed in the avascular region of tendons and cartilage. A
study in young rabbits identified a population of cells that did
not express either Tnmd or Chm1 between cell populations of
tenocytes and chondrocytes. These cells may contribute to the
enthesis formation in a mature tendon19.
The transitional zone in the mature, native enthesis is char-
acterized by a linear decrease in the degree of mineralization
across the tendon-to-bone insertion. This finding has important
clinical implications because the mineral gradation may ex-
plain the high loads the rotator cuff enthesis can sustain by in-
creasing tendon stiffness, and recreating a mineral gradation
may be necessary to optimize tendon healing20.
Biological and biomechanical properties of the mature, native
Figure 1. Comparison of human and rat shoulder bony anatomy from enthesis of the supraspinatus tendon insertion site have been eval-
posterosuperior and outlet view demonstrating an enclosed arch over
uated in the rat model21. Peak strain and viscoelastic properties were
the supraspinatus tendon area in both cases, similar to the human.
(Reprinted from Soslowsky LJ, Carpenter JE, DeBano CM, Banerji found to be significantly increased at the tendon end compared to
I, Moalli MR. Development and use of an animal model for investi- the bone end of the insertion site. Collagen orientation also varied
gations on rotator cuff disease. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 1996;5:383- with location, demonstrating more oriented fibers at the tendon end
92, with permission from Elsevier). compared to at the bone end. Additionally, collagen types II, IX,
and X and aggrecan were located only at the bony end, while bigly-
can and decorin were localized only at the tendon end.

Additionally, the rabbit subscapularis muscle experiences fatty Pathomechanics

infiltration after tendon detachment, similar to the human13.
Rotator cuff tears seen clinically are often large and chronic Intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms have been theorized to
in nature, making the sheep an interesting model for studying cause rotator cuff tendon injury and tears. The rat model has
the in vivo effects of chronic rotator cuff tears and various su- been used to further enhance our understanding of these po-
turing techniques to minimize repair failure. In addition, this tential mechanisms of injury to the rotator cuff10.
model has been used to study the associated muscular changes Research examining tendon pathology caused by intrinsic
that occur with chronic cuff tears14. Unlike the rat, the sheep’s stimulants has been used to investigate causes of spontaneous
tendon degeneration. Changes observed after intrinsic degen-
anatomy is not comparable to the human. However, the sheep’s
eration caused by an intratendinous injection of collagenase
infraspinatus has been described as similar to the human
included increased cellularity, more round metabolically active
supraspinatus and its similar size allows for certain studies15.
fibroblasts, and collagen disorganization10.
The canine shoulder model has been used to study the effects
Corticosteroid injections are commonly given in the clinical
of rotator cuff tendon augmentation with a variety of scaffolds16,17. setting to alleviate pain in the rotator cuff. The negative effect
The canine model can produce loads to the rotator cuff that are of steroid injections was reaffirmed in the rat model22-24, which
comparable in magnitude to those experienced by the human dur- demonstrated that a steroid injection initiates a short-term re-
ing daily activities. This provides a useful model for the study of sponse equivalent in damage to a structural injury25.
tendon repair augmentations. The anatomy of the canine shoulder Alterations in the bone mineral density of the specific min-
is similar to the sheep and the infraspinatus tendon is used. eral gradient of the enthesis may also play a role in rotator cuff
Many of the non-human primates have very similar shoul- injury or tears. It was found in the rat model that increased
der anatomy and function to the human. However, the primate bone mineral density enhanced failure load indicating the im-

L. Edelstein et al.: Rotator Cuff Tears and animal models

Figure 2. A theoretical paradigm linking mechanical stress to tendon degeneration via cytokines, protein kinases, oxygen free radicals, and apoptotic
mediators which can be studied in animal models. (Reprinted with kind permission of Springer Science and Business Media from Millar NL, Wei AQ,
Molloy TJ, Bonar F,Murrell GA. Heat shock protein and apoptosis in supraspinatus tendinopathy. Clin Orthop Relat Res 2008;466-7:1569-76).

portance of bony density in rotator cuff tears26.

