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Intuitive Thinking

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1. What is strategic-analysis?
2. What are the characteristics
of a strategic-analytical

Great quotes from
ALBERT EINSTEIN - Greatest physicist.
STEVE JOBS co-founder of Apple Inc.
French surgeon and
Ancient Chinese philosopher
and writer.
1. What is common in
their sayings?

2. What are the key

words mentioned in
describing intuition and
intuitive thinking?
In relation to these sayings,
the objective of today’s
lesson is to define “Intuitive
Let us discover further the
power of “intuition” and how
valuable it is in the way we
think and decide.
“is a quick and
ready insight”
webster’s New
Collegiate Dicitonary
Intuitive decision –making is far more
than using common sense because it
involves additional sensors to percieve
and get aware of the information from
outside. Sometimes, it referred to as gut
feeling, sixth sense, inner sense,instinct,
inner voice and spiritual guide.
Intuitive thinking must rely on feeling,
feelings which are often scary, muddled,
and confusing. While the rational mind
can come to a sound conclusion by
“gathering the facts”–an external process–
the intuitive mind must make an inner
journey into the soul, must become
vulnerable and open to insights whose
conclusions rest on the foundation of an
inner sense of trust.
The rational mind/Speech based mind/Left brain:
One of the main processes of the rational mind is
analytical thinking.
• words, thoughts, and reasoning coming from our
speech-based cognition.
Other characteristics are:
• Thinks in details
• Focus on structure
• Convergent processes
• Linearity
• The intuitive mind/Vision based mind/Right
brain: One of the main processes in of the intuitive
mind are synthetical thinking.
In addition to above, Non-verbal emotions, feelings and
intuitions coming from our vision-based cognition .
Other characteristics are:
• Birds perspective.
• Overviewing. Details not important.
• Possibilities.
• How concepts & ideas relate.
1. Why do you think the
boy has labeled the jar of
sugar salt?
2. What thinking did the
boy use? Strategic or
Intuitive? Why?
3. What is lacking in his

2.Selfish critical
critical persons

The Naive Thinker: The person who

doesn’t care about, or isn’t aware
of his or her thinking. Naive
thinkers don’t develop their
minds. They don’t want to be
bothered with improving their
critical thinking skills.
Here's the voice of the Naive thinker.

I don't need to think. I understand everything

without thinking. I just do whatever occurs to
me to do. I believe most of what I hear, most of
what I see on TV and mostly everything I read
on the internet. I don't need to waste a lot of
time trying to figure things out. If I need to find
the answer to a problem, I just ask someone
else. I mostly go along with what everyone
else is doing. I do what I'm told, keep my
mouth shut. Thinking gets you into trouble.
Selfish Critical Persons

The Selfish Critical Thinker:

The person who is good at
thinking but unfair to others.
Selfish critical thinkers are people
who use their thinking to get what
they want without thinking about
how their actions affect others.
Here's the voice of the Selfish - thinker.

I think a lot. It helps me get what I want. I

believe whatever I want to believe as long as it
helps me to get what I want. I question anyone
who asks me to do what I don't want to do. It
helps if you tell people what they want to hear,
even if it isn't true. You only get into trouble
when you tell people what they don't want to
Fair-minded critical Persons

