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Unit - 2: Voltage Sags and Interruptions

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Unit - 2


• Voltage sags and interruptions are related
power quality problems.
• Both are usually the result of faults in the
power system and switching actions to isolate
the faulted sections.
• They are characterized by rms voltage
variations outside the normal operating range
of voltages.
Voltage sag
• A voltage sag is a short-duration (typically 0.5
to 30 cycles) reduction in rms voltage caused
by faults on the power system and the starting
of large loads, such as motors.
• An interruption is defined as a reduction in
line-voltage or current to less than 10 percent
of nominal, not exceeding 60 seconds in
• Interruptions can be a result of control
malfunction, faults, or improper breaker
Sources of sags and interruptions
• Voltage sags and interruptions are generally
caused by faults (short circuits) on the utility
• system.
Sources of sags – Due to faults
• A voltage sag is an event where the line rms voltage
decreases from the nominal line voltage for a short
period of time.
• This type of variation can occur if a large load on the
line experiences a line-to-ground fault, such as a
short in a three-phase motor or a fault in a utility or
plant feeder.
Sources of sags – Due to motor starting
US System
Estimating Voltage Sag Performance
• It is important to understand the expected
voltage sag performance of the supply system
so that facilities can be designed and
equipment specifications developed to assure
the optimum operation of production
• The following is a general procedure for working with
industrial customers to assure compatibility between
the supply system characteristics and the facility
1. Determine the number and characteristics of voltage
sags that result from transmission system faults.
2. Determine the number and characteristics of voltage
sags that result from distribution system faults.
3. Determine the equipment sensitivity to voltage sags.
This will determine the actual performance of the
production process based on voltage sag performance
calculated in steps 1 and 2.
4. Evaluate the economics of different solutions that
could improve the performance, either on the supply
system (fewer voltage sags) or within the customer
1. Area of Vulnerability
• The concept of an area of vulnerability has
been developed to help evaluate the likelihood
of sensitive equipment being subjected to
voltage lower than its minimum voltage sag
ride-through capability.
• The latter term is defined as the minimum
voltage magnitude a piece of equipment can
withstand or tolerate without misoperation or
failure. This is also known as the equipment
voltage sag immunity or susceptibility limit.
• An area of vulnerability is determined by the total
circuit miles of exposure to faults that can cause
voltage magnitudes at an end-user facility to drop
below the equipment minimum voltage sag ride-
through capability.
2. Equipment Sensitivity to Voltage
• Equipment within an end-user facility may have
different sensitivity to voltage sags.
• Equipment sensitivity to voltage sags is very dependent
on the specific load type, control settings, and
• The most commonly used characteristics are the
duration and magnitude of the sag. Other less
commonly used characteristics include phase shift and
unbalance, missing voltage, three phase voltage
unbalance during the sag event, and the point-in-the-
wave at which the sag initiates and terminates.
• Generally, equipment sensitivity to voltage sags
can be divided into three categories:
1. Equipment sensitive to only the magnitude of
voltage sag - This group includes devices such as
under voltage relays, process controls, motor
drive controls,6 and many types of automated
2. Equipment sensitive to both the magnitude and
duration of a voltage sag - This group includes
virtually all equipment that uses electronic power
3. Equipment sensitive to characteristics other
than magnitude and duration - Some devices
are affected by other sag characteristics such
as the phase unbalance during the sag event,
the point-in-the wave at which the sag is
initiated, or any transient oscillations
occurring during the disturbance. These
characteristics are more subtle than
magnitude and duration, and their impacts
are much more difficult to generalize.
3. Transmission System Sag Performance
• The voltage sag performance for a given customer
facility will depend on whether the customer is
supplied from the transmission system or from the
distribution system.
• For a customer supplied from the transmission system,
the voltage sag performance will depend on only the
transmission system fault performance.
• On the other hand, for a customer supplied from the
distribution system, the voltage sag performance will
depend on the fault performance on both the
transmission and distribution systems.
• The magnitude of the lowest secondary
voltage depends on how the equipment is
• Equipment connected line-to-line would
experience a minimum voltage of 33 percent.
• Equipment connected line-to-neutral would
experience a minimum voltage of 58 percent.
4. Utility Distribution System Sag
Performance Evaluation
• Customers that are supplied at distribution
voltage levels are impacted by faults on both
the transmission system and the distribution
• The overall voltage sag performance at an
end-user facility is the total of the expected
voltage sag performance from the
transmission and distribution systems.