Rotator cuff pathology has also been theorized to originate from,
or become exacerbated by, extrinsic factors such as subacromial
impingement. Impingement was experimentally created by surgi-
cally attaching an Achilles tendon allograft under the surface of
the acromion process which reduced the subacromial space10. The
alterations observed were smaller than those due to collagenase
injection. However, a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors
resulted in persistent damage, greater than the changes due to either
factor alone. The effects of subacromial impingement have also
been evaluated in a rat model by implantation of bony transplants
under the acromion, resulting in bursal side tendon tears27.
Overuse injuries of the rotator cuff are common and have been
modeled using the rat. Supraspinatus tendon mechanical prop-
erties were decreased, histology demonstrated clear degenera-
tion28 and several angiogenic and inflammatory markers were
found in the supraspinatus after overuse. Further, the tendon also
highly expressed cartilage markers, heat shock proteins, and Figure 3. Overuse in conjunction with extrinsic compression (OVE)
markers of apoptosis29-32. Although exact mechanisms remain results in greater tissue damage than either stimulus alone (OV and
elusive, there is a theoretical paradigm linking mechanical stress E) in a rat model, demonstrating the multifactorial nature of rotator
to apoptosis (Figure 2). cuff injuries. (Reprinted with kind permission of Springer Science and
It is commonly accepted that rotator cuff tears are multifactorial, Business Media from Soslowsky LJ, Thomopoulos S, Esmail A, Flana-
likely occurring from a combination of the described mechanisms. gan CL, Iannotti JP, Williamson JD 3rd, Carpenter JE. Rotator cuff
When overuse was combined with subacromial impingement in a tendinosis in an animal model: role of extrinsic and overuse factors.
rat study, it was found that the combination caused more tendon Ann Biomed Eng 2002;30-8:1057-63).
degradation (increased cross sectional area, decreased max stress
and modulus) compared to either of the stimuli alone (Figure 3)33.
This provides a controlled and mechanistic approach for evaluating
the various theories that exist for the pathomechanics of cuff tears.

L. Edelstein et al.: Rotator Cuff Tears and animal models

Figure 4. Magnetic resonance images depicting pennation angles of uninjured control rotator cuff, successful, and failed surgical repair of
chronic infraspinatus tears in a sheep model. (Reprinted from, J Shoulder Elbow Surg, 18-2, Gerber C, Meyer DC, Frey E, von Rechenberg B,
Hoppeler H, Frigg R, Jost B, Zumstein MA. Neer Award 2007: Reversion of structural muscle changes caused by chronic rotator cuff tears
using continuous musculotendinous traction. An experimental study in sheep, 163-71, 2009, with permission from Elsevier).

