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Hazards of Electricity in Construction

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Hazards of Electricity

in Construction
Overview of the hazards of electricity and
how to avoid them

December, 2010
This presentation will cover the following:
How electricity works

Effects of electrical shock

Hazards of contact with power lines

Hazards of lack of ground fault protection

Grounding hazards

Power tool hazards

Flexible cord hazards

Not using equipment in manner prescribed

Additional information
How Electricity Works
Operating an electrical switch is like turning on a water
faucet. Behind the faucet (or switch) there is a source of
water (or electricity), a way to transport it, and pressure
to make it flow. The faucet's water source is a reservoir
or pumping station. A pump provides enough pressure
for the water to travel through the pipes.

The switch's electrical source is a power generating

station – a dam, or a coal or natural gas power plant. A
generator provides the pressure for the electrical current
to travel or flow through electrical conductors or wires.


Three factors determine the resistance of a substance to

the flow of electricity:
• What it is made of.
• Its size.
• Its temperature.
How Electricity Works
Substances with very little resistance to the flow of electrical current
are called conductors. Examples are metals.

Substances with such a high resistance that they can be used to

prevent the flow of electrical current are called insulators. Examples
are glass, porcelain, rubber, plastic, and dry wood..
How Electricity Works
Water is a poor conductor of electricity, but small
amounts of impurities, such as salt and acid
(perspiration contains both), make it a ready
conductor. Therefore, although dry wood is a poor
conductor, when saturated with water it becomes a
ready conductor.
The same is true of human skin. When skin is dry, it
is a poor conductor of electrical current. When it is
moist, it readily conducts electricity. Use extreme
caution when working with electricity where there
is water in the environment or on the skin.
How Shocks Occur
Electricity travels in closed circuits, normally through a conductor. Shock
results when the body becomes part of the electrical circuit - current
enters the body at one point and leaves at another. Typically, shock
occurs when a person contacts the following below:

A metallic part in contact

with an energized wire
Both wires of an energized One wire of an energized
while the person is
circuit. circuit and the ground.
also in contact with
the ground.

Metallic parts of electric tools and machines can become energized if there is a break in
the insulation of their wiring. A low-resistance wire between the metallic case of the
tool/machine and the ground – an equipment grounding conductor – provides a path for
the unwanted current to pass directly to the ground. This greatly reduces the amount of
current passing through the body of the person in contact with the tool or machine.
Properly installed, the grounding conductor provides protection from electric shock.
How Electrical Current Affects the Human Body
Three primary factors affect the severity of the shock a person receives
when he or she is a part of an electrical circuit:
 Amount of current flowing through the body (measured in amperes).
 Path of the current through the body.
 Length of time the body is in the circuit.
Other factors that may affect the severity of the shock are:
 The voltage of the current.
 The presence of moisture in the environment.
 The phase of the heart cycle when the shock occurs.
 The general health of the person prior to the shock.
Effects can range from a barely perceptible tingle to severe burns and
immediate cardiac arrest.

Wet conditions are common during low-voltage electrocutions. Under dry conditions, human
skin is very resistant. Wet skin dramatically drops the body's resistance.
How Electrical Shocks Occur
This table demonstrates the effects o a a 60-cycle, hand-to-foot shock of one
second duration:

Current level
Probable effect on human body
(in milliamps)
Perception level. Slight tingling sensation. Still dangerous under
1 mA
certain conditions.
Slight shock felt; not painful but disturbing. Average individual can let
5 mA go. However, strong involuntary reactions to shocks in this range may
lead to injuries.
Painful shock, muscular control is lost. This is called the freezing
6-30 mA
current or "let-go" range.
Extreme pain, respiratory arrest, severe muscular contractions.
50-150 mA
Individual cannot let go. Death is possible.
Ventricular fibrillation (the rhythmic pumping action of the heart
1000-4300 mA ceases.) Muscular contraction and nerve damage occur. Death is
most likely.
10,000 mA Cardiac arrest, severe burns and probable death.
Electrical Burns
Shock-related injuries include burns, internal injuries, and injuries due to
involuntary muscle contractions..
The most common shock-related injury is a burn. Burns suffered in
electrical incidents may be one or more of the following three types:

Electrical Burns cause tissue damage, and are the Photo Examples
result of heat generated by the flow of electric
current through the body. Electrical burns are one of Warning:
the most serious injuries you can receive and should these images
are of a graphic
be given immediate attention.
High temperatures near the body produced by an
electric arc or explosion cause Arc or Flash Burns.
They should also be attended to promptly.
Thermal Contact Burns occur when skin comes in
contact with overheated electric equipment, or when
clothing is ignited in an electrical incident.
Electrical Shock Internal Injuries
Excessive electricity flowing through the human body can
cause serious damage to internal organs.

Resulting medical problems include hemorrhage (or internal

bleeding), tissue destruction, and nerve or muscle damage.

These internal injuries may not be immediately apparent to the

victim or observers; however, left untreated, they can result in
Involuntary Muscle Contraction
Normal muscle contraction is caused by very small amounts of electricity that
are created within our bodies. Muscles violently contract when stimulated by
excessive amounts of electricity.

These involuntary contractions can damage muscles, tendons, and ligaments,

and may even cause broken bones. If the victim is holding an electrocuting
object, hand muscles may contract, making it impossible to drop the object
and prolonging contact with the current.

Also, injury or death may result when violent muscle contractions cause
workers to fall from ladders and scaffolds or inadvertently strike other objects.
Contact with Power Lines
Overhead and buried power lines at a
construction site are especially hazardous
because they carry extremely high voltage. Fatal
electrocution is the main risk, but burns and falls
from elevation are also hazards. Using tools and
equipment that can contact power lines increases
the risk.
Examples of equipment that can contact power
Overhead power lines are lines:
un-insulated and can carry
tens of thousands of volts,  Backhoes
making them extremely  Concrete pumpers
dangerous to employees
who work in their vicinity.  Cranes
 Long-handled cement finishing floats
 Metal building materials
 Metal ladders
 Raised dump truck beds
 Scaffolds
Contact with Power Lines continued…

How Do I Avoid Hazards?

Look for overhead power lines and buried
power line indicators. Post warning signs.
Contact utilities for buried power line
Stay at least 10 feet away from overhead
power lines. Unless you know otherwise,
assume that overhead lines are energized.

De-energize and ground lines when working

near them. Other protective measures
include guarding or insulating the lines.

Use non-conductive wood or fiberglass

ladders when working near power lines.
Deaths Due to Contact With Power Lines

Scaffold too close to power line

Source: OSHA

Seven employees of a masonry company were erecting a brick wall from

a tubular, welded-frame scaffold approximately 24 feet high. The scaffold
had been constructed only 21 horizontal inches across from a 7,620-volt
power line. A laborer carried a piece of wire reinforcement (10 feet long
by 8 inches wide) along the top section of the scaffold and contacted the
power line with it. The laborer, who was wearing leather gloves, received
an electric shock and dropped the wire reinforcement, which fell across
the power line and simultaneously contacted the metal rail of the scaffold,
energizing the entire scaffold. A 20-year-old bricklayer standing on the
work platform in contact with the main scaffold was electrocuted.
Fatality – metal gutter touches power line – from WorkSafe BC
Death From Crane Contact With Power Lines

A 56-year-old construction laborer was removing

forms from a concrete wall poured several days
earlier. As he removed the forms, he wrapped
them with a length of cable called a choker,
which was to be attached to a crane. The victim
signaled the operator of the crane to extend the
boom and lower the hoist cable.

Both the operator and the victim failed to notice that the boom had contacted a
2,400-volt overhead power line. When the victim reached down to connect the
choker to the hoist cable, he suddenly collapsed.

