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Delhi Factories Rule 1950 PDF

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1. Short title, extent and commencement

2. Definitions

Rules 3 to 11 prescribed under sub-section (1) of Section 6
3.A Approval of site and plan

4. Application for registration and grant of license

5. Grant of Licence
6. Amendment of Licence
7. Renewal of licence
8. Transfer of licence
9. Procedure on death or disability of licence
10. Loss of licence
11. Payment of fees
11.A Prohibiting Running of a Factory without a valid licence
Form prescribed under sub-section 1 of Section 7
12. Notice of Occupation
Under sub-section (4) of Section 7
12.A Notice of change of Manager
12-B Guidelines Instructions and records



Rule prescribed under Section 9
13. Power of Inspectors
Rule Prescribed under Section 112

13.A Qualification of an Inspector

Rule prescribed under sub-section (4) of Section 10

14. Duties of Certifying Surgeon


Exemption under sub-section (2) of Section 11

15. Cleanliness of walls and ceilings

Register prescribed under sub-section (1) of Section 11

16. Record of white-washing etc.

Rule prescribed under sub-section (2) of Section 12

17. Disposal of trade wastes and effluents.

Rule 18 to 28 prescribed under sub-section of 1 of Section 15

18. When artificial humidification not allowed
19. Provision of Hygrometer
20. Exemption from maintenance of hygrometers
21. Copy of Schedule to Rule 18 to be affixed near every hygrometer.
22. Temperature to be recorded at each hygrometer.
23. Specifications of Hygrometer.
24. Thermometers to be maintained in efficient order.
25. An inaccurate thermometer not to be used without fresh certificate
26. Hygrometer not to be affixed to wall etc., unless protected by wood
27. No reading to be taken within 15 minutes of renewal of water
28. How to introduce steam for humidifications
Rules 29 to 33 prescribed under sub-section (4) of Section (17)
29. Lighting-application and commencement
30. Lighting of Interior parts
31. Prevention of glare
32. Power of Chief Inspector to exempt
33. Exemption from Rule 30
Rules 34 to 39 prescribed under sub-section (4) of Section 18
34. Quantity of drinking water
35. Source of Supply
36. Means of supply
37. Cleanliness of well to reservoir
38. Report from Health Officer
39. Cooling of water
Rules 40 to 49 prescribed under sub-section (3) of Section 19
40. Latrine Accommodation
41. Latrines to confirm to public health requirements
42. Privacy of latrines
43. Sign boards to be displayed
44. Urinal accommodation
45. Urinals to conform to public health requirements
46. Certain latrines and urinals to be connected to sewerage system
47. White-washing, colour-washing of latrines and urinals
48. Construction and maintenance of drains
49. Water taps in latrines
Rules 50 to 52 prescribed under sub-section (2) of Section 20
50. Number and location of Spittoons
51. Type of spittoons
52. Cleaning of Spittoons



Further precautions prescribed under sub-section (2) of Section 21

52. Further safety precautions

SCHEDULE I Cotton Textiles

SCHEDULE II Cotton Ginning

SCHEDULE III Wood-Working Machinery
SCHEDULE IV Rubber Mills
SCHEDULE V Centrifugal Machines
SCHEDULE VII Shears, Slitters and Guillotine Machines
Register prescribed under section 22 (1)
Rules framed under Section 28
54. Employment of young persons on dangerous machines
55. Hoists & Lifts
Rules framed under sub-section (2) of Section 29
Rule Prescribed under sub-section (2) of Section 34
56. Pressure Plant
56-A. Water-sealed Gasholder
Rule prescribed under sub-section (2) of Section 34
57. Excessive weights
Rule prescribed under Section 35
58. Protection of eyes
Rules prescribed under sub-section (6) of Section 36
59. Minimum dimensions of manholes
Exemptions under sub-section (5) of Section 37
60. Exemptions
61-A. Fire Protection
SCHEDULE I First Aid Fire Fighting Equipment
SCHEDULE II Equipment to be provided with Trailer pump
61-C. Safety committee
61-D. Ovens and driers
61-E. Thermic fluid heaters
61-F. Site Appraisal Committee
Format of Application to the site appraisal committee
61-G. Health and Safety
61-H. Collection and development and dissemination of information
SCHEDULE: Format of a Safety Data Sheet
61-I. Disclosure of information to workers
61-J. Disclosure of information to the Chief Inspector
61-K. Information on industrial wastes
61-L. Review of the information furnished to workers etc.
61-M. Confidentiality of Information
61-N. Medical Examination
61-O. Occupational Health Centres
SCHEDULE: Equipment for Occupational Health Centre in Factories
61-P. Ambulance Van
61-Q. Decontamination facilities
61-R. Making available Health Records to workers
61-S. Qualifications, etc. of Supervisors
61-T. Issue of guidelines
61-UA. Collection, development and dissemination of information for Major Accident
Hazard Installation
61-UAA. Duties of Inspector
61-UB. General responsibility of the occupiers
61-UC. Notification of major accidents
61-UD. Industrial activity or isolated storage to which Rules 61-UE to 61-UM apply
61-UE. Notification of site
61-UF. Updating of the site notification
61-UG. Transitional provision [Omitted]
61-UH. Safety Reports and Safety Audit Reports
61-UI. Updating of safety reports under Rule 61-UH
61-UJ. Requirements for further information to be sent to the Inspector and the Chief
61-UK. Preparation of on-site emergency plans by the occupier
61-UL. Preparation of off-site emergency plans [Omitted]
61-UM. Information to be given to persons liable to be affected by a major accident
61-UN. Disclosure of information
61-UO. Improvement notice [Omitted]
61-UP. Power to the State Government to modify the Schedules
SCHEDULE 1 Indicative Criteria and list of chemicals
Part I Indicative Criteria
Part II List of Hazardous and Toxic Chemicals
SCHEDULE 2 Explanation 2(c) after Rule 61-UP, Rule 61-UB (1) (b), 61-UC, 61-UD
(1) (c) and (d)
SCHEDULE 3 Explanation (a) (iii) Rule 61-UP, Rule 61-UC,61-UD (i) (a) and (b)
Part I Named Chemicals
Part II Classes of Chemicals not specifically named in Part I
SCHEDULE 4 Explanation (B) (i) after Rule 61-UP
SCHEDULE 5 Information to be furnished regarding Notification of a Major Accident
SCHEDULE 6 Information to be furnished for the Notification of Site
SCHEDULE 7 Information to be furnished in a Safety Report
SCHEDULE 8 Details to be furnished in the On-site Emergency Plan



Rules prescribed under sub-section (2) of Section 42

62. Washing facilities

Rules Prescribed Under Section 43

Rule prescribed under sub-section (1) of Section 45
63. First Aid Appliance
64. Ambulance Room
Rules 65 to 71 prescribed under Section 46
65. Canteens
66. Dining Hall
67. Equipment
68. Prices to be charged
69. Account
70. Managing Committee
Rule prescribed under Section 47
72. Shelters, Rest Rooms and Lunch Rooms
Rules 73 to 76 prescribed under sub-section (3) of Section 48
73. Creches
74. Wash Room
75. Supply of Milk and Refreshment
76. Clothes for Creche Staff
Rule provided under Section 49
76A. Welfare Officers



Rules prescribed under sub-section (2) of Section 53

77. Compensatory Holidays

Muster-roll prescribed under sub-section 4 of Section 59

78. Muster-roll for exempted factories

78A. Overtime slip for Overtime work
Notice prescribed under sub-section 8 of Section 61
79. Notice of periods of work for adults
Register Prescribed under sub-section 2 of Section 62
80. Register of adult workers
81. Persons defined to hold positions of supervision or Management
82. Persons to hold confidential position
83. List to be maintained of persons holding position of supervision or management or
confidential position
84. Exemption of certain adult Workers


Notice prescribed under sub-section 3 of Section 72

85. Notice of periods of work for children

Register prescribed under sub-section 2 of Section 73

86. Register of child workers




Rule 87-94 prescribed under Sections 83 and 112

87. Leave with wages register

88. Leave Book
89. Medical Certificate
90. Notice to Inspector of involuntary unemployment
91. Notice by Worker
92. Notice of Leave with wages
93. Payment of wages if the worker dies
94. Register to be maintained in case of exemption under section 84



Rule prescribed under Section 87

95. Dangerous Operations

SCHEDULE I Manufacture of Aerated Waters and processes
incidental thereto
SCHEDULE II Electrolytic plating
SCHEDULE III Manufacture and repair of electric accumulators
SCHEDULE IV Glass Manufacture
SCHEDULE V Grinding or glazing of metals and processes
incidental thereto
SCHEDULE VI Manufacture and treatment of lead and certain compounds of lead
SCHEDULE VII Generating petrol gas from dangerous petroleum as defined in the
Petroleum Act, 1934
SCHEDULE VIII Cleaning or smoothing of articles by a jet of sand, metal shot or
grit or other abrasive propelled by a blast of compressed air or steam
SCHEDULE IX Liming and tanning of raw hides and skins and
processes incidental thereto
SCHEDULE X Printing Presses and Type foundries-Certain lead processes carried therein
SCHEDULE XI Manufacture of pottery
SCHEDULE XII Chemical Works
SCHEDULE XIII Manufacture of articles from refractory materials
SCHEDULE XIV Handling and processing of Asbestos, Manufacture of any Article of
Asbestos and any other Process of Manufacture of otherwise in which Asbestos is used in
any Form
SCHEDULE XV Handling or manipulation of corrosive substances
SCHEDULE XVI Compression of oxygen and hydrogen produced by electrolysis or water
SCHEDULE XVII Process of extracting oils and fats from vegetable and animal sources in
solvent extraction plants
SCHEDULE XVIII Manufacture or manipulation of manganese and its compounds
SCHEDULE XIX Manufacture or manipulation of dangerous pesticides
SCHEDULE XX Manufacture, handling and usage of benzene and substances containing
SCHEDULE XXI Manufacturing process or operations in carbon-di-sulphide plants
SCHEDULE XXII Manufacture or manipulation of carbionogonic dye intermediates
SCHEDULE XXIII Operations involving High Noise Levels
SCHEDULE XXIV Highly Flammable Liquids and Flammable Compressed Gases
SCHEDULE XXV Operations in Foundries
SCHEDULE XXVI Manipulation of stone or Any Other Material
Containing Free Silica
Rule 96 prescribed under Section 38 and 38-A
96. Notification of accidents and dangerous occurrences
Rule prescribed under Section 89
97. Notice of poisoning or disease


Rule prescribed under Section 107
98. Procedure in appeals
Rule prescribed under Section 108
99. Display of notices
Rules prescribed under Section 110
100. Return
Rule prescribed under Section 109
101. Service of notices
Rule 102 to 106 prescribed under Section 112
102. Information required by the Inspector
103. Muster-roll
104. Register of accidents and dangerous occurrences
105. Maintenance of Inspection book
106. Information regarding closure of factories



Delhi the 27th July, 1950

No. F. 9 (13)/48-Dev-ln exercise of the powers conferred by Section 112 of the Factories Act,
1948, (LXIII of 1948), read with the Government of India, Ministry of Labour Notification No,
Fac. 41 (38), dated the 11th January, 1948, the Chief Commissioner of Delhi is pleased to
make the following rules, the same having been previously published with his notification No.
F. 9(13) / 48-P. & D., dated the 19th March, 1949,
Short title, extent and commencement

(1) These Rules may be cited as the Delhi Factories Rules, 1950.

(2) These Rules shall extend to the whole of the Delhi Province,

(3) These Rules, except Rules 29 to 33,53,62, 65 to 71 and 95 shall come into force on
15th August, 1950 and Rules 29 to 33, 53, 62,65 to 71 and 95 shall come into force on
such dates as are specified therein.

Definitions-In these Rules unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or


(a) "Act" means the Factories Act, 1948.

(b) "Appendix" means an appendix appended to these Rules.

(c) "Artificial Humidification" means the introduction of moisture into the air of a room by
any artificial means whatsoever, except the unavoidable escape of steams or water
vapour into the atmosphere ere directly due to a manufacturing process :

Provided that the introduction of air directly from outside through moist end mats or
screens placed in openings at times when the temperature of the room is 80 degrees or
more, shall not be deemed to be artificial humidification.

(d) "Belt"includes any driving strap or rope.

(e) "Degrees" (of temperature) means degrees on the Faherenheit scale.

(f) "District Magistrate" includes such other official as may be appointed by the Chief
Commissioner in that behalf.

(g) "Fume" includes gas or vapour,

(h) "Health Officer" means the Municipal Health Officer or District Health Officer or such
other official as may be appointed by the Chief Commissioner in that behalf.

(i) "Hygrometer" means an accurate wet and dry bulb hygrometer conforming to the
prescribed conditions as regards constructions and maintenance.

(j) "Inspector" means an officer appointed under Section 3 of the Act and includes "Chief

(k) "Maintained" means maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working order and in
good repair.
(l) "Manager" means the person responsible to the occupier for the working of the factory
for the purposes of the Act.

Competent Person-

(1) The Chief Inspector may recognise any person as a ‘Competent Person’ within such
area and for such period as may be specified for the purposes of carrying out tests,
examinations, inspections and certification for such buildings, dangerous, machinery,
hoists and lifts, lifting machines and lifting tackles, pressure plants, confined space,
ventilation system and such other process or plant and equipment as stipulated in the
Act and the Rules made thereunder, located in a factory, if such a person possesses the
qualifications, experience and other requirements as set out in the schedule annexed to
this Rule:

Provided that the Chief Inspector may relax the requirements of qualifications in
respect of a ‘Competent Person’ if such a person is exceptionally experienced and
knowledgeable, but not the requirements in respect of facilities at his command :

Provided further that where it is proposed to recognise a person employed under the
Chief Inspector as a ‘Competent Person’, concurrence of the State Government shall be
taken and such a person after being so recognised, shall not have powers of an

Provided further that the ‘Competent Person’ recognised under this provision shall not
be above the age of 62 and shall be physically fit for the purpose of carrying out the
tests, examination and inspection.

(2) The Chief Inspector may recognise an institution of repute, having person possessing
qualifications and experience as set out in the schedule annexed to sub-rule (1) for the
purpose of carrying out tests, examinations, inspections and certification for buildings,
dangerous machinery, hoists and lifts, lifting machines and lifting tackles, pressure
plant, confined space, ventilation system and such other process or plant and
equipment as stipulated in the Act and the Rules made thereunder, as a 'Competent
Person' within such area and for such period as may be specified.

(3) The Chief Inspector on receipt of an application in the prescribed form from a person or
an institution intending to be recognised as a ‘Competent Person’ for the purposes of
this Act and the Rules made thereunder, shall register, such application and within a
period of sixty days of the date of receipt of application, either after having satisfied
himself as regards competence and facilities available at the disposal of the applicant
recognise the applicant as a ‘Competent Person’ and issue a certificate of competency
in the prescribed form or reject the application specifying the reasons therefore.

(4) The Chief Inspector may, after giving an opportunity to the competent person of being
heard, revoke the certificate of competency * * * *

(i) if he has reason to believe that a competent person-

(a) has violated any condition stipulated in the certificate of competency; or

(b) has carried out a test, examination and inspection or has acted in a
manner inconsistent with the intent or the purpose of this Act or the Rules
made thereunder; or has omitted to act as required under the Act and the
Rules made thereunder; or

(ii) for any reason to be recorded in writing

Explanation: For the purpose of this Rule, an institution included a organisation.

(5) The Chief Inspector may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, require re-certification
of lifting machines, lifting tackles, pressure plant or ventilation system, as the case may
be, which has been certified by a competent person outside the states.

Form of Application for grant of Certificate of Competency to a person under sub-rule

(1) of Rule 2A

1. Name

2. Date of Birth

3. Name of the Organisation

(If not self employed)

4. Designation

5. Educational Qualification
(copies of testimonials to be attached)

7. Membership, if any, of professional bodies.

8. (i) Details of facilities (examination, testing etc.) at his disposal.

(ii) Arrangements for calibrating and maintaining the accuracy of these facilities.

