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Facility Design: Facilities and Layout Planning

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Facility Design

Facilities and Layout Planning

1. Define or redefine objective of the facilities
2. Specify primary and support activities
3. Determine the interrelationship
4. Determine space requirements
5. Generate alternatives facilites plan
6. Evaluate alternatives facilities plan
7. Select a facilities plan
8. Implement the plan
9. Maintain and adapt the facilities plan
10. Redefine the objective of the facility
before alternative facility plans can be generated, there
are several questions that has to be answered:
1. What is to be produced? Name of your product

2. How are the products to be produced? The activities

3. When are the products to be produced? Production schedule

4. How much of each product will be produced? Quantity

5. For how long will the products be produced? Times

6. Where are the products to be produced? Location

before alternative facility plans can be generated, there
are several questions that has to be answered:
1. What is to be produced?

2. How are the products to be produced? Product Design

3. When are the products to be produced? Process Design

4. How much of each product will be produced? Schedule Design

5. For how long will the products be produced?

6. Where are the products to be produced?


Product Design
• Product design involves both the determination of which products
are to be produced and the detailed design of individual products.
• Decisions regarding the products to be produced are generally
made by top management based on input from marketing,
manufacturing, and finance concerning projected economic
• product development tools  QFD, benchmarking
• Production data :
– Component’s Blue print
– Part list
– Production routing
• Output Product description, assembly drawing
Assembly drawing example
Part list Example

• The part list provides a listing of the component parts of a product. In

addition to make-or-buy decisions, a part list includes at least the following:
1. Part numbers.
2. Part name.
3. Number of parts per product.
4. Drawing references
Bill of Material Example
Data produksi yang diperhatikan
nomor komponen sekaligus nomor kerjanya

nama dari komponen

jumlah dari komponen

spesifikasi dari komponen

harga tiap komponen

sumber komponen

Process Design
• Determining how the products to be produced
• As a part of that determination, the process planner addresses who
should do the processing; namely, should a particular product,
subassembly, or part be produced in-house or subcontracted to an
outside supplier or contractor? The “make-or-buy” decision is part
of the process planning function.
• Production Data for matrial handling:
– The route that the material will go through between departments
– Volume of the material
– distance
– frequency
– Cost to move the materials
Design Process Tool
• operation process chart (OPC)
• assembly chart
• flow process chart
• flow chart
• from to chart STANDRD
• Multiple Product Process Chart (MPPC)
• Route Sheet
• Activity Relationship Chart
Operation Process Chart
Flow Process Chart
Flow Chart
From to Chart
Multiple Product Process Chart (MPPC)
Route Sheet

Perhitungan Facility
Route sheet
jumlah mesin Planning
Penghitungan Jumlah Mesin
Diperlukan beberapa data, yaitu:

1. Volume produksi yang ingin dicapai  target produksi

2. Estimasi scrap pada tiap tahapan proses yang dapat


3. Waktu kerja standard untuk tiap operasi produksi yang

Rumus Umum
• P = Jumlah produk yang harus dibuat oleh tiap
mesin per periode waktu kerja dalam unit
produk/tahun atau unit produk/hari
• T= Total waktu pengerjaan yang dibutuhkan untuk
proses produksi yang diperoleh dari hasil time
study atau perhitungan teoritis (menit/unit
T P produk)
N= X

60 D.E D = Jam operasi kerja mesin yang tersedia.
Umumnya 1 shift kerja = 8 jam/hari, 2 shift = 16
• E = Faktor efisiensi kerja mesin yang disebabkan
oleh adanya set up mesin, break down, repair,
preventive maintenance, dll. yang menyebabkan
• N = Jumlah mesin yang dibutuhkan untuk operasi
Route Sheet
Jumlah yang
No. Nama Operasi Nama Mesin Waktu Kapasitas Efisiensi Kapasitas % Reject Jumlah yang disiapkan Kebutuhan mesin
proses Mesin Mesin Mesin Aktual
Teoritis Aktual
(menit) Teoritis
1 Part 1
O-10 Mesin Bor 4 0.98 10
O-30 Mesin Inspeksi A 2 1 5

2 Part 2
O-10 Mesin Bor 3 0.98 10
O-30 Mesin Inspeksi A 2 1 5

3 Assembly
O-40 Meja Sub Assembly - 1 5 1 10
O-50 Mesin inspeksi B 2 1 5 100.000
Route Sheet

 Untuk menentukan jumlah bahan baku
yang disiapkan disetiap proses
 Untuk menentukan jumlah mesin teoritis
yang harus tersedia pada kapasitas

Data pada Route Sheet
• No.Operasi
• Nama Operasi
• Nama Mesin/Tools yang dipakai
• Waktu Baku
• Waktu Set-Up
• Kapasitas mesin teoritis, diperoleh dari

Kapasitas Jam kerja/hari – W.Set up mesin/hari

Mesin teoritis =
Waktu proses baku
Per hari

• Persentase scrap merupakan kegagalan proses dan
tidak dapat digunakan lagi.
• Jumlah yang diharapkan  demand rate
• Jumlah yang disiapkan

Jumlah yang Jumlah yang diharapkan

disiapkan =
1 – Persentasi Scrap

8. Produksi pada efisiensi
Tingkat produksi efisien adalah tingkat produksi mesin dengan
mempertimbangkan tingkat efisiensi rata-rata yang dimiliki pabrik
Produksi Jumlah yang disiapkan
Pada efisiensi =

9. Reliabilitas mesin
10. Jumlah mesin teoritis dapat dihitung dengan rumus sbb:

Jml mesin Produksi pada efisiensi

teoritis =
Reliabilitas mesin x kapasitas mesin teoritis


Schedule design
• Schedule is designed to answer how much to produce
and when will the product to be produced.
• Production quantity decisions are referred to as lot size
decisions; determining when to produce is referred to as
production scheduling
• In addition to how much and when, it is important to
know how long production will continue; such a
determination is obtained from market forecasts.
• Need Market information
Schedule design
• Has impacts in
– machine selection, number of machines
– number of shifts, number of employees
– space requirements
– storage equipment, material handling equipment,
and personnel requirements
– storage policies
– building size, and so on.
• Form a group consists of 4 members each
• Select an object inside your class (student
chair, lecturer chair, desk, lamp, trashbin etc.)
• Make sure each group choose different object
• Identify and analyze part of the object and the
activities needed to make the object
• Describe the parts and the activities in the form
– Bill of Material
– Assembly Chart
– Operation Process Chart
– Precedence Diagram
– Flow Process Chart
– Flow Diagram
Assignment Rules
• Put cover in every assignment both softcopy and hardcopy (words,
ppt,excel, etc.) Setiap tugas baik bentuk hardcopy maupun soft
copy (words, ppt) that consists of:
• Title of assignment
• Topic/Week-
• The date of assignment
• Group name (if any), student ID, contribution of each member
(%), photo

You’re assignment will not be assessed if it doesn’t match the format

Example of Cover Format
• Title : Location Selection
• Topik: Location Selection (3rd Week)
• Date of assignment : 21st January 2017
• Group name: Project Integration Group

Name Student ID Contribution Photo

Raisa Andriana 112050101 70%

Daniel Radcliffe 112050105 30%



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