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Spare Inventory

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An Najah National University

Faculty of Engineering
Industrial Engineering Department


Project Group Members:
Aya Abu zant
Haneen Saymeh Supervised by:
Hisham Jaber
Mahdi Attieh Dr. Yahya Saleh
Inventory Management
Spare Parts
Spare Parts Management
Literature Review
Problem Statement
Proposed Solution
ABC Classification
Demand Forecasting
Inventory Costs
Inventory Management Models
Model Formation
Results and discussion

Inventory Types (accounting perspective)

1- Raw materials - materials and components scheduled for

use in making a product.
2- Work in process, WIP - materials and components that
have begun their transformation to finished goods.
3- Finished goods - goods ready for sale to customers.
4- Goods for resale - returned goods that are salable.
5- Spare Parts.
Inventory Management
Inventory management is primarily concerned about specifying
the size and placement of stocked goods. Inventory management
is required at different locations within a facility or within multiple
locations of a supply chain network to protect the regular and
planned course of production against the random disturbance of
running out of materials or goods.

The scope of inventory management also concerns the fine lines

between replenishment lead time, carrying costs of inventory,
asset management, inventory forecasting, inventory valuation,
inventory visibility, future inventory price forecasting, physical
inventory, available physical space for inventory, quality
management, replenishment, returns and defective goods and
demand forecasting.
Spare Parts
Spare Parts
This category includes those products, which are complimentary to the main products
produced for the purpose of sale.

Why we use Spare Parts ?

Spare parts are kept in stock to support maintenance operations
and to protect against equipment failures.
Although this function is well understood by maintenance
managers, many companies face the challenge of keeping in
stock large inventories of spares with excessive associated
holding and obsolescence costs.

Thus, effective cost analysis can be an important tool to evaluate

the effects of stock control decisions related to spare parts.
Spare Parts Management

Spare Parts Inventory Management

Service parts management is the main component of a
complete Strategic Service Management process that companies
use to ensure that right spare parts and resources are at the
right place (where the broken part is) at the right time.

Spare parts Management plays an important role in achieving the

desired plant availability at an optimum cost. Presently, the
industries are going for capital intensive, mass production
oriented and sophisticated technology. The downtime for such
plant and machinery is prohibitively expensive.
Literature Review
Most studies began in the last decade on the spare parts
inventory management.

Although theoretical models for slow-moving items are

abundant in inventory literature since 1965.

All these studies were concentrated on the mathematical

optimization of the inventory.

Most of the empirical studies in spare parts literature are

focused on testing forecasting methods for demand of
slow-moving items rather than on implementing inventory
Literature Review (Partial List)
Research Author Date About

(S - 1, S) model Feeney and 1966 A particular case of (s , S) models, with

Sherbrooke an underlying Poisson demand
Its well studied and suitable for slow-
moving items, this type of policy
requires continuous review of the
inventory system.
Moreover, the Poisson distribution
assumes randomness of demand
Compound-Poisson Williams et al , 1971, This distribution needs no information
models Silver et al 1984 of demand other than the average
demand, which is the sole parameter
of the demand distribution.
However, these models are more
difficult to apply in practice because
they need an assumption on the
compounding distribution.

Literature Review (cont)
Research Author Date About

Inventory models to Gelders and van 1978 Which were clustered in classes using
control slow and fast Looy ABC analysis together with criticality
moving items. and value considerations.

Forecasting methods Ghobbar and Friend 2003 They present a comparative study of
for the management 13 different forecasting methods for
of spare parts . the management of spare parts in the
aviation industry. (No inventory models
are included)

Bootstrap method to Willemain 2004 They used it to forecast intermittent

forecast intermittent demand of service parts, and they
demand of service implement the method on a large
parts. industrial data set.
(Also no inventory models are

Problem Statement
In this Project we present a case study in inventory management
of spare parts at Al Sarawi for Mercedes Spare Parts; a local
Palestinian company.
The companys core business is selling spare parts for Mercedes
Cars to consumers. The company does not give adequate
importance to inventory management.
As a result, there is an inefficient deployment of inventory.
This study focuses on the inventory management of spare parts
for a specific model of Mercedes Cars which is 416.
It is important for the company has a well-planned inventory
management process for spare parts to control cost and service
customer needs.
Proposed Solution
We need to minimize the total costs of the inventory
in the company through developing and optimizing
various inventory management models of the
companys various spare parts