Alterations associated with rotator cuff tears MMP-3, and TIMP-2)38, representing a continual degradation
of the remaining tendon. When attempting to repair the chronic
A rotator cuff tear that goes untreated commonly leads to as- rotator cuff tear, the mechanical properties were found to
sociated alterations or injuries of the surrounding tissues. This is slightly improve but remained inferior to controls14,39-41.
commonly observed in the long head of the biceps tendon for In addition to studying the torn tendon, research has exam-
example, which develops a variety of lesions ranging from ten- ined the remaining intact rotator cuff tendons after a tear. It
donitis to complete tears. Alterations to the biceps have been ob- was found that they had decreased mechanical properties and
served in the rat model, mimicking the clinical observations seen increased cross sectional area after a variety of tear situations42.
in human rotator cuff tears. Specifically, biceps mechanical prop- This demonstrates that after a rotator cuff tear, the stabilizing
erties decreased with both rotator cuff tear size and time34. Re- loads of the shoulder are distributed to the remaining tendons
gional decreases in the mechanical properties along the length of resulting in increased stress to the otherwise healthy tendons.
the biceps after a combination of rotator cuff tears and increased The rotator cuff muscles also go through several adaptations
loading were also noted35. These results demonstrate the specific after rotator cuff tears and repairs. One observed alteration,
tissue changes that occur in the biceps after rotator cuff tears and muscle atrophy, is also observed in the rat and sheep model,
may lead to more effective treatment options for patients. which is potentially caused by the muscle’s inability to pro-
When the rotator cuff is not surgically repaired after a com- duce tension14,39,43,44. In conjunction with muscle atrophy, func-
plete tear, it loses its ability to function and transfer force cre- tional characteristics such as reduced force, power, and fatigue
ated in the muscle to the humerus. This inability to transfer have been seen in both a rabbit and sheep model after cuff
force alters the structure and composition of the tendon result- tears39,45,46. Structural changes of the muscle have also been
ing in potential difficulties for tendon healing. The rabbit, rat, identified in rabbits, rats, and sheep including decreased sar-
and sheep animal models have been used to examine the al- comere length, pennation angle, fiber length, and fiber diam-
terations to the rotator cuff tendon after a chronic detachment. eter44,47,48. The structural changes of the muscle likely dictate
Specifically, the mechanical properties of the torn tendons ini- the decreased functional characteristics after cuff tears.
tially decrease and then increase at later healing times36. Sim- Fatty infiltration of the rotator cuff muscle is a common
ilar findings were observed in massive rotator cuff tears, clinical occurrence with chronic tears which has been repro-
defined as detachment of both the supraspinatus and infra- duced in animal models including the sheep, rabbit, and
spinatus tendons37. When examining the composition and bio- rat14,39,48-51. The models determined that fatty infiltration wors-
chemistry of the torn tendon, alterations were found in the ens over time52 and progresses proximal to distal within the
expressions of several extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins muscle53. When repairing a chronically torn rotator cuff, the
(collagen I, II, III, XII, aggrecan, and sulfated GAGs) and progression of fatty infiltration did stop but did not reverse or
genes (IL-1β, cyclooxygenase-2, prostaglandin E2, MMP-13, return to control levels after repair39,50,54.

