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High-Speed Digital Logic: Chris Allen (Callen@eecs -

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High-Speed Digital Logic

Chris Allen (

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Properties of high-speed gates
Circuit families and their characteristics
Logic circuits within a family share certain characteristics
logic levels
supply voltages
rise and fall times
maximum clock frequency for sequential logic devices
power dissipation
The output drive circuits determine several of these characteristics

The most common logic families

Family Transistor technology Semiconductor material GaAs BJT circuits are
being developed.
complementary metal-oxide-
field-effect transistor silicon
GaAs circuits are
TTL BJT faster due to its
transistor-transistor bipolar-junction Si superior electron
logic transistor
bipolar-CMOS Other properties of
ECL GaAs: generally
emitter-coupled logic
radiation hard; no
FET GaAs natural oxide; brittle
Properties of high-speed gates

VHI = 4 V & 50- term IOUT = 80 mA 3

Properties of high-speed gates
Comparison of logic families
FACT ABT Picologic

Tr (ns) 2 2 3 0.7 0.125 0.110

tPLH (ns) 5 3 2.7 0.75 0.45 0.36

160 125 200 400 1700 2500
rate (MHz)
0.003 12.5 0.005 50 500 500
power (mW)
Power @
0.8 12.5 1.0 50 500 500
1 MHz (mW)
2 to 6 5 5 -4.7 -5.2 -5.2
voltage (V)

Note: Quiescent power dissipation < power dissipation at 1 MHz clock frequency for CMOS
and BiCMOS.
Due to the energy dissipated during charging and discharging the load capacitance each clock cycle.
Energy dissipated while charging capacitor: 0.5 CVcc2
Energy dissipated while discharging capacitor: 0.5 CVcc2
Total energy dissipated per cycle: CVcc2
The power dissipation is Pdiss(f) = f C Vcc2 for a switching frequency f.

Pdiss is essentially frequency independent for TTL, ECL, and GaAs as it is not
due to capacitive charging/discharging, rather it is due to the internal circuits.
Properties of high-speed gates
To illustrate this point consider the circuit below as we look at the
energy required to charge and discharge the capacitor.

Assume the capacitor is initially discharged,

Vc = 0 V

Assume at t = 0 the switch moves to position A

the capacitor begins to charge.
During the charge interval
it 1 exp t , t 0 , R 1 C
The energy drawn from source V1 is

V12 1
it dt
V e
E1 V1 0 V1 C E1
1 2

R1 0
Once charged, the energy stored in the capacitor is E c C V12
Half of the energy drawn from the source is dissipated as heat during
the charging interval; the remainder is dissipated during discharge.
Logic circuit details
VDD: supply voltage (2 to 10 V)
VSS: ground

Capacitive input

Totem-pole output driver

Pulls output up or pulls output down Output driver stage
Only one transistor active at a time

Low quiescent power

Output transistor has relatively low ON-state resistance

35 to 100 in ON state (24 to 64 mA output capacity for FACT)
and high OFF-state resistance (500 M)

Logic circuit details
VCC: supply voltage (5 V)

Resistive input

Totem-pole output driver

Dissipates power in both HI and LO quiescent modes due to bias


Low output resistance in both states (HI/LO)

Rs < 10

Logic circuit details
VCC: supply voltage (5 V)

Capacitive input

CMOS internal logic

TTL output driver

Dissipates power in both HI and LO quiescent modes due to bias


Frequency-dependent power dissipation due to CMOS

Low output resistance in both states (HI/LO)

Rs < 10
Logic circuit details
VEE: supply voltage (-5 V)
VCC: ground

Resistive input

Emitter-follower output
Open emitter output
Terminated off chip
Large output current capacity

Dissipates power in both HI and LO quiescent modes due to bias


Low output resistance in HI state Rs < 10

High output resistance in LO state ~ open circuit
Logic circuit details
VEE: supply voltage (-5 V)
VSS: supply voltage (-3.4 V)
VDD: ground
Resistive input

Source-follower output
Open source output
Terminated off chip
Large output current capacity

Dissipates power in both HI and LO quiescent modes due to bias


Low output resistance in HI state Rs ~ 8

High output resistance in LO state ~ open circuit

Logic circuit details
ECL and GaAs use a similar output drive circuit design

ECL output stage GaAs output stage

Neither use totem-pole design

Both require off-chip biasing

Both support wired-OR logic

Logic circuit details
Termination schemes
ECL and GaAs logic families require termination using resistors
connected to a negative voltage to complete the circuit.