• The critical information needed to compute
voltage sag performance can be summarized
as follows:
1. Number of feeders supplied from the
2. Average feeder length.
3. Average feeder reactance.
4. Short-circuit equivalent reactance at the
Motor-Starting Sags
• Motors have the undesirable effect of drawing
several times their full load current while starting.
• This large current will, by flowing through system
impedances, cause a voltage sag which may dim
lights, cause contactors to drop out, and disrupt
sensitive equipment.
• The situation is made worse by an extremely
poor starting displacement factor usually in the
range of 15 to 30 percent. The time required for
the motor to accelerate to rated speed increases
with the magnitude of the sag, and an excessive
sag may prevent the motor from starting
1. Motor-Starting Methods
1. Single step
2. Autotransformer
3. Part winding
4. Resistance and reactance starter
5. Delta wye starter
• Energizing the motor in a single step (full-voltage
starting) provides low cost and allows the most
rapid acceleration. It is the preferred method
unless the resulting voltage sag or mechanical
stress is excessive.
• Autotransformer starters have two
autotransformers connected in open delta. Taps
provide a motor voltage of 80, 65, or 50 percent
of system voltage during start-up. Line current
and starting torque vary with the square of the
voltage applied to the motor, so the 50 percent
tap will deliver only 25 percent of the full-voltage
starting current and torque. The lowest tap which
will supply the required starting torque is
Resistance and reactance starters
• Resistance and reactance starters initially insert an
impedance in series with the motor. After a time delay,
this impedance is shorted out. Starting resistors may be
shorted out over several steps; starting reactors are
shorted out in a single step. Line current and starting
torque vary directly with the voltage applied to the
motor, so for a given starting voltage, these starters draw
more current from the line than with autotransformer
starters, but provide higher starting torque. Reactors are
typically provided with 50, 45, and 37.5 percent taps.
Part-winding starters
• Part-winding starters are attractive for use with
dual-rated motors (220/440 V or 230/460 V). The
stator of a dual-rated motor consists of two
windings connected in parallel at the lower
voltage rating, or in series at the higher voltage
rating. When operated with a part winding starter
at the lower voltage rating, only one winding is
energized initially, limiting starting current and
starting torque to 50 percent of the values seen
when both windings are energized
• Delta-wye starters connect the stator in wye
for starting and then, after a time delay,
reconnect the windings in delta. The wye
connection reduces the starting voltage to 57
percent of the system line-line voltage;
starting current and starting torque is reduced
to 33 percent of their values for full-voltage
2. Estimating the Sag Severity During
Full-Voltage Starting
• The following data will be required for the
1. Parameter values for the standard induction
motor equivalent circuit: R1, X1, R2, X2, and XM.
2. Number of motor poles and rated rpm (or slip).
3. WK2 (inertia constant) values for the motor and
the motor load.
4. Torque versus speed characteristic for the motor
Mitigation Methods
1. Motor - generator set
2. Ferroresonance transformer
3. Electric tap changer
4. Uninterrupted power supply
5. Static transfer switch
6. Series – connected voltage source converter
7. Shunt connected back – up source
8. Superconducting magnetic energy storage
(SMES) devices
1. Motor Generator Set
• Motor-generator (M-G) sets come in a wide
variety of sizes and configurations. This is a
mature technology that is still useful for
isolating critical loads from sags and
interruptions on the power system.
• This concept is very simple
• This arrangement may also be used to
separate sensitive loads from other classes of
disturbances such as harmonic distortion and
switching transients
• M-G sets have disadvantages for some types of
• There are losses associated with the machines,
although they are not necessarily larger than those in
other technologies described here.
• Noise and maintenance may be issues with some
• The frequency and voltage drop during interruptions
as the machine slows. This may not work well with
some loads.
• Another type of M-G set uses a special synchronous generator
called a written-pole motor that can produce a constant 60-Hz
frequency as the machine slows.
• It is able to supply a constant output by continually changing
the polarity of the rotor’s field poles.
• Thus, each revolution can have a different number of poles
than the last one. Constant output is maintained as long as
the rotor is spinning at speeds between 3150 and 3600
revolutions per minute (rpm).
• The rotor weight typically generates enough inertia to keep it
spinning fast enough to produce 60 Hz for 15 s under full load.
Another means of compensating for the frequency and
voltage drop while energy is being extracted is to rectify the
output of the generator and feed it back into an inverter. This
allows more energy to be extracted, but also introduces losses
and cost.
