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Chapter-I-Soil Investigation or Soil Exploration

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Chapter-I- Site exploration

 Plan and methods of soil explorations
Evaluation of field tests data.
Types of foundations and their selection.
 Introduction to soil reinforcement techniques
Chapter-III- Design of shallow foundations
Isolated or spread footings
 Combined footings
Strap or cantilevered footings
 Mat foundations
 Eccentrically and inclined loaded foundations
Chapter-IV- Analysis and design of retaining
Conventional retaining walls
Sheet pile walls.

 20% Assignments
 30% Mid-exam
 50% Final-exam
 Bowles, J.E., (1982). Foundation Analysis abd Design, 3rd
Edition, McGraw-Hill intl. Book company, Auckland.
 Chen, F.H., (1988). Foundations of expansive soils,
Elsevier, Oxford.
 Cheng Liu & Jack B. Evett, (1998). Soils and Foundations,
Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
 Robert, W. Day, (2006). Foundation Engineering Hand
book- Design and construction with the 2006 international
building code, McGraw-Hill, New York
 Tomelson A.J., (1980). Foundation Design and
Construction, Pitman, Boston.Tomelson A.J., (1980).
 Foundation Design and Construction, Pitman, Boston.
 Zeevart, L., (1983). Foundation engineering for difficult
subsoil conditions, 2nd edition, Van Nostrand Reinhold
company, New York
 Foundation engineering by C Venkatramaya
 Foundation engineering by VNS Murthy
A fairly accurate assessment of the characteristics and
engineering properties of the soils at a site is essential for
proper design and successful construction of any structure at
the site.
The field and laboratory investigations required to obtain
the necessary data for the soils for this purpose are
collectively called soil exploration.
The choice of the foundation and its depth, the bearing
capacity, settlement analysis and such other important
aspects depend very much upon the various engineering
properties of the foundation soils involved.
Objectives of soil exploration:
(i) Determination of the nature of the deposits of soil,
(ii) Determination of the depth and thickness of the various
soil strata and their extent in the horizontal direction,
(iii) The location of groundwater and fluctuations in GWT,
(iv) Obtaining soil and rock samples from the various strata,
(v) The determination of the engineering properties of the soil
and rock strata that affect the performance of the structure, and
(vi) Determination of the in-situ properties by performing field
The subsoil exploration should enable the engineer to draw the soil
profile indicating the sequence of the strata and the properties of the
soils involved.
In general, the methods available for soil exploration may be
classified as follows:
1. Direct methods ... Test pits, trial pits or trenches
2. Semi-direct methods ... Borings
3. Indirect methods ... Soundings or penetration tests and geophysical
In an exploratory programme, one or more of these methods may be used
to yield the desired information
1. Direct method of soil Exploration
Test Pits, trial pits or Trenches
 Test pits or trenches are open type or accessible exploratory methods.
Soils can be inspected in their natural condition.
 The necessary soils samples may be obtained by sampling techniques
and used for ascertaining strength and other engineering properties by
appropriate laboratory tests.
 Test pits will also be useful for conducting field tests such as the plate-
bearing test.
 Test pits are considered suitable only for small depths—up to 3m; the
cost of these increases rapidly with depth. For greater depths,
especially in pervious soils, lateral supports or bracing of the
excavations will be necessary.
 Ground water table may also be encountered and may have to be
 Hence, test pits are usually made only for supplementing other
methods or for minor structures.
2. Semi Direct Methods
 Boring
Making or drilling bore holes into the ground with a view to
obtaining soil or rock samples from specified or known
depths is called ‘boring’.
The common methods of advancing bore holes are:
1. Auger boring
2. Auger and shell boring
3. Wash boring
4. Percussion drilling- more commonly employed for
sampling in rock strata
5. Rotary drilling - more commonly employed for sampling in
rock strata
1. Auger Boring
‘Soil auger’ is a device that is useful for advancing a bore
hole into the ground.
Augers may be hand-operated or power-driven; the former
are used for relatively small depths (less than 3 to 5 m),
while the latter are used for greater depths.
The soil auger is advanced by rotating it while pressing it
into the soil at the same time.
It is used primarily in soils in which the bore hole can be
kept dry and unsupported. As soon as the auger gets filled
with soil, it is taken out and the soil sample collected.
Two common types of augers, the post hole auger and the
helical auger, are shown in Fig.
2.Auger and Shell Boring
If the sides of the hole cannot remain unsupported, the soil
is prevented from falling in by means of a pipe known as
‘shell’ or ‘casing’.
The casing is to be driven first and then the auger; whenever
the casing is to be extended, the auger has to be withdrawn,
this being an impediment to quick progress of the work.
An equipment called a ‘boring rig’ is employed for power-
driven augers, which may be used up to 50 m depth (A hand
rig may be sufficient for borings up to 25 m in depth).
Casings may be used for sands or stiff clays. Soft rock or
gravel can be broken by chisel bits attached to drill rods.
Sand pumps are used in the case of sandy soils.
3.Wash Boring
Wash boring is commonly used for exploration below
ground water table for which the auger method is
This method may be used in all kinds of soils except those
mixed with gravel and boulders.
Initially, the hole is advanced for a short depth by using an
auger. A casing pipe is pushed in and driven with a drop
 The driving may be with the aid of power.
A hollow drill bit is screwed to a hollow drill rod connected
to a rope passing over a pulley and supported by a tripod.
Water jet under pressure is forced through the rod and the
bit into the hole.
This loosens the soil at the lower end and forces the soil-