This approach requires a -2 V supply

An alternative approach forms the

Thevenin equivalent from chip supply voltage, VEE

Logic circuit details
Termination schemes
Select values for R1 and R2 so that

R1 R 2
50 R1 // R 2
using 5% resistor values.

For VEE = -5.2 V, R1 = 130 , R2 = 90

which produces, RT = 53 and VTT = -2.1 V

Logic circuit details
Faster technologies cost more
In terms of $
In terms of Pdiss
In terms of design complexity

Dont use technology with more capability than needed

Recall that Tr Fknee

Fknee = 0.5 / Tr
Bandwidth over which signal fidelity must be preserved
More reflections, ringing
More crosstalk
higher dI/dt increases inductive crosstalk
higher dV/dt increases capacitive crosstalk
Therefore, use technology with the slowest acceptable Tr

Logic circuit details
Faster devices require terminations
these dissipate power as well
Power dissipation for termination resistors
For ECL and GaAs logic
VHI -0.8 V, VLO -1.8 V
The power dissipated in the terminating 50- resistor is

0.8 2
28.8 mW , I HI 24 mA

1.8 2
0.8 mW , I LO 4 mA
Every signal must be terminated.
For a large number of signals, about half will be HI at any instant.

Average power dissipated / signal

Average current / signal
I HI I LO 14 mA
Logic circuit details
For circuits of moderate complexity
May have 100s of signals
100 x 15 mW 1.5 W = Pdiss in terminations
100 x 14 mA 1.4 A = ITT from the 2-V power supply
Note that 1/8-W termination resistors are adequate in this

Now consider the alternate configuration

0.8 5.2

149 mW 7 mW 156 mW
130 90

1.8 5.2

89 mW 36 mW 125 mW
130 90
Average power dissipated / signal = 141 mW (vs. 15 mW for 2-V source)

14 W for circuit with 100 signals

130- termination resistor must be rated for W
Noise margins
Digital-signal transmission has superior signal preservation compared
to analog transmission
Digital signaling has built-in tolerance to noise, crosstalk, voltage
variations, ringing or reflections, temperature variations, EMI, and
other sources of signal distortion
as long as bit errors can be avoided.

To avoid bit errors, a transmitted HI must be reliably received as a HI,

and similarly a transmitted LO, received as a LO

Digital communication can tolerate limited channel error sources due

to noise margins

The difference between the transmitted signal level and the decision
threshold level is the noise margin.

As long as a logical HI signal is above a given threshold level,

it will be read as a HI, likewise for LO signals.
Noise margins

Noisy digital waveform


Eye diagram showing signals statistical distribution

Noise margins

Noise margins
Input considered HI if VI > VIH
Input considered LO if VI < VIL
Gate HI output is between VOH(max) & VOH(min)
Gate LO output is between VOL(max) & VOL(min)

Data on a devices input and output parameters are provided in the

vendors data sheet.
VOH (minimum, typical, maximum) output voltage HI
VOL (minimum, typical, maximum) output voltage LO
VIH, VIL threshold for deciding if input signal is HI or LO

The noise margin is computed from these parameters

Noise margin: NMH = VOH(min) VIH

NML = VIL VOL(max)

Noise margins
Noise margins are sometimes expresses as % of signal range

VOH min VIH max

NM H % 100 %
VOH max VOL min
VIL min VOL max
NM L % 100 %
VOH max VOL min

Note: These are worst case values to yield the smallest (most
conservative) noise margins.

Logic circuit details
Combinational logic and sequential logic

For combinational logic, the output depends on the state of the inputs
now, i.e., it has no memory
Examples include AND, OR, XOR, NOR, NAND gates

The output of sequential logic depends on the state of the inputs now and
on the previous input states, i.e., it does have memory
Examples include flip-flops, shift registers, counters, etc.