9. Purpose for which competency certificate is sought (section or sections of the Act
should be stated).

10. Whether the applicant has been declared as a Competent Person under any statute (if
so, the details).

11. Any other relevant information.

12. Declaration by the applicant.

I……………………………. hereby, declare that the information furnished above is true, I


(a) that in the event of any change in the facilities at my disposal (either addition or
deletion) or my leaving the aforesaid organisation, I will promptly inform the
Chief inspector;

(b) to maintain the facilities in good working order, calibrated periodically as per
manufacturers instructions or as per National standards; and
(c) to fulfil and abide by all the conditions stipulated in the certificate of competency
and instructions issued by the Chief Inspector from time to time.

Place :

Date: Signature of applicant

Declaration by the Institution (if employed)

I…………………………… certify that Shri……………………. whose details are furnished above, is in our
employment and nominate him on behalf of the organisation for the purposes of being
declared as a competent person under the Act, I also undertake that I will-
(a) notify the Chief Inspector in case the competent person leaves our employment;

(b) provide and maintain in good order all facilities at the disposal as mentioned above;

(c) notify the Chief Inspector any change in the facilities (either addition or deletion).

Designation ..................................
Telephone No.

Date ………………………… Official seal

Form of Application for grant of Certificate of competency to an Institution under

sub-rule (2) of rule 2A.

1. Name and full address of the organisation.

2. Orgainsation's status
(specify whether Government, Autonomous, Cooperative, Corporate or Private).

3. Purpose for which competency certificate is sought [specify section(s) of the Act].

4. Whether the Organisation has been declared as a competent person under this or any
other statute. If so, give details.

5. Particulars of persons employed and possessing qualification and experience as set out
in Schedule, annexed to sub-rule (1 ) of Rule 2A.
Section(s) and the Rules
Name and Designation Qualification Experience under which competency is
sought for



6. Details of facilities (relevant to item 3 above) and arrangements made for their
maintenance and period i.e. calibration.

7. Any other relevant information.

8. Declaration :

I................................. hereby, on behalf of .....................................................

certify the details furnished above are correct to the best of my knowledge I undertake
to -

(i) maintain the facilities in good working order, calibrated periodically as per
manufacturers instructions as per National Standards; and

(ii) to fulfil and abide by all the conditions stipulated in the certificate of competency
and instructions issued by the Chief Inspector from time to time.

Place & Signature of Head of the Institutions

Date or of the persons authorised to sign on his behalf


Form of Certificate of competency issued to a person or an institution in pursuance

to Rule 2A made under section 2(ca) read with section…………………………
I…………………………………, in exercise of the powers conferred on me under section 2(ca) of the
Factories Act and the rules made thereunder, hereby recognize ……………………….. (Name of the
institution) of Shri …………………………..(Name of the person) employed
in ……………………………………(Name of the Organisation) to be a competent person for the purpose
of carrying out tests, examinations, inspections and certificate for such buildings, dangerous
machinery, lifts and hoists, lifting machines and lifting tackles, pressure plants, confined
space, ventilation system and process or plant and equipment as the case may be, used in a
factory located in under section and the Rules made thereunder-
This certificate is valid from………………………….. to………………………………….
This certificate is issued subject to the conditions stipulated hereunder:-
(i) Tests, examinations and inspections shall be carried out in accordance with the
provisions of the Act and the Rules made thereunder;

(ii) Tests, examinations and inspections shall be carried out under direct supervision of the
competent person or by a person so authorised by an institution recognised to be a
competent person;

(iii) The certificate of competency issued in favor of a person shall stand cancelled if the
person leaves the Organisation mentioned in his application;

(iv) The institution recognised as a competent person shall keep the Chief Inspector
informed of the names, designations and qualifications of the persons authorised by it
to carry out tests, examinations and inspections.

(v) ……………………………………………….

(vi) ………………………………………………
Station Official seal Signature of the Chief Inspector


Note :- A separate certificate should be issued under each relevant section. A person or an
institution may be recognised competent for the purpose of more than one section of the

*Strike out the words not applicable.


Sl. Section or Qualification Experience for the Facilities at

No. Rules under required purpose his command
is recognised

1 2 3 4 5

1. Rules made Degree in Civil (i) A minimum of 10 years

under section or Structural experience in the design of
6 and section engineering or construction or testing or
112- Equivalent repairs of structures.
Certificate of
stability for

(ii) Knowledge of non-

destructive testing, various
codes of practices that are
current and the effect of
the vibrations and natural
forces on the stability of
the building, and

(iii) Ability to arrive at a

reliable conclusion with
regard to the safety of the
structure of the building.

2. Rules made Degree in (i) A minimum of 7 years Gauges for

under section Electrical or experience in :- measurement
21 (2) - Mechanical or (a) design or operation or instruments
"Dangerous Textile maintenance, or (b) for
machines" Engineering or testing, examination and measurement
equivalent inspection of relevant of speed and
machinery, their guards, any other
safety devices and equipment or
appliances. device to
determine the
safety in the
use of the
(ii) He shall -
(a) be conversant with
safety devices and their
proper functioning.
(b) be able to identify
defects and any other
cause leading to failure;
and (c) have ability to
arrive at a reliable
conclusion with regard to
the proper functioning of
safety device and appliance
and machine guard.

3. Section 28 - A degree in (i) A minimum experience Facilities for

Lifts and Electrical and / of 7 years in :- load
Hoists or Mechanical (a) design or erection or testing,tensile
Engineering or maintenance, or (b) testing gauges
its Equivalent inspection and test for
procedures, of lifts and measurement
hoists; and any other
required for
the safe
conditions of
Hoists and

(ii) He shall be --
(a) Conversant with
relevant codes of practices
and test procedures that
are current.
(b) Conversant with other
statutory requirements
covering the safety of the
Hoists and Lifts;
(c) able to identify defects
and arrive at a reliable
conclusion with regard to
the safety of Hoists and

4. Section 29- Degree in (i) A minimum experience Facilities for

Lifting Mechanical or of 7 years --- (a) design or load testing,
Machinery and Electrical or erection or maintenance, or tensile testing,
Lifting Tackle Metallurgical (b) testing, examination heat
Engineering or and inspection, of lifting treatment,
its equivalent machinery, chains, ropes equipment/
and lifting tackles. gadget for
gauges and
such other
equipment to
determine the
safe working
conditions of
the lifting

(ii) He shall be --
(a) Conversant with
relevant codes of practices
and test procedures that
are current.
(b) Conversant with
fracture mechanics and
metallurgy of the material
of construction;
(c) Conversant with heat
treatment/ stress relieving
techniques as applicable to
stress bearing components
and parts of lifting
machinery and lifting
(d) capable of identifying
defects and arriving at a
reliable conclusion with
regard to the safety of
lifting machinery, chains,
ropes and lifting tackles.

5. Section 31- Degree in (i) A minimum experience Facilities for

Pressure Plant Chemical or of 7 years --- carrying out
Electrical (a) design or erection or hydraulic test,
Metallurgical maintenance, or on destructive
or Mechanical (b) testing, examination test, gauges
Engineering or and inspection, of pressure equipment/
its equivalent plant. gadget for
and any other
equipment or
gauges to
determine the
safety in the
use of

(ii) He shall be --
(a) Conversant with
relevant codes of practices
and test procedures
relating to pressure
(b) Conversant with
statutory requirements
concerning the safety of
unfired pressure vessels
and equipment operating
under pressure;
(c) Conversant with non-
destructive testing
techniques as are
applicable to pressure
(d) able to identifying
defects and arriving at a
reliable conclusion with
regard to the safety of
pressure plants.

6. Section 36- Master's (i) A minimum of 7 years in Meters,

Precautions degree in collection and analysis of instruments
against Chemistry or a environmental samples and and devices
dangerous degree in calibration of monitoring duly calibrated
fumes Chemical equipments; and certified
Engineering. for carrying
out the tests
certification of
safety in
working in

(ii) He shall be --
(a) Be conversant with the
hazardous properties of
chemicals and their
permissible limit values.
(b) Be conversant with the
current techniques of
sampling and analysis of
the environmental
(c) be able to arrive at a
reliable conclusion as
regards the safety in
respect of entering and
carrying out hot work.

7. Ventilation Degree in (i) A minimum of 7 years in Facilities for

systems as Mechanical or the design, fabrication, testing the
required under Electrical installation testing of ventilation
various Engineering or ventilation system and systems,
schedules equivalent. systems used for extraction instruments
framed under and collection of dusts, and gauges for
sec. 87, such fumes and vapours and testing the
as Schedules other ancillary equipment. effectiveness
on of the
(i) Grinding or extraction
glazing metals systems for
and processes dusts, vapours
incidental and fumes and
thereto. any other
(ii) Cleaning or equipment
smoothing, needed for
roughening determining
etc. of articles, the efficiency
by a jet and and a
metal shot, or adequacy of
grit, or other these systems.
abrasive He shall have
propelled by a the assistance
blast of of a suitable
compressed qualified
air or stream. technical
(iii) Handling person who
and processing can come to a
of asbestos, reasonable
(iv) conclusion as
manufacture to the
of Royan by adequacy of
Viscose the system.
(v) Foundry

(ii) He shall be conversant

with relevant codes of
practice and tests
procedures that are current
in respect of ventilation
and extraction system for
fumes and be able to arrive
at a reliable conclusion with
regard to effectiveness of
the system.

Rules 3 to 11 prescribed under sub-section (1) of Section 6

The Lt. Governor or the Chief Inspector of Factories may require, for the purposes of
the Act, submission of plans of any factory which was either in existence on the date
of commencement of the Act or which has not been constructed or extended since
then. Such plans shall be drawn to scale showing:-

(i) The site of the factory and immediate surroundings including adjacent
buildings and other structures, road, drains, etc.

(ii) the plan, elevation and necessary cross-sections of the factory buildings
indicating all relevant details relating to natural lighting, ventilation and
means of escape in case of fire, and the position of the plant and machinery,
aisles and passageways; and

(iii) such other particulars as the State Government or the Chief Inspector, as the
case may be, any required.

Approval of site and plan-

Applications for such permission shall be in Form No.1 and accompanied by the
following documents
(1) No site shall be used for the location of a factory or no building in a factory
should be constructed, reconstructed, extended or taken into use as a factory
or part of a factory unless previous permission in writing is obtained from the
Administrator or the Chief Inspector of Factories.

(a) A flow chart of the manufacturing process supplemented by a brief

description of the process in its various stages.

(b) Plans in duplicate drawn to scale showing :

(i) The site of the factory and immediate surrounding including
adjacent buildings, and other structures roads, drains, etc.

(ii) The plan elevation and necessary Cross-sections of the various

buildings, indicating all relevant details relating to natural lighting,
ventilation and means of escape in case on fire. The plans shall
also clearly indicate the plant and machinery, aisles and passage
ways; and

(c) Such other particulars as the Chief Inspector may require.

(2) If the Chief Inspector is satisfied that the plans are in consonance with the
requirements of the Act he shall, subject to such conditions as he may specify
approve them by signing and returning to the applicant one copy of each plan;
or he may call for such other particulars as he may require to enable such
approve to be given.

Application for registration and grant of license--

The Occupier of every factory shall submit to the Chief Inspector of Factories an
application in triplicate in the prescribed form No.2 for the registration of the factory
and grant of a license.

Grant of Licence--

(1) A licence for a factory shall be granted by the Chief Inspector of Factories or
any other officer appointed under sub-section (2-A) of section 8 of the Act and
specially empowered in this behalf by the State Government, in Form No.4
prescribed for the purpose, for a period of one year or five years, as may be
requested in the application for registration and grant of licence and on
payment of the fees specified in sub-rule (2).

(2) The fees for grant of licence for one year shall be as specified in the Schedule
hereto. In case an application for licence has been made for a period of five
years, the licence fees shall be five times the fees payable for grant of a
licence for one year, as specified in the said Schedule.

(3) A licence granted under this rule may, at the request of license, be renewed
for one year or five years in accordance with the provisions of rule 7.

(4) Every licence as granted or renewed, shall remain in force upto 31 st

December of the year for or upto which it is renewed.
Fees for the grant of a licence for a factory for one year

H.P. Maximum number of workers to be employed on any day during

Installed the year

Upto 21 to 50 51 to 101 to 251 to 501 to 751 to Above

20 100 250 500 750 1000 1000

Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.

Nil 20 50 100 250 400 750 1000 1250

Upto 10 50 100 120 300 600 900 1200 1500

Above 100 150 200 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

10 and
upto 50

Above 200 250 300 750 1500 2250 3000 3700

50 and
upto 100

Above 300 400 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000


Amendment of Licence--

(1) A licence granted under rule 4 may be amended by the Chief Inspector of
Factories or any other officer appointed under sub-section (2-A) of section 8 of
the Act and specially empowered in this behalf by the State Government.

(2) No licence shall-

(i) Change the name of his factory; or

(ii) employ persons in excess of the number stated in the licence; or

(iii) use motive power in excess of the limits of horse power specified in the
licence; without getting his licence amended.

(3) A licensee who desires to have his licence amended shall submit it to the Chief
Inspector or any other officer appointed under sub-section (2- A) of Section 8
of the Act and specially empowered in this behalf, with an application stating
the nature of the amendment and reasons therefor.

(4) The fee for the amendment of a licence shall be twenty five rupees plus the
amount (if any) by which the fee that would have been payable if the licence
had originally been issued in the amended form exceeds the fee originally paid
for the licence.

Renewal of licence--

(1) A licence may be renewed by the Chief Inspector of Factories or any other
officer appointed under sub-section (2-A) of section 8 of the Act and specially
empowered in this behalf by the State Government.

(2) Every application for the renewal of a licence shall be made in triplicate, in
Form No.2 together with the payment of fees for a period of one year or five
years as the case may be, and shall be submitted not less than 30 days before
the date on which the licence expires. If the application, complete in all
respects, is so made, the premises shall be held to be duly licensed until such
date as the Chief Inspector of the Factories or as the case may be, the Officer
appointed under sub-section (2-A) of section 8 of the Act and specially
empowered in this behalf by the State Government, renews the licence.

(3) The fees for the renewal of licence for one year shall be the same as for the
grant thereof. In case an application for renewal has been made for a period of
five years, the renewal fees shall be five times the fees payable for renewal of
licence for one year, as specified in the Schedule appended below rule 5.

Provided that if the application for renewal, duly completed in all respects, is
not received within the time specified in sub-rule (2) of this rule, the licence
shall be renewed only on payment of a fee twenty five percent in excess of the
fees ordinarily payable for the renewal of a licence for the year or years for
which the application has been received late.

Transfer of licence--

(1) The holder of a licence may, at any time before the expiry of the licence, apply
for permission to transfer his licence to another person.

(2) Such application shall be made to the Chief Inspector of Factories or any other
officer appointed under sub-section (2-A) of section 8 of the Act and specially
empowered in this behalf by the State Government who shall, if he approves
of the transfer, enter upon the licence, under his signature, an endorsement to
the effect that the licence has been transferred to the person named.

(3) A fee of twenty five rupees shall be charged on each such application

Procedure on death or disability of licencee--

lf a licencee dies or becomes insolvent the person carrying on the business of such
licence shall not be liable to any penalty under the Act for exercising the powers
granted to the licencee by the licence during such time as may reasonably be required
to allow him to make an application for the amendment of the licence under Rule 6 in
his own name for the unexpired portion of the original licence.

Loss of licence--
Where a licence granted under the Rules is lost or accidentally destroyed, a duplicate
may be granted on payment of a fee of rupees twenty five.

Payment of fees-

(1) Every application under the Rules shall be accompanied by a treasury receipt
showing that the appropriate fees has been paid into the authorised branch of
the State Bank of India under the head of account, affixed by the office of the
Chief Inspector of Factories.
(2) If an application for the grant, renewal or amendment of a licence is rejected,
the fee paid shall be refunded to the applicant.


11A. Prohibiting Running of a Factory without a valid licence-

An occupier shall not use any premises as a factory or carryon any

manufacturing process in a factory unless a licence has been issued in
respect of such premises and is in force for the time being :

Provided that if a valid application for grant of licence has been submitted
and the required fees has been paid, the premises shall be deemed to be
fully licensed until such date as the Chief Inspector of Factories or as the
case may be, any other officer appointed under sub-section (2-A) of section
8 of the Factories Act, and specially empowered in this behalf by the State
Government, grants or renews the licence or refuses in writing with
reasons, to grant or renew licence.

Provided further that if the Chief Inspector of Factories or as the case may
be, any other officer appointed under sub-section (2-A) of section 8 of the
Act and specially empowered in this behalf, by the State Government fails
to grant or renew the licence or fails to refuse to do so, for reasons to be
communicated in writing to the applicant, within 60 days from the date of
the application, licence shall be deemed to have been granted or renewed.