1. Building Inventory Models and Ordering Policy for the

spare parts being considered in our study
2. Conducting a trade-off analysis via comparing the
characteristics of the current and the new inventory
models at the company
The Project consists of many phases

1. Phase 1
Determine and classify the spare part items by using ABC analysis.
2. Phase 2
Forecasting the demand by analyzing the historical sales data available
3. Phase 3
Collecting Relevant Cost Data ( Holding Cost , Ordering Cost, Transportation
cost, Backordering cost ).
4. Phase 4
Building Inventory Models for each category of the classified spare parts ( A
5. Phase 5
Evaluate the previous conditions and compare them empirically with the new
results based on our inventory models.
ABC Inventory Classification

The Italian economist Pareto (1848-1923)

observed in 19th century Italy that 20% of
the population owned 80% of the usable
land (Pareto 1935). Pareto found the same
distribution in other economical and natural
Advantages of ABC Classification:
This kind of categorization of inventory helps one manage the entire
volume and assign relative priority to the right category.

(A) category items: Helps one identify these stocks as high value items
and ensure tight control in terms of process control, physical security as
well as audit frequency. It helps managers and inventory planners to
maintain accurate records and draw managements attention to the
issue on hand to facilitate instant decision-making.

B category items: These can be given second priority with lesser

frequency of review and less tightly controls with adequate
documentation, audit controls in place.

C category items: Can be managed with basic and simple records.

Inventory quantities can be larger with very few periodic reviews.
A items : these are the 20% of the items that tie up
80% of the total inventory money

B items : these are the 30% of the items the tie up

15% of the total inventory money

C items : these are 50% of the items that tie up 5%

of the total inventory money
ID Demand Cum Value/Unit Value 100% Cum Category
Sample of A 13.8278 13.8278
items 7000072 110 1.1765 600.00 66000 7 7 A
11.0203 24.8482
99700221 40 2.353 1,315.00 52600 9 6 A

ID Demand Cum Value/Unit Value 100% Cum Category
Sample of B 26800038 27 21.177 250.00 6750 1.414214 71.55775 B
items 72.9405
20300020 120 22.3535 55.00 6600 1.382787 4 B

Sample of C ID Demand Cum Value/Unit Value 100% Cum Category
items 90.7889
F0017856 30 47.06 75.00 2250 0.471405 6 C
0.43997 91.2289
E0762821 21 48.2365 100.00 2100 8 4 C
Total number Percentage of Cumulative Percentage of Cumulative of
Description of parts items in the usage value annual sales annual sales
inventory value value
A 17 20% 20% 70% 70%

B 21 26% 46% 20% 90%

C 45 54% 100% 10% 100%

Total 100% 100%

Demand Forecasting
Demand forecasting is often the first critical step in any planning
activity especially inventory planning

The purpose of demand forecasting is for companies to determine the

required quantity of parts that need to be ordered.

We have 2 years data of demand divided in to 4 intervals for each 6

months, for 85 items
Forecasting Methods
Nave Approach
Moving Averages
1. A simple moving average
2. A weighted moving average
Exponential Smoothing
Simple moving average

Sample of A
items D 1- D 6- D 6- D
6\201 12\20 D 1- 12\20 forcast1- D forecast 6- D forecast 1-
# ID ABC 0 10 6\2011 11 6\2011 12\2011 6\2012
1 2 A 40 30 30 20 35 30 25
2 07 A 65 120 120 90 93 120 105

Sample of B
D 1- D 6- D 1- D 6- D F 1- D F 6- D F 1-
# ID ABC 6\2010 12\2010 6\2011 12\2011 6\2011 12\2011 6\2012
1 S0011097 B 3 7 5 6 5 6 6
2 25000024 B 9 7 10 18 8 9 14
A weighted moving average

Sample of A
items D 1- Forecast Forecast
6\201 D 6- D 1- D 6- D1- Forecast D D 1-
# ID ABC 0 12\2010 6\2011 12\2011 6\2011 6-12\2011 6\2012
1 2 A 40 30 30 20 34 30 24
2 07 A 65 120 120 90 98 120 102