Co-workers provided CPR, but were unable to revive the victim. Only after a
rescue squad arrived about 4 minutes later did anyone realize that the crane
was in contact with a power line -- all those present had assumed that the victim
had suffered a heart attack.
Two incidents of cranes contacting power lines

Crane fire in Salt Lake City, Utah

YouTube – 2008 crane fire

Source: CDC Source: eLCOSH

Cranes and Derricks
Nearly 30% of the approximately 350 electrical-
related fatalities that occur each year involve
cranes and overhead power lines. Because of the
voltages involved, overhead power lines present
an extremely high risk of fatal electric shock. If
contact occurs, proper safety procedures should
be followed.
The danger posed by overhead power lines at the
construction site is often compounded by other
factors, such as uneven ground that could cause
the crane to weave or bob into power lines, and
windy conditions that can make the power lines
sway, reducing clearance.
Procedures To Follow If Contact Occurs
Contact between a crane and an energized line does not automatically lead to an electrical incident. To protect against
electrical shock, the following procedures are recommended:
The crane operator should remain inside the cab until the lines have been de-energized.
All other personnel should keep away from the crane, ropes, and load, since the ground around the machine might be
The crane operator should try to remove the crane from contact by reversing direction.
Address Risks of Cranes Near Power Lines

Identify overhead power lines and mark safe routes where cranes must
repeatedly travel.
Operate the crane at a slower-than-normal speed in the vicinity of power
When working around overhead power lines, de-energize and ground them,
or take other protective measures such as guarding or insulating the lines.
If the power lines are not de-energized, operate cranes in the area ONLY if a
safe minimum clearance is maintained.
Address Power Line Risks (continued)
• If maintaining safe clearance by visual means is
difficult, designate a person to observe the
clearance and to give immediate warning when
the crane approaches the limits of safe clearance.

• All persons should keep well away from the crane

whenever it is close to power lines.

• Do not contact the crane or its load until a signal

person indicates that it is safe to do so.

• Use cage-type boom guards, insulating links, or

proximity warning devices, but do not substitute
for de-energizing and grounding lines, or
maintaining safe clearance.

• While handling equipment or materials by boom

near transmitter towers, de-energize the
transmitter, or use equipment with an electrical
ground connected directly to the upper structure of
Photo courtesy of eLCOSH IMAGES
the boom, or for materials, attach materials to
ground jumper cables. Use nonconductive poles
having large alligator clips or other similar
protection to attach the ground to the cable load.
Exposed Electrical Parts

Covers removed from wiring or breaker boxes

Use guards or barriers or replace covers

Isolate Electrical Parts with Cabinets, Boxes & Fittings

Conductors going into them must be protected, and unused

openings must be closed
Lack Of Ground Fault Protection
Am I In Danger?
Due to the dynamic, rugged nature of construction work,
normal use of electrical equipment at your site causes
wear and tear that results in insulation breaks, short-
circuits, and exposed wires. If there is no ground-fault
protection, these can cause a ground-fault that sends
current through the worker's body, resulting in electrical
burns, explosions, fire, or death.

How Do I Avoid Hazards?

Use ground-fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) on all 120-volt, single-phase, 15- and 20-
ampere receptacles, or have an assured equipment grounding conductor program
Follow manufacturers' recommended testing procedure to insure GFCI is working
Use double-insulated tools and equipment, distinctively marked.
Use tools and equipment according to the instructions included in their listing,
labeling or certification.
Visually inspect all electrical equipment before use. Remove from service any
equipment with frayed cords, missing ground prongs or cracked tool casings. Apply a
warning tag to any defective tool and do not use it until the problem has been
Lack Of Ground Fault Protection

These receptacles are not protected

by a GFCI. If there is no AEGCP on
this jobsite, this would be a violation.

Death Due to Lack of Ground-Fault Protection

A journeyman HVAC worker was installing metal duct work using a double-
insulated drill connected to a drop light cord. Power was supplied through
two extension cords from a nearby residence. The individual's perspiration-
soaked clothing/body contacted bare exposed conductors on one of the
cords, causing an electrocution. No GFCI's were used. Additionally, the
ground prongs were missing from the two cords.
Ground – Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI)
A ground-fault occurs when there is a break in the low-resistance grounding path from a tool or
electrical system. The electrical current may then take an alternative path to the ground through the
user, resulting in serious injuries or death. The ground-fault circuit interrupter, or GFCI, is a fast-acting
circuit breaker designed to shut off electric power in the event of a ground-fault within as little as 1/40
of a second. It works by comparing the amount of current going to and returning from equipment
along the circuit conductors. When the amount going differs from the amount returning by
approximately 5 milliamperes, the GFCI interrupts the current.

