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Microsoft ASP. Net Overview

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Microsoft ASP.

Net Overview
What is ASP .Net ?
 ASP.NET provides a programming model and
infrastructure that offers the needed services for
programmers to develop Web-based applications.
 ASP.NET is a part of the .NET Framework, the
programmers can make use of the managed Common
Language Runtime (CLR) environment, type safety, and
inheritance etc to create Web-based applications.
 You can develop your ASP.NET Web-based applications
in any .NET complaint languages such as Microsoft
Visual Basic, Visual C#, and JScript.NET.
 Developers can effortlessly access the advantage of
these technologies, which consist of a managed
Common Language Runtime environment, type safety,
inheritance, and so on. With the aid of Microsoft
VisualStudio.NET Web development becomes easier.
Advantages of ASP. Net
 ASP.NET is Part of the .NET Framework
 ASP.NET Pages are compiled
 XML-Based
 Code-Behind logic
 ASP.NET Pages are built with Server Controls
Advantages of Asp. Net contd..
 ASP.NET is Part of the .NET Framework
 The .NET Framework comprises over 3,400 classes that we can employ in our ASP.NET
applications. We can use the classes in the .NET Framework to develop any type of
 ASP.NET Pages are compiled
 When an ASP.NET page is first requested, it is compiled and cached on the server. This
means that an ASP.NET page performs very rapidly. All ASP.NET code is compiled rather
than interpreted, which permits early binding, strong typing, and just-in-time (JIT) compiling to
native code.
 XML-Based
 ASP.NET configuration settings are stored in XML-based files, which are human readable
and writable. Each one of our applications can have a different configuration file and we can
extend the configuration scheme according to our necessities.
 Code-Behind logic
 The main problem with ASP Classic pages is that an *.asp page does not yield modularized
code. Both HTML and Script are present in a single page. But Microsoft's ASP.NET
implementation contains a new-fangled method to break up business logic code from
presentation code.
 ASP.NET Pages are built with Server Controls
 We can easily build complex Web pages by bring together the pages out of ASP.NET server
controls. For example, by adding validation controls to a page, we can easily validate form
ASP. net Contd..

 Developers can build their works in these

(a) Web Forms.
(b) Web Services.
Web Forms
 Web Forms permits us to build powerful
forms-based Web pages. When building
these pages, we can use Web Forms
controls to create common UI elements
and program them for common tasks.
These controls permit us to rapidly build
up a Web Form.
Web Services

 Web services enable the exchange of data in client-

server or server-server scenarios, using standards like
HTTP, SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) and
XML messaging to move data across firewalls. XML
provides meaning to data, and SOAP is the protocol
that allows web services to communicate easily with
one another. Web services are not tied to a particular
component technology or object-calling convention. As
a result, programs written in any language, using any
component model, and running on any operating
system can access Web services. 
Why We need ASP. Net ?

 Compiled applications – no more server script

 Multi-language support – vb, c#, …
 Language enhancements – OOP, …
 Event-driven controls –respond to client events on the
 Code and content separation
 Configuration enhancements
 Easier deployment
 Debugging improvements
 Benefits of the CLR
 Benefits of the .NET Framework library
 Multi-Processor support
 Consistent object model
 Integrated dev environment with VS.NET
Why to Migrate from ASP to ASP. Net
 Migrating an existing asp page to (.asp to .aspx)
 New page with VS.NET: Databinding by creating
 New page with VS.NET: Drag & Drop Databinding
 Partial (inline or code-behind) with co-existence
 ASP.NET-enabling a web application
 Full redesign of application
Web Project Files in VS.NET

Typical files:
 WebForm1.aspx + WebForm1.cs (or .vb)
 AssemblyInfo.cs (or .vb)
 Web.config
 Global.asax + Global.cs (or .vb)
 Styles.css
 MyProj.vsdisco
 /bin:
 .dll (compiled code in /bin folder)

 .pdb (debug symbols)

Web Project Files in VS.NET contd..

Other files you may see:

 .ascx – User control
 .asmx – Web service file
 .axd – Trace file
 .xsd – Typed dataset + class file
 .cs or .vb – Class or VB Module file
 .resx – resource files
 + other project-specific files
Features of ASP. Net

Intrinsic Objects overcomes from ASP – ASP.Net

 Request (HttpRequest)
 Response (HttpResponse)
 Application (HttpApplicationState)
 Session (HttpSessionState)
 Server (HttpServerUtility)
 Context (HttpContext)
 Trace (TraceContext)
Useful Page Objects

 User – of type IPrincipal and contains user and security

information (IsInRole & Name…)
 Cache – for accessing the ASP.NET caching
infrastructure programmatically

<% @ directive attribute=value %>
@Page – for web pages
 @Control – for user controls
 @Reference – for registering a control on a page
 @OutputCache – for setting page caching options
(Page) or fragment caching options (Control)
 Not case-sensitive

 Web Server Controls

 Automatic Browser Customization

 Datagrid, textbox, dropdown…

 Validation Controls

 HTML Server Controls (using runat=”Server”)

 Custom Controls
 User Controls

 Composite Custom Controls

 Rendered Controls

 3rd Party – see

Postback Architecture

 How postback works

 Hidden viewstate variable
 Viewstate MAC
 Watch out for a large viewstate – think of your clients
 Windows Server 2003 prevents script from being
posted by default

 A look at the Web.config File

 <appSettings> - used for your own settings
(connection strings,…)
 <authentication> - how you determine who the user is

 <authorization> - what the user has access to

 <customErrors> - to redirect users to “nice” error

 <trace> - to control tracing in the application

 Custom configuration sections

 Elements & attributes are case-sensitive
Session State

 Modes:
 InProc – similar to old ASP

 StateServer – a windows service

 SqlServer – state stored in SQL Server

 Off

 Cookieless – uses a URL identifier

Building and Deploying

 Projects are compiled

 Note: changes to aspx pages may not require
 Compared to ASP script interpretation
 At Runtime (after you’ve built your project file):
 Step 1: the aspx page is compiled to a temporary
dll and cached, if not already
 Step 2: the page is run

 Building in Debug vs. Release (pdb files /

Design Time Run Time

Inherits from

Inherits from
Compiles Into

Compiles Into temporary.dll


WebForm1 class

 Trace. Write & Trace. Warn

 Configuring Tracing
 Per application or per page

 Enabled, request Limit, page Output, …

 Disable tracing on production applications; you can

leave the Trace. Write methods without any impact to
Preparing for ASP.NET

 Use Option Explicit

 Avoid using default properties
 Use parentheses and the Call keyword
 Avoid nested include files
 Organize utility functions into single files
 Try to separate code and content
Preparing for ASP.NET

 Avoid declaring functions inside <% %> delimiters–

use <script></script>
Use Response.Write() instead of functions that emit
HTML ( %> <html>… <% )
 Explicitly free resources (call Close() methods)
 Avoid mixing languages in a single page
End of The Asp .Net

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