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Lec 2

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Lecture 2

Conditional Probability

I Let P(R) be our assessment of the probability of rain before

looking outside. If we then look outside and see ominous
clouds in the sky, then presumably our probability of rain
should increase; we denote this new probability by P(R|C )
(read as “probability of R given C”), where C is the event of
there being ominous clouds. When we go from P(R) to
P(R|C ), we say that we are “conditioning on C”. As the day
progresses, we may obtain more and more information about
the weather conditions, and we can continually update our
probabilities. If we observe that events B1 , ..., Bn occurred,
then we write our new conditional probability of rain given
this evidence as P(R|B1 , ..., Bn ).
Definition and Intuition
I (Conditional probability) If A and B are events with P(B) > 0, then the
conditional probability of A given B, denoted by P(A|B), is defined as

P(A ∩ B)
P(A|B) =
I Here A is the event whose uncertainty we want to update, and B is the
evidence we observe (or want to treat as given). We call P(A) the prior
probability of A and P(A|B) the posterior probability of A (“prior” means
before updating based on the evidence, and “posterior” means after
updating based on the evidence).
I When we write P(A|B), it does not mean that A|B is an event and we’re
taking its probability; A|B is not an event. Rather, P(.|B) is a probability
function which assigns probabilities in accordance with the knowledge
that B has occurred, and P(.) is a different probability function which
assigns probabilities without regard for whether B has occurred or not.
When we take an event A and plug it into the P(.) function, we’ll get a
number, P(A); when we plug it into the P(.|B) function, we’ll get
another number, P(A|B), which incorporates the information (if any)
provided by knowing that B occurred.
I For any event A, P(A|A) = P(A∩A)
= 1.
Definition and Intuition (contd.)

Figure 1

Consider a finite sample space, with the outcomes visualized as

pebbles with mass 1. Since, A is an event, it is an event and
likewise for B.
Definition and Intuition (contd.)

I We learn that B occurred. In figure 1(b), upon obtaining this

information, we get rid of all the pebbles in B c because they
are incompatible with the knowledge that B has occurred.
Then P(A|B) is the total mass of the pebbles remaining in A.
Finally, in figure 1(c), we renormalize, that is, divide all the
masses by a constant so that the new total mass of the
remaining pebbles is 1. This is achieved by dividing by P(B),
the total mass of the pebbles in B. The updated mass of the
outcomes corresponding to event A is the conditional
probability P(A|B) = P(A ∩ B)/P(B).
Definition and Intuition (contd.)
Example 1.
Two cards: A standard deck of cards is shuffled well. Two cards
are drawn randomly, one at a time without replacement. Let A be
the event that the first card is a heart, and B be the event that the
second card is red. Find P(A|B) and P(B|A).
Solved in class.
Definition and Intuition (contd.)
I This is a simple example, but already there are several things
worth noting.
1. It’s extremely important to be careful about which events to
put on which side of the conditioning bar. In particular,
P(A|B) 6= P(B|A)
2. Both P(A|B) and P(B|A) make sense the chronological order
in which cards were chosen does not dictate which conditional
probabilities we can look at. When we calculate conditional
probabilities, we are considering what information observing
one event provides about another event, not whether one event
causes another.
3. We can also see that P(B|A) = 25/51 by a direct
interpretation of what conditional probability means: if the
first card drawn is a heart, then the remaining cards consist of
25 red cards and 26 black cards (all of which are equally likely
to be drawn next), so the conditional probability of getting a
red card is 25/(25 + 26) = 25/51.
Definition and Intuition (contd.)
Example 2.
Elder is a girl vs. at least one girl: A family has two children,
and it is known that at least one is a girl. What is the probability
that both are girls, given this information? What if it is known
that the elder child is a girl?
Solved in class.
Bayes’ rule
Theorem 1.
For any events A and B with positive probabilities,

P(A ∩ B) = P(B)P(A|B) = P(A)P(B|A)

I Applying Theorem 1 repeatedly, we can generalize to the

intersection of n events.
Theorem 2.
For any events A1 , ..., An with positive probabilities,

P(A1 , ..., An ) = P(A1 )P(A2 |A1 )P(A3 |A1 , A2 ).......P(An |A1 , ......An−1 )

I In fact, this is n! theorems in one, since we can

permuteA1 , ..., An however we want without affecting the
left-hand side.
Bayes’ rule (contd.)

Theorem 3.
Bayes’ rule:

P(A|B) =

I This follows immediately from Theorem 1, which in turn

followed immediately from the definition of conditional
probability. Bayes’ rule has important implications and
applications in probability and statistics, since it is so often
necessary to find conditional probabilities, and often P(B|A)
is much easier to find directly than P(A|B) (or vice versa).
Bayes’ rule (contd.)
I Another way to write Bayes’ rule is in terms of odds rather than
I Odds: The odds of an event A are
Odds(A) =
P(AC )

I For example, if P(A) = 2/3, we say the odds in favor of A are 2 to 1.