The GFCI is rated to trip quickly enough to prevent an electrical incident. If

it is properly installed and maintained, this will happen as soon as the faulty
tool is plugged in. If the grounding conductor is not intact or of low-
impedance, the GFCI may not trip until a person provides a path. In this
case, the person will receive a shock, but the GFCI should trip so quickly
that the shock will not be harmful.

The GFCI will not protect you from line contact hazards (i.e. a person
holding two "hot" wires, a hot and a neutral wire in each hand, or contacting
an overhead power line). However, it protects against the most common
form of electrical shock hazard, the ground-fault. It also protects against
fires, overheating, and destruction of wire insulation.
For construction applications, there are several types of GFCIs available,
with some variations:
The Receptacle Type incorporates a GFCI device within one or more receptacle
outlets. Such devices are becoming popular because of their low cost.
Portable Type GFCIs come in several styles, all designed for easy transport.
Some are designed to plug into existing non-GFCI outlets, or connect with a
cord and plug arrangement. The portable type also incorporates a no-voltage
release device that will disconnect power to the outlets if any supply conductor
is open. Units approved for outdoor use will be in enclosures suitable for the
environment. If exposed to rain, they must be listed as waterproof.
The Cord-Connected Type of GFCI is an attachment plug
incorporating the GFCI module. It protects the cord and any
equipment attached to the cord. The attachment plug has a non-
standard appearance with test and reset buttons. Like the portable
type, it incorporates a no-voltage release device that will disconnect
power to the load if any supply conductor is open.

Because GFCIs are so complex, they require testing on a regular basis. Test permanently wired devices
monthly, and portable-type GFCIs before each use. All GFCIs have a built-in test circuit, with test and
reset buttons, that triggers an artificial ground-fault to verify protection. Ground-fault protection, such as
GFCIs provide, is required by DOSH in addition to (not as a substitute for) general grounding
The term "ground" refers to a conductive body, usually the earth.
"Grounding" a tool or electrical system means intentionally creating a low-
resistance path to the earth. When properly done, current from a short from
follows this path, thus preventing the buildup of voltages that would
otherwise result in electrical shock, injury and even death.

Improper grounding
There are two kinds of grounds; both are required by the
DOSH construction standard:

 System or Service Ground: In this type of ground, a wire called "the

neutral conductor" is grounded at the transformer, and again at the
service entrance to the building. This is primarily designed to protect
machines, tools, and insulation against damage.

 Equipment Ground: This is intended to offer enhanced protection to

the workers themselves. If a malfunction causes the metal frame of a
tool to become energized, the equipment ground provides another
path for the current to flow through the tool to the ground.

 There is one disadvantage to grounding: a break in the grounding

system may occur without the user's knowledge. Using a ground-fault
circuit interrupter (GFCI) is one way of overcoming grounding
Summary of Grounding Requirements
 Ground all electrical systems.
 The path to ground from circuits, equipment, and enclosures must be
permanent and continuous.
 Ground all supports and enclosures for conductors.
 Ground all metal enclosures for service equipment.
 Ground all exposed, non-current-carrying metal parts of fixed
 Ground exposed, non-current-carrying metal parts of tools and
equipment connected by cord and plug.
 Ground the metal parts of the following non-electrical equipment:
– Frames and tracks of electrically operated cranes.
– Frames of non-electrically driven elevator cars to which electric
conductors are attached.
– Hand-operated metal shifting ropes or cables of electric elevators.
– Metal partitions, grill work, and similar metal enclosures around
equipment of over 1kV between conductors.
Methods of Grounding
 Ground all fixed equipment with an equipment
grounding conductor that is in the same raceway,
cable, or cord, or that runs with or encloses the circuit
conductors (except for DC circuits only).

 Conductors used for grounding fixed or moveable

equipment, including bonding conductors for assuring
electrical continuity, must be able to safely carry any
fault current that may be imposed on them.

 Electrodes must be free from nonconductive coatings,

such as paint or enamel, and if practicable, must be
embedded below permanent moisture level.