water suspension upwards along the annular surface
between the rod and the side of the hole.
This suspension is led to a settling tank where the soil
particles settle while the water overflows into a sump.
The water collected in the sump is used for circulation
The soil particles collected represent a very disturbed
sample and is not very useful for the evaluation of the
engineering properties.
The set-up for wash boring is shown in Fig.
Different drill bits
4.Percussion Drilling
A heavy drill bit called ‘churn bit’ is suspended from a
drill rod or a cable and is driven by repeated blows.
Water is added to facilitate the breaking of stiff soil or
The slurry of the pulverised material is bailed out at
The method cannot be used in loose sand and is slow in
plastic clay.
Percussion Drilling at Site
5. Rotary Drilling
This method is fast in rock formations.
 A drill bit, fixed to the lower end of a drill rod, is rotated
by power while being kept in firm contact with the hole.
Drilling fluid or bentonite slurry is forced under pressure
through the drill rod and it comes up bringing the cuttings
to the surface.
Even rock cores may be obtained by using suitable
diamond drill bits.
 This method is not used in porous deposits as the
consumption of drilling fluid would be prohibitively high.
Rotary Drilling & Drill bits
Boring Log
Information on subsurface conditions obtained from the
boring operation is typically presented in the form of a
boring record, commonly known as “boring log”.
A continuous record of the various strata identified at
various depths of the boring is presented.
Description or classification of the various soil and rock
types encountered, and data regarding ground water level
have to be necessarily given in a pictorial manner on the
A “field” log will consist of this minimum information,
while a “lab” log might include test data presented
alongside the boring sample actually tested.
The following spacing are recommended in planning an
exploration programme:
Soil Sampling
Laboratory test results are mainly dependent on
the quality of soil samples.
There are two main types of soil samples which
can be recovered from bore holes or trial pits.
Disturbed and
Undisturbed samples
Soil Sampling for Geo-stratification
Disturbed Samples
These are samples where the structure of the natural
soil has been disturbed to a considerable degree by
the action of the boring tolls or excavation
However, these samples represent the composition
and the mineral content of the soil.
Disturbed samples are satisfactory for performing
classification tests such as, sieve analysis, Atterberg
limits etc.
Undisturbed Samples
These are samples, which represent as closely as is
practicable, the true in-situ structure and water
content of the soil.
Undisturbed samples are required for determining
reliable information on the shearing resistance and
stress-deformation characteristics of a deposit.
It is virtually impossible to obtain totally
undisturbed samples.
This is due to that:
The process of boring, driving the coring
tool, raising and withdrawing the coring tool
and extruding the sample from the coring
tool, all conspire to cause some disturbance.
In addition, samples taken from holes may
tend to swell as a result of stress relief.
 Samples should be taken only from a newly- drilled or newly
extended hole, with care being taken to avoid contact with
 As soon as they are brought to the surface:
Core tubes ends should be sealed with wax and
capped to preserve the loss of moisture content.
Core tubes should properly be labeled to indicate
the number of bore holes and the depth at which
they are taken and then stored away from extremes
of heat or cold and vibration.
Types of tube samplers
 Split Spoon Sample
 Thin-Walled Tube Sampler
 Piston Samplers
The determination of the nature of the subsurface materials
through the use of borings and test pits can be time-
consuming and expensive.
Considerable interpolation between checked locations is
normally required to arrive at an area-wide indication of the
Geophysical methods involve the technique of determining
subsurface materials by measuring some physical property
of the materials, and through correlations, using the values
obtained for identifications.
 Most geophysical methods determine conditions over large
distances and can be used to obtain rapid results. Thus, these
are suitable for investigating large areas quickly, as in
preliminary investigations.
1. Seismic Refraction method
When a shock or impact is made at a point on or in the
earth, the resulting seismic (shock or sound) waves travel
through the surrounding soil at speeds related to their elastic
The magnitude of the velocity is determined and is utilised
to identify the material.
A shock may be created with a sledge hammer hitting a
strike plate placed on the ground or by detonating a small
explosive charge at or below the ground surface.
The radiating shock waves are picked up by detectors,
called ‘geophones’, placed in a line at increasing distances,
d1, d2, ..., from the origin of the shock (The geophone is
actually a transducer, an electromechanical device that
detects vibrations and converts them into measurable
electric signals).
The time required for the elastic wave to reach each
geophone is automatically recorded by a ‘seismograph’.
Some of the waves, known as direct or primary waves,
travel directly from the source along the ground surface or
through the upper stratum and are picked up first by the
If the sub soil consists of two or more distinct layers, some
of the primary waves travel downwards to the lower layer
and get refracted as the surface.
If the underlying layer is denser, the refracted waves travel
much faster.
As the distance from the source and the geophone increases,
the refracted waves reach the geophone earlier than the
direct waves.
The distance of the point at which the primary and refracted
waves reach the geophone simultaneously is called the
‘critical distance’ which is a function of the depth and the
velocity ratio of the strata.
Figure shows the diagrammatic representation of the travel
of the primary and the refracted waves.
The results are plotted as a distance of travel versus time
graph, known as the ‘time travel graph’.
The velocity is given by:

In terms of the critical distance, dc, and the velocities V1 and

V2 in the upper soft layer of thickness H1 and the lower hard
layer respectively, the thickness of the upper layer may be
written as follows:
2. Electrical Resistivity method
Resistivity is a property possessed by all materials.
The electrical resistivity method is based on the fact that in
soil and rock materials the resistivity values differ
sufficiently to permit that property to be used for purposes
of identification.
Resistivity is usually defined as the resistance between
opposite faces of a unit cube of the material.
Each soil has its own resistivity depending upon the water
content, compaction and composition; for example, the
resistivity is high for loose dry gravel or solid rock and is
low for saturated silt.
To determine the resistivity at a site, electrical currents are
induced into the ground through the use of electrodes.
Soil resistivity can then be measured by determining the
change in electrical potential between known horizontal
distances within the electric field created by the current
The Wenner configuration with four equally spaced
electrodes is simple and is popularly used.
The four electrodes are placed in a straight line at equal
distances as shown in Fig.
A direct voltage, causing a current of 50 to 100 mill
amperes typically, is applied between the outer electrodes
and the potential drop is measured between the two inner
electrodes by a null-point circuit that requires no flow of
current at the instant of measurement.
In a semi-infinite homogeneous isotropic materials the
electrical resistivity, ρ, is given by:
Static Cone Penetration Test (Dutch Cone Test)
The Static cone penetration test, which is also known as
Dutch Cone test
Among the field sounding tests the static cone tests in a
valuable method of recording variation in the in-situ
penetration resistance of soils, in cases where the in-situ
density is disturbed by boring operations, thus making the
standard penetration test unreliable especially under water.
The results of the test are also useful in determining the
bearing capacity of the soil at various depths below the
ground level.
The static cone test is most successful in soft or loose soils
like silty sands, loose sands, layered deposits of sands, silts
and clays as well as in clayey deposits.
Experience indicates that a complete static cone penetration
test up to depths of 15 to 20 m can be completed in a day
with manual operations of the equipment, making it one of
the inexpensive and fast methods of sounding available for
The equipment consists of a steel cone, a friction jacket,
sounding rod, mantle tube, a driving mechanism and
measuring equipment.
The steel cone shall be of steel with tip hardened. It shall
have an apex angle of 60° ± 15′ and overall base diameter of
35.7 mm giving a cross-sectional area of 10 cm2. The
friction jacket shall be of high carbon steel.
The driving mechanism should have a capacity of 20 to
30kN for manually operated equipment and 100kN for the
mechanically operated equipment.
Test procedure
Basically, the test procedure for determining the static cone
and frictional resistances consists of pushing the cone alone
through the soil strata to be tested, then the cone and the
friction jacket, and finally the entire assembly in sequence
and noting the respective resistance in the first two cases.
The process is repeated at predetermined intervals.
After reaching the deepest point of investigation the entire
assembly should be extracted out of the soil.
The results of the test shall be presented graphically, in two
graphs, one showing the cone resistance in kN/m2 with
depth in metres and the other showing the friction resistance
in kN/m2 with depth in metres.
Dynamic Cone Penetration Test
The equipment consists of a cone, driving rods, driving
head, hoisting equipment and a hammer.
The cone with threads (recoverable) shall be of steel with
tip hardened.
 The cone without threads (expendable) may be of mild
steel. For the cone without threads, a cone adopter shall be
provided. These are shown in Fig.
The driving rods should be A rods of suitable length with
threads for joining A rod coupling at either end.
 The rods should be marked at every 100 mm.
The driving head shall be of mild steel with threads at either
end for a rod coupling.
 It shall have a diameter of 100 mm and a length of 100 to
150 mm.
Any suitable hoisting equipment such as a tripod may be used.
A typical set-up using a tripod is shown in Fig.
The hammer used for driving the cone shall be of mild steel
or cast-iron with a base of mild steel.
It shall be 250mm high and of suitable diameter.
The weight of the hammer shall be 640N (65 kg).
The cone shall be driven into the soil by allowing the
hammer to fall freely through 750mm each time.
The number of blows for every 100mm penetration of the
cone shall be recorded.
The process shall be repeated till the cone is driven to the
required depth.
To save the equipment from damage, driving may be
stopped when the number of blows exceeds 35 for 100mm

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