Sample of B
items D 1- Forecast Forecast
6\201 D 6- D 1- D 6- D1- Forecast D D 1-
# ID ABC 0 12\2010 6\2011 12\2011 6\2011 6-12\2011 6\2012
1 7 B 3 7 5 6 6 6 6
2 4 B 9 7 10 18 8 9 15
Criteria for choosing time series methods

Mean absolute deviation (MAD)

Mean absolute percent error (MAPE)

Forecasting error for moving average method
Sample of A
error1- error6- error1- error6- Sum MAD
# ID ABC 6\2010 12\2010 6\2011 12\2011 Error avg MAPE

1 25200012 A 0.00 0.00 -5.00 -10.00 15.00 3.75 16.67

2 FNS00007 A 0.00 0.00 27.00 -30.00 57.00 14.25 13.96

Sample of B
items error6-
error1- error6- error1- 12\201 Sum MAD
# ID ABC 6\2010 12\2010 6\2011 1 Error avg MAPE
1 S0011097 B 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 25000024 B 0.00 0.00 2.00 9.00 11.00 2.75 17.50

Sample of C
items error6-
error1- error6- error1- 12\201 Sum MAD
# ID ABC 6\2010 12\2010 6\2011 1 Error avg MAPE
1 99800001 C 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 1.25 6.58
2 F0007517 C 0.00 0.00 9.00 0.00 9.00 2.25 18.75
Forecasting error for weighted average method
Sample of A
items Error6-
Error1- Error6- Error1- 12\201 sum MAD
# ID ABC 6\2010 12\2010 6\2011 1 error W.Avg MAPE

1 25200012 A 0.00 0.00 -4.00 -10.00 14.00 3.50 15.83

2 FNS00007 A 0.00 0.00 22.00 -30.00 52.00 13.00 12.92

Sample of B
items Error6-
Error1- Error6- Error1- 12\201 sum MAD
# ID ABC 6\2010 12\2010 6\2011 1 error W.Avg MAPE
1 S0011097 B 0.00 0.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 0.25 5.00
2 25000024 B 0.00 0.00 2.00 9.00 11.00 2.75 17.50

Sample of C
items Error6-
Error1- Error6- Error1- 12\201 sum MAD
# ID ABC 6\2010 12\2010 6\2011 1 error W.Avg MAPE
1 99800001 C 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 1.25 6.58
2 F0007517 C 0.00 0.00 9.00 -1.00 10.00 2.50 21.88
Forecasting accuracy for demand
Forecasting Method Percentage of
Item Classes Best Forecasting Method Accuracy Measures Accuracy the total
E: 3 items E:17.6%
Weighted moving average A: 11 items A:29.4%
A items MAD
and simple average method W: 15 items W:64.7%
17 items MAPE N: 0 items N: 0%
E: 2 items E:9.5%
Weighted moving average A: 13 items A:61.9%
B items MAD
and simple average W: 15 items W:71.4%
21 items method. MAPE N: 0 items N: 0%
E: 10 items E: 22.2%
Weighted moving average A: 26 items A:57.7%
C items MAD
and simple average W: 32 items W:71.1%
45 items method. MAPE N: 0%
N: 0 items
Total Items E:ExponentiaSmoothing Method
85 items W: Weighted moving average
A: simple average method
N: Nave Method
Inventory Costs
Calculating cost of holding inventory and
ordering cost and the measurement of various
management practices.

Inventory cost is generally regarded by the

company in terms of annual cost.

The general elements that make up the cost of

holding inventory can be classified as non
capital and capital. This cost is an annual
estimate and should be carefully identified.
Cost of Holding items in the inventory :
1- Capital Costs: the opportunity cost of all capital
invested in an enterprise .
which comprises the cost of equity and after-tax cost
of debt.