L. Edelstein et al.: Rotator Cuff Tears and animal models

Since the tension required to repair a chronically torn tendon of rotator cuff injuries. It is designed to optimize the body’s
back to the greater tuberosity can reach high levels55 and rapid natural healing ability. Overuse is a common mechanism of
stretching of shortened muscle can cause fibrosis56,57, a traction injury, however little scientific evidence exists evaluating treat-
device was developed to progressively lengthen the tendon in ments. Supraspinatus tendons in rats recovered from the mo-
a chronic sheep model. Muscle atrophy decreased and the pen- lecular and biological effects of 4 weeks of overuse activity in
nation angle improved after successful traction and tendon re- as little as 2 weeks70. This demonstrates that rest can heal tissue
pair (Figure 4). Similar to previous research, fatty infiltration damage caused by overuse activity, at least in the case of a
of the muscle remained unchanged after traction and repair; short period of overuse.
however, it did stop progressing44. Joint immobilization is commonly used after surgical repair
A complete rotator cuff tendon injury has many character- to protect the repaired structures until adequate strength is ob-
istics similar to that of an isolated neural injury12. The rabbit tained. Longer durations of immobilization (16 weeks) in the
model has been extensively used to study the relationship be- rat improve the strength, organization, and composition of in-
tween nerve injury and cuff pathology. An experimentally in- sertion site healing71,72. Conversely, shorter durations of immo-
duced acute inflammation had an excitatory and sensitizing bilization (4 and 6 weeks) in rat and sheep rotator cuff repair
effect on the mechanosensitive afferent units in the rotator models do not result in improvements in insertion site healing71-
cuff58. Electrophysiologic experiments found a high density of 73
. Although long periods of joint immobilization benefit rotator
nociceptors in the infraspinatus insertion site and muscle59. A cuff insertion site healing, immobilization has also been linked
study using the rabbit subscapularis muscle found that a com- to increased joint stiffness and a decreased range of motion.
plete tenotomy resulted in muscular changes similar to those However, increased joint stiffness and decreased range of mo-
seen with denervation of the muscle, suggesting that chronic tion resolves 8 weeks after remobilization74. In addition, exer-
rotator cuff tears may induce neurologic damage13. cise following 2 weeks of immobilization decreases range of
motion, but does not improve collagen organization or tendon
Tendon to bone healing mechanical properties 12 weeks post-surgery75. This further
demonstrates the need for a period of protection for the healing
insertion site. Surprisingly, complete removal of load, which
The high re-tear rate seen clinically following cuff repair is
differs from immobilization due to the absence of muscular ten-
due to lack of a strong tendon to bone integration. In a reat-
sion, has been found to be detrimental to tendon healing76.
tached rabbit supraspinatus tendon, formation of a new enthesis
Therefore, a low, balanced and controlled load may be neces-
was accompanied by extensive non-chondrocytic proliferation,
sary to optimize rotator cuff insertion site healing and provide
followed by the appearance of chondrocytes and eventual im-
successful functional outcome following repair.
provements in ECM reformation, correct spatial alignment of
collagen fibers, and recovery of the surgical construct strength60
over extended time which may prohibit early rehabilitation61. Surgical repair
Additionally, delaying repair of the supraspinatus by up to 12
weeks did not impair this enthesis reformation62. Without optimal suture configuration, the injured tendon
Cells in surrounding tissues can be important in the repair will not remain approximated to the bone insertion during
process. In the rabbit supraspinatus tendon repair, increased healing, contributing to high failure rates in cuff repairs. The
cellularity was observed in the underlying bone, and the thick- suture configuration must initially provide superior strength
ness of the subacromial bursa was also increased compared to without impeding blood flow or damaging the tendon.
control. Meanwhile, the cellularity of the tendon stump was The sheep model has been used to study suture configura-
significantly decreased. In the clinical setting, the cell source tion based on the loads that the rotator cuff experiences. Ten-
of the subacromial bursa could be important in the healing don repairs were first studied in the sheep comparing bone
process63. Similarly, the epitenon has been noted to be a source tunnels and anchors. Differences were only found at time zero
of healing64 and this should be considered clinically. demonstrating that bone tunnels had higher failure loads77. Fur-
The normal characteristics of rotator cuff healing are required ther studies demonstrated the modified mason-allen suture
to examine surgical and rehabilitation techniques that are devel- technique is superior compared to other simple suture config-
oped to improve tendon to bone healing. A primate model was urations, but both techniques caused similar tissue damage
used to examine the properties of tendon healing. Histology was within the distal tendon15. Variations in the modified mason-
examined at 12 weeks post repair and demonstrated an integra- allen did not demonstrate differences in mechanical proper-
tion of collagen fibers into the bone18. When examining the bi- ties78,79, but did show increased expression of collagen II and
ology of the healing rotator cuff tendon in both the rabbit and improved fibrocartilage at the insertion site for the modified
rat model, several ECM proteins, growth factors, and degrada- mason-allen80. In a rabbit model, no clear differences in me-
tion factors are temporally expressed (col1, col3, TGFβ1, chanical properties and histology were observed between sin-
TGFβ3, bFGF, bmp-12, bmp-13, bmp-14, COMP, CTGF, gle and double row repairs; however, the double row had less
PDGF-bb, MMP-2, and TIMPS) demonstrating the complex in- failures over the course of healing81.
teractions that are required to heal the tendon back to bone65-69. One of the challenges of chronic rotator cuff repair is over-
Rehabilitation is commonly used to augment the treatment coming the large tension required to re-approximate the re-

L. Edelstein et al.: Rotator Cuff Tears and animal models

tracted tendon back to the anatomic footprint. In a rat rotator

cuff tear model, tension increased over time55, suggesting the
longer a cuff tear remains untreated the more difficult it is to
repair. Further, as the tension to re-approximate the tendon to
the anatomic footprint increased, the strength of the healing
tendon decreased82. Similar results were also found clinically83.