2. Ferroresonance Transformer
• Ferroresonant transformers, also called constant-
voltage transformers (CVTs), can handle most voltage
sag conditions.
• CVTs are especially attractive for constant, low power
loads, Variable loads, especially with high inrush
currents, present more of a problem for CVTs
because of the tuned circuit on the output.
• Ferroresonant transformers are basically 1:1
transformers which are excited high on their
saturation curves, thereby providing an output
voltage which is not significantly affected by input
voltage variations.
• A basic ferroresonant transformer consists of a
core, a primary winding, two secondary
windings (one for the load and one for the
capacitor) and a magnetic shunt that
separates the primary and secondary
3. Electric Tap Changer
• The actual tap-changer which is used in the Indian Railways
locos, it will better to understand in general what tap-
changers are.
• Broadly tap-changers can be divided into two categories-
namely off-load and on-load.
• Off-load tap-changers cannot be operated while current is
flowing in the circuit. Off-load tap changers are used mainly
for non-critical applications where a momentary interruption
in the current can be tolerated. Hence, such tap-changers
have no use in traction duty.
• In traction only On-Load Tap-Changers (OLTC) are used. They
are capable of changing the taps rapidly without interrupting
the flow of current.
4. Uninterrupted Power Supply
• Uninterruptible Power System, Continuous
Power Supply (CPS) or a battery backup is a
device which maintains a continuous supply of
electric power to connected equipment by
supplying power from a separate source when
utility power is not available.
• There are two distinct types of UPS: off-line
and line-interactive (also called on-line).
• An off-line UPS remains idle until a power failure
occurs, and then switches from utility power to its
own power source, almost instantaneously.
• An on-line UPS continuously powers the protected
load from its reserves, while simultaneously
replenishing the reserves from the AC power.
• The on-line type of UPS, in addition to providing
protection against complete failure of the utility
supply, provides protection against all common
power problems, and for this reason it is also known
as a power conditioner and a line conditioner.
Hybrid UPS
5. Static Transfer Switch
• The Static Transfer Switch provides break-
before-make switching between two
independent AC power sources for
uninterrupted power to sensitive electronic
• When used with redundant AC power sources,
the switch permits maintenance without
shutting down critical equipment.
• Features
• 0.25 cycle maximum transfers between AC
power sources;
• Manual and automatic transfers;
• Selectable preferred input sources;
• AccuVar TVSS for both AC inputs;
6. Series connected voltage source
• A device and a method for controlling the flow
of electric power in a transmission line
carrying alternating current.
• first voltage source converter is connected to
the transmission line at a first point
• second voltage source converter is connected
to the transmission line at a second point.
• Further, the first and second voltage source
converters have their direct current sides
connected to a common capacitor unit.
7. Shunt connected back - up
• A shunt connected energy stabilizing system
with isolation switching for providing stored
energy to loads or to a utility or industrial
electrical distribution system or source of
electrical power.
• An energy backup and recovery system stores
energy in a superconducting magnet and
releases the energy to a real power/reactive
power (VARs) generator which in turn delivers
energy to either the loads or to both the loads
and the source of electrical power.
8. Superconducting magnetic
energy storage (SMES) devices
• An SMES device can be used to alleviate
voltage sags and brief interruptions.
• The energy storage in an SMES-based system
is provided by the electric energy stored in the
current flowing in a superconducting magnet.
• Through voltage regulator and inverter banks,
this energy can be injected into the protected
electrical system in less than 1 cycle to
compensate for the missing voltage during a
voltage sag event.
• The SMES-based system has several
advantages over battery-based UPS systems:
1. SMES-based systems have a much smaller
footprint than batteries
2. The stored energy can be delivered to the
protected system more quickly.
3. The SMES system has virtually unlimited
discharge and charge duty cycles.
Active Series Compensators
• Device that can boost the voltage by injecting
a voltage in series with the remaining voltage
during a voltage sag condition. These are
referred to as active series compensation
• They are available in size ranges from small
single-phase devices (1 to 5 kVA) to very large
devices that can be applied on the medium-
voltage systems (2 MVA and larger).
• When a disturbance to the input voltage is
detected, a fast switch opens and the power is
supplied through the series-connected
• This circuit adds or subtracts a voltage signal
to the input voltage so that the output voltage
remains within a specified tolerance during
the disturbance.

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