Form prescribed under sub-section 1 of Section 7

12. Notice of Occupation

The notice of occupation shall be in Form No 2. Under sub-section (4) of
Section 7

12A. Notice of change of Manager-

The notice of change of Manager shall be in Form No.3.

12B. Guidelines Instructions and records-

(i) Without prejudices to he general responsibility of the occupier to

comply with the provisions of section 7(a) the Chief Inspector may,
from time to time, issue guidelines and instructions regarding the
general duties of the occupier relating to health safety and welfare of
all workers while they are at work in the factory.

(ii) The occupier shall maintain such records, as may be prescribed by the
Chief Inspector, in respect of monitoring of working environment in the

Rule prescribed under Section 9
13. Power of Inspectors

An Inspector shall, for the purpose of the execution of the Act, have
power to do all or any of the following things, that is to say:-
to photograph any worker; to inspect, examine measure, copy,
photograph, sketch or test, as the case may be, any building or
room; any plant, machinery, appliance or apparatus; any register
or document; or anything provided for the purpose of securing
the health, safety or welfare of the workers employed in a

in the case of an Inspector who is a duly qualified medical

(b) practitioner, to carry out such medical examinations as may be
necessary for the purposes of his duties under the Act;

to prosecute, conduct or defend before a Court any complaint or

(c) other proceeding arising under the Act or in discharge of his
duties as an Inspector;

Provided that the powers of the District Magistrates and such

other public officers as are appointed to be additional inspectors
shall be limited to the inspection of factories in respect of the
following matters, namely:-

Cleanliness (Section 11), Over-crowding (Section 16), Lighting

(Section 17), Drinking water (Section 18), Latrines & Urinals
(Section 19), Spittoons (Section 20), Precautions in the case of
fire (Section 38), Welfare (Chapter V), Working hours of adults
(Chapter VI-except the power of exemption under the proviso to
Section 62), Employment of young persons, (Chapter VIII),
Leave with wages (Chapter VIII) and Display of notices (Section

Rule Prescribed under Section 112

Qualification of an Inspector-
No person shall be appointed as an Inspector for the Act unless he
possesses the following qualifications-

(a) He must not be less than 23 years or more than 35 years of age.

(b) He must have :

(i) had a good general education upto the Intermediate
standard of a recognised University.

(ii) Secured a degree, or diploma equivalent to a degree of a

recognised university, in any branch of Engineering,
Technology of Medicine and preferably with practical
experience of at least two years in a workshop or a
manufacturing concern of good standing and in the case of

Medical Inspector an experience of at least 2 years in a

public hospital or factory medical Department or
alternately a diploma in Industrial medicine.

(c) Where for a particular post special knowledge, "the deal with
special problems is required the Chief Commissioner, may, in
addition to the basic qualifications prescribe appropriate
qualifications for such a post."

Provided that in the case of a person who has been working as

Inspector under the Act at the time of commencement of these
rules, the Chief Commissioner may, subject to such conditions as
he may specify, exempt such persons from the provisions of this

Provided further that the provisions of this rule relating to

qualifications shall not apply in the case of a person who is
already appointed as Inspector of Factories on regular basis, in
accordance with the provisions of the Recruitment Rules framed
under Article 309 of the Constitution.

Rule prescribed under sub-section (4) of Section 10

14. Duties of Certifying Surgeon-
(1) For purposes of the examination and certification of young
persons who wish to obtain certificates of fitness, the Certifying
surgeon shall arrange a suitable time and place for the
attendance such persons, and shall give previous notice in
writing of such arrangements to the managers of factories
situated within the local limits assigned to him.

The Certifying Surgeon shall issue his certificates in Form No.4.
The foil and counter-foil shall be filled in and the left thumb mark
of the person in whose name the certificate is granted shall be
taken on them. On being satisfied as to the correctness of
entries, made therein and of the fitness of the person examined
he shall sign the foil and initial the counter-foil and shall deliver
the foil to the person in whose name the certificate is granted.
The foil so delivered shall be the certificate of fitness granted
under Section 69. All counterfoils shall be kept by the Certifying
Surgeon for a period of at least 2 years after the issue of the

(3) The certifying Surgeon shall upon request by the Chief Inspector,
carry out such examination and furnish him with such report as
he may indicate, for any factory or class or description of
factories where:-

(a) cases of illness have occurred which it is reasonable to

believe are due to the nature of the manufacturing process
carried on or other conditions of work prevailing therein,

(b) by reason of any change in the manufacturing process

carried on, or in the substances used therein, or by reason
of the adoption of any new manufacturing process or of
any new substance for use in a manufacturing process,
there is a likelihood of injury to the health of workers
employed in that manufacturing process, or

(c) young persons are or are about to be, employed in any

work which is likely to cause injury to their health.

For the purpose of the examination of persons employed in
processes covered by the Rules relating to Dangerous
Operations, the Certifying Surgeon shall visit the factories within
the local limits assigned to him at such intervals as are
prescribed by the Rules relating to such dangerous operations.

At such visits the Certifying Surgeon shall examine the persons
employed in such processes and shall record the results of his
examination in a Register known as the Health Register (Form
No.17) which shall be kept by the factory manager and produced
to the Certifying Surgeon at each visit.
(6) If the Certifying Surgeon finds as a result of his examinations
that any person employed in such process is no longer fit for
medical reasons to work in that process he shall suspend such
person from working in that process for such time as he may
think fit and no person after suspension shall be employed in that
process without the written sanction of the Certifying Surgeon in
the Health Register.

(7) The manager of a factory shall afford to the Certifying Surgeon

facilities to inspect any process in which any person is employed
or is likely to be employed.

(8) The manager of a factory shall provide for the purposes of any
medical examination which the Certifying Surgeon wishes to
conduct at the factory (for his exclusive use on the occasion of an
examination) a room which shall be properly cleaned and
adequately ventilated and lighted and furnished with a screen, a
table (with writing materials) and chairs.

Exemption under sub-section(2) of section 11

15. Cleanliness of walls and ceilings-

(1) Clause (d) of sub-section (1) of section 11 of the Act shall not apply to the class or
description of factories or parts of factories specified in the Schedule hereto :

Provided that they are kept in a clean state by washing, sweeping, brushing,
dusting vaccum-cleaning or other effective means :

Provided further that the said clause (d) shall continue to apply:
(i) as respects factories or parts of factories specified in Part A of the said
Schedule, to work-rooms in which the amount of cubic space allowed for
every person employed in the room is less than 500 cubic feet;

(ii) as respects factories or parts of factories specified in Part B of the said

Schedule, to work-rooms in which the amount of cubic space allowed for
every person employed in the room is less than 2,500 cubic feet;

(iii) to engine houses, fitting shops, lunch-rooms, canteens, shelters, creches,

clock rooms, rest rooms and wash-places; and

(iv) to such parts of walls, sides and tops of passages and stair cases as are
less than 20 feet above the floor or stair.
(2) If it appears to the Chief Inspector that any part of a factory, to which by virtue of
sub-rule (1) any of the provisions of the said clause (d) do not apply, or apply as
varied by sub-rule (1), is not being kept in a clean state, he may by written notice
require the occupier to white-wash or colour-wash, wash paint or varnish the same
and in the event of the occupier failing to comply with such requisition within two
months from the date of the notice, sub-rule (1) shall cease to apply to such part
of a factory, unless the Chief Inspector otherwise determines.

Blast furnaces.

Bricks and title works in which unglazed bricks or tiles are made.

Cement works.

Chemical works.

Copper mills.

Gas works.

Iron and steel mills.

Stone, slate and marble works.

The following parts of factories.

Rooms used only for the storage of articles.

Rooms in which the walls or ceiling consist of galvanised iron,

glazed bricks, glass, slate, asbestos, bamboo, thatch.

Parts in which dense steam is continuously evolved in the process.

Parts in which pitch, tar or like material is manufactured or is used to substantial

extent, except in brush works. The parts of a glass factory known the glass house.
Rooms in which graphite is manufactured or is used to substantial extent in any

Parts in which coal, coke, oxide or iron, ochre, lime or stone is crushed or ground Parts
of walls, partitions, ceilings or tops of rooms which are at least 20 feet above the floor.

Ceilings or tops of rooms in cement works, bleach works or dye works with the
exception of finishing rooms or ware-houses.

Inside walls of oil mills below a height of 5 feet from the ground floor level.

Inside walls in tanneries below a height of 5 feet from the ground floor level where a
wet process is carried on.

Coach and motor body works.

Electrical generating or transforming stations.

Engineering works.

Factories in which sugar is refined or manufactured.

Foundaries other than foundaries in which brass casting is carried on.

Gun factories.

Shipbuilding works.

Those parts of factories where unpainted or unvarnished wood manufactured

Register prescribed under sub-section (1) of Section 11

16. Record of white-washing etc.-

The record of dates on which white washing, colour-washing varnishing etc., are carried
out shall be entered in Register maintained in Form No.7.

Rule prescribed under sub-section (2) of Section 12

17. Disposal of trade wastes and effluents-

The arrangements made in every factory for the treatment of wastes and effluents due to
the manufacturing processes carried on therein shall be in accordance with those
approved by the relevant Water and Air Pollution Boards, appointed under the Water
(Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and the Air (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) Act, 1981 and other local authority concerned.

Rule 18 to 28 prescribed under sub-section 1 of Section 15

18. When artificial humidification not allowed-
There shall be no artificial humidification in any room of a cotton spinning or weaving
factory :-

(a) by the use of steam during any period when the dry bulb temperature of that room
exceeds 85 degrees;

(b) at any time when the wet bulb reading of the hygrometer is higher than that
specified in the following Schedule in relation to the dry bulb reading of the
hygrometer at that time; or as regards a dry bulb readings intermediate between
any two dry bulb readings indicated consecutively in the Schedule when the dry
bulb reading does not exceed the wet bulb reading to the extent indicated in
relation to the lower of these two dry bulb readings-

Dry bulb Wet bulb Dry bulb Wet bulb Dry bulb Wet bulb

60.0 58.0 77.0 75.0 94.0 86.5

61.0 59.0 78.0 76.0 95.0 87.0

62.0 60.0 79.0 77.0 96.0 87.5

63.0 61.0 80.0 78.0 97.0 88.0

64.0 62.0 81.0 79.0 98.0 88.5

65.0 63.0 82.0 80.0 99.0 89.0

66.0 64.0 83.0 80.5 100.0 98.5

67.0 65.0 84.0 81.0 101.0 90.0

68.0 66.0 85.0 82.0 102.0 90.0

69.0 67.0 86.0 82.5 103.0 90.5

70.0 68.0 87.0 83.0 104.0 90.5

71.0 69.0 88.0 83.5 105.0 91.0

72.0 70.0 89.0 84.0 106.0 91.0

73.0 71.0 90.0 84.5 107.0 91.5

74.0 72.0 91.0 85.0 108.0 91.5

75.0 73.0 92.0 85.5 109.0 92.0

76.0 74.0 93.0 86.0 110.0 92.0

Provided, however, that Clause (b) shall not apply when the difference between the wet
bulb temperature as indicated by the hygrometer in the department concerned and the
wet bulb temperature taken with a hygrometer outside in the shade is less than 3.5

19. Provision of Hygrometer-

In all departments of cotton spinning and weaving mills wherein artificial humidification
is adopted hygrometers shall be provided and maintained in such position as are
approved by the Inspector.

The number of hygrometers shall be regulated according to the following scale:-

(a) Weaving departments- One hygrometer for departments with 500 looms, and one
additional Hygrometer for every 500 or part of 50 looms in excess of 500.

(b) Other departments- One Hygrometer for each room of less than 300.00 cubic feet
capacity and one extra hygrometer for each 200.00 cubic feet or part thereof, in
excess of this.

(c) One additional hygrometer shall be provided and maintained outside each cotton
spinning and weaving factory wherein artificial humidification is adopted, and in a
position approved by the Inspector, for taking hygrometer shade readings.
20. Exemption from maintenance of hygrometers-
When the Inspector is satisfied that the limits of humidity allowed, by the Schedule of
Rule 18 are never exceeded, he may, for any department other than the weaving
department grant exemption from the maintenance of the hygrometer. The Inspector
shall record such exemption in writing.

21. Copy of Schedule to Rule 18 to be affixed near every hygrometer-

A logible copy of the Schedule to Rule 18 shall be affixed near each hygrometer.

22. Temperature to be recorded at each hygrometer-

At each hygrometer maintained in accordance with Rule 19, correct wet and dry bulb
temperature shall be recorded thrice daily during each working day by competent person
nominated by the Manager and approved by the Inspector. The temperature shall be
taken between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. (but not in the rest
interval) and between 4 p.m. and 5.30 p.m. In exceptional circumstances such additional
readings and between such hours, as the Inspector may specify shall be taken. The
temperatures shall be entered in a Humidity Register in the prescribed Form No.6,
maintained in the factory. At the end of each month, the persons who have taken the
readings shall sign the Register and certify the correctness of the entries. The Register
shall always be available for inspection by the Inspector.

23. Specifications of Hygrometer-:.-

(1) Each hygrometer shall comprise two mercurial thermometers of wet bulb of
similar construction and equal in dimensions, scale and divisions of scale. They
shall be mounted on a farm with a suitable reservoir containing water.

(2) The wet bulb shall be closely covered with a single layer of muslin, kept wet by
means of a wick attached to it and dropping into the water in the reservoir. The
muslin covering and the wick shall be suitable for the purpose, clean and free
from size or grease.

(3) No part of the wet bulb shall be within 3 inches from the dry bulb or less than 1
inch from the surface of the water in the reservoir and the water reservoir shall
be below it, on the side of it away from the dry bulb.

(4) The bulb shall be spherical and of suitable dimensions and shall be freely exposed
on all sides to the air of the room.

(5) The bores of the stems shall be such that the position of the top of the mercury
column shall be readily distinguishable at a distance of 2 feet.

(6) Each thermometer shall be graduated so that accurate readings may be taken
between 50 and 120 degrees.

(7) Every degree from 50 degrees upto 120 degrees shall be clearly marked by
horizontal lines on the stems. Each fifth and tenth degree shall be marked by
longer marks than the intermediate degrees and the temperature marked
opposite each tenth degree, i.e., 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110 and 120.

(8) The markings as above shall be accurate that is to say, at no temperature

between 50 and 120 degrees shall the indicated readings, be in error by more
than two tenths of a degree.

(9) A distinctive number shall be indelibly marked upon the thermometer.

(10) The accuracy of each thermometer shall be certified by the National Physical
Laboratory, London, or some competent authority appointed by the Chief
Inspector and such certificate shall be attached to the Humidity Register .

24. Thermometers to be maintained in efficient order-

Each thermometer shall be maintained at all times during the period of employment in
efficient working order, so as to give accurate indications and in particular :-

(a) the wick and the muslin covering of the wet bulb shall be renewed once a week;

(b) the reservoir shall be fitted with water which shall be completely renewed once a
day. The Chief Inspector may direct the use of distilled water or pure rain water in
any particular mill or mills in certain localities;

(c) no water shall be applied directly to the wick or covering during the period of

25. An inaccurate thermometer not to be used without fresh certificate-

if an Inspector gives notice in writing that a thermometer is not accurate it shall not, after
one month from the date of such notice, be deemed to be accurate unless and until it has
been re-examined as prescribed and afresh certificate obtained which certificate shall be
kept attached to the Humidity Register.

26. Hygrometer not to be affixed to wall etc., unless protected by wood-

(1) No hygrometer shall be affixed to a wall, pillar or other surface unless protected
therefrom by wood or other non-conducting material at least half an inch in
thickness and distant at least one inch from the bulb of each thermometer .

(2) No hygrometer shall be fixed at a height of more than 5 feet 6 inches from the
floor to the top of thermometer steam or in the direct draughts from a fan, window
or ventilating opening.

27. No reading to be taken within 15 minutes of renewal of water-

No reading shall be taken for record on any hygrometer within 15 minutes of the renewal
of water in the reservoir.