(This is sometimes written as 2 : 1, and is sometimes stated as 1 to 2
odds against A
I Of course we can also convert from odds back to probability

P(A) = odds(A)/(1 + odds(A))

Law of total probability

Figure 2
The law of total probability tells us that to get the unconditional probability of
B, we can divide the sample space into disjoint slices Ai , find the conditional
probability of B within each of the slices, then take a weighted sum of the
conditional probabilities, where the weights are the probabilities P(Ai ).
Law of total probability (contd.)
Theorem 4.
Law of total probability (LOTP): Let A1 , ....An be a partition of the
sample space S (i.e., the Ai are disjoint events and their union is S, with
P(Ai ) ≥ 0 for all i. Then:
P(B) = P(B|Ai )P(Ai )

I Proof: Since the Ai form a partition of S, we can decompose B as

B = (B ∩ A1 ) ∪ (B ∩ A2 ) ∪ ........ ∪ (B ∩ An ).
I This is illustrated in 2, where we have chopped B into the smaller
pieces B ∩ A1 through B ∩ An . By the second axiom of probability,
because these pieces are disjoint, we can add their probabilities to
get P(B):
P(B) = P(B ∩ A1 ) + P(B ∩ A2 ) + ..... + P(B ∩ An )
I Now we can apply Theorem 1 to each of the P(B ∩ Ai ) :
P(B) = P(B|A1 )P(A1 ) + ..... + P(B|An )P(An )
Law of total probability (contd.)
Example 3.
Random coin: You have one fair coin, and one biased coin which
lands Heads with probability 3/4. You pick one of the coins at
random and flip it three times. It lands Heads all three times.
Given this information, what is the probability that the coin you
picked is the fair one?
Solved in class.
Conditional probabilities are probabilities

I When we condition on an event E, we update our beliefs to be

consistent with this knowledge, effectively putting ourselves in
a universe where we know that E occurred. Within our new
universe, however, the laws of probability operate just as
1. Conditional probabilities are between 0 and 1.
2. P(S|E ) = 1, P(φ|E ) = 0. P∞
3. If A1 , A2 .... are disjoint, then P(∪∞
j=1 Aj|E ) = j=1 P(Aj |E )
4. P(Ac |E ) = 1 − P(A|E )
5. Inclusion-Exclusion:
P(A ∪ B|E ) = P(A|E ) + P(B|E ) − P(A ∩ B|E ).
Conditional probabilities are probabilities (contd.)
I To prove mathematically that conditional probabilities are
probabilities, fix an event E with P(E ) > 0, and for any event
A, define P̃(A) = P(A|E ). This notation helps emphasize the
fact that we are fixing E and treating P(.|E ) as our “new”
probability function. We just need to check the two axioms of
probability. First,
P(φ ∩ E )
P̃(φ) = P(φ|E ) = = 0,
P(E )
P(S ∩ E )
P̃(S) = P(S|E ) = =1
P(E )
I Second, if A1 , A2 , . . . are disjoint events, then
P((A1 ∩ E ) ∪ (A2 ∩ E ) ∪ .....)
P̃(A1 ∪ A2 ∪ ......) =
P(E )
P∞ ∞
j=1 P(Aj ∩ E )
= = P(Aj |E )
P(E )
Conditional probabilities are probabilities (contd.)

Theorem 5.
Bayes’ rule with extra conditioning: Provided that P(A ∩ E ) > 0
and P(B ∩ E ) > 0, we have

P(B|A, E )P(A|E )
P(A|B, E ) =
P(B|E )

Theorem 6.
LOTP with extra conditioning: Let A1 , ..., An be a partition of S.
Provided that P(Ai ∩ E ) > 0 for all i, we have
P(B|E ) = P(B|Ai , E )P(Ai |E )
Conditional probabilities are probabilities (contd.)
I You have one fair coin, and one biased coin which lands Heads
with probability 3/4. You pick one of the coins at random and
flip it three times. Suppose that we have now seen our chosen
coin land Heads three times. If we toss the coin a fourth time,
what is the probability that it will land Heads once more?
Solved in class
Conditional probabilities are probabilities (contd.)

I We often want to condition on more than one piece of

information, and we now have several ways of doing that.
1. We can think of B,C as the single event B ∩ C and use the
definition of conditional probability to get

P(A, B, C )
P(A|B, C ) =
P(B, C )

2. We can use Bayes’ rule with extra conditioning on C to get

P(B|A, C )P(A|C )
P(A|B, C ) =
P(B|C )

3. We can use Bayes’ rule with extra conditioning on B to get

P(C |A, B)P(A|B)

P(A|B, C ) =
P(C |B)
Independence of events
I Independence of two events: Events A and B are
independent if

P(A ∩ B) = P(A)P(B).