Rotator cuff augmentations have been studied using auto-

grafts, scaffolds or biologic additives such as growth factors.
Autografts represent a more traditional approach to augmen-
tation; however, sophisticated tissue engineering methods and
designs allow for manipulation of various factors to improve
the response. An ideal scaffold will promote fiber integration
in the correct alignment, allow for cell integration, and will
not initiate a negative biologic response. Figure 5. Host cell response to a poly-L-lactide scaffold demonstrat-
A variety of autograft tissues have been used experimentally in ing regions of fibrous tissue ingrowth, some of which appears fibro-
rotator cuff repairs. A fascial autograft in a rabbit model was at- cartilagenous in a canine model. (Reprinted with kind permission of
tempted due to its strength and ability to resist multidirectional Rockwater Inc. ( from Derwin KA, Codsi
loads. Based on histology, the fascial autograft remodeled the ten- MJ, Milks RA, Baker AR, McCarron JA, Iannotti JP. Rotator cuff re-
don insertion site with fibrocartilage by 8 weeks, demonstrated by pair augmentation in a canine model with use of a woven poly-L-
the distribution of collagen types II and III84. A patellar tendon- lactide device. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2009;91-5:1159-71).
bone and a free flexor-tendon graft have also been examined in
both a canine and sheep model. These studies demonstrated im-
proved mechanical properties and histology grades in the patella
tendon-bone grafts compared to the free flexor-tendon graft85. The of diverse tissue types, including ectopic bone87,90. The inflamma-
patella tendon-bone graft also had increased mechanical properties tory complications found in rabbits and sheep did not manifest in
overtime16. Although autografts have not been used frequently, rats or canines. SIS in rats resulted in improved biomechanical
they may have potential for rotator cuff repair augmentation. and histological properties compared to an unrepaired tendon91.
The dermal matrix graft is a biologic, acellular graft with its A tendon-like structure similar to normal supraspinatus tendon
original structural collagen network intact. Dermal grafts were tissue in the SIS group was observed92. Canine models have found
used as a patch to connect the injured tendon back to the that the failure strength of the graft was less compared to native
anatomic footprint. Both a canine and sheep model was used tendon; however, failure strength was not different compared to
to evaluate the ability of the dermal graft to augment rotator the non-SIS repair. Histological findings were similar between
cuff repair and healing86,87. The structural strength of the healing groups with no signs of foreign body or immune-mediated reac-
graft was decreased compared to controls at 6 weeks, however tions. Cross sectional area was found to increase overtime in the
there were no group differences at 9 weeks. The graft was not SIS group but not the non-SIS repair group93. Based on animal
fully integrated into the bone and there was an accumulation of research and clinical findings, SIS is not a viable tissue to use in
macrophages at 9 weeks, which resolved by 24 weeks86,87. rotator cuff repair augmentations. Structurally, there may be im-
Periosteum contains multipotent stem cells that have the po- provements over time in the mechanical properties; there is also
tential to differentiate into osteogenic and chondrogenic tis- inflammation associated with foreign bodyreactions.
sues. This tissue, tested in rabbits, was shown to improve the Synthetic grafts have also been developed to provide initial
attachment strength. Histology showed that the cambium layer repair strength and for the infiltration of cells to transform the
of periosteum could serve as a potent interface between tendon graft into healthy tendinous tissue. Synthetic grafts can be
and bone and, with time, progressively mature and organize88. made of several different biocompatible materials. Felt is one
Another biologic scaffold tested in animal models is porcine material that has been studied in animal models. In the canine
small intestine submucosa (SIS), originally thought to be a cell- model, several studies examined a variety of felt scaffolds to
free, biocompatible biomaterial. However, porcine SIS caused augment rotator cuff repairs. An increase in the mechanical
noninfectious edema and severe pain in human patients who used properties of failure load and stiffness was observed during
the graft for tendon repair89. When used in rabbits for rotator cuff healing along with fibrous ingrowth in the tendon but not in
repair, porcine SIS caused an inflammatory reaction characterized the bone. At the tendon-to-bone insertion site, there were ad-
by massive lymphocyte infiltration. It was determined that SIS is verse side effects including foreign body reactions94,95. A most
not an acellular collagenous matrix and that it contains porcine recent study did not have biocompatiblity issues but used a dif-
DNA89. In a sheep model, the SIS repair had greater stiffness be- ferent form of felt, which also demonstrated successful fibrous
tween 12 and 24 weeks with patch reabsorption and the presence tissue ingrowth (Figure 5)17.