28. How to introduce steam for humidifications-

In any room in which steam pipes are used for the introduction of steam for the
purpose of artificial humidification of the air the following provisions shall apply-

(a) The diameter of such pipes shall not exceed two inches and in the case of pipes
installed after 1 st August, 1950 the diameter shall not exceed one inch;

(b) Such pipes shall be short as it reasonably practicable;

(c) All hangers supporting such pipes shall be separated from the be pipes by an
efficient insulator not less than half an inch thickness

(d) No uncovered jet from such pipe shall project more than 4-1/2 inches beyond the
outer surface of any cover;
(e) The steam pressure shall be as low as practicable and shall not exceed 70 Ibs. per
square inch;

(f) The pipe employed for the introduction of steam into the air in a department shall
be effectively covered with such non-conducting material, as may be approved by
the Inspector in order to minimise the amount of heat radiated by them into the

Rules 29 to 33 prescribed under sub-section (4) of Section (17)

29. Lighting-application and commencement-

(1) Subject as in these Rules provided, Rules 29 to 33 shall apply to factories in which
persons are being regularly employed in a manufacturing process or processes for
more than 48 hours a week, or in shifts, provided that nothing in these Rules shall
be deemed to require the provision of lighting of a specified standard in any
building or structure so constructed that, in the opinion of the Chief Inspector, it
would not be reasonably practicable to comply with such requirements.

(2) Rules 29 to 33 shall come into force, in respect of any class or description of
factories, on such dates as the Chief Commissioner may, by notification in the
Official gazette, appoint in this behalf.

30.Lighting of Interior parts-

(1) The general illumination over these interior parts of a factory where persons are
regularly employed shall be not less than 6 feet candles measured in horizontal
plane at a level of 3 feet above the floor :

Provided that in any such parts in which the mounting height of the light source for
general illumination necessarily exceeds 25 feet measured from the floor or where
the structure of the room or the position or construction of the fixed machinery or
plant prevents the uniform attainment of this standard, the general illumination at
the said level shall not be less than 2 feet candle and where work is actually being
done the illumination shall be not less than 6 feet candles.

(2) The illumination over all other interior parts of the factory over which persons
employed pass shall, when and where a person is passing, be not less than 0.5 foot
candles at floor level.

(3) The standard specified in this Rule shall be without prejudice to the provision of any
additional illumination required to render the lighting sufficient and suitable for the
nature of the work.

31.Prevention of glare--

(1) Where any source of artificial light in the factory is less than 16 feet above floor
level, no part of the light source or of the lighting fitting having a brightness greater
than 10 candles per square inch shall be visible to persons whilst normally employed
within 100 feet of the source, except where the angle of elevation from the eye to
the source or part of the fitting as the case may be exceeds 20°.

(2) Any local light that is to say an artificial light designed to illuminate particularly the
area or part of the area of work of a single operative or small group of operatives
working near other, shall be provided with a suitable shade of opaque material to
prevent glare or with other effective means by which the light source is completely
screened from the eyes of every person employed at the normal working place, or
shall be so placed that no such person is exposed to glare therefrom.



Further precautions prescribed under sub-section (2) of Section 21

52. Further safety precautions-
(1) Without prejudice to the provisions of sub-section (1) of Section 21 in regard to
the fencing of machines the further precautions specified in the Schedules
annexed hereto shall apply to the machines noted in each Schedule.

(2) This Rule shall come into force, in respect of any class or description of factories,
where machines noted in the said Schedules are in use, on such dates as the
Chief Commissioner may, by notification in the official gazette, appoint in this


1. Cotton Openers, Scutchers, Combined Openers and Scutcher and Lap
Machines, Hard Waste breakers, etc.-
(1) All Cotton Openers, Scutchers, Combined Openers and Scutchers, Scutchers and
Lap Machines, Hard Waste Breakers and similar machines shall be driven by
separate motors or from counter shafts provided with fast and loose pulleys and
efficient belt shifting devices.

(2) In all Openers, Combined Openers and Scutchers, Scutchers, Scutchers- lap
machines, Hard Waste Breakers and similar machines, the beater covers and
doors which give access to any dangerous part of the machine shall be fitted
with effective interlocking arrangements which shall prevent-
(a) the covers and doors being opened while the machine is in motion;

(b) the machine being re-started until the covers and doors are close ;

Provided that in respect of doors of openings, other than dirt doors or

desk doors such openings shall be so fenced as to prevent access to any
dangerous part of the machine if effective interlocking arrangement is not

(3) In all Openers, Combined Openers and Scutchers, Scutchers, Scutcher-lap

machines, Hard waste Breakers and similar machines, the openings giving
access to the dust chamber shall be provided with permanently fixed fencing,
which shall, while admitting light, yet prevent contact between any portion of a
worker's body and the beater grid bars.

Provided that the latter requirement in respect of the automatic locking device
shall not apply while stripping or grinding operations are carried out.

Provided further the stripping or grinding operations shall be carried out only by
specially trained adult workers wearing tight fittings clothing whose names have
been recorded in the register prescribed in this behalf as required in sub-section
(1) of Section 22.

2. Combined Openers and Scutchers, Scutcher-lap, Silver Lap, Lap Machines,

Dorby Doublers and Ribbon Machines-
(1) The lap forming rollers shall be fitted with a guard or cover which shall prevent
access to the intake of the lap roller and fluted roller as long as the weighted
rack is down; or
(2) The guard or cover shall be so locked that it cannot be raised until the machine
is stopped and the machine cannot be started until the guard or cover is closed.

3. Carding Machines-
All Cylinder doors shall be secured by an automatic locking device which shall prevent
the door being opened until the cylinder has ceased to revolve and shall render it
impossible to restart the machine until the door has been closed.

4. Speed Framers-

Headstocks shall be fitted with automatic locking arrangements which shall prevent the
doors giving access to jack box wheels opened while the machinery is in motion and
shall render it impossible to restart the machine until the doors have been closed.

5. Self-acting Mules-

The drive shall be from counter-shafts which shall be provided with fast and loose
pulleys and efficient belt shifting devices.

6. Calendering Machines etc.-

In respect of calendering machines, mangles and similar machines, all such machines
shall be provided with an efficient "nip" guard along the whole length on the intake side
of each pair of bow Is and similar parts which shall be so fitted and maintained, whilst
the rollers of bowls are in motion, as to prevent access to the point of contact of the
rollers or bowls.


Cotton Ginning
Line Shaft-
The line shaft or second motion in cotton ginning factories, when below floor level, shall
be completely enclosed by a continuous wall or unclimable fencing with only so many
openings as are necessary for access to the shaft for removing cotton seed, cleaning
and oiling; and such openings shall be provided with gates or doors which shall be kept
closed and locked.


Wood-Working Machinery
1. Definition- For the purposes of this Schedule :-
(a) Wood-Working machine means a circular saw, band saw, planning machines,
chain mortising machine or vertical spindle moulding machine operating of Wood
or Cork.

(b) Circular saw means a circular saw working in a bench (including a rack bench)
but des not include a pendulum or similar saw which is moved towards the wood
for the purpose of cutting operation.

(c) BaI1d saw means a band saw, the cutting portion of which runs in a vertical
direction but does not include a log saw or band resawing machine.

(d) Planning machine means a machine for overhand plannings or for thicknessing
or for both operations.

An efficient stopping and starting device shall be provided on every wood-working
machine. The control of this device shall be in such a position as to be readily and
conveniently operated by the person in charge of the machine.

3. Space around machines-

The space surrounding every wood-working machine in motion shall be kept free from

4. Floors-
The floor surrounding every wood-working machine shall be maintained in good and
level condition, and shall not be allowed to become slippery, and as far as practicable
shall be kept free from chips or other loose material.

5. Training and Supervision-

(1) No person shall be employed at a wood - working machine unless he has been
sufficiently trained to work that class of machine, or unless he works under the
adequate supervision of person who has a thorough knowledge of the working of
the machine.

(2) A person who is being trained to work a wood-working machine shall be fully
and carefully instructed as to the dangers of the machine and the precautions to
be observed to secure safe working of the machine.

6. Circular Saws-

Every circular saw shall be fenced as follows:-

(a) Behind and in direct line with the saw there shall be a riving knife, which shall
have a smooth surface, shall be strong rigid and easily adjustable, and shall also
conform to the following conditions :

(i) The edge of the knife nearer the saw shall from an area of a circle having
a radius not exceeding the radius of the largest saw used on the bench.

(ii) The knife shall maintained as close as practicable to the saw having
regard to the nature of the work being done at the time and at the level
of the bench table the distance between the front edge of the knife and
the teeth of the saw shall not exceed half an inch.

(iii) For a saw of a diameter of less than 24 inches, the knife shall extent
upwards from the bench table to within one inch of top of the saw and for
a saw of a diameter of 24 inches or over shall extend upwards from the
bench table to a height of at least nine inches.

(b) The top saw shall be covered by a strong and easily adjustable guard, with a
flange at the side of the saw farthest from the fence. The guard shall be kept so
adjusted that the said flange shall extend below the roots of the teeth of the
saw. The guard shall extend from the top of the riving knife to a point as point
as practicable at the cutting edge of the saw.

(c) The part of the saw below the bench table shall be protected by two plates of
metal or other suitable material one on each side of the saw; such plates shall
not be more than six inches apart, and shall extend from the axis of the saw
outwords to a distance of not less than two inches beyond the teeth of the saw.
Metal plates, if not beaded, shall be of a thickness of at least 1/10 inch, or if
beaded be of a thickness of at least 1/20 inch.

7. Push Sticks-
A push stick or other suitable appliance shall be provided for use at every circular saw
and at every vertical spindle moulding machine to enable the work to be done without
unnecessary risk.

8. Band Saws-

Every band saw shall be guarded as follows :-

(a) Both sides of the bottom pulley shall be completely encased by sheet or
expanded metal or other suitable material.

(b) The front of the top pulley shall be covered with sheet or expended metal or
other suitable material.

(c) All portions of the blade shall be enclosed or otherwise securely guarded except
the portion of the blade between the bench table and the top guide.

9. Planning Machines-

(1) A planning machine (other than a planning machine which is mechanically fed)
shall not be used for overhand planning unless it is fitted with a cylindrical cutter

(2) Every planning machine used for overhand planning shall be provided with a
"brige" guard capable of covering the full length and breadth of the cutting slot
in the bench and so constructed as to be easily adjusted both in a vertical and
horizontal direction.

(3) The fee roller of every planing machine used for thicknessing except the
combined machine for overhand planing and thicknessing, shall be provided with
an efficient guard.
10. Vertical Spindle moulding machines-

(1) The cutter of every vertical spindle moulding machine shall be guarded by the
most efficient guard having regard to the nature of the work being performed.

(2) The wood being moulded at a vertical spindle moulding machine shall, if
practicable, be held in a zig or holder of such construction as to reduce as far as
possible the risk of accident to the worker.

11. Chain mortising machines-

The chain of every chain mortising machine shall be provided with a guard which shall
enclose the cutters as far as practicable.

12. Adjustment and maintenance of guards-

The guards and other appliance required under this Schedule shall be-

(a) maintained in an efficient state,

(b) constantly kept in position while the machinery is in motion, and

(c) so adjusted as to enable the work to be done without unnecessary risk.

18. Exemptions-
Paragraphs 6, 8, 9 and 10 shall not apply to any wood working machine in respect of
which it can be proved that other safeguards are provided, maintained and used which
render the machine as safe as it would be if guarded in the manner prescribed in this


Rules prescribed under sub-section 2 of Section 42

62. Washing facilities-

(1) This rule shall come into force, in respect of any class or description of factories,
on such dates as the Chief Commissioner may, by notification in the official
gazette, appoint in this behalf.

(2) There shall be provided and maintained in every factory for the use of employed
persons adequate and suitable facilities for washing which shall include soap and
nail brushes or other suitable means of cleaning and the facilities shall be
conveniently accessible and shall be kept in a clean and orderly condition.

(3) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions the washing
facilities shall include:-
(a) a trough with taps or jets at intervals of not less than two feet, or

(b) wash-basins with taps attached thereto, or

(c) taps on stand-pipes, or

(d) showers controlled by taps, or

(e) circular troughs of the fountain type.

Provided that the Inspector may, having regard to the needs and habits of the
workers, fix the proportion in which the aforementioned types of facilities shall be

(4) (a) Every trough and basin shall have a smooth, impervious surface and shall
be fitted with a waste-pipe and plug,

(b) The floor or ground under and in the immediately vicinity of every trough
tap, jet, wash basin, standpipe and shower shall be so laid or finished as to
provide a smooth impervious surface and shall be adequately drained,

(5) For persons whose work involves contact with any injurious or noxious substance
there shall be at least one top for every fifteen persons; and for persons whose
work does not involve such contact the number of taps shall be as follow :-

No. of Workers No. of Taps

Upto 20 1

21 to 35 2

36 to 50 3

51 to 150 4
151 to 200 5

Exceeding 200 but not exceeding 5 plus one top for every 50 or fraction of 50

Exceeding 500 11 plus one top for every 100 or fraction of


(6) If female workers are employed, separate washing facilities shall be provided and
so enclosed or screened that the interiors are not visible from any place where
persons of the other sex work or pass. The entrance to such facilities shall bear
conspicuous notice in the language understood by the majority of the workers
"For Women Only" and shall also be indicated pictorially,

(7) The water supply to the washing facilities shall be capable of yielding at least six
gallons a day for each person employed in the factory and shall be from a source
approved in writing by the Health Officer, provided that where there the Chief
Inspector is satisfied that such an yield is not practicable he may by certificate in
writing permit the supply of a smaller quantity not being less the then one gallon
per day for every person employed in the factory,

Rules Prescribed Under Section 43

62- The following classes of factories shall provide therein suitable place for
A. keeping clothing not work during working hours and for the drying of wet
(1) Glass Factories.

(2) Iron & Steel Factories.

(3) Oil Mills.

(4) Chemical Factories.

(5) Automobile Workshops.

Rule prescribed under sub-section (1) of Section 45.

63. First Aid Appliance-
The first aid boxes or cup-boards shall be distinctively marked with a red cross on a
white ground and shall contain the following equipment :-
A. For factories in which the number of persons employed does not exceed ten or in
the (case of factories in which mechanical power is not used) does not exceed fifty
persons- Each first aid box or cup-boards shall contain the following equipments :-

(i) 6 small sterilized dressings.

(ii) 3 medium size sterilized dressings.

(iii) 3 large size sterilized dressings.

(iv) 3 large size sterilized burn dressings.

(v) 1 (1 oz.) bottle containing a two per cent, alcoholic solution of iodine.
(vi) 1 (1 oz.) bottle containing sal-volatile having the dose and mode of
administration indicated on the label.

(vii) A snake-bite lancet.

(viii) 1 (1 oz.) bottle of potassium permanganate crystals.

(ix) 1 pair scissors.

(x) 1 copy of the first aid leaflet issued by the Chief Adviser, Factories,
Government of India.

(xi) Tables aspirin (Grs. 5) One dozen.

(xii) Burn Ointment. One tube.

(xiii) Dettol. One phial (about 2 ozs.)

B. For factories in which mechanical power is used and in which the number of
persons employed exceeds ten but does not exceeds fifty-Each first-aid box or
cupboard shall contain the following equipment:-

(i) 12 small sterilized dressings.

(ii) 6 medium size sterilized dressings.

(iii) 6 large size sterilized dressings.

(iv) 6 large size sterilized burn dressings.

(v) 6 (1/2 oz.) packets sterilized cotton wool.

(vi) 1 (2 oz.) bottle containing a two per cent alcoholic solution of iodine.

(vii) 1 (2 oz.) bottle containing sal-volatile having the dose and mod of
administration indicated on the liable.

(viii) 1 roll of adhesive plaster.

(ix) A snake bite lancet

(x) 1 [1 oz.] bottle of potassium permanganate crystals.

(xi) 1 pair scissors.

(xii) 1 copy of first-aid leaflet issued by the Chief Adviser Factories,

Government of India.

(xiii) Tablets aspirin (Grs 5) Two dozen.

(xiv) Burn Ointment Two tubes.

(xv) Dettol Two Phial (about 2 ozs.)

C. For factories employing more than fifty persons. Each first-aid box or cupboard
shall contain the following equipments:-

(i) 24 small sterilized dressings.

(ii) 12 medium size sterilized dressings-

(iii) 12 large size sterilized dressings.

(iv) 12 large size sterilized burn dressings.

(v) 12 (1/2 oz.) packets sterilized cotton wool.