I If P(A) > 0 and P(B) > 0, then this is equivalent to

P(A|B) = P(A),

and also equivalent to P(B|A) = P(B)

I Independence is completely different from disjointness. If A
and B are disjoint, then P(A ∩ B) = 0, so disjoint events can
be independent only if P(A) = 0 or P(B) = 0. If A and B are
disjoint, knowing that A occurs tells us that B definitely did
not occur, so A clearly conveys information about B, meaning
the two events are not independent (except if A or B already
has zero probability).
Independence of events (contd.)

I Proposition1: If A and B are independent, then A and B c

are independent, Ac and B are independent, and Ac and B c
are independent.
I Proof: Let A and B be independent. Then

P(B c |A) = 1 − P(B|A) = 1 − P(B) = P(B c ),

so A and B c are independent. Swapping the roles of A and B,

we have that Ac and B are independent. Using the fact that
A,B independent implies A, B c independent, with Ac playing
the role of A, we also have that Ac and B c are independent.
I We also often need to talk about independence of three or
more events.
Independence of events (contd.)

I (Independence of three events) Events A, B, and C are

said to be independent if all of the following equations hold:

P(A ∩ B) = P(A)P(B),
P(A ∩ C ) = P(A)P(C ),
P(B ∩ C ) = P(B)P(C ),
P(A ∩ B ∩ C ) = P(A)P(B)P(C ).

I If the first three conditions hold, we say that A, B, and C are

pairwise independent. Pairwise independence does not imply
independence: it is possible that just learning about A or just
learning about B is of no use in predicting whether C occurred,
but learning that both A and B occurred could still be highly
relevant for C. Here is a simple example of this distinction.
Independence of events (contd.)

I Pairwise independence doesn’t imply independence:

Consider two fair, independent coin tosses, and let A be the
event that the first is Heads, B the event that the second is
Heads, and C the event that both tosses have the same result.
Then A, B, and C are pairwise independent but not
independent, since P(A ∩ B ∩ C ) = 1/4 while
P(A)P(B)P(C ) = 1/8. The point is that just knowing about
A or just knowing about B tells us nothing about C, but
knowing what happened with both A and B gives us
information about C (in fact, in this case it gives us perfect
information about C).
Independence of events (contd.)

I Independence of many events: For n events A1 , A2 , ..., An

to be independent, we require any pair to satisfy
P(Ai ∩ Aj ) = P(Ai )P(Aj ) (for i 6= j), any triplet to satisfy
P(Ai ∩ Aj ∩ Ak ) = P(Ai )P(Aj )P(Ak ) (for i, j, k distinct), and
similarly for all quadruplets, quintuplets, and so on.
Independence of events (contd.)

I Conditional independence: Events A and B are said to be

conditionally independent given E if

P(A ∩ B|E ) = P(A|E )P(B|E ).

I It is easy to make terrible blunders stemming from confusing

independence and conditional independence. Two events can
be conditionally independent given E, but not independent.
Two events can be independent, but not conditionally
independent given E. Two events can be conditionally
independent given E, but not independent given E c .
Independence of events (contd.)

I Conditional independence doesn’t imply independence:

Returning once more to the scenario from Example 3,
suppose we have chosen either a fair coin or a biased coin
with probability 3/4 of heads, but we do not know which one
we have chosen. We flip the coin a number of times.
Conditional on choosing the fair coin, the coin tosses are
independent, with each toss having probability 1/2 of heads.
Similarly, conditional on choosing the biased coin, the tosses
are independent, each with probability 3/4 of heads.
I However, the coin tosses are not unconditionally independent,
because if we don’t know which coin we’ve chosen, then
observing the sequence of tosses gives us information about
whether we have the fair coin or the biased coin in our hand.
This in turn helps us to predict the outcomes of future tosses
from the same coin.
Independence of events (contd.)
I Independence doesn’t imply conditional independence:Suppose
that my friends Alice and Bob are the only two people who ever call
me. Each day, they decide independently whether to call me: letting
A be the event that Alice calls and B be the event that Bob calls, A
and B are unconditionally independent. But suppose that I hear the
phone ringing now. Conditional on this observation, A and B are no
longer independent: if the phone call isn’t from Alice, it must be
from Bob. In other words, letting R be the event that the phone is
ringing, we have P(B|R) < 1 = P(B|Ac , R), so B and Ac are not
conditionally independent given R, and likewise for A and B.
I Conditional independence given E vs. given E c : Suppose there
are two types of classes: good classes and bad classes. In good
classes, if you work hard, you are very likely to get an A. In bad
classes, the professor randomly assigns grades to students regardless
of their effort. Let G be the event that a class is good, W be the
event that you work hard, and A be the event that you receive an A.
Then W and A are conditionally independent given G c , but they are
not conditionally independent given G!

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