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Capacity Utilization For Product Mix Using Operation Based Time Standard Evaluation

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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Sandeep A. Chowriwar1, Ishan P. Lade2, Pranay B. Sawaitul3, Sachin M. Kamble4
1 2, 4

Department of Mechanical Engineering, G. H. Raisoni Academy of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur (MH), India Department of Mechanical Engineering, Datta Meghe Institute of Engineering, Technology & Research, Wardha (MH) 3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Anjuman College of Engineering & Technology, Nagpur (MH), India

In this paper, a systematic and quantitative view is presented for the application of time study in woodworking furniture industry. The study is done in panel conversion plant on five CNC machines for various operations. For the calculation of cycle time, machining time calculator is developed and the operation research technique of mathematical programming is used for the capacity calculation of product mix. This makes manager to make faster decision in outsourcing problem and to improve the financial performance of the company.

Keywords - Capacity utilization, cycle time, linear programming, manufacturing, time study. -----------------------------------------------------------------------***---------------------------------------------------------------------1. INTRODUCTION
In the world of competitive business every enterprise wants to earn maximum profit with minimum inputs. Continuous improvement in the product is required for the survival of the industry in the global competition. Setting the time standard for different product is vital success of any enterprise. Time study gives the cycle time of the products on various machines which help in the capacity utilization calculations. From the manufacturing perspective, cycle time is one of the most important variables in manufacturing organizations. In this study, the woodworking organization encounters the very often situation of surplus demand than its capacity to manufacture. Because the company want to grab all the market demand in order to prevent other major competitors from penetrating the market and at the same time maintains the company reputation for on time delivery of products. The study is done in woodworking (modular furniture) industry based in central India. firm, creation of capacity means investment in resources like labor, machines and equipment etc. while for service organization, it means creation of more space, furniture, other accessories and equipments.

Central India based company having panel conversion plant (PCP) which manufactures five different types of product on five CNC rover machines at differe nt prices. The companys present production process have job order production of various products which having product wise routing in which various operation are done with respect to product specification. The product wise routing is time consuming because one product gets lot of time due to various components and it is very difficult to take the timings. The system of the company has standard norms for standard products. If the products gets changes, then ultimately the norms also changes and thus the cycle time of the product also changes. Therefore there is loss in efficiency, utilization of man and machine. In this study all the information related to raw material cost, hourly rate, selling price, demand, operation time, etc were collected. We have choose the five product given them name as A = prelamstorage@702, B = prelamstorage@1275, C = cabinet@1200, D = credenza@1350, E = pedestal on five CNC rover machine namely rover-20, rover B3, rover30, rover35, morby.

1.1 Capacity Planning

Capacity planning is the determination of capacity and adjustment of capacity to changing demand. Capacity decision has direct influence on resource productivity and customer satisfaction. Excess capacity results in low productivity. Due to under-utilization of resource while inadequate capacity results in poor customer service through delayed delivery goods. Capacity planning is basically matching the resource to demand. In case of stable demand, capacity planning becomes simple. But fluctuation in demand creates problems of acquisition of resources to match the demand. Creation of capacity involves substantial investment. For manufacturing

Volume: 03 Issue: 02 | Feb-2014, Available @ 139

IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

Table 1: Time study sheet of the company product ELE. NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 N. TIME (SEC.) 125.0 108.0 88.0 87.0 112.0 90.0 94.0 88.0 80.0 78.0 NO OF READIN GS 10.0 10.0 1.0 9.0 9.0 7.0 7.0 1.0 8.0 8.0 AVG. TIME (SEC) 12.5 10.8 88.0 9.7 12.4 12.9 13.4 88.0 10.0 9.8 NORM.T IME (SEC.) 12.5 10.8 88.0 9.7 12.4 12.9 13.4 88.0 10.0 9.8




Load panel on CNC & reverse Reset against stopper, insure clamping ,operate start button Auto cycle LH Clean dust by air Operate clamping switch, reverse panel & unload the panel Load panel on CNC & reverse Reset against stopper, insure clamping ,operate start button Auto cycle RH Clean dust by air Operate clamping switch, reverse panel & unload panel

100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1 1:1

STD time = Normal time + (Normal time x allowance) = 176+176 X (0.13) = 198.9 As the time study sheet shows the auto cycle readings(cycle time) of CNC machine for particular product, this cycle time readings has to be noted from time to time for particular product. It is very difficult to note the cycle time again and again. To avoid this we have develop small software MACHINING TIME CALCULATOR in ms excel sheet for calculation of operation (element) wise timing. The element wise time reading is taken for various sizes of drill, face drill, KD/counter, grooving, hafle hole, routing and sizing, hinge etc. The time is taken for various element machines wise. The data like feed rate, speed of machine is entered in the software.

