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Paintings From Classical Greek Era

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Paintings from

Classical Greek Era

Paintings during the classical
era were most commonly
found in vases, panels and
tomb. It depicts natural figures
with dynamic compositions.
Most of the subjects were
battle scenes, mythological
figures, and everyday scenes. It
reveals a grasp of linear
perspective and naturalist
Most common methods of Greek painting:
1. Fresco- method of painting water-
based pigments on a freshly applied
plaster usually on a wall surfaces.
2. Encaustic– developed to use by Greek
ship builders, who used the hot wax to
fill the cracks of the ship.
Vase Painting
Kerch Style also referred to as Kerch Vases are red-figured
pottery named after the place where it was found.

Shapes commonly found are:

1. Pelike (wine container)
2. Lekanis (a low bowl with two horizontal handles and a
low broad foot)
3. Lebes Gamikos (with high handles and lid use to carry
bridal bath)
4. Krater (bowl use for mixing wine and water)
Most common motifs were mostly scenes
from the life of women (often exaggerately
idyllic), mythological beings that were
popular among the people of the black sea,
or a scene form mythical story or event. It
used a technique called polychromic,
combination of different colors specially
the brilliant one in an artistic manner.


Panel Painting
There are paintings on flat panels of
wood. It can be either a small, single
piece or several panels joined
together. Most of the panel paintings
no longer exist because of its organic
Tomb / Wall Painting
Tomb or wall painting was very popular
during the classical period. It uses the
method frescos either tempera (water-base)
or encaustic (wax). It has a sharp, flatly
outlined style of painting and because it
uses water-based materials, very few
samples survived.
In tomb paintings, artists rely on the shade and hues of
paint to create depth and life-like feeling.
Paintings from the
Romantic Era
Most of the paintings in this era were
copied or imitated from Hellenic Greek
paintings. Fresco technique was used in
brightly colored backgrounds; division of
the wall into a multiple rectangular
areas (tic-tac-toe design); multipoint
perspective; and a tropme-l’-oeil effect.
Roman paintings have a wide variety of
subjects, animals, everyday life, still life,
mythological subjects, portraits and
The development of landscape painting
is the main innovation of Roman
painting from Greek painting.
It is an art process where an image is
created using an assemblage of small
pieces of colored glass, stones, or other
This technique use for decorative art or
interior decorations.
The full image is a
Roman floor mosaic
in the House of Fun
Pompei, dated 100
B.C. The whole
mosaic depicts the
battle between the
armies of Alexander
the Great and Darius
III of Persia.
Fresco from the Villa
of Mysteries,
Pompeii. 80 BC

This fresco painting

was believed to depict
ceremonial rites,
either marriage or an
initiation of a woman
in a mystery cult.
Paintings from the
Medieval Era
Byzantine Painting
The lively styles of paintings which had been
invented in Greek and Rome lived on in
Byzantium but this time for Christian subjects.
By the 11th century, the Greek and Oriental
styles seem to blend together in magnificent,
imposing images, which adorned the churches
in large and small forms.
Romanesque Painting
These are largely placed mosaics on the walls
of the churches that follows a strict frontal
It also shows traces of Mozarabic influence
(Arabize influence) through elongated oval
faces, large staring eyes and long noses, figures
against flat colored bands and heavy outlining.
Christ in Majesty,
painting from
the Church of
Saint Clemente,
Tahull, Lerida
Paintings from the Gothic Era
Paintings have been confined in the
illumination of manuscript pages and
the painting of frescos on the walls of
churches in cosmopolitan style,
elegant, mannered and sophisticated.
Subjects usually depicts
popular legends and
love stories, patterns
like “mille fleur” or
thousand flowers show
influence which may
have been due to the
Stained Glass
windows were
created to transform
the vast stone
interiors with warm
and glowing color and
at the same time to
instruct Christians in
their faith.
Bring the following materials:
1. Five (5) Cellophane in different color.
2. One (1) Long Folder
3. Broad Pentel, Pencil, Ruler
4. Cutter

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