L. Edelstein et al.: Rotator Cuff Tears and animal models

Figure 6. Sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin illustrating: a) well-aligned collagen fibers and trabecular bone ingrowths after repair
with use of a chitin fabric scaffold and b) unaugmented control repair in a rabbit rotator cuff model. (Reprinted from Funakoshi T, Majima T,
Suenaga N, Iwasaki N, Yamane S, Minami A. Rotator cuff regeneration using chitin fabric as an acellular matrix. J Shoulder Elbow Surg
2006;15:112-8, with permission from Elsevier).

Other synthetic scaffolds have also been examined for ef- the rabbit to evaluate the impact of tenocyte addition in over-
fectiveness in augmenting cuff repairs. Non-woven chitin fab- coming the inflammatory response induced by the scaffolds.
ric, an acellular matrix, was tested in rabbit infraspinatus Bioscaffolds seeded with tenocytes did display an inflamma-
tendons. Use of this fabric increased cellularity and improved tory reaction, but to a lesser degree than the bioscaffolds alone,
collagen fiber alignment (Figure 6), resulting in regenerated and produced a histological appearance more similar to control
tissues consisting of type III collagen along with improved tendon. The addition of autologous tenocytes led to better ten-
structural properties96. don healing and remodeling than unseeded scaffold101.
Tissue engineered scaffolds have also been presented as Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are a third type of cell ap-
possible materials to augment cuff repairs. One such material, plied in attempt to improve rotator cuff healing. Their effec-
a polyglycolic acid sheet, was used to repair a resected infra- tiveness was tested in the rat by the application of MSCs in a
spinatus tendon in the rabbit model. The material allowed for fibrin carrier to the repair site at the time of surgery. No dif-
the tendon insertion to be regenerated with a fibrocartilaginous ferences were determined in structure, composition, or strength
layer consisting mainly of type III collagen; however, the ma- of the healing tendon after MSC application, suggesting cell
terial properties remained inferior to those of uninjured ten- based strategies may require combination with growth and/or
don97. Due to the potential of adverse tissue reactions, the differentiation factors to be effective102. For example, adenovi-
biologic response to an implant is commonly examined. A ral membrane type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (Ad-MT1-
polycarbonate polyurethane patch was tested in rat supraspina- MMP)-transduced MSCs in a fibrin glue carrier was added to
tus tendon defects with no inflammatory reactions and excel- the repair site, which attempted to evade scar tissue formations
lent integration of tissue into the patch98. Using an ovine at the repair interface and drive a regenerative process. Al-
chronic cuff repair model, a polyurethane scaffold mesh patch though no differences were detected between Ad-MT1-MMP
was tested and found to significantly improve the force at fail- transduced MSCs and unadultered MSCs at 2 weeks, the Ad-
ure compared to nonaugmented controls, thus use of the ma- MT1-MMP MSC treated group generated more fibrocartilage,
terial provides greater mechanical strength during healing than higher ultimate load to failure, ultimate stress to failure, and
the traditional suture anchor repair alone99. stiffness values. This encourages the exploration of biologic
The addition of cells or biologic additives to the rotator cuff augmentation to improve regeneration of the tendon-to-bone
is another approach to enhance repair. A chitosan-based interface103.
hyaluron hybrid scaffold seeded with fibroblasts has been However, future studies are required to optimize which
shown to increase production of type I collagen and the regen- growth factors are most advantageous for tendon-to-bone re-
erated tissue in a large defect created in a rabbit infraspinatus. generation after repair. For example, modulating MMP activity
The fibroblast seeded scaffold significantly improved tensile results in distinct changes in histologic observations and is one
strength and tangent modulus compared to a non-fibroblast potential avenue for altering tendon-to-bone healing104. Mean-
seeded scaffold100. while, MSCs transduced with adenoviral-mediated gene trans-
Tenocytes are another cell type being explored to improve fer of human BMP-13 applied at time of surgical repair in the
massive rotator cuff tendon defects. Porcine small intestine rat model did not result in improved properties105.
submucosa and a type I/III collagen bioscaffold were used in The application of FGF-2 in conjunction with a dermal matrix