(vi) 1 snake bite lancet.

(vii) 1 pair scissors.

(viii) 2 (1 oz.) bottles of potassium permanganate crystals.

(ix) 1 (4 oz.) bottles containing a two per cent alcoholic solution of iodine.

1 (4 oz) bottle of sal-volatile having the dose and mode of

administration indicated on the label.

1 copy of the first-aid leaflet issued by the Chief Adviser, Factories,

Government of India.

(xii) 12 rolls bandages 4 inches wide.

(xiii) 12 rolls bandages 2 inches wide.

(xiv) 2 rolls of adhesive plaster.

(xv) 6 triangular bandages.

(xvi) 2 packets of safety pins.

(xvii) A supply of suitable splints.

(xviii) 1 tourniquet.

(xix) Tablets asprin (grs. 5) Four dozen.

(xx) Burn Ointment Four tubes.

(xxi) Dettol Four Phial (about 2 ozs.)

Provided that items (xii) to (xviii) inclusive need not be included in the standard
first-aid box or cupboard (a) where there is a properly equipped ambulance room,
or (b) if at least one box containing such items and placed and maintained in
accordance with the requirements of Section 45 is separately provided.

D. In lieu of the dressings required under items (i) and (ii) there may be substituted
adhesive wound dressings approved by the Chief Inspector of Factories.

Rules prescribed under sub-section (3) of Section 45.

64. Ambulance Room-

(1) The ambulance room or dispensary shall be in charge of qualified medical

practitioner assisted by at least one qualified nurse and such subordinate staff
Inspector may direct.
Explanations- "Qualified medical practioner" means a person holding a
qualification granted by an authority specified in the Schedule to the Indian
Medical Degrees Act, 1916 (VII of 1916) or in the Schedules to the Indian Medical
Council Act, 1956.

(2) The ambulance room or dispensary shall be separated from the rest of the factory
and shall be used only for the purpose of first-aid treatment and rest. It shall
have a floor area of at least 250 sq. ft. and smooth, hard and impervious walls
and floor and shall be adequately ventilated and lighted by both natural and
artificial means. An adequate supply of wholesome drinking water shall be laid on
and the room shall contain at least:-
(i) A glazed sink with hot and cold water always available.

(ii) A table with a smooth top at least 6" x 3'6".

(iii) Means for sterilizing instruments.

(iv) A couch.

(v) Two stretchers.

(vi) Two buckets or containers with close fitting lids.

(vii) Two rubber hot water bags.

(viii) A kettle and spirit stove or other suitable means of boiling water.

(ix) Twelve plain wooden splints 36" x 4" x 1/4".

(x) Twelve plain wooden splints 14" x 3" x 1/4".

(xi) Six plain wooden splints 10" x 2" x 1/2".

(xii) Six woolen blankets.

(xiii) One pair astery forceps.

(xiv) One bottle of brandy.

(xv) Two medium size sponges.

(xvi) Six hand towels.

(xvii) Four "kidney" trays.

(xviii) For cakes carbolic soap.

(xix) Two glass tumblers and two wine glasses.

(xx) Two clinical thermometers.

(xxi) Graduated measuring glass with teaspoon.

(xxii) One eye bath.

(xxiii) One bottle (2 lbs.) carbolic lotion 1 in 20.

(xxiv) One screen.

(xxv) Three chairs.

(xxvi) One elecric hand torch.

(xxvii) Four first-aid boxes or cupboards stocked to the standards prescribed

under item C of Rule 63.

(xxviii) An adequate supply of anti-tetanus serum.

(3) The occupier of every factory to which these Rules apply shall for the purpose of
removing serious cases of accident or sickness, provide in the premises and
maintain in good condition a suitable conveyance unless he has made
arrangements for obtaining such a conveyance from a hospital.

(4) A record of all cases of accident and sickness treated at the room shall be kept
and produced to the Inspector of Certifying Surgeon when required.

Rules 65 to 71 prescribed under Section 46

65. Canteens-

(1) Rules 65 to 71 shall come into force in respect of any class or description of
factories on such dates as the Chief Commissioner may, by notification in the
official gazette, appoint in this behalf.

(2) The occupier of every factory notified by the Chief Commissioner, and wherein
more than two hundred and fifty workers are ordinarily employed shall provide
in or near the factory an adequate canteen according to the standards prescribed
in these Rules.

(3) The Manager of a factory shall submit for the approval of the Chief Inspector
plans and site plan, in duplicate, of the building to be constructed or adapted for
use as a canteen.

(4) The canteen building shall be situated not less than fifty feet from any latrine,
urinal, boiler house, coal stacks, ash dumps and any other source of dust, smoke
or abnoxious fumes.

Provided that the Chief Inspector may in any particular factory relax the
provisions of this sub-rule to such extent as may require measures to be
adopted to secure the essential purpose of this sub-rule.

(5) The can teen build ing shall be constructed in accordance with the plans
approved by the Chief Inspector and shall accommodate at least a dining hall,
kitchen, store room, pantry and washing places separately for workers and for

(6) In a canteen the floor and inside walls up to a height of a 4 feet from the floor
shall be made of smooth and impervious materials; the remaining portion of the
inside walls shall be made smooth by cement plaster or in any other manner
approved by the Chief Inspector .

(7) The doors, windows of a canteen building shall be of fly proof construction and
shall allow adequate ventilation.

(8) The canteen shall be sufficiently lighted at all times when any person have
access to it.
(9) (a) In every Canteen-

(i) all inside walls of rooms and all ceilings and passages and
staircases shall be lime-washed or colour-washed at least once
each year or painted once in three years dating from the period
when last lime-washed, or painted, as the case may be;

(ii) all wood work shall be varnished or painted once in three years
dating from the period when last varnished or painted;

(iii) all internal structural iron or steel work be varnished or painted

once in three years dating from the period when last varnished or
painted. Provided that inside walls of the kitchen shall be lime-
washed once every four months.

(b) Record of dates on which lime-washing, colour-washing, varnishing of

painting is carried out, shall be maintained in the prescribed Register
[Form No.7].

(10) The precincts of the canteen shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary
condition. Waste water shall be carried away in suitable covered drains and shall
not be allowed to accumulate so as to cause a nuisance. Suitable arrangement
shall be made for the collection and disposal of garbage.

66. Dining Hall-

(1) The dining hall shall accommodate at a time at least 30 per cent of the workers
working at a time :

Provided that, in any particular factory or in any particular class of factories, the
Chief Commissioner may, by a notification in this behalf, alter the percentage of
workers to be accommodated.

(2) The floor area of the dining hall, excluding the area occupied by the service
counter and any furniture except tables and chairs, shall be not less than 10
square feet per diner to be accommodated as prescribed in sub-rule (1),

(3) A portion of the dining hall and service counter shall be partitioned off and
reserved for women workers in proportion to their number. Washing place for
woman shall be separate and screened to secure privacy.

(4) Sufficient tables, chairs or benches shall be available for the number of diners to
be accommodated as prescribed in sub-rule (1).

67. Equipment-

(1) There shall be provided and maintained sufficient utensils, crockery, cutlery,
furniture and any other equipment necessary for efficient running of the canteen.
Suitable clean clothes for employees serving in the canteen shall also be provided
and maintained.

(2) The furniture, utensils and other equipment shall be maintained in a class and
hygienic condition. A service counter, if provided, shall have a top of smooth and
impervious material. Suitable facilities including an adequate supply of hot water
shall be provided for the cleaning of utensils and equipment.

(3) Where the canteen is managed by a co-operative society, registered under the
Bombay Co-operative Societies Act, 1952 as in force in the Union Territory of
Delhi, the occupier shall provide and maintain the equipment as required under
sub-rule (1) for such Canteen.

68. Prices to be charged-

(1) Food, drink and other items served in the canteen shall be sold on a non-profit
basis and the prices charged shall be subject to the approval of the Canteen
Managing Committee.

Provided that where the canteen is managed by a Co-operative Society of the

workers of the factory registered under the Bombay Co-operative Societies Act,
1925 as in force in the Union Territory of Delhi, such Society may include in the
charges to be made for the food-stuffs served, a profit upto 5% on its working
capital employed in running the canteen.

(2) In computing the prices referred to in sub-rule (1) the following items of
expenditure shall not be taken into consideration, but will be borne by the
(a) the rent for the land and building;

(b) the depreciation and maintenance charges of the building and equipment
provided for the canteen;

(c) the cost of purchase, repair and replacement of equipment including

furniture, rockery, cutlery and utensils;

(d) the water charges and expenses for providing lighting and ventilation;

(e) the interest on the amount spentpn the provision and maintenance of the
building furniture and equipment provided for the canteen;

(f) the cost of fuel required for cooking or heating food stuffs or water; and

(g) the cost of uniforms; if any provided to them.

(3) The charge per portion of foodstuff, beverages and any other item served in the
canteen shall be conspicuously displayed in the canteen.
69. Account-

(1) All books of accounts, registers and any other documents used in connection with
running of the canteen shall be produced on demand to an Inspector of Factories.

(2) The accounts pertaining to the Canteen shall be audited, once every twelve
month, by registered accountants and auditors. The balance-sheet prepared by
the said auditors shall be submitted to the Canteen Managing Committee not
latter two month after the closing of the audited accounts.

(3) Provided that the accounts pertaining to the canteen in a Government may be
audited in such Department. Provided further that where the canteen is managed
by a co-operative society of the workers of the factory, registered under the
Bombay Co-operative Societies Act, 1925, as in force in the Union Territory of
Delhi, the accounts pertaining to such canteen may be audited in accordance with
the provisions of the said Act.

70. Managing Committee-

(1) The Manager shall appoint a Canteen Managing Committee which shall be
consulted from time to time as to :

(a) the quality and quantity of foodstuffs to be served in the canteen;

(b) the arrangement of the menus;

(c) times of meals in the canteen; and

(d) any other matter as may be directed by the Committee.

provided that where the canteen is managed by a co-operative society of the

workers of the factory, registered under the Bombay Co-operative Societies
Act,1925, as in force in the Union Territory of Delhi, it shall not be necessary to
appoint a Canteen Managing Committee.

(2) The Canteen Managing Committee shall consist of an equal number of persons
nominated by the occupier and elected by the workers. The number of elected
workers shall be in the proportion of 1 for every 1,000 workers employed in the
factory, provided that in no case shall there be more than 5 or less than 2
workers on the Committee.

(3) The Manager shall determine and supervise the procedure for elections to the
Canteen Managing Committee.

(4) A Canteen Managing Committee shall be dissolved by the Manager two years after
the last election, no account being taken of a bye-election.

Rule prescribed under Section 47

72. Shelters, Rest Rooms and Lunch Rooms-

The shelters, or rest rooms and lunch rooms shall confirm to the following standards
and the Manager of a factory shall submit for the approval of the Chief Inspector a site
plan in duplicate of the building to be so constructed or adopted-

(a) The building shall be soundly constructed and all the walls and roof shall be of
suitable heat resisting materials and shall be waterproof. The floor and walls to a
heigh t of 3 feet shall be so laid or finished as to provide a smooth, hard and
impervious surface.

(b) The height of every room in the building shall be not less than 12 feet from floor
level to the lowest part of the roof and there shall be at least 12 square feet of
floor area for every person employed.

Provided that (i) workers who habitually go home for their meals during the rest
periods may be excluded in calculating the number of workers to be
accommodated; and (ii) in the case of factories in existence at the date of
commencement of the Act, where it is impracticable, owing to lack of space to
provide 12 square feet of floor area for each person, such reduced floor area per
person shall be provided as may be provided in writing by the Chief Inspector.

(c) Effective and suitable provision shall be made in every room for securing and
maintaining adequate ventilation by the circulation of fresh air and there shall also
be provided and maintained sufficient and suitable natural or artificial lighting.

(d) Every room shall be adequately furnished with chairs or benches with back-rests.

(e) Sweepers shall be employed whose primary duty is to keep the rooms, building
and precincts thereof in a clean and tidy condition.

Rules 73 to 76 prescribed under sub-section (3) of Section 48

73. Creches-

(1) The creche shall be conveniently accessible to the mother of the children
accommodated therein and so far as is reasonably practicable it shall not be
situated in close proximity to any part of the factory where obnoxious fumes, dust
or dours are given off or in which excessively noisy processes are carried in.

(2) The building in which the creche is situated shall be soundly constructed and all
the walls and roof shall be of suitable heat-resisting materials and shall be water-
proof. The floor and internal walls of the creche shall be so laid or finished as to
provide a smooth impervious surface,

(3) The height of the rooms in the building shall be not less than 12 feet from the
floor to the lowest part of the roof and there shall be not less than 20 sq. ft. of
floor area for each child to be accommodated,

(4) Effective and suitable provision shall be made in every part of the crèche for
securing and maintaining adequate ventilation by the circulation of fresh air.

(5) The creche shall be adequately furnished and equipped and in particular there
shall be one suitable cot or cradle with the necessary bedding for each child,
(provided that for children over two years of age it will be sufficient if suitable
bedding is made available) at least one chair or equivalent seating
accommodation for the use of each mother while she is feeding or attending to
her child, and a sufficient supply of suitable toys for the older children.

(6) A suitably fenced and shady open air play-ground shall be provided for the older
children, Provided that the Chief Inspector may by order in writing exempt any
factory from compliance with this sub-rule if he is satisfied that there is not
sufficient space available for the provisions of such a play-ground,

The case equivalent of the advantage accruing through the concessional sale to a worker
of food- grains and other articles shall be 1computed at the end of the every wages
period fixed under the provisions of the payment of Wage Act, 1936.

For the purpose of computing cash equivalent of the advantage occurring through the
concessional sale to a worker of food grains and other articles, the difference between
the value of food grains and other articles at the average rates in the nearest market
prevailing during the wages period in which over time was marked and value of food
grains and other articles supplied at concessional rates shall be calculated and allowed
for the number of overtime hours worked.

This rule shall not apply the any Federal Railway Factory whose alternative method of
computation has been approved by the Chief Commissioner.
74. Wash Room-

(1) There shall be in or adjoining the creche a suitable wash room for the washing of
the children and their clothing. The wash room shall conform to the following

(a) The floor and internal walls of the room to a height of 3 feet shall be so laid
or finished as to provide a smooth impervious surface. The room shall be
adequately lighted and ventilated and the floor shall be effectively drained
and maintained in a clean and tidy condition.

(b) There shall be at least one basin or similar vessel for every four children
accommodated in the creche at anyone time together with a supply of
water provided, if practicable through taps from a source approved by the
Health Officer. Such source shall be capable of yielding for each child a
supply of at least five gallons of water a day.

(c) An adequate supply of clean clothes, soap and clean towels shall be made
available for each child while it is in the creche.

(2) Adjoining the wash room referred to above a latrine shall be provided for the sole
use of the children in the creche. The design of latrine and the scale of
accommodation to be provided shall either be approved by the Public Health
Authorities, or where there is no Public Health Authority, by the Chief Inspector of

75. Supply of Milk and Refreshment-

At least half a pint of clean pure milk shall be available for each child on every day it is
accommodated in the creche and the mother of such a child shall be allowed in the
course of her daily work; 2 intervals at least 15 minutes each to feed the child. For
children above two years of age there shall be provided in addition an adequate supply
wholesome refreshment.

76. Clothes for Creche Staff-

The creche staff shall be provided with suitable clean clothes for use while on duty in the

Rule provided under Section 49

Welfare Officers-
(1) There shall be one Welfare Officer for factories employing between 500 to 2000
workers. Where the number of workers exceeds 2000, there shall be an additional
Welfare Officer for every additional to thousand workers or fraction thereof over

(2) No person shall be eligible for appointment as a Welfare Officer, unless he

(a) possesses a degree of a University recognised by the Chief Commissioner
in this behalf;

(b) has obtained a Degree or Diploma in Social Science from an institution

recognised by the Chief Commissioner in this behalf; and

(c) has adequate knowledge of the language spoken by the majority of the
workers in the factory which he is to be attached.

Provided that, in the case of a person, who is acting as a Welfare Officer to the
commencement of this rule, the Chief Commissioner may, subject to such
conditions as he may specify, relax all or any of the aforesaid qualifications,

Provided further that the Chief Commissioner may relax the above qualification if
he is satisfied that the person is otherwise fully competent of discharge the

(3) (a) The post of a Welfare Officer shall be advertised in at least two
newspapers, one which shall be in English, having a wide circulation in the

(b) The selection shall be made from amongst the candidate applying for the
post by a Committee appointed by the Occupier of the Factories.