 Single electrodes which have a resistance to ground

greater than 25 ohms must be augmented by one
additional electrode installed no closer than 6 feet to
the first electrode.
Inadequate Grounding
(Path Of Ground Missing Or Discontinuous)

Am I In Danger?

If the power supply to the electrical equipment

at your site is not grounded or the path has
been broken, fault current may travel through a
worker's body, causing electrical burns or death
[for more see, Flexible Cords and Power Tools].
Even when the power system is properly
grounded, electrical equipment can instantly
change from safe to hazardous because of
extreme conditions and rough treatment. Removing the ground pin from a plug
to fit an ungrounded outlet not only
means your work area is unsafe, but
makes the cord unfit for future work
where there is grounding.
Inadequate Grounding
(Path Of Ground Missing Or Discontinuous)
How Do I Avoid Hazards?
Ground all power supply systems, electrical circuits, and electrical equipment.
Frequently inspect electrical systems to insure that the path to ground is continuous.
Visually inspect all electrical equipment before use. Take any defective equipment out of
Do not remove ground prongs from cord- and plug-connected equipment or extension cords.
Use double-insulated tools.
Ground all exposed metal parts of equipment.
Ground metal parts of the following non-electrical equipment:
Frames and tracks of electrically operated cranes.
Frames of non-electrically driven elevator cars to which electric conductors are attached.
Hand-operated metal shifting ropes or cables of electric elevators.
Metal partitions, grill work, and similar metal enclosures around equipment of over 1kV
between conductors.
Death due to inadequate grounding

Ground Wire Not Attached

A fan connected to a 120-volt electrical system via an extension cord provided
ventilation for a worker performing a chipping operation from an aluminum stepladder.
The insulation on the extension cord was cut through and exposed bare, energized
conductors which made contact with the ladder. The ground wire was not attached on
the male end of the cord's plug. When the energized conductor made contact with the
ladder, the path to ground included the worker's body, resulting in death.
Death Due to Missing Or
Discontinuous Path to Ground

Adapter For 3-Prong Cord Not Grounded To Outlet

Two workers were using a 110-volt auger to install tie-down rods for a manufactured home.
The auger has a one-quarter horsepower motor encased in a metal housing with two
handles. One handle has a deadman's switch. Electricity to the auger was supplied by a
series of 50-foot extension cords running to an adjacent property. Since the outlet at the
adjacent property had no socket for a ground prong, the extension cords were plugged into
the outlet using an adapter, but the ground wire of the adapter was not grounded. Two of
the extension cords had no ground prongs, and some of them were repaired with electrical
tape. The workers had removed their shirts and were sweating. One worker, holding the
deadman's switch, received a shock from a ground fault in the auger and was knocked
back from the machine. The auger then fell across the other worker, the 24-year-old victim.
The first worker knocked the auger off the victim, but saw that the electric cord was
wrapped around the victim's thigh. He yelled for his co-workers to disconnect the power,
which they did. The workers administered CPR to the victim, but to no avail.
Death Due to Missing Or
Discontinuous Path to Ground
Short In Power Saw/Ungrounded Temporary Power Supply

A 22-year-old carpenter was working at the construction site of large apartment complex,
using a portable electric saw to construct the wooden framework of a laundry building.
Electricity to operate portable power tools was supplied by a temporary service pole 50 feet
away. The pole had not been inspected by the city and was not in compliance with code
requirements (it was not grounded). The victim used two extension cords to supply power: a
home-made cord plugged into an ungrounded receptacle on the pole, and a UL-approved
cord extending from the homemade cord to the saw. The accident site was wet; also,
humidity was high and the victim was sweating. Reportedly, he was shocked throughout the
morning, and he had replaced one of the extension cords in an effort to eliminate the
shocks. The source of the shocks -- the saw -- was not replaced. As the victim climbed
down a makeshift ladder, he shifted the saw from his right hand to his left, and was shocked.
This caused him to fall from the ladder and land in a puddle of water, still holding the saw.
Apparently, his hand contracted and he was "locked" to the saw. A co-worker disconnected
the power cord to the saw, but it was too late and the carpenter died. to
Power Tools
Because power tools are so common in construction, workers are
constantly exposed to a variety of hazards. The very tool that makes their
job easy and efficient may become the cause of a tragic accident.