In our case study we dont need to calculate WACC,

because Sarrawi Company not an equity company
and it doesnt have debt, its a family business
owned by Al Sarrawi family so it will not be necessary
in calculation.
Cost of Holding items in the inventory :

1- Non Capital Costs: The non capital cost of inventories varies from
business to business. Generally non-capital cost is identified as:

Warehousing rental
Tax and duty
Administration cost (accounting, management)

For this case study, the non capital costs are:

Logistics costs
Tax and utility human resource for the warehouse.
Administrative and human resource for the warehouse
The costs of logistics were obtained by the
cost of every shipments contains 6-10
pallets every order ,so we conclude in
average the total cost of logistics is 1600
N.I.S every order.
Taxes and rental of human resource for
warehouse also were taken.
Administrative and human resources were
used to calculate the non capital costs.
Total Inventory Holding Cost: Combining non-
capital and capital costs gives the total
inventory holding cost. Non-capital costs are
stated on before-tax basis.
Non Capital Cost Capital Cost Inventory Holding Cost

29% 0 29%
Inventory Management Models
Good management of inventory is required to manage the supply
of product, its spares or consumables and satisfy the customers
needs. The inventory management is to meet the customers
demands and requirements at a minimum cost to the supplier.

For the Sarrawi Company, the number of items offered and the
volume of the car parts sold has increased over the years and
this has in turn created a need for extensive service
commitments and more spare parts to be held. However,
because inventory is expensive, the company does not want to
hold excessive amounts of stock unnecessarily. Thus, to establish
balance it becomes essential to strike a proper trade off between
the companys cost considerations and customer service

Inventory Management Models
There are two basic types of inventory system
that we used:

I. Continuous review
II. Periodic review

In our project we will be using the continuous

and the periodic review systems on the A B and
C items to insure that we find the most optimal
feasible solution.

Model Formation
Finding The Optimal ordering quantity : The EOQ
formula was used to determine the optimal Q to
be ordered.

Q = order quantity
EOQ = optimal order quantity
D = annual demand quantity
S = fixed cost per order
H = annual holding cost per unit

Model Formation for EOQ
Sample of A
items Unit D Forecasted Q Safety Setup
# ID ABC Value multiplied by 2 EOQ 2012 Current Stock Cost

1 25200012 A 180.00 48 55 100 10 1600

2 7 A 65.00 204 187 200 20 1600

Sample of B
items Unit D Forecasted Q Safety Setup
# ID ABC Value multiplied by 2 EOQ 2012 Current Stock Cost

1 S0011097 B 600.00 12 15 10 2 1600

2 25000024 B 320.00 12 21 5 5 1600

Sample of C
Unit D Forecasted Q Safety Setup
# ID ABC Value multiplied by 2 EOQ 2012 Current Stock Cost

1 99800001 C 45.00 34 92 60 15 1600

2 7 C 240.00 20 31 30 5 1600
Model Formation
Continuous Review System

1-Reorder point = Average demand during lead time + Safety Stock.

2-Choosing an Appropriate Service -Level Policy (z)

3-Finding the Safety Stock assuming the demand is normally distributed

t= standard deviation of daily demand.
L = Lead time.

Model Formation
Periodic Review System

1-Reorder point = Average demand during lead time and the protection period +
Safety Stock.

Where: P = Protection period , L= Lead time.

2-Finding the Safety Stock

t= standard deviation of daily demand.
p+L= Standard deviation for daily demand + Protection time

3- Time between order (TBO) =

Model Formation
Calculating the total costs for the new ordering quantity and current one
for the two systems.

Total Cost = Annual holding cost + Setup Cost + Safety stock holding

C = Total cost per year.
Q = Lot size, in units for the new and current quantity.
H = cost of holding one unit is inventory for a year.
D = Annual demand, in units per year.
S = Cost of ordering or setting up one lot.

Model Formation
Daily demand, Service level, and the lead time for A items
Average z
daily (service
# ID ABC Lead time(L) demand level) d.L L
1 25200012 A 3 0.160 1.65 0.480 0.094
2 FNS00007 A 3 0.680 1.65 2.040 0.307
Sample of A

Average z
daily (service
# ID ABC Lead time(L) demand level) d.L L
1 S0011097 B 3 0.040 1.65 0.120 0.020
2 25000024 B 3 0.040 1.65 0.120 0.056