2.1 Advantages
There is no need to take the cycle time (Autocycle) again and again The operations having same cycle time are defined The output will get as the total machining time on each rover machine If new product comes, then it is useful to find out the new product lead time This helps in improving the efficiency of machine To know the capacity and resource calculation Meeting the delivery commitments of the customers

Fig 1 Image of Machining Time Calculator software

3. ANALYSIS & CALCULATION OF TIME 3.1 Calculation of Machining Time:

The machining time for the five products is calculated on the Machining Time Calculator with the help of drawing sheet on various CNC ROVER machines. The five machines will give the different machining time for above products. The machining time is calculated for different components of the respective products. The components wise machining time is

Volume: 03 Issue: 02 | Feb-2014, Available @ 140

IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

obtain and output time will get in seconds. The machining time calculator gives the graph which shows the lead time of product on various machines. For example the graph for product A is shown in figure. 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 794.39 749.735 709.371 670.11 569.177

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

3.2 Calculation of Weekly Capacity

The weekly capacity of work centre is shown in table 2. There are 5 machines, they run daily for 2 shifts (each of 8 hour shift) and 6 working days in a week i.e. (16x6x60 =5760 min). The setup time to be booked with small setup = 5min/setup and big setup = 10 min/setup. Therefore (45x5+0x10 = 225). The data of setup time is taken from company. Weekly capacity is calculated as (total weekly time time lost due to setups). ie (5760-225) = 5535 min = 332100 sec.

ROV ER20 B-03


Fig 2 Machining Time in Sec for Product A

Table 2: shows weekly capacity of various machines Machine R20 (M1) B3 (M2) R30 (M3) R35 (M4) MORBY(M5) Weekly time 5760 5760 5760 5760 5760 Small setup 45 15.75 15.12 57.62 27.125 Big setup 0 3 24.5 6.125 0 Total 225 108.75 318.12 349.35 135.625 Weekly capacity (min) 5535 5651.25 5441.88 5410.65 5624.38 Weekly capacity (sec) 332100 339075 326512.8 324639 337462.8

Table 3: shows the cycle time and capacity utilization Machine A R20 B3 R30 R35 Morby 569.17 670.11 709.37 749.74 794.39 Time/product at various work centers, in sec B 525.76 641.51 650.52 639.01 733.68 C 522.93 620.91 620.18 610.39 826.65 D 682.69 768.05 795.27 798.58 1074.2 E 347.21 400.09 400.36 390.28 396.1 332100 339075 326512.8 324639 337462.8 Weekly capacity of machine

Volume: 03 Issue: 02 | Feb-2014, Available @ 141

IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308





4.1 Formulation of a Problem by using Simplex Technique:

= ( - ) A+ ( - ) B + ( - ) C + ( - ) + ( - ) E Maximize Z = 1166.67A + 1166.67B + 1666.67C + 1083.34D + 833.34E subject to 569.17A + 525.76B + 522.93C + 682.688D + 347.208E <=332100 670.11A + 641.506B + 620.91C + 768.045D + 400.091E <= 339075 709.371A+650.517B+620.18C+795.271D+400.362E<=32651 2.8 749.735A +639.005B+610.394C+798.577D+390.278E<=324639 794.39A + 733.678B + 826.645C + 1074.229D + 396.101E <= 337462.8

Let the company with m resources (1,2,m) and n product (1,2,.n). Let the is the capacity per week in sec for particular machine. Let is the processing time in sec to process a product say A Raw material price = Market price = Market demand = Cycle time = 1 ,1 ,1 ,1 ,1 Products = A,B,C,D,E No. of products manufactured in company = Outsource price = Due to capacity constraints company can manufacture . The LP objective function as follows = ( - ) A+ ( - ) B + ( - ) C + ( - ) + ( - ) E Subject to M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 1 A+1 B+1 C+1 D+1 E 1 2 A+2 B+2 C+2 D+2 E 2 3 A+3 B+3 C+3 D+3 E 3 4 A+4 B+4 C+4 D+4 E 4 5 A+5 B+5 C+5 D+5 E 5

Market Constraints
A<= 80, B<= 100, C<= 100, D<= 70, E<= 400 The resulting optimum product mix is to manufacture 29, 100, 100, 0,400 of A, B, C, D, E respectively.