Tool Safety Tips :

 Never carry a tool by the cord.
 Never yank the cord to disconnect it from
the receptacle.
 Keep cords away from heat, oil, and sharp
edges (including the cutting surface of a
power saw or drill).
 Disconnect tools when not in use, before
servicing, and when changing accessories
such as blades, bits, etc.
Power Tools
 Avoid accidental starting. Do not hold fingers on the switch button while
carrying a plugged-in tool.
 Use gloves and appropriate safety footwear when using electric tools.
 Store electric tools in a dry place when not in use.
 Do not use electric tools in damp or wet locations unless they are
approved for that purpose.
 Keep work areas well lighted when operating electric tools.
 Ensure that cords from electric tools do not present a tripping hazard.
 Remove all damaged portable electric tools from use and tag them:
"Do Not Use."
 Use double-insulated tools.
Power Tools
Hand-held tools manufactured with non-metallic cases are called
double-insulated. If approved, they do not require grounding under
the National Electrical Code. Although this design method reduces
the risk of grounding deficiencies, a shock hazard can still exist.

Double insulated marking

Power Tools
Construction power tools are often used in
areas where there is considerable moisture or
wetness. Although the user is insulated from
the electrical wiring components, water can still
enter the tool's housing. Ordinary water is a
conductor of electricity. If water contacts the
energized parts inside the housing, it provides
a path to the outside, bypassing the double
insulation. When a person holding a hand tool
under these conditions contacts another
conductive surface, an electric shock occurs.

If a power tool, even when double-insulated, is

dropped into water, the employee should resist
the initial human response to grab for the
equipment without first disconnecting the
power source.
Power Tools & Extension Cords

Another potential hazard is using extension

cords with portable tools. In construction,
these cords suffer a lot of wear and tear.
Often, the damage is only to the insulation,
exposing energized conductors. When a
person handling the damaged cord contacts
the exposed wires while holding a metal tool
case or contacting a conductive surface,
serious electrical shock can result, causing
a fall, physical injury, or death.

Since neither insulation nor grounding

protects you from these conditions,
use other protective measures. One
acceptable method is a ground-fault ( Photo courtesy of eLCOSH Images )
circuit interrupter (GFCI). Extension cords should be kept free of entrapments
and entanglements to prevent damaging the cords.
Flexible Cords
With the wide use of power tools on construction sites, flexible extension
cords often are necessary. Because they are exposed, flexible, and
unsecured, they are more susceptible to damage than is fixed wiring.
Hazards are created when cords, cord connectors, receptacles, and cord-
and plug-connected equipment are improperly used and maintained.
Strain Relief
To reduce hazards, flexible cords must connect to devices and
to fittings in ways that prevent tension at joints and terminal
screws. Flexible cords are finely stranded for flexibility, so
straining a cord can cause the strands of one conductor to
loosen from under terminal screws and touch another
Cord damage
A flexible cord may be damaged by door or window edges,
by staples and fastenings, by abrasion from adjacent
materials, or simply by aging. If the electrical conductors
become exposed, there is a danger of shocks, burns, or fire.
Examples of Prohibited Uses of Flexible Cords

Substitute for Run through walls, Concealed behind

fixed wiring ceilings, floors, or attached to
doors, or windows building surfaces
Flexible Cords
The DOSH construction standard requires flexible
cords to be rated for hard or extra-hard usage. These
ratings are derived from the National Electrical Code,
and are required to be indelibly marked approximately
every foot along the length of the cord. Examples of
these codes are: S, ST, SO, and STO for hard service,
and SJ, SJO, SJT, and SJTO for junior

Extension cords must be 3-wire type so they may
be grounded, and to permit grounding of any
tools or equipment connected to them.
Flexible Cords continued

( Photo Courtesy of eLCOSH IMAGES)

Wet conditions
When a cord connector is wet, electric current can leak to the equipment
grounding conductor, and to humans who pick up that connector if they
provide a path to ground. Such leakage can occur not just on the face of the
connector, but at any wetted portion. Limit exposure of connectors and tools
to excessive moisture by using watertight or sealable connectors.
Deaths Causes Due to Improper Use
of Extension and Flexible Cords
Flexible Cord Not 3-Wire, Hard Service Variety
A worker received a fatal shock when he was cutting
drywall with a metal casing router. The router's 3-
wire power cord was spliced to a 2-wire cord and
plug set which was not rated for hard service. A fault
occurred, and with no grounding and no GFCI
protection, the worker was electrocuted.