L. Edelstein et al.: Rotator Cuff Tears and animal models

graft improved ultimate failure loads and histology scores with Translational applications
time106. Ultimate failure loads were also comparable to controls,
providing evidence for the use of FGF-2 during cuff repair. An- The goal of animal model research is to systematically test
other approach coated sutures with PDGF-bb found no differ- emerging theories and treatments in a controlled and consistent
ences in ultimate failure load, but improved histology scores107. environment with the intention of improving patient care. As
In addition to enhancing tendon healing, attempts have been a consequence of animal studies related to the rotator cuff, sev-
made to enhance bone healing. A variety of bone growth fac- eral advances in clinical medicine have been made and a few
tors (osteoinductive bone protein extract, rhBMP-12 paste, and examples are provided here. Animal models have been used
marrow supplementation, cartilage derived BMP-2) were used to identify that overuse activity can cause rotator cuff tendon
to enhance insertion site healing. An enhanced fibrocartilage degeneration and rest is an effective treatment to restore nor-
zone, higher ultimate failure loads, and higher stiffness were mal tendon properties70,120. The successful repair of chronically
observed108-110. This approach demonstrates the feasibility to torn rotator cuff tears has been shown to be dependent on the
enhance cuff repairs with the implementation of both tendon amount of force required to reapproximate the tendon to the
and bone growth factors. rotator cuff footprint82, and that the reapproximation force also
It is common for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs increases with time55. This information has led to, and sup-
(NSAIDs) to be prescribed after surgical repair of the rotator ported, the timely repair of rotator cuff tears, decreasing the
cuff. The effect of celecoxib, a cyclooxygenase-2-specific likelihood of a failed repair. Although the outcomes of many
NSAID, and indomethacin, a nonselective NSAID were eval- animal studies have yet to be clinically implemented, it is clear
uated. Both of these drugs resulted in worsened repair condi- that an avenue exists for them to influence future clinical treat-
tions, including complete failure to heal, lower failure loads, ments. Work done on joint immobilization and remobilization
and poor collagen organization and maturation providing con- has the potential to influence post-operative treatment and re-
cern about administration of NSAIDs clinically111. habilitation protocols. Similarly, experimentation in the clinic
Controversy also surrounds the use of anabolic steroids for is avoided by the rigorous evaluation provided by animal re-
cuff repair. The effect of nandrolone decanoate was examined search on treatments involving synthetic scaffolds and biologic
in a surgical repair in a rat model which resulted in poorer heal- additives. This improves the introduction of new treatments to
ing and weaker tendon strength. It also led to focal fibroblastic the clinic.
reaction and inflammation compared to the extensive fibrob-
lastic activity observed in groups without steroids112. Conclusion
Another approach for cuff repairs is through the use of bipo-
lar radiofrequency energy, which is used to trigger healing In conclusion, animal models have been instrumental in
through controlled inflammatory and angiogenic responses by identifying mechanisms of rotator cuff injury, evaluating re-
disrupting the molecular bonds of collagen. However, this habilitation, and assessing surgical alternatives. Unlike clinical
treatment had no definitive effect in improving acute research, animal model research has the ability to conduct well
supraspinatus repairs in the rat model113. controlled experiments on a consistent population, with the ca-
pacity to run a large number of assays, and without the inter-
Systemic risk factors ference of confounding factors. The ability to experiment with
new synthetic devices, scaffolds, and growth factors to exam-
Systemic factors can also have an effect on tendon degen- ine the biologic response prior to implementation in patients
eration and healing. In a rat cuff repair model, diabetes caused further enhances the appeal of animal models. Although ani-
a decrease in ultimate failure load, stiffness, fibrocartilage and mal models can be used to address many clinically relevant
organized collagen at the tendon insertion site. There was also questions, they can never replace the human in research; how-
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(AGE)114, produced by a chemical reaction between collagen and theories.
and hyperglycemia115. AGEs are thought to be one of the cul-
prits of diabetic related heart and renal disease116,117.
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