(c) The appointment when made shall be notified by the Occupier the Chief
Commissioner or such authority as the Chief Commissioner may specify for
the purpose, giving full details of the qualifications etc. of the officer
appointed and the conditions of his service,

(4) (a) A Welfare Officer shall be given a status corresponding to the status of the
other executive heads of the factory and shall be appointed at a minimum
salary of Rs, 200.00 pet month.

(b) The conditions of service of a Welfare Officer shall be the same as of other
members of the staff of corresponding status in the factory, provided that
no punishment shall be inflicted on a Welfare Officer without obtaining the
prior approval of the Chief Commissioner.

(5) The duties of a Welfare Officer shall be-

(i) to establish contracts and hold consultations with a view to maintaining

harmonious relations between the factory management and workers.

(ii) to bring to the notice of the factory management the grievances of a

worker or workers, with a view to secure expeditious redress and to act
as a Liaison Officer between the management and labour.

(iii) to study and understand the point of view of labour in order to help the
factory management to shape and formulate labour policies and to
interpret these policies to the workers in a language understood by them;

(iv) to watch industrial relations with a view to use his influence in the event
of a dispute arising between the factory management and workers and to
bring about a settlement by persuasive efforts;

(v) to advise on fulfilment by the management and the concerned

departments of the factory of their obligations, statutory or otherwise
concerning Regulation of working hours, maternity benefit, medical care
compensation for injuries and sickness and other welfare and social
benefit measures;

(vi) to advise and assist the management in the fulfillment of its obligations
statutory or otherwise, concerning prevention of personal injuries and
maintaining a safe work environment in such factories where Safety
Officer is not required to be appointed under the enabling provisions
under section 4OB;

(vi-A) to promote such relations between the concerned departments

of the factory and workers as are likely to bring about
productive efficiency as well as amelioration in the working
conditions and to help the workers in their adjustment and
adoption of their working environments;

(vii) to encourage the formation of works and Joint Production Committees,

and Safety-First and Welfare Committees, and to supervise their work;

(viii) to encourage provisions of amenities such as canteens, shelters for rest,

creches, adequate latrine facilities, drinking water sickness and
benevolent scheme payments, pension and superannuation funds,
gratuity payments, granting of loans and legal advice to workers;

(ix) to help the factory management in regulating the grant of leave with
wages and explain to the workers the provisions relating to leave with
wages and other leave privileges and to guide the workers in the matter
of submission of applications for the grant of leave for regulating
authorised absence;

(x) to advise on questions relating to provisions of welfare facilities, such as

housing facilities, food stuffs, social and recreational facilities, sanitation,
individual personnel problems and education of children;
(xi) to advise the factory management on question relating to training of new
starters, apprentices, workers on transfer and promotion, instructions
and supervisors, supervise and control notice-boards and information
bulletins to further education of workers and to encourage their
attendance at Technical Institutes;

(xii) to suggest measures which will raise the standard of living of workers and
promote their well-being in general.

(6) The Chief Commissioner may, by notification in the official Gazette, exempt any
factory or class or description of factories from the operation of all or any of the
provisions of this rule subject to such conditions as may be specified in the said

(7) Welfare Officers not to deal with disciplinary cases .or Appear on behalf of the
management against workers.

No Welfare Officer shall deal with any disciplinary case against a worker or appear
before a Conciliation Officer, or in a Court or Tribunal on behalf of the factory
management against a worker or workers.

1. Manager

2. Assistant Manager

3. Chief Engineer

4. Chief Chemists

5. Departmental head

6. Electrical/Mechanical. Engineers (Maintenance)

7. Labour Officers

8. Overseers

9. Boiler Incharge

10. Technical Experts

11. Head Store Keepers

12. Laboratory Incharge

13. Power House Superintendent Working in power

14. Assistant Power House Superintendent house

15. Workshop Incharge

16. Foreman

17. Inspectors Working in Engg.

18. Chargemen Work shop

19. Workshop Overseers/or works incharge Working in Spg. & Wvg. Fac.

20. Head Electricians

21. Supervisors

22. Jobbers


24. Weaving & Spinning Masters

25. Foremen Mechanics.


Rules prescribed under sub-section 2 of Section 53

77. Compensatory Holidays-

(1) Except in the case of workers engaged in any work which for technical reasons
must be carried on continuously throughout the day, the compensatory holidays
to be allowed under sub-section (1) of Section 52 of the Act shall be so spaced
that not more than two holidays are given in one week.

(2) The Manager of the factory shall display, on or before the end of the month in
which holidays are lost, a notice in respect of workers allowed compensatory
holidays during the following month and of the dates thereof, at the place at
which the notice of Periods of Works, prescribed under Section 61 is displayed.
Any subsequent change in the notice in respect of any compensatory holiday shall
be made not less than three days in advance of the date of that holiday.

(3) Any compensatory holiday or holidays to which a worker is entitled shall be given
to him before he is discharged or dismissed and shall not be reckoned as part of
any period-of notice required to be given before discharge or dismissal.

(4) (a) The manager shall maintain a Register in Form No.9: Provided that if the
Chief Inspector of Factories is of the opinion that any muster roll or register
maintained as part of the routine of factory or return made by the
Manager, gives in respect of any or all of the workers in the factory the
particulars required for the enforcement of Section 52; he may, by order in
writing, direct that such muster roll or register or return shall, to the
corresponding extent be maintained in place of and be treated as the
register or return required under this Rule for that factory.

The register maintained under Clause (a) shall be preserved for a period of
three years after the last entry in it and shall be produced before the
Inspector on demand.

Muster-roll prescribed under sub-section 4 of Section 59

78. Muster-roll for exempted factories-
The Manager of every factory in which workers are exempted under Section 64 and 65
from the provisions of section 51 or 54 shall keep a muster-roll in Form No.10 showing
the normal piece-work rate of pay, or the rate of pay per hour, of all exempted
employees, in this master-roll shall be correctly entered the over-time hours of work and
payments therefore of all exempted workers. The muster-roll in Form No.9 shall always
be available for inspection.

Overtime slip for Overtime work-
Period of overtime work shall be entered in overtime slip in Form No.10 (a) in duplicate a
copy of which duly signed by the Manager or by a person duly authorised by him in this
behalf shall be given to the worker immediately after completion of this overtime work.

Notice prescribed under sub-section 8 of Section 61

79. Notice of periods of work for adults-

(1) The notice of periods of work for adults shall be :

(a) in Form 11 (a) when all the adult workers in a factory are required to work
within the same period.

(b) in Form 11 (b) in all other cases.

(2) All notices shall be painted in bold letters on a wooden or metal plate and shall be
displayed in a conspicuous place at the main entrance to the factory.

Register prescribed under sub-section 2 of Section 62

80. Register of adult workers-
The muster-roll or the register, as the case may be, shall be written up fresh each year
and shall be preserved for a period of 12 months after the last entry in it, and shall be
produced before the inspector on demand.

81. Persons defined to hold positions of supervision or Management-

The following persons shall be deemed to hold position of supervision or management

provided they are not required to perform any manual labour as a regular part of their
duties and they are employed in a supervisory capacity.

(i) All persons specified in the Schedule below annexed hereto.

(ii) Any other persons specified, who in the opinion of the Chief Inspector holds a
position of supervision or management and if so declared by him in writing.

82. Persons to hold confidential position-

The following persons shall deemed to hold confidential position in a factory:-

1. Stenographers.

2. Office Superintend or Head Clerk.

3. All time keepers.

4. Head Cashiers and Cashiers.

5. Head Accountants and Accountants.

6. Secretary to Managing Director or Personal Assistant to the Manager.

7. Any other person who is in the opinion of the Inspector holds a confidential
position and is so declared by him in writing.

83. List to be maintained of persons holding position of supervision or management

or confidential position-
A list showing the names and designations of all persons in rule 81 and 82 shall be
maintained in every factory and shall be produced before the Inspector whenever
84. Exemption of certain adult Workers-
Adult Workers engaged in factories specified in column 2 of the schedule hereto annexed
on the work specified in column 3 of the said Schedule shall be exempted from the
provisions of the sections specified in column 4 subject to the conditions if any specified
in column 5 of the said Schedule.

Section of Class of Nature of Extent of Condition of exemption
the Act factory exempted work exemption

1 2 3 4 5

(a) 64 All factories Urgent repairs Sections (i) No worker shall be

(2)(a) and 51, 52, employed on such repairs
64 (3) 54, 55, 56 for more than 15 hours on
& 56 any working day, 39 hours
during any three
consecutive days or 60
hours during each period
of seven consecutive days,
commencing from his first
employment on such

(ii) Interval of at least half

an hour for food and rest
shall be given after a
period of work not
exceeding six hours on
each working day to all
workers employed on such

(iii) Within 24 hours of

commencement of the
work, notice shall be sent
to the inspector describing
to nature of the urgent
repairs and the period
probably required for their
completion and a copy of
the notice shall be affixed
on a conspicuous place
near the main entrance to
the factory before the
workers are put on urgent

(vi) Exemption from the

provisions of section 54
shall apply only in the case
of adult male workers.
(v) Shall send weekly,
during the continuance of
the work of urgent repairs
statement giving the
names of all persons who
have worked for more than
9 hours in any one day or
more than 48 hours of the
proceeding week in a
factory, such statement
shall also show total
number of hours worked
each day of the week.

(vi) If the Inspector is of

the opinion that any work
being carried on or likely
to be carried on in a factor
as "Urgent Repairs" is
manager and order to that
effect and the manager
shall in respect of such
work not allow any worker
to work in contravention of
the provision of Sections
51, 52, 54, 55 and 56 and
shall comply with section

(b) 64 All Factories 1. Work in Sections (i) No worker shall be

(2)(b) and mechanic shop, 51, 54, 55 employed and for more
64(3) the smithy or in & 61 than 54 hours in any one
connection with week. The total number of
foundry mill hours of overtime work
gearing the shall not exceed 50 for any
electric driving one quarter.
or lighting
apparatus, the
mechanical or
electrical lifts

2. The steam or (ii) No worker shall be

water pipes or employed for more than
pump of a 10 hours on any one day.
factory or work
on extrusion

3. Work of (iii) Interval of at least half

examining for an hour for a rest shall be
repairing any given on each working to
machinery or all workers employed in
other parts of such work.
the plant which
is necessary for
carrying on the
work in a
4. Work in (vi) The spread over
Boiler houses including interval for rest
and engine shall not exceed 12 hours
rooms such as on any one day.
lighting fires in
order to raise
steam or
generate gas
preparatory to
of regular work
in the factory
or work on

(b) 64 All Factories Work Sections As at (i), (ii), (iii) & (iv)
(2)(c) and performed by 51, 54, 55 against entry (b)
64(3) drivers on & 61
ventilating and
performed by
fire pumpmen.
Work of person
engaged in
factories where
such work is
and mainly
outside the

(d) 64 (2) & Electric Work Sections (i) The total number of
64 (3) supply performed by 51, 54, 55 hours of over time work of
undertaking workers on & 61 any workers shall not
generating operation of exceed 50 for any one
electricity boiler, prime quarter.
auxiliaries and
switch gear.

(ii) No worker shall be

employed for more than
14 consecutive days
without rest period of at
least 24 consecutive
hours. Holidays so lost
shall be fixed in
accordance with Section
53 of the Act.

(iii) No worker, shall be

allowed to work or for
more than 10 hours on
any one day or for more
than 56 hours in one

(iv) in the absence of a

worker who has failed to
report for duty a shift
worker shall be allowed to
work the whole or part of a
subsequent Shift provided
that :-

(a) the next shift or shift

worker shall not
commence before a period
of 8 hours had elapsed.

(b) Within 24 hours of the

commencement of the
subsequent shift notice
shall be sent the Inspector
describing the
circumstances under which
the worker is required to
work in the subsequent

(v) Interval of at least half

an hour for rest shall be
given on each working day
to all workers employed in
such work.

(vi) The exemption shall

be restricted to only male
adult workers.

Electric Work Sections

transforming performed by 51, 54, 55
station workers on & 61
operation of
plant, switches

Water works, Works Sections

Sewage performed by 51, 54, 55
Disposal workers on & 61
works and operation of
water supply generations
pumping and pumping
stations. plant.

Vegetable Oil The work, viz.

hydrogenation refining
factories. bleaching
generation of
and decade
compression of
Cylinder filling
and work in
electrical power

Chemical All continuous Sections

factories process 51, 54, 55
& 61

Ice Factories Work of the Section

engine and 51, 52,
compressor 54, 55 &
drivers and 61
assistants and
boiler operators

Oil Mills Work in Section As at (i) to (vi) above

connection with 51, 52, against this entry.
pressing of oil, 54, 55 &
oil refining 61
soap making
and the work in
power houses.

Potteries Work of Section

firemen 51, 52,
employed in 54, 55 &
pottery kilns. 61

Production Work on Section

and attending to 51, 52,
compression generators and 54, 55 &
of oxygen and compressors. 61

Carbonic Acid Work on the Section Such workers shall be

gas factories production of 51, 52, allowed to take light
Carbonic Acid 54, 55 & refreshment or meals at
Gas. 61 the place of their
employment in room
specially, reserved for the
purpose or in a canteen
provided in the factory,
once during any period
exceeding four hours.

Iron and Operation of Section

Steels blast furnaces, 51 (1)
smelting and steel melting
rolling furnaces rolling
factories and mills.
similar plants
attached to
any other

Glass All work on Section As at (ii) and (iv) above

Factories iron attending to 52, 55 against this entry such
and steel furnaces. workers shall be allowed to
Foundries Operation of take light refreshment or
including such cupola or steel meals at the place of their
plants melting employment in a room
attached to furnaces specially, reserved for the
other including other purpose or in a canteen
factories. work connected provided in the factory,
therewith and once during any period
incidental exceeding four hours.

Paper Work on Section As at (ii) above against

factories choopers, 52, 54 this entry and (ii), (iii)
digesters, and 55 against entry (b).
beaters, paper
plants, reclars,
cutters and
power plants.

Rubber All work on Section As at (iii) against entry

Factories or curing process. 55 (b).
doing Mfg. of

Dyeing and Work Section As at (i) to (iv) against

bleaching performed by 51, 52, entry (d).
Factories or kiermen. 54, 55 &
Departments. 61
Cloth Printing

Of factories All work. Section

and bleaching 51, 52,
finishing 54, 55 &
mercerizing 61
and dyeing
department of

Factories or Operation in Section

Departments connection with 51, 52,
of factories electric 54, 55 &
charging accumulators. 61
Flour Mills All continuous Section As at (iii) against entry (b)
Tenneries, process work. 55,
Hides & skin Salting and sun Section
Factories drying of hides 51, 52,
and skins, skin 54, 55, 56
curing and dry & 61
salting of skins.

(i) No worker shall be

employed for more than
14 consecutive days
without holiday of 24
consecutive hours.

(ii) The total number of

hours of over time work
shall not exceed 50 in any
one quarter.

(iii) All workers working in

excess of 48 hours per
week in a factory shall be
paid in respect of such
additional hours at the rate
of twice the ordinary rate
in accordance with the
provisions of section 59 of
the Act.

(iv) Every worker shall be

given a compensatory
holiday in accordance with
section 53 of the Act.

(v) Interval of at least half

an hour food and rest shall
be given to all the workers
employed on such works.

(e) 64 (2) Dairies All work Section (vi) The work of such
(c) & 64 (3) 52 workers on Sunday shall
not exceed 4 hours.

(f) 64 (2) Engine room Workers Section As at(ii) against entry (d)
(h) & 64 (3) & boiler employed on 52
houses operation of
engines and

(g) 64 (2) All Newspaper Teleprinter Section As at (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
(i) & 64 (3) Service 51, 52, against entry at (b).
54, 55, 56
& 61

(h) 64 (2) All factories Loading, Section As at (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
(j) unloading of 51, 54 & against the entry at item
Railway 61 (d) 64 (2) (d) and 64 (3)
wagons, lorries
of Trucks.
(i) No worker shall be
allowed to work for more
than 60 hours in one

(ii) The spread over

inclusive of Interval for
rest shall not exceed 12
hours in any one day.