No Strain Relief
A worker was operating a ¾" electric chisel when an
electrical fault occurred in the casing of the tool,
causing him to be fatally electrocuted. A safety
inspection revealed that the tool's original power
cord had been replaced with a flat cord, which was
not designated for hard service, and that strain relief (Photo courtesy of Elcosh Images)
was not provided at the point where the cord Potential electrical shock hazard. Damaged electrical
entered the tool. Additionally, the ground prong was cord, potentially overloaded connection. No GFCI,
missing and there was no GFCI protection. potential trip hazards. Electric cord sets not designed
for commercial application.
Equipment Not Used In Manner Prescribed
If electrical equipment is used in ways for which it is not
designed, you can no longer depend on safety features built
in by the manufacturer. This may damage your equipment
and cause employee injuries.

This "handy box" is being improperly used as an extension

cord receptacle. It is made to be permanently mounted.
Equipment Not Used In Manner Prescribed
Common Examples of Misused Equipment
Using multi-receptacle boxes designed to be mounted by fitting them with a power cord
and placing them on the floor.
Fabricating extension cords with ROMEX® wire.
Using equipment outdoors that is labeled for use only in dry, indoor locations.
Attaching ungrounded, two-prong adapter plugs to three-prong cords and tools.
Using circuit breakers or fuses with the wrong rating for over-current protection, e.g.
using a 30-amp breaker in a system with 15- or 20-amp receptacles. Protection is lost
because it will not trip when the system's load has been exceeded.
Using modified cords or tools such as removing ground prongs, face plates, insulation
Using cords or tools with worn insulation or exposed wires.

How Do I Avoid Hazards?

Use only equipment that is approved to meet DOSH standards.
Use all equipment according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Do not modify cords or use them incorrectly.
Be sure equipment that has been shop fabricated or altered is in compliance.
Deaths Due to Equipment not Used in Manner Prescribed
Handling Damaged Extension Cord When Energized
A 19-year-old construction laborer was working with his foreman and another laborer to construct a
waterfront bulkhead for a lakeside residence. Electricity for power tools was supplied from an
exterior 120-volt, grounded AC receptacle located at the back of the residence. On the day of the
incident, the victim plugged in a damaged extension cord and laid it out towards the bulkhead. There
were no eyewitnesses to the accident, but evidence suggests that while the victim was handling the
damaged and energized extension cord, he provided a "path to ground" and was electrocuted. The
victim collapsed into the lake and sank 4-1/2 feet to the bottom.

Electrical Equipment In Poor Condition

An 18-year-old worker at a construction site was electrocuted when he touched a light fixture while
descending from a scaffold for his afternoon break. The source of the electricity was apparently a
short in a receptacle, but examination revealed that the electrical equipment used by the contractor
was in such poor condition that it was impossible to make a certain determination of the source of the
short. Extension cords had poor splices, no grounds, and reversed polarity. One hand drill was not
grounded, and the other had no safety plate. Out of several possible scenarios, the most likely was
contact between the exposed wires of an extension cord and a screw that protruded from the
receptacle, which had its face plate removed. The light fixture, which served as a ground, was known
to be faulty for at least 5 months before the incident.
More Information
NIOSH – Electrical Safety – Safety & Health Training for Electric Trades

OSHA Construction eTool – Electrical Incidents

DOSH Construction Standard – Electrical Rules

eLCOSH – Basic Electrical Safety

eLCOSH – Electrocution

eLCOSH – Why GFCIs Fail

eLCOSH – Protection from Electric Shock and Arc Flash

OSHA Fact Sheet – Working Safely with Electricity

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