Sample of B

Model Formation
Continuous Review System for first a sample
of A and B items
D/Q*S Q/2* H Cost
Safety Reorde SS Q Curren Curren Curren
# ID ABC stock r point Q new Q/2 * H D/Q * S Cost current current t t t
1 12 A 1 2 55 1436 1396 2884 10 100 768 2610 3900
2 007 A 1 4 187 1762 1745 3527 20 200 1632 1885 3894
3 61 A 1 2 15 1958 1920 4139 2 5 5760 652.5 6934.5
4 2 A 1 3 49 4263 4114 8551 20 20 10080 1740 15300

D/Q*S Q/2* H Cost

Safety Reorde SS Q Curren Curren Curren
# ID ABC stock r point Q new Q/2 * H D/Q * S Cost current current t t t
1 97 B 1 2 15 1305 1280 2759 2 10 1920 870 3138
2 24 B 1 2 21 974 914 1981 5 5 3840 232 44 4536
Model Formation
Periodic Review System for a sample of 5 C items
Invento Curren Cost
# ID ABC l d z p p+l SS ry t SS Q/2 * H D/Q * S New
1 01 C 3 0.113 1.65 811.765 8.605 15 108 15 600 591 1387
F00075 465.00
2 17 C 3 0.067 1.65 0 2.129 4 36 5 1079 1032 2389
727000 403.84
3 17 C 3 0.087 1.65 6 2.253 4 40 2 1218 1189 2685
760000 520.58
4 50 C 3 0.680 1.65 8 26.866 45 402 30 924 922 2081
727000 606.66
5 21 C 3 0.300 1.65 7 14.845 25 208 20 792 791 1800

Results and Discussion
Results for class A
The results clearly show that the chosen continuous review system model has
marked improvement over the existing method; the inventory cost savings are
97,640 NIS with percentage of 12.21 %, but also it shows how the periodic
review system is saving money for the A items but due to the high amount of
inventory and the long period to restock, so its clearly that is not applicable in
this company.
Old current New Inventory model New inventory
(Continuous Review model (Periodic
System) Review System)

Total Parts 17 17 17

Inventory cost per year, 180,978 83,284 84,963


Percentage improvement _ 12.21% 12%

Results and Discussion
Results for class B
The inventory cost savings for the continuous review system are 36,559 NIS
with percentage 4.57 % and show a similar savings for the periodic review
system with percentage of 3.05 % but as mentioned above the long periods for
ordering make it not applicable in this company.

Current model New inventory model New inventory

(Continuous Review model (Periodic
System) Review System)
Total Parts 22 22 22

Inventory cost per year, 88,631 52,072 64,227


Percentage improvement _ 4.57% 3.05%

Results and Discussion
Results for class C
The inventory cost savings are 68,445 NIS with percentage of 8.56 % but using
the periodic review system it saves even more with a percentage of 9.96 % but
this system is not applicable in this company due to the long periods for
reordering and not ordering a huge amount of items in the inventory even for
the C class items.

Current model New inventory model New inventory

(Continuous Review model (Periodic
System) Review System)
Total Parts 46 46 46

Inventory cost per year, 132,327 63,882 52,637


Percentage improvement _ 8.56% 9.96%





20000.00 Current




1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81 85



6000.00 Continous-S


1 5 9 13172125293337414549535761656973778185
Spare parts supply chains are in fact very different from those of
finished goods supply chain. The fundamental driving forces are
balancing between having a low inventory of spare parts to
decrease the cost and service fulfillment with short response
The company in this study lacks of expertise in the area of
inventory management. This has resulted in severe shortcomings
in the business process of their company. After reviewing and
analyzing the data collected we proposed a cost effective solution
for them to manage their inventory optimally.
By implementing an effective inventory management system, Al-
Sarrawi Company in this study will be able to save a lot of money
and keeping their services as it is to their customers.
Applying the inventory model successfully depends on
the effective implementation of every stage of the
framework of inventory management which includes
ABC analysis, demand forecasting and implementation
development of an inventory model. Inaccurate data
going into a perfect model will give inaccurate or even
misleading results. Perfect data going into an
unsuitable model similarly will give inaccurate results.
The limitation in this project has been the
amount of data available. Clearly the data
obtained does not cover a long enough time-
frame to provide accurate forecast so in a more
few years of stored data will give better results
and accurate assumptions, and the need to the
system to be continually updated or it will
become invalid.

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