Explanation :-
The following shall be considered to be urgent repairs.

(a) not possible be done without stoppage of the normal manufacturing Repairs to
any part of machinery, plant or structure of a factory which are such a nature that
delay in their execution involve, danger in their human life of safety or the
stoppage of manufacturing process.

(b) Break - down repairs to the motive power, transmission or other essential plant of
other factories, collieries, railways dockyards, harbours, tramways, motor
transport, gas, electrical generating and transmission, pumping or similar
essential or public utility service carried out in a general engineering works and
foundaries and which are necessary to enable such concerns to maintain their
main manufacturing process, production of service during normal working hours.

(c) Repairs in connection without change of motive power, for example from steam to
electricity or vice versa, when such work can process.


Notice prescribed under sub-section 3 of Section 72

85. Notice of periods of work for children-
The notice of periods of work for child workers shall be in Form No.13.

Register prescribed under sub-section 2 of Section 73

86. Register of child workers-
The Register of child workers shall be in Form No. 14.

The cash equivalent of the advantage accruing through the concessional sale of food
grains and other articles payable to workers proceeding on leave shall be the
difference between the value at the average rates in the nearest market prevailing
during the month immediately proceeding his leave and the value at the concessional
rates allowed of food grains and other articles he is entitled to.

For the purpose of the cash equivalent monthly average market rate of food grains and
other articles shall be computed at the end of every month.



Rule 87-94 prescribed under Sections 83 and 112

87. Leave with wages register-

(1) The Manager shall keep a Register in Form No.15 hereinafter called the Leave
with Wages Register :
Provided that if the Chief Inspector is of the opinion that any muster-toll or
register maintained as part of the routine of the factory, or return made by the
manager, gives, in respect of any or all of the workers in the factory, the
particulars required for the enforcement of Chapter VIII of the Act, he may, by
order in writing, direct that such muster-roll or register or return shall, to the
corresponding extent, be maintained in place of and be treated as the register of
return required under this Rule in respect of that factory.

(2) The Leave with Wages register shall be preserved for a period of three years after
the last entry in it and shall be produced before the Inspector on demand.

88. Leave Book-

(1) "The Manager shall provide each worker who has become entitled to leave during
a calender Year, with a book in Form No.16 (hereinafter called the Leave Book).
Not latter than the 31st January of the following calender Year. The leave Book
shall be the property of the worker and the Manager of his agent shall not
demand it except to make the relevant entries therein whenever necessary and
shall not keep it for more than a week, at a time.

Provided that in the case of a worker who is discharged or dismissed from service
during the course of the year i.e. who is covered under sub-section (3) section 79
of the Act, the Manager shall issue an abstract from the "Register of Leave with
Wages" (Form No.15) within a week from the date of discharge or dismissal, as
the case may be.

(2) If a worker loses his Leave Book, Manager shall provide him with another copy on
payment of 15 nay paise and shall complete it from his record.

89. Medical Certificate-

If any worker is absent from work due to his illness and he wants to avail himself of
leave with wages due to cover the whole or part of the period of his illness under the
provisions of sub-section (7) of Section 9, he shall, if required by the Manager, produce
a medical certificate signed a Registered Medical Practitioner or recognised Vaid or
Hakim stating the cause of the absence and the period for which the worker, is, in the
opinion of such medical practitioner, Vaid of Hakim unable to attend to his work or other
reliable evidence to prove that he was actually sick during the period for which he leave
is to be availed of.

90. Notice to Inspector of involuntary unemployment-

The Manuel shall give, as soon as possible a notice to the Inspector of every case of
involution unemployment of workers, giving numbers of unemployed and the reason of
their unemployment. Entries to this effect shall be made in the Leave with Wages
Register and the Leave book in respect of each worker concerned.

91. Notice by Worker-

Before or at the end of every calendar year, a worrier who may be required to avail of
leave in accordance with sub-section (8 of Section 79 may give notice to the Manager of
his intention not to avail himself of the leave with wages falling due during the following
calender year. The Manager shall make an entry to that effect in the Leave with Wages
Register and in the Leave Book of the worker concerned.

92. Notice of Leave with wages-

(1) As far as circumstances parried members of the same family comprising husband,
wife and children shall be allowed leave on the same date.

(2) The Manager may alter the dates fixed for leave only after giving a notice of four
weeks to the worker.

93. Payment of wages if the worker dies-

If a worker dies before the resumes work, the balance of his pay due for the period of
leave with wage not availed of shall be paid to his nominees within one week of the
intimation of the death of the worker. For this purpose each worker shall submit
nomination in the following form duly signed by himself and attested by two witnesses.

I hereby require that in the event of my death before resulting work to balance of my
pay due for the period of leave with wages not availed of shall be paid to......... who is
my........... and resides at............... "The nomination shall remains in force until it is
cancelled or revised by another nomination".

94. Register to be maintained in case of exemption under section 84--

(1) Where an exemption is granted under Section 84, the Manager shall maintain a
Register showing the position of each worker as regards leave due, leave taken
and wages granted.

(2) He shall display at the main entrance of the factory, a notice giving full details of
the system established in the factory for leave with wages and shall send a copy
of it to the Inspector.

(3) No alteration shall be made in the scheme approved by the Chief Commissioner at
the time of granting exemption under Section 84 without its previous sanction.


Rule prescribed under Section 87

95. Dangerous Operations-
(1) The following operations (Manufacturing process or operation) when carried on in
a factory are declared to be dangerous operations under Section 87:-

1. Manufacture of aerated water and processes incidental thereto.

2. Electrolytic plating or oxidation of metal articles by use of an electrolyte

containing chromic acid and other chromium compounds.

3. Manufacture and repair of electric accumulators.

4. Glass manufacture.

5. Grinding or glazing of metals.

6. Manufacture and treatment of lead and certain compounds of lead.

7. Generating petrol gas from petrol.

8. Cleaning or smoothing of articles by a jet of sand, metal shot or grit or

other abrasive propelled by a blast of compressed air or steam.

9. Liming and tanning of raw hides and skins and processes incidental

10. Manufacture of Pottery.

11. Lead Processing.

12. Chemical works and processes incidental thereto.

13. Manufacture of articles from refractory materials.

14. Handling and processing of asbestos for manufacture of any article of

asbestos and process of manufacture or otherwise in which asbestos is
used in any form.

15. Handling or manipulation of corrosive substances.

16. Compression of Oxygen or Hydrogen produced by electrolysis of water.

17. Process of extracting of oil and fats from extraction plants.

18. Manufacture of manipulation of Manganese and its compounds.

19. Manufacture of manipulation of dangerous pesticides-

20. Manufacture, handling and use of Benzene and substances containing


21. Manufacturing process or operation is Carbon Di Sulphide plants.

22. Manufacture and manipulation of carcenogenic dye intermediates.

23. Operation involving high noise levels.

24. Highly flammable compressed gases.

25. Operations in foundries.

26. Manipulation or stone or any other material containing Free Silica.

(2) The provisions specified in the Schedules annexed hereto shall apply to any class
or description of factories wherein dangerous manufacturing process or operation
specified in each Schedule are carried out.

(2-A) (a) For the medical examination of workers to be carried out by the
Certifying Surgeon as required by the Schedule annexed to this
rule, the occupier of the factory shall pay fees at the rate of
Rupees one per year for each worker.

(b) The fees prescribed in sub-rule 2A shall be exclusive of any

charges as for biological, radio-logical or other test which may
have to be carried out in connection with the medical
examinations. Such charges shall be payable by the occupier.

(c) The fees to be paid for medical examinations shall be paid into
the local treasury under the head of account Major Head 087,
Labour and Employment, Receipts Under Labour Law. Receipts
under various Acts, Fee realised under Factories Act.

(d) For each biological and radiological examination of workers take

carried out by the certifying Surgeon as required by the
schedules annexed to this rule the occupier of the factory shall
pay fees at the rate of rupees five and twelve respectively for
each worker at the time of each examination .

(3) The Rule shall come into force in respect of any class or description of factories
wherein the said operations are carried on such dates as the Chief Commissioner
may, by notification in the official gazette, appoint in this behalf.

(4) Notwithstanding the provisions specified in the Schedule annexed to this rue, the
Inspector or the Chief Inspector, as the case may be, by issue of order in writing
to the manager, or occupier or both, direct to carry out such ____ and within
such time, as may be specified in such order with a view to ____ conditions
dangerous to the health of the workers or to suspend any process, where such
process constitutes in the opinion of the Inspector or the Chief Inspector, as the
case may be, danger of poisoning or toxicity.


Manufacture of Aerated Waters and processes incidental thereto

1. Fencing of machines-
All machines for filling bottles or syphons shall be so constructed, placed or fenced as to
prevent, as far as may be practicable, a fragment of a bursting bottle or syphon from
striking any person employed in the factory.
2. Face guards and gauntlets-
(1) The occupier shall provide and maintain in good condition for the use of all
persons engaged in filling bottles or syphons:

(a) suitable face-guards to protect the face, neck and throat, and

(b) suitable gauntlets for both arms to protect the whole hand and arms.
Provided that :

(i) paragraph 2(1) shall not apply where bottles are filled by means of
an automatic machine so constructed that no fragment of a bursting
bottle can escape, and

(ii) where a machine is so constructed that only one arm of the bottler
at work upon it is exposed to danger, a gauntlet need not be
provided for the arm which is not exposed to danger.

(2) The occupier shall provide and maintain in good condition for the use of all
persons engaged in corking, crowning, screwing, wiring, foiling, capsuling,
sighting or labelling bottles or syphons-

(a) suitable face-guards to protect the face, neck and throat, and

(b) suitable gauntlets for both arms to protect the arms and at least half of the
palm and the space between the thumb and forefinger .

3. Wearing of face guards and gauntlets-

All persons engaged in any of the processes specified in paragraph 2 shall, while at work
in such processes, wear the face guards and gauntlets provided under the provisions of
the said paragraph.

Electrolytic plating or oxidation of metal articles by use of an electrolyte containing acids,
bases or salts or metals such as chromium, nicklex, cadmium, zinc, copper, silver, gold
1. Definitions-
For the purposes of this Schedule :-

(a) "electrolytic process" means the electrolytic plating or oxidation of metal articles
by the use of an electrolyte containing acids, bases or salts of metals such as
chromium, nickel, cadmium, zinc, copper, silver, gold etc.

(b) "bath" means any vessel used for an electrolytic process or for any subsequent
process; and

(c) "employed" means employed in any process involving contact with liquid from a

2. Exhaust draught-
An efficient exhaust draught shall be applied to every vessel in which an electrolytic
process is carried on. Such draught shall be provided by mechanical means and shall
operate on the vapour or spray given off in the process a near as may be at the point of
origin. The exhaust draught appliances shall be so constructed, arranged and maintained
as to prevent the vapour or spray entering into any room or place in which work is
carried on.

3. Prohibition relating to women and young persons-

No women, adolescent or child shall be employed or permitted to work at a bath.

4. Floor of workrooms-
The floor of every workroom containing a bath shall be impervious to water. The floor
shall be maintained in good and level condition and shall be washed down at least once a

5. Protective devices-
(1) The occupier shall provide and maintain in good and clean condition the following
articles of protective devices for the use of all persons employed on any process
at which they are liable to come in contact with liquid from a bath and such
devices shall be worn by the persons concerned-

(a) waterproof aprons and bibs; and

(b) for persons actually working at a bath, loose fitting rubber glove and
rubber or other waterproof footwear, and chemical goggles.

(2) The occupier shall provide and maintain for the use of all persons employed
suitable accommodation for the storage and drying of protective devices.
6. Water facilities-
(1) There shall be provided and maintained in good repairs for the use of all
persons employed in electrolytic process and processes incidental to it-

(a) a wash place under cover, with either-

(i) a trough with a smooth impervious surface filled with a waste pipe,
and of sufficient length to allow at least 60 cms for every 5 persons
employed at anyone time, and having a constant supply of water
from taps or jets above the trough at intervals of not more than 60
cms, or

(ii) at least one wash basin for every five such persons employed at
anyone time, fitted with a waste pipe and having a constant supply
of water laid on.

(b) a sufficient supply of clean towels renewed daily, and soap or other
suitable cleaning material.

In addition to the facility in sub-paragraph 1, an approved type of emergency

shower with eye fountain shall be provided and maintained in good working order.
(2) Whenever necessary, in order to ensure continuous water supply, storage tank of
1500 litres capacity shall be provided as a source of clean water for emergency

7. Cautionary placard-
A cautionary placard in the form specified below and printed in the language of the
majority of the workers employed shall be affixed in a prominent place in the factory
where it can be easily and conveniently read by the workers.

A. Electrolytic plating-
1. Chemicals handled in this plant are corrosive and poisonous.

2. Smoking, chewing tobacco, eating food or drinking, in this area in

prohibited. No food stuff or drink shall be brought in this area.

3. Some of these chemicals may be absorbed through the skin and may cause

4. A good wash shall be taken before meals.

5. Protective devices supplied shall be used while working in this area.

6. Spillage of the chemicals on any part of the body or on the floor shall be
immediately washed away with water.

7. All workers shall report for the prescribed medical tests regularly to protect
their own health.

B. Medical facilities and records of examinations and tests -

(1) The occupier of every factory in such electrolytic processes are carried on

(a) employ a qualified medical practitioner for medical surveillance of

the workers employed therein whose appointment shall be subject to
the approval of the Chief Inspector of Factories;

(b) provide to the said medical practitioner all the necessary facilities for
the purpose referred in clause (a); and

(c) maintain a sufficient supply of suitable barrier cream, ointment and

Impermeable water proof plaster in a separate box readily accessible
to the workers and used solely for the purpose of keeping these
substances. In case cyanides are used in the bath, the box shall also
contain an emergency cyanide kit.

(2) The medical practitioner shall examine all workers before they are
employed in electrolytic processes. Such examination in case of chrome
plating shall include inspection of hands, forearms and nose and will be
carried out once at least in every fortnight.

(3) The record of the examinations referred to in sub-paragraph (2) shall be

maintained in a separate register approved by the Chief Inspector of
Factories which shall be kept readily available for inspection by the

9. Medical examination by the Certifying Surgeon-

(1) Every worker employed in the electrolytic processes shall be examined by a
Certifying Surgeon before his first employment. Such examination shall include X-
ray of the chest and-

(a) in case of chromium plating include examination for nasel septum

perforation and test for chromium in urine;

(b) in case of nickel plating, test for nickel in urine; and

(c) in case of cadmium plating, test for cadmium in urine and microglobullin in
(2) No worker shall be employed in any electrolytic process unless certified fit for
such employment by the Certifying Surgeon.

(3) Every worker employed in the electrolytic processes shall be re-examined by a

Certifying Surgeon at least once in every year, except in case of the workers
employed in cadmium, chromium and nickel plating processes for whom this
examination shall be carried out once in every six months. Such re-examination
shall, wherever the Certifying Surgeon considers appropriate, include tests as
specified under sub-paragraph (1) excluding the X-ray of the chest which shall not
be required normally to be carried out earlier than once in three years.

(4) The Certifying Surgeon after examining a worker, shall issue a Certificate of
Fitness in Form 5. The record of examination and re-examination carried out shall
be kept in the custody of the manager of the factory. The record of each
examination carried out under sub-paragraphs (1) and (2), including the nature
and the results of the tests, shall also be entered by the Certifying Surgeon in a
health register in Form 17.

(5) The certificate of Fitness and the health register shall be kept readily available for
inspection by the Inspector.

(6) If at any time the Certifying Surgeon is of the opinion that a worker is no longer
fit for employment in the electrolytic processes on the ground that continuance
therein would involve danger to the health of the worker, he shall make a record
of his findings in the said certificate and the health register. The entry of his
findings in those documents should also include the period for which he considers
that the said person is unfit for work in the said processes. The person declared
unfit in such circumstances shall be provided with alternate placement facility
unless he is fully incapacitated in the opinion of the Certifying Surgeon, in which
case the person affected shall be suitably rehabilitated.

(7) No person who has been found unfit to work as said in sub-paragraph (6) shall be
re-employed or permitted to work in the said processes unless the Certifying
Surgeon, after further examination, again certifies him fit for employment in
those processes.


Manufacture and repair of electric accumulators

1. Savings-
This schedule shall not apply to the manufacture or repair of electric accumulators or
parts thereof not containing lead or any compound of lead; or to the repair on the
premises of any accumulator forming part of a stationary battery.