The Fair-minded Critical Thinker: The

person who is not only good at thinking,
but also fair to others. The fair-minded
critical thinkers work to improve their
thinking skills. They think to become
better at making the world a better place,
and they want to be fair to others.
Here's the voice of the Fair-minded
I think a lot. It helps me learn and figure
things out. Not only do I want to
understand the thinking of other people,
but I want to understand myself and why
I do things. In order to understand other
people, you have to look at their situation
and think about what you would feel like
if you were them. I want to help create a
better world for everyone.
Do you see
yourself in any of
the three types of
thinkers? Why?
Why not?
Is intuitive
thinking useful
and relevant in
good study
Draw an editorial cartoon
explaining Strategic
Analysis and Intuitive
Oslo Paper
Coloring Materials/pencil
The Intuition
How Intuitive
Are You? Take
The Quiz And
Know Your
Sense Score
Level 1 is your warning system,
Level 2 revolves around your social
Level 3 is your creative intuition
Level 4 is higher purpose intuition.
After you’ve done the quiz, there’s a full
explanation of each of the 4 levels
Write down your answers and tally
up your points at the end of the quiz.
• Never (1 point)
• Sometimes (2 points)
• Often (3 points)
1.) You are more of a spontaneous and
‘go with the flow’ type of individual, rather
than a planner or an organizer.
2.) You evaluate your decisions on
certain situations based on your gut
feelings, which often produces the right
outcome even if it’s not always practical
or logical.
3.) When you meet someone new, you
get instant strong negative/positive vibes,
which proves itself true in the long run.
4.) You have used your intuition to
successfully invest in the stock
market or enter contests and win.
5.) You know your life purpose or
mission in this world
6.) Whenever you ignore a strong
intuitive or gut feeling that’s trying to
tell you something, you’ll tend to
regret it later on.
7.) You rely on your intuition when making
career-based decisions. This causes
confusion among your co-workers as you
always make the right decisions even with
incomplete facts.
8.) You’re a creative person, and you have
dreams of brilliant ideas for your
art/plans/designs which you often execute
to much success.
9.) You often feel worried/excited before
something bad/good happens without
prior knowledge that this incident was
going to happen.
10.) You have had creative ideas for
art/books/writing come to you from
seemingly nowhere which you’ve acted
on and gave you tremendous success.
11.) You can feel when a loved one is
hurting, even if you don’t know yet that
they are in pain.
12.) Your friends often describe you as
13.) You often make major decisions
against the advice of “experts” or your
loved ones based on what you’ve
“sensed”, which always worked out
perfectly for you.
14.) You immediately know when
someone is lying to you or telling the
15.) You’ve had prior knowledge of a
disaster, negative event, illness, or death
that later came to pass.
16.) Whenever you feel confused about a
direction you need to take or you need to
make a big decision in life, you meditate,
knowing that the right answers will come to
you quickly through this.
17.) You feel a strong sense of connection
with people you’ve never met or places
you’ve never been to.
18.) You are a highly empathetic person and
often ‘take on’ the feelings of those around
you, whether you want to or not.

Never (1 point)
Sometimes (2 points)
Often (3 points)
19.) You’ve had a premonition that
saved you from danger.
20.) When lost, you’ve found the
right path back or direction by using
your intuition.
You score 20-30
Level 1 – Warning
System Intuition:
At this Level, your intuition will
usually warn you when your life
is at stake. Your intuition has
saved you from emergency
situations, but you generally do
not listen to your ‘gut feelings’
which you’re paying dearly for
You score 30-40.
Level 2 – Social Intuition
You mainly use your intuition to
tap into the feelings of those
around you and those whom
you have close relationships
with. You are a highly
empathetic person and can
easily understand those around
You score 40-50.
Level 3 Creative Intuition:
you are very attuned to
your feelings as well as the
world around you, which is
an amazing skill. Being
able to access your
intuitive knowledge has
helped not only you, but
those around you get
ahead in life as well.
You score 40-50.
Level 3 Creative
You are very attuned to your
feelings as well as the world
around you, which is an
amazing skill. Being able to
access your intuitive knowledge
has helped not only you, but
those around you get ahead in
life as well. You are most likely
a very creative person who is
successful in business or the
You score
Level 4 - Higher Purpose
This is the most useful and
the most amazing level of
intuition. At this level, your
subconscious mind works
with you and your intuition
guides you to move
towards your life purpose.
As a Level 4 intuitive, you already
know that you should never doubt
your inner voice, which guides you
through all areas of your life. You
know the importance of honing and
fine-tuning your intuitive skills and
listening to your inner voice. You
meditate daily, which helps you make
all important decisions in your life
instantly – from love to business to
You always listen to your intuition which
is the reason why you are where you
are today. You know that what your are
doing now is your divine purpose. By
finding your life purpose, you fully
contribute to the betterment of society.
Your subconscious mind gives you
momentum and the push you need to
help you complete your life purpose.
You are a highly intuitive being that is
making a maximum impact onto the

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