The market selling price of product A is 7000. The raw material cost for product A is 7000/1.2=5833.33= . Considering the 20% profit. The ( - ) = 1166.67, from the table 5 the contractor price for all the products A,B,C,D,E, are 6200,6500,7500,6000,4800 respectively. The throughput per manufacturing unit of A can be calculated as (market price x (company profit% /100). The throughput per contracted unit is calculated as contractor price minus raw material cost i.e. (6200-5600=600). All the calculations are done in Indian currency.

Table 4: shows the machine hr rate and cost for product Machine Cost/hr Product Machine time Machine time hr Cost for product R20 364 A 569.177 0.158105 57.55012 B3 520 B 641.506 0.178196 92.66198 R30 520 C 620.18 0.172272 89.58156 R35 401 D 798.577 0.221827 88.9526 MORBY 548 E 396.101 0.110028 60.29537

Volume: 03 Issue: 02 | Feb-2014, Available @ 142

IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

The total throughput manufactured in company is equal to the throughput per manufactured unit x units to manufacture. Units contracted outside = market demand units to manufacture. The total throughput contract is calculated as (throughput per contracted unit x units contracted outside). i.e (600 x 51=30600). The product throughput is the sum of total throughput manufactured in company and total throughput contract. Overall throughput is the summation of total product

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

throughput for all the products. Similarly throughputs for other products are calculated. From the table 4 the cost for product is calculated as cost/hr x machine time hr. The cost for product is also called as operating expenses (OE). Similarly OE for other products is calculated. The product OE in company mfg is the product of OE and units to manufacture. The summation of product OE in company mfg for all the products is calculated. The highlighted portion shows the input variables.

Table 5: shows the LP analysis result Details Contractor Price Market price Company Profit % Raw material cost/Unit Contractor profit Company Profit Market Demand Units to manufacture Throughput/ mf. Unit Total throughput mfg in company Units contracted outside Throughput/ contracted Unit Total throughput contract Total product throughput Overall throughput (I) Operating expenses OE Net profit (I-OE) Product A 6200 7000 20 5600 600 1400 80 29 1400 40600 51 600 30600 71200 B 6500 7000 20 5600 900 1400 100 100 1400 140000 0 900 0 140000 C 9500 10000 20 8000 1500 2000 100 100 2000 200000 0 1500 0 200000 D 6000 6500 20 5200 800 1300 70 0 1300 0 70 800 56000 56000 E 4800 5000 20 4000 800 1000 400 400 1000 400000 0 800 0 400000

867200 44011.46 823188.5 Product A B 92.66198 9266.198 C 89.58156 8958.156 D 88.9526 0 E 60.29537 24118.15

OE Product OE in company mfg. Total OE company mfg.

57.55012 1668.953 44011.46

Volume: 03 Issue: 02 | Feb-2014, Available @ 143

IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology

eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308

450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 A B C D E units to be manufactured in company units to be outsourced

Fig 3: units to be manufactured and outsourced

In LP analysis, net profit obtain is Rs 823188.5 The resulting optimum product mix that is to manufacture 29, 100, 100, 0,400 of A, B, C, D, E respectively To outsource 51 of A and 70 of D Operating expenses is Rs 44011.46

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The setting of time standards helps in the achievement of production targets of the company. Application of machining time calculator helps in calculation of auto cycle reading with the help of drawing sheet. When new product comes then we can decide the cycle time with help of machining time calculator. Due to this there is no need to study the timing of operation again and again. In capacity utilization for the product mix, the LP model is simple and helps the manager to make faster decision in outsourcing problem with maximum throughput. When demand exceeds the capacity, the suggested model guides the exact quantity to be manufactured as well as the quantity to be outsourced. The model is simple to use and requires only two variables to compute, one is contra ctors profit and another is work time in resource. It is also requested to consider setup time during study as this having significant impact.

[1]. Carl R Lindenmeyer 2001, How to design and conduct a computer integrated time study with active element performance rating(CITS APR).

Volume: 03 Issue: 02 | Feb-2014, Available @ 144

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