2. Definitions-
For the purposes of this Schedule:-
(a) "Lead Process " means the melting of lead or any material containing lead casting,
pasting, lead burning, or any other work including trimming, or any other
abrading or cutting of pasted plates, involving the use, movement or manipulation
of, or contact with, any oxide of lead.

(b) "Manipulation of raw oxide of lead" means any lead process involving any
manipulation on movement of raw oxides of lead other than its conveyance in a
receptacle or by means of an implement from one operation to another.

(c) "Suspension" means suspension from employment in any lead process by written
certificates in the Health Register (Form 17) signed by the Certifying Surgeon,
who shall have power of suspension as regards all persons employed in any such

3. Prohibition relating to women and young persons-

No woman or young person shall be employed or permitted to work in any lead process
or any room in which the manipulation of raw oxide of lead or pasting is carried on.

4. Separation of certain processes-

Each of the following processes shall be carried on in such a manner and under such
conditions as to secure effectual separation from one another, and from any other

(a) Manipulation of raw oxide of lead;

(b) Pasting;

(c) Drying of pasted plates;

(d) Formation with lead burning ("tracking") necessarily carried on in connection


(e) Melting down of pasted plates.

5. Air Space--
In every room in which a lead process is carried on, there shall be at least 500 cubic feet
of air space for each person employed therein and in computing this air space no height
over 12 feet shall be taken into account.

6. Ventilation-
Every work-room shall be provided with inlets and outlets of adequate size as to secure
and maintain efficient ventilation in all parts of the room.

7. Distance between workers in pasting room-

In every pasting room the distance between the centre of the working position of any
paster and that of the paster working nearest to him shall not be less than six feet.

8. Floor of work-rooms-
(1) The floor of every room in which a lead process is carried on shall be-

(a) Of cement or similar material so as to be smooth and impervious to water;

(b) Maintained in sound condition;

(c) Kept free from materials, plant or other obstruction not required for or
produced in the process carried on in the room.

(2) In all such rooms other than grid casting shop the floor shall be cleaned daily
after being thoroughly sprayed with water at a time when no other work is being
carried on in the room.

(3) In grid casting shops the floor shall be cleansed daily.

(4) Without prejudice to the requirements of sub-paragraphs (1) (2) and (3), where
manipulation of raw oxide of lead or pasting is carried on, the floor shall also be-

(a) Kept constantly moist while work is being done;

(b) Provided with suitable and adequate arrangements for drainage;

(c) thoroughly washed daily by means of a house pipe.

9. Work-benches-
The work-benches at which any lead process is carried on shall-
(a) have smooth surface and be maintained in sound condition;

be kept free from all material or plant not required for, or produced in the process
(b) carried on thereat; and all such work-benches other than those in grid casting
shops shall-
be cleansed daily either after being thoroughly damped or by means of a suction
(c) cleaning apparatus at a time when no other work is being carried on thereat
and all such work-benches in grids casting shops, shall-

be cleansed daily;
and every work-bench used for pasting shall-

(e) be covered throughout with sheet lead or other impervious material;

(f) be provided with raised edges;

(g) be kept constantly moist while pasting is being carried on.

10. Exhaust draught-

The following processes shall not be carried on without the use of an efficient exhaust

(a) Melting of lead or materials containing lead;

(b) Manipulation of raw oxide of lead, unless done in an enclose apparatus so as to

prevent the escape of dust into the work-room; -

(c) Pasting; -

(d) Trimming, brushing, filing or any other abrading or cutting of pasted plates giving
rise to dust;

(e) Lead burning other than;

(i) "tacking" in the formation rooms;

(ii) Chemical burring for the making of lead linings for cell case necessarily
carried on in such a manner that the application of efficient exhaust in

Such exhaust draught shall be affected by mechanical means and shall

operate on the dust or fume given off as nearly as may be at its point of
origin, so as to prevent its entering the air of any room in which persons

11. Fumes and gases from melting pots-

The products of combustion produced in the heating of any melting pot shall not be
allowed to escape into a room in which persons work.

12. Container for dross-

A suitable receptacle with tightly, fitting cover shall be provided and used for dross as it
is removed from every melting pot. Such receptacle shall be kept covered while in the
work-room, except when dross is being deposited therein.
13. Container for lead waste--
A suitable receptacle shall be provided in every work-room in which old plates and waste
materials which may give risk to dust shall be deposited.

14. Racks and Shelves in drying room-

The racks or shelves provided in any drying room shall not be more than 8 feet from the
floor nor more than 2 feet in width; provided that as regards racks or shelves set or
drawn from both sides the total width shall not exceed 4 feet.
Such racks or shelves shall be cleansed only after being thoroughly damped unless an
efficient suction cleaning apparatus is used for this purpose.

15. Medical Examination-

(a) Every person employed in a leap process shall be examined by the Certifying
Surgeon within seven days preceding or following the date of his first employment
in such process and thereafter shall be examined by the Certifying Surgeon once
in every calendar month or at such other intervals as may be specified in writing
by the Chief Inspector, on a day of which due notice shall be given to all

'First Employment' means first employment in a lead process in the factory or

workshop and also re-employment therein in a lead process following any &
cessation of employment in such process for a period exceeding three calendar

(b) A Health Register in Form No.17 containing the names of all persons employed in
a lead process shall be kept.

(c) No person after suspension shall be employed in a lead process without written
sanction from the Certifying Surgeon entered in or attached to the Health

16. Protective clothing-

Protective clothing shall be provided and maintained in good repair for all persons
employed in-

(a) manipulation of raw oxide of lead;

(b) pasting;

(c) the formation room;

and such clothing shall be worn by the persons concerned. The protective clothing
shall consist of a waterproof apron and waterproof footwear; and also as regards
persons employed in the manipulation of raw oxide of lead or in pasting head
coverings. The head coverings shall be washed daily.

17. Mess Room-

There shall be placed and maintained for the use of all persons employed in a lead
process and remaining on the premises during the mean intervals, a suitable mess-
room, which shall be furnished with (a) sufficient tables and benches, and (b) adequate
means for warming food.

The mess-room shall be provided under the charge of a responsible person and shall
be kept clean.

18. Cloak-Room-
There shall be provided and maintained for the use of all persons, employed in a lead

(a) a cloak-room for clothing put off during working hours with adequate
arrangements for drying the clothing if wet. Such accommodation shall be
separate from any mess-room;

(b) separate and suitable arrangements for the storage of protective clothing
provided under paragraph 16.

19. Washing facilities-

There shall be provided and maintained in a clean state and in good repair for the use of
all persons employed in a lead process-

(a) A wash-place under cover, with either-

(i) a trough with a smooth impervious surface fitted with a waste pipe,
without plug and of sufficient length to allow of at least two feet for every
five such persons employed at anyone time, and having a constant supply
of water from taps or jets above the trough at intervals of not more than
two feet; or

(ii) at least one wash basin for every five such persons employed at anyone
time, fitted with a waste pipe and plug and having a constant supply of
water laid on;

(iii) a sufficient supply of clean towels made of suitable renewed daily, which
supply, in the case of pasters and employed in the manipulation of raw
oxide of lead, shall include a separate marked towel for each such worker;

(iv) a sufficient supply to soap or other suitable cleansing material and of nail

(b) There shall in addition be provided means of washing in close proximity to the
rooms in which manipulation of raw oxide of lead or pasting is carried on, if
required by notice in writing from the Chief Inspector.

20. Time to be allowed for washing-

Before each meal and before the end of the day's work, at least ten minutes, in addition
to the regular meal times shall be allowed for washing to each person who has been
employed in the manipulation of raw oxide of lead or in pasting;
Provided that if there be one basin or two feet of trough for each such person this Rule
shall not apply.

21. Facilities for bathing-

Sufficient batch accommodation to the satisfaction of the Chief Inspector shall be
provided for all persons engaged in the manipulation of raw oxide of lead or in pasting,
and a sufficient supply of soap and clean towels.

22. Food, drinks, etc. prohibited in work-rooms-

No food, drink, pan and supari or tobacco shall be consumed or brought by any worker
into any work-room in which any lead process is carried on.


Dated the April, 1969

No. F. 11 (32) /58 I & L :- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of
Section 26 of the Factories Act, 1948 read with the Government of India, Ministry of
Labour & Employment Notification No. S. 0.108, dated 14th February,1958, the Chief
Commissioner, Delhi hereby makes the following amendment to the Delhi Factories
Rules, 1950, the draft of which was published with his Notification of even number
dated 10th July, 1958 -


In the said Rules, 53 the following rule shall be inserted, namely -

*53-A- The provisions of sub-section (2) which prohibit the sale or letting
on hire of certain machines of Section 26 of the Act shall extend to the
class or description of machines specified in the first column of the
Schedule suspended to this Rule.

(2) No machine specified in the firs t column of the Schedule above mentioned
shall be sold or let on hire by any person for use in any factory after the
date of bringing these rules in force unless it is constructed or provided
with guards, fencing or other protective devices in conformity with the
requirements set opposite to the class of description to which the machine
belongs in the second column of the said Schedule.

(3) Provision under these rules shall not be deemed to relieve any occupier or
manager of a factory of his responsibilities under Section 21 of the
Factories Act, 1948.

Requirements as to the construction and safeguards or machines

First Column Second Column

Class or Description Requirements

of Machines

Blowing Room 1. (a) Beater covers and the door immediately over the
Machinery. dirt grid shall be fitted with an automatic looking
arrangement which renders it impossible to open the
covers while the beater is still running, or to restore
the machinery until the doors have been closed.

(b) The covers over the porcupine cylinders shall be

fitted with an automatic, looking arrangement which
renders it impossible to open the covers while the
cylinders are still running or to restart the machinery
until the covers have been closed.

2. The nip between the cage wheels and cylinder wheels

shall be efficiently protested on all machines. Guards
shall be provided extending round the cute edge of
both the wheels.

3. Projecting ends of beater shafts shall be respectively


4. Spiked or fluted rollers on hand fed crispers or lattices

on breakers and openers shall be so covered as to
prevent access to intake.

5. Exposed toothed gar ding on all machines shall be

securely covered,

6. On lap forming southechers with weighing rollers the

lap roller shall be so protected that as soon as the
weights are ran down the lap roller as completely

1. All feed roller wheels, doffer and narrow wheels,

side shaft wheels, cylinder wheels roller wheels, and,
all thatched gearing in spite the Boiler head shall be
securely covered.

2. All cylinder doors shall be fitted with an automatic

leading Section which will prevent the door from being
opened until the cylinder has ceased to receive, to
restart the machine until the door has again been

3. Licke-it shall be completely covered and the covers

shall be screwed down so that they cannot readily be
lifted while the machine is in motion.

4; Over the deferr, covers shall be extended as far as

is reasonably practicable.

5. All driven pulleys shall be plated.

1. Exposed toothed gearing on all machines shall be

securely covered.

2. On all machines the lap forming rollers shall be

provided with a guard or cover which shall either.

(i) Prevent access to the intake of the lap roller and

fluted roller so long as the weighing rack is down, or

(ii) Prevent access to the intake of the lap roller and

fluted roller and be so locked that the guard or cover
cannot be raised until the machine is stopped and the
machine cannot be started until the guard of cover is

Combers. 1. Exposed toothed gearing on all machines shall be

securely covered.

2. The toothed gearing in side the coiler head shall be

securely covered.

3. The cylinder shall be provided with a guard or guards

which shall prevent access too it whilst in motion and
the guard or guards shall be so locked that they
cannot be raised until the machine cannot be started
until all guards have been closed and locked.

Drawing Frames. 1. The roller gearing shall be effectively covered and the
cover shall be so locked that it cannot be raised until
the machine is stopped and the machine cannot be
started until the cover is closed.

2. The under shaft of the frame shall be covered and the

pulley on the under shift shall be plated.

3. All toothed gearing and shafts connected with the

driving of the roller and sliver cans shall be securely
4. The calendar roller gears shall be provided with
guards independent of the cylinder roller cover and
the coils cage and coiler head shall be covered.

Speed Frames. 1. All jack boxes shall be fitted with automatic locks
which shall prevent the doors being opened while the
machinery is in motion and shall rends it impossible to
restart the machine until the door has been closed.

2. Draft change wheels, back roller and carrier wheels

twist and carrier wheels, bobbin shaft driving wheels
and swing wheels, lifter wheels and button cone drum
wheels shall be securely covered.

3. The bobbin skew gear wheels shall either,

(i) Be covered over the top, and their total enclosure

be completed by up right metal plates extending at
the back from the roller beam to the floor, and at the
front from the cover over the top of the wheels to the
floor and screen arranged as to from continuous
screen at every position of the lifter rail; or

(ii) Be covered over the top and the covers be

extended both in front and behind round the edges of
the wheels to within not more than one quarter of an
inch from the spindles.

4. Spindle skew gear shall be effectively covered.

5. Lifts rack wheels shall be securely covered, and the

guard to be such that it will effectively protected the
nip both as the rail wishes and as it falls.

6. All balance weights shall be waste with cycles forming

part of the weights themselves.

Ring and Throttle 1. All toothed gearing such as headstock wheels draft
Frames wheels and these driving the lifting gear shall be
securely covered. The guard covering the draft pinion
wheels shall be so locked that the cover cannot be
raised until the machine is stopped and the machine
cannot be started until the cover is closed. The outer
and of the frame shall be filled in with metal plates.

2. On machines with double tin rollers a guard shall be

fitted along the whole length of the nip between the

Winding Frames. 1. Traverse motion and mangle rotion wheels shall be

effectively covered.

2. Where there is a double tin roller the nip, shall be

provided with a guard.

3. Bevel wheels driving spindles of Jambo cop winding

frames shall be effectively covered.

4. Exposed toothed gearing on all types of machines

shall be effectively.
Warping 1. Bevel wheels on all warping machines shall be
effectively covered.

2. All toothed gearing on chain beaming, winding on

machines and other types of winging machines shall
be effectively covered.

Clay Pans and fize 1. . All toothed gearing and shafting connected therewith
Beeks. shall be effectively guarded.

Taping Machine. 1. The distance between the periphery of the smaller and
large cylinders shall not be less than six inches and
where this distance is less than six inches the nip shall
be effectively guarded.

2. The following dangerous moving parts shall be

effectively covered.

(a) Bevel wheels on side shaft.

(b) Bevel wheels and upright shaft for driving colored

or top box.

(ac) Measuring motion wheels.

(d) Speed change gears.

(e) Intake of drag and measuring rollers.

(bf) Blinder at end of dry taping machines

Looms :- 1. To prevent shuttle flying out when the loom is running

the slay of the loom shall be provided with guard. It is
to be fitted as low as possible so that the clearance
between the guard and the shuttle when the shuttle is
placed on the fall of the cloth with the loom crank
shaft on the top centre does not exceed ½ inches and
on 1ooms other than velvet looms or looms of 60
inches reed space between the guard and the sample
shall not be less .than 5/8 inch unless the guard is so
designed and constructed as to prevent injury from
trapping between them.

The guard shall extend to at least half the shuttles

length from the spindle stud belt on over pick looms,
or the trash plate on under pick looms.

2. Between the hammer head/ and the beam there shall

be space of not less than 3/4 inches unless the
hammer head always extends over the breast beam.

3. Duck bills on all loose reed looms shall be effectively


4. All gearing including tappet and twill motion wheels

shall be completely encased. On small and similarly
barral motions the top and bottom pairs of bevel
wheel and that portion of Shaft connecting them which
above the warp shall be effectively covered

5. There shall be a space of not less than one inch left

between the connecting rode driving the dobby and
the framework of the look, and between the stay and
the picking stick and picking stick and framework a
space of not less than two inches.

Plaiting Machines. 1. All the toothed gearing including the gearing driving
the bottom shaft shall be effectively covered.

2. At the delivery and between the knife and the card bar
a guard shall be provided.

3. Side arms shall be effectively covered.

Shearing and 1. All revelling knives shall be fitted with covers so as to

cropping Machines. prevent access thereto whilst the machine is in motion
and when possible, the covers shall be so locked that
no one of them can be raised until the machine is
stopped, and the machine cannot be started until all
the covers are closed.

2. All the exposed toothed gearing shall be effectively


*Subs. vide Notification No. F.11 (32)/58-19 L Dt. April, 59.

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