D flip-flop shift register counter 22

Logic circuit details
Combinational devices are characterized by propagation delay

Sequential devices are characterized by propagation delay

plus setup and hold requirement on data and minimum pulse
duration (width)

Timing analysis
High-speed designs require timing analysis that includes
Propagation delays through devices
Propagation delays through interconnects (traces)
Data setup times
Data hold times
Pulse durations
Reliable designs anticipate worst case conditions

To find the elapsed time as a signal propagates through a

signal path, individual propagation delays are added.

In clocked (sequential) systems, the signal must arrive and be

stable for the required time before the clock edge arrives.

In some designs, multiple signal paths must be analyzed to

determine the circuits highest operating frequency.
Timing analysis
Timing analysis example #1
Consider the circuit as shown with
flip-flop specifications given below.
The D flip-flop triggers on the rising
clock edge.

Find the maximum clock frequency

for reliable operation for:
a) Case where trace delay is 0 s
b) Case where trace delay is 200 ps

Flip-flop, AC electrical characteristics (temperature from -25 C to + 55 C)

Symbol Parameter Units Minimum Typical Maximum
Maximum clock
fmax MHz 500
tPLH Propagation delay
ns 0.90 1.10 1.90
tPHL CP to Q
tS Setup time ns 0.80
tH Hold time ns 0.70
tTLH Transition time
ns 0.40 1.20
tTHL 20% to 80%
Timing analysis
Timing analysis example #1
The D flip-flop triggers on the rising
clock edge.
This circuit outputs a square-wave
whose frequency is fCLK/2.

The maximum propagation delay from the rising clock edge to the signal
S1 at the D input for case (a) is 1.9 ns.

Add 0.8 ns to satisfy the setup (TS) requirement.

Therefore the minimum clock period is

1.9 + 0.8 = 2.7 ns, or fCLK(max) = 371 MHz
Timing analysis
Timing analysis example #1
For case (b) the maximum propagation delay from the rising clock edge
to the signal S1 at the D input is propagation delay is
1.9 ns + 0.2 ns, or 2.1 ns

Again add 0.8 ns to satisfy the setup (TS) requirement.

Therefore the minimum clock period is

2.1 + 0.8 = 2.9 ns, or fCLK(max) = 345 MHz

Signal rise time is not a factor

The 500-MHz fmax specification is not a

factor unless timing analysis result
indicates higher clock frequency than
flip-flop can support

Timing analysis
Timing analysis example #2
A circuit consisting of ECL flip-flops is configured as shown below.
This circuit produces two output signals in phase quadrature with frequencies one-fourth
that of the input clock frequency.
The AC specifications for the flip-flop are detailed in the table.
Unless specified otherwise, the delay through each of the interconnecting traces is 200 ps.
Determine the maximum, worst-case clock frequency that this circuit can operate over the
full temperature range for the circuit.

Flip-flop, AC electrical characteristics (temperature from -25 C to + 55 C)

Symbol Parameter Units Minimum Typical Maximum
Maximum clock
fmax MHz 500
tPLH Propagation delay
ns 0.90 1.10 1.90
tPHL CP to Q
tS Setup time ns 0.80
tH Hold time ns 0.70
tTLH Transition time
ns 0.40 1.20
tTHL 20% to 80%
Timing analysis
Timing analysis example #2
Analyze each signal path to determine which one limits the overall max operating

Signal S3: Minimum clock period 2.1 + 0.8 = 2.9 ns (from previous example)

Delay from CLOCK to stable signal S8: 1.9 + 0.2 + 1.9 + 0.2 = 4.2 ns
Add required setup time: 4.2 + 0.8 = 5 ns
300-ps clock delay to 3rd flip-flop: Minimum clock period 5 - 0.3 = 4.7 ns

Delay from CLOCK to stable signal S11: 1.9 + 0.2 = 2.1 ns

Add required setup time: 2.1 + 0.8 = 2.9 ns
100-ps relative clock delay between 3rd and 4th flip-flops:
Minimum clock period 2.9 - 0.1 = 2.8 ns

Longest minimum clock period: 4.7 ns fmax = 213 MHz

Logic circuit details
Circuit schematics
Each component assigned a unique identifier
Capacitors: C1, C2, C3,
Diodes: D1, D2, D3,
Inductors: L1, L2, L3,
Integrated circuits: U1, U2, U3,
Resistors: R1, R2, R3,
Switches: SW1, SW2, SW3,
Transformers: T1, T2, T3,
Transistors: Q1, Q2, Q3,

Component values are specified (e.g., R1 150 )

Each integrated circuit pin number is shown

Each signal is labeled with unique signal name

Power and ground connections are identified

Homework #2
Pseudo-random noise (PRN) generator circuit design
Random, or even psuedo-random, serial bit streams are useful in various
systems (radar, digital communication, cryptography, etc.)

Mathematically well-understood process for producing random

sequence with relatively long repeat period

Digital PRN implementation involves shift register outputs fed back

through exclusive-OR gates

Homework #2
Pseudo-random noise (PRN) generator circuit design
Pattern generation

For feedback from 3rd and 4th

shift-register taps, a 21-state PRN
pattern is produced, after which the
pattern repeats

Homework #2
Pseudo-random noise (PRN) generator circuit design
Critical timing analysis
focuses on one clock cycle
used to determine maximum clocking frequency

For this feedback configuration, a

127-state PRN pattern is produced

Homework #2
Pseudo-random noise (PRN) generator circuit design
Perform design using 5 different technologies
FACT (National Semiconductor Advanced CMOS: 74AC devices in DIP
FAST TTL (Texas Instruments F series TTL: 74F devices in DIP package)
100K ECL (Fairchild 300 series ECL: DIP package)
10G GaAs (GigaBit Logic 10G series: the fastest version in type C
UPG GaAs (NEC Logic)
Involves timing analysis
Estimating currents to be supplied by each power supply
List of materials
does not include power supplies, signal generators, printed-circuit boards
Complete schematic diagrams for CMOS and ECL circuits
include pin numbers, signal names, termination resistors when required
For each of the 5 designs, determine
if high-speed design rules should be applied
maximum usable clock frequency
Requires careful reading of data sheets
Homework #2
Pseudo-random noise (PRN) generator circuit design

Common mistakes to avoid

unspecified inputs or unused inputs
improper programming of shift register
too few or too many termination resistors on a signal line
incomplete schematics (missing reference designators on resistors and
integrated circuits, missing pin numbers on integrated circuits)
using incorrect component parameters (wrong package or temperature)

Dos and donts

do not use the built-in XOR gate found in the GigaBit Logic shift register
tie unused CMOS and TTL input high or low, do not let them float
floating ECL and GaAs inputs are interpreted as logical LO
grounded input interpreted as logical HI with ECL and GaAs

High-speed gate packaging issues
Key issues regarding packaging
Package inductance
Lead capacitance
Heat transfer
Cost, reliability, testability

High-speed gate packaging issues
Package inductance
Inductance in the signal path from the integrated circuit chip (die) to the
printed-circuit board (PCB) due to
wire bonds (typically 1-mil diameter gold wires)
package leads

Amount of inductance varies with geometry

Ground bounce
Package inductance can cause ground bounce
Inductance in the ground pin and its wire bond cause ground bounce

Consider the current flow as the load capacitor, C, is discharged

Inductance between the die and ground cause the dies ground reference
to fluctuate when the ground current varies

This variation in the on-chip ground reference is ground bounce

LO-to-HI transition as
capacitor discharges

I C dVC dt

LGNDC d 2 VC dt 2
Ground bounce
Mathematically, it can be shown that (assuming a Gaussian pulse as
described in Appendix B with t3 = 0.281)
1.52 V
where V is the nominal voltage change between logical LO and HI

This affects the on-chip reference level used to interpret the input level


where A

VGND is affected by the output driver but the effect may show up on the
input section

Ground bounce
Note that this phenomenon is not observable outside the chip

Ground bounce
Approaches to reduce ground bounce
1.52 V
Recall that VGND L GNDC
Therefore to reduce VGND

Increase Tr (if possible)

Decrease V (often not an option)

Decrease C (should be reduced already)

Reduce LGND (how?)

Provide parallel paths (multiple ground pins)
Use wider conductors (bond with ribbons instead of wire)
Shorter path between the chip and the PWB (e.g., surface mount)

Ground bounce
Other techniques to reduce ground bounce
In ECL and GaAs devices, the output stage is isolated from the rest of
the circuit
VCC1 and VCC2 (VDDO and VDDL) are not connected on the chip
These two pins are to be connected to GND on the PWB

Another approach is to transmit differential signals rather than single-

ended signals (reduced impact of VGND)



single-ended signaling differential signaling

Lead capacitance
Mutual capacitance, CM, between adjacent pins can result in
Capacitive crosstalk

Mutual capacitance is most significant when an output pin is

adjacent to an input pin
In this case crosstalk coupling from output to input may result in
performance errors

To reduce this effect

Reduce the capacitance, C r Area / Distance
Increase separation distance larger package size
Smaller geometries
Increase Tr (if possible)
Dont put input and output pins side by side, isolate with Vcc or GND pins
High-speed gate packaging issues
Examples of integrated circuit packages
Variations in:
Overall package size
number of pins
maximum die size
Pins geometry
through-hole vs. surface mount
pin spacing (pitch)
perimeter vs. area array
Plastic vs. ceramic package material
thermal properties

High-speed gate packaging issues
Typical reactances of integrated circuit packages
Lead Adjacent lead
Package inductance capacitance
14-pin DIP 8 nH 4 pF

68-pin LCC 7 nH 7 pF

wire bond 1 nH 1 pF

solder bump 0.1 nH 0.5 pF

Other considerations in selecting package type:

package cost
# of I/O (signal density)
product testability at speed
chip (die) size
environmental requirements hermeticity
heat transfer (more on this topic later)
High-speed gate packaging issues
Package types
Pin-grid array

Small outline
Thin SOP
Quad flat pack
Small outline J-lead
Quad flat J-lead
Quad flat nonleaded
Tape carrier
Ball-grid array
Land-grid array

High-speed gate packaging issues
Package-less options
Package-less involves dealing with bare die
used in multichip modules (MCMs), chip on board (COB), and other processes

reduced cost
reduced size / volume
integrated circuit technology trends
various die sizes
growing # of I/O
increased power dissipation
Chip on board

Multichip module
Integrated circuit trends

Integrated circuit trends

Integrated circuit trends

Integrated circuit trends

High-speed gate packaging issues

Integrated circuit trends

High-speed gate packaging issues

SMT: surface-mount technology

CSP: chip-scale package, surface mountable with an area of no more than 1.2x the original die area
WLP: wafer-level packaging, technology of packaging an integrated circuit at wafer level
High-speed gate packaging issues
Package-less options
#1 Chip and wire
Bare die are attached to a network
Attachment process uses solder or epoxy
Network is printed wiring board (PWB) or ceramic substrate
Wires are attached
1-mil diameter wires or 3- to 5-mil ribbon connect the die to the circuit
Sealed in hermetic enclosure or covered with blob of sealant

High-speed gate packaging issues
Package-less options
#2 TAB Tape Automated Bonding
Bare die are bonded to custom wiring frame
Wiring frame used to handle die and attach die to network
Sealed in hermetic enclosure or with blob

High-speed gate packaging issues
Package-less options
#3 Flip chip
Small solder balls formed on each die pad
Die is flipped over onto matching pattern on network
Heat is applied to reflow solder
Alternative approach involves conductive epoxy (z-axis only)
Hermetically sealed or blob top applied

High-speed gate packaging issues
Package-less options
#4 GE HDI process
Bare die are attached to support base (metal)
Series of steps alternatively apply dielectric and metal to build up a high-
density interconnection (HDI) network around die
Overall assembly is packaged

High-speed gate packaging issues
Package-less options
#5 Die stacking
Bare die of comparable size are bonded together as a sandwich
Etching and metalization steps provide interconnection between chips and
between stack and next assembly

High-speed gate packaging issues
Package-less options
Heat transfer issues must also be considered for package-less options
Technology comparison
Technology Heat transfer ability Inductance
Flip-chip with solder bump poor 0.1 to 3 nH
Flip-chip with conductive epoxy good similar
Wire bonds good 1 to 7 nH
Tab fair to good 5 nH
Capacitance is less of an issue in these designs

Multichip module (MCM)

Some of the package-less options also qualify as multichip modules
GE HDI process and die stacking

Most MCM technology involves ceramic substrates

Alumina substrate with thick film network applied
Co-fired ceramic structure comparable to printed wiring board (PWB)

Multichip modules
Co-fired ceramic process

Co-fired ceramic materials

High-temperature co-fired ceramic (HTCC)
High firing temperatures require
use of refractory metals (e.g., tungsten)
Low-temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC)
Low firing temperature permits use
of copper and gold metals for conductors

Multichip modules
LTCC substrate and assembly
Metalized green (unfired) ceramic layers with vias punched and filled

Multichip modules
LTCC substrate and assembly
Co-fired ceramic structure

Component side Back side

Dimples due to thermal
vias beneath chips

Multichip modules
LTCC substrate and assembly
Metal seal ring and lead frame brazed onto co-fired structure

Component side Back side

Multichip modules
MCM assembly
Die attached and wire bonded; AlN heat spreader bonded to back
Passive components attached with conductive epoxy

Component side Back side

Multichip modules
MCM assembly

Completed assembly Exploded view showing

layer stack up

High-speed gate packaging issues
Thermal management
Electronic devices dissipate power, PD
This power is released as heat
Due to thermal resistance, the heat results in a temperature increase
Elevated temperatures cause problems for at least two reasons
#1 Thermal expansion
Materials expand with increasing temperature
Different materials expand at different rates
Dissimilar materials that are mechanically connected experience
mechanical stress when the temperature changes (increase or decrease)
Temperature cycling results in mechanical fatigue
Mechanical failure can result
Also, non-uniform temperature in a solid can result in
internal stresses fatigue failure
Also, non-uniform temperature in a circuit can change electrical parameters
e.g., threshold voltages in FETs
Thermal management
Elevated temperatures cause problems for at least two reasons
#2 Thermally-induced failures
Device failure mechanisms have a time / temperature relationship reflected
in the activation energy of the Arrhenius Model
Failure mechanisms with lower activation energies result in electrical
failures at earlier times in the devices life and limit its useful life
Elevated temperatures effectively accelerate the device aging process and
shorten its useful life
This temperature / aging relationship is useful in determining device lifetime
through accelerated aging tests
Typical failure distribution vs time for electronic devices follows bathtub curve

Operation at elevated temperature reduces the useful lifetime

Thermal management
#2 Thermally-induced failures (cont.)
Device reliability defined as Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF)
a statistical estimate of the probability of failure
Increasing temperature reduces the MTBF
In electronic systems, the highest temperatures are typically the transistors
junction temperature this will drive the devices MTBF
Thermal management must consider junction temperatures
Failure In Time (FIT)
the expected number
of component failures
per billion device
hours, which is
to a MTBF of
1,000,000,000 hours

Activation energy
silicon: 0.65 to 1.22 eV
depending on junction
GaAs MESFET: 2.5 eV

Thermal management
Goals of thermal management
Limit temperature increase with PD
Limit temperature variations
Limit the junction temperature
Thermal Analysis
Terminology, material characteristics, analytical techniques

Thermal management terminology

Specific heat of a material, c [J/(gC)]
amount of heat energy required to change temperature
of 1 g of material by 1 C

T C Heat Energy J Specific heat J g C mass g

Material water aluminum copper GaAs Kovar Si air
Specific heat 4.186 0.90 0.39 0.33 0.44 0.70 0.941

Example 1 J of heat energy will raise temp of 1 mL of water (liquid) by 0.24 C (1 mL = 1 g)

This same 1 J would increase temp of 1 g of silicon by 1.4 C or 1 g of GaAs by 3 C
Thermal management
Thermal management terminology
Thermal conductivity, k [W / Km or W / m C]
Heat-flux surface density required to establish a temperature
gradient of 1 K/m or 1 C/m (K = kelvin)

Thermal resistance, [K / W or C / W]
Thickness m
Thermal resistance ,
Thermal conductivi ty
Thermal path area m


Thermal management
Thermal management terminology
Coefficient of thermal expansion, CTE [ppm / C]
Dimension change for T of 1 C
Usually specified at a given temperature

Heat sink
Sink for heat with essentially constant temperature
examples: the ocean, Antarctic ice sheet

Heat spreader or heat pipe

Good thermal conductor (T 0) but limited heat capacity
Used to transfer or distribute heat

Thermal management

Thermal management

Thermal management

Thermal management

Thermal management

Thermal management

Thermal management

Thermal management
Find the junction temperature for a 10G002 with an ambient temperature of 25 C