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MTH 161: Introduction To Statistics: Dr. Mumtaz Ahmed

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MTH 161: Introduction To Statistics

Lecture 17
Review of Previous Lecture
In last lecture we discussed:

Relation b/w central moments and moments about origin

Moment Ratios

Objectives of Current Lecture
In the current lecture:

Describing a Frequency Distribution

Introduction to Probability
Definition and Basic concepts of probability

Describing a Frequency Distribution
To describe the major characteristics of a frequency distribution, we need to
calculate the following five quantities:

The total number of observations in the data.

A measure of central tendency (e.g. mean, median etc.) that provides the
information about the center or average value.
A measure of dispersion (e.g. variance, SD etc.) that indicates the spread of
the data.
A measure of skewness that shows lack of symmetry in frequency
A measure of kurtosis that gives information about its peakedness.

Describing a Frequency Distribution
It is interesting to note that all these quantities can be derived from the first
four moments.

For example,
The first moment about zero is the arithmetic mean
The second moment about mean is the variance.
The third standardized moment is a measure of skewness.
The fourth standardized moment is used to measure kurtosis.

Thus first four moments play a key role in describing frequency distributions.

Probability (or likelihood) is a measure or estimation of how likely it is that
something will happen or that a statement is true.
For example, it is very likely to rain today or I have a fair chance of passing
annual examination or A will probably win a prize etc.
In each of these statements the natural state of likelihood is expressed.

Probabilities are given a value between 0 (0% chance or will not happen) and 1
(100% chance or will happen). The higher the degree of probability, the more
likely the event is to happen, or, in a longer series of samples, the greater the
number of times such event is expected to happen.

Probability is used widely in different fields such as:

mathematics, statistics, economics, management, finance, operation research,
sociology, psychology, astronomy, physics, engineering, gambling and artificial
intelligence/machine learning to, for example, draw inferences about the
expected frequency of events.
Probability theory is best understood through the application of the modern
set theory.
So first we are presenting some basic concepts, notations and operations of set
theory that are relevant to probability.

A set is a well-defined collection of or list of distinct objects.
For example:
A group of students
Number of books in a library
Integers between 1and 100

The objects that are in a set are called members or elements on that set.

Sets are usually denoted by capital letters such as A, B, C, Z etc, while their
elements are represented by small letters such as a, b, c and z etc.

Elements are enclosed by braces to represent a set, e.g.

A={a,b,c,z} or B={1,2,3,4,5}
If x is an element of a set A, we write, , which is read as x belongs to A or x is
in A.
If x is not an element of a set A, we write, , which is read as x belongs to A or x
is in A.

Null or Empty Set: A set containing no elements, denoted by .

Note: {0} is not an empty set instead it has an element 0.

Singleton or Unit Set: A set containing only one element.

Representation of a Set:
A={x| x is an odd number and x<12}
B={x| x is a month of the year}
Subsets: A set A is called subset of set B if every element of set A is also an element
of set B, we write A B or BA.
Example: A={1,2,3} and B={1,2,3,4,5}, so we can see that A B

Equal sets: Two sets A and B are said to be equal (A=B), if A B and B A.

Universal Set or Space: A large set of which all the sets we talk about are subsets,
denoted by S or .
The universal set thus contains all possible elements under consideration.

Venn-Diagrams are used to represent sets and subsets in a pictorial way and to verify the
relationship among sets and subsets.
In venn-diagram, a rectangle is used to represent the universal set or space S, whereas the
sets are represented by circular regions.


A simple venn-diagram

Operations on Sets



Operations on Sets


A-B or A difference B

Laws of Sets
Let A, B and C be any subsets of the universal set S.
Commutative Law
Associative Law
Distributive Law
AU(B C)=(AUB) (AUC) A (BUC)=(A B) U(A C)
Idempotent Laws
Identity Laws
Complementation Laws

AUA ' S , A A ' , A ' ' A, S ' , ' S

De-Morgans Laws
AUB ' A ' B ' A B ' A 'UB '
Class of Sets: A set of sets. E.g. A={ {1}, {2}, {3} }
Power Set: A set of all subsets of A is called power set of set A.
Example: Let A={H,T} then P(A)={, {H}, {T}, {H,T} }

Cartesian Product of sets: The Cartesian product of sets A and B, denoted by AxB
is a set that contains all ordered pairs (x,y) where x belongs to A and y belongs to B.

Symbolically, we write, AxB={ (x,y)| x A and y B}

Example: Let A={H,T}, B={1,2,3,4,5,6}

AxB={(H,1), (H,2), (H,3), (H,4), (H,5), (H,6), (T,1), (T,2), (T,3), (T,4), (T,5), (T,6) }

Random Experiment
Experiment: Experiment means a planned activity or process whose results
yield a set of data.
Trial: A single performance of an experiment is called a trial.
Outcome: The result obtained from an experiment or a trial is called an
Random Experiment: An experiment which produces different results even
though it is repeated a large number of times under essentially similar
conditions, is called a random experiment.
The tossing of a fair coin
The throwing of a balanced die
Drawing a card from a well shuffled deck of 52 playing cards etc.

Sample Space
Sample Space: A set consisting of all possible outcomes that can result from
a random experiment is called sample space, denoted by S.

Sample Points: Each possible outcome is a member of the sample space and
is called sample point in that space.
For instance, The experiment of tossing a coin results in either of the two
possible outcomes: a head (H) or a tail (T), rolling on its edge is not

The sample space is: S={H,T}

Sample space for tossing two coins once (or tossing a coin twice) is :
Sample Space
Sample Space for tossing a die is: S={1,2,3,4,5,6}

Sample space for tossing two dice or (tossing a die twice) is:
S {1,1 , 1, 2 , 1,3 , 1, 4 , 1,5 , 1, 6 ,
2,1 , 2, 2 , 2,3 , 2, 4 , 2,5 , 2, 6 ,
3,1 , 3, 2 , 3,3 , 3, 4 , 3,5 , 3, 6 ,
4,1 , 4, 2 , 4,3 , 4, 4 , 4,5 , 4, 6 ,
5,1 , 5, 2 , 5,3 , 5, 4 , 5,5 , 5, 6 ,
6,1 , 6, 2 , 6,3 , 6, 4 , 6,5 , 6, 6 }

Event: An event is an individual outcome or any number of outcomes of a
random experiment.
In set terminology, any subset of a sample space S of the experiment is called
an event.
Example: Let S={H,T}, then Head (H) is an event, tail (T) is another event,
{H,T} is also an event.
Mutually Exclusive Events: Two events A and B of a single experiment are
said to be mutually exclusive iff they cant occur at the same time. i.e. they
have no points in common.
Example1: Let S={H,T}
Let A={H}, B={T}, then A and B are mutually exclusive events
Example2: Let S={1,2,3,4,5,6}
Let A={2,4,6}, B={4,6}, here A and B are not mutually exclusive events.
Exhaustive Events: Events are said to be collectively exhaustive when union
of mutually exclusive events is the entire sample space S.
Example: In tossing a fair coin, S={H,T} and two events, A={H} and B={T}
are mutually exclusive and also their union AUB is sample space S.

Equally likely events: Two sets are said to be equally likely when one event
is as likely to occur as the other.
Example: In tossing of a fair coin, the two events Head and Tail are equally

Counting Sample Points
When the number of sample points in a sample space S is very large, it
becomes very inconvenient and difficult to list them all and to count the
number of points in the sample space and in the subsets of S.
We then need some methods or rules which help us to count the number of all
sample points without actually listing them.

A few of the basic rules frequently used are:

Rule of multiplication
Rule of Permutation
Rule of Combination

Rule of multiplication
If a compound experiment consists of two experiments such that the first
experiment has exactly m distinct outcomes and if corresponding to each
outcome of the first experiment there can be n distinct outcomes of the second
experiment, then the compound experiment has exactly m*n outcomes.

Example: Compound experiment of tossing a coin and throwing a die

together consists of two experiments: Coin tossing with two distinct outcomes
(H, T) and the die throwing with six distinct outcomes (1,2,3,4,5,6).
The total number of possible distinct outcomes of the compound experiment
is 2x6=12.
See the Cartesian product:
Let A={H,T}, B={1,2,3,4,5,6}
AxB={(H,1), (H,2), (H,3), (H,4), (H,5), (H,6), (T,1), (T,2), (T,3), (T,4), (T,5),
(T,6) }, n(AxB)=12

Rule of Permutation
A permutation is any ordered subset from a set of n distinct objects.
The number of permutations of r objects selected in a definite order from n
distinct objects is denoted by nPr and is given by:

n r !
Example: A club consists of four members. How many sample points are in the
sample space when three officers: president, secretary and treasurer, are to be
Solution: Note that order in which three officers are to be chosen is of
importance. Thus there are four choices for the first officer, 3 choices for the
second officer and 2 choices for the third officer. Hence total number of sample
points are 4x3x2x1=24.

The number of permutations is: 4 P3 4! 24
4 3 !
Rule of Combination
A combination is any subset of r objects, selected without regard to their
order, from a set of n distinct objects.
n n
The total number of such combinations is denoted by Cr or and is
given by: r

n n!

r r ! n r !

Example: A three person committee is to be formed from a list of four

persons. How many sample points are associated with the experiment?
Solution: Since order doesnt matter here, so total number of combinations

4 4!
3 3! 4 3!
Lets review the main concepts:

Describing a Frequency Distribution

Introduction to Probability
Definition and Basic concepts of probability

Next Lecture
In next lecture, we will study:

Laws of probability
More examples of probability

Next Lecture
In next lecture, we will study:

Conditional probability
Independent and Dependent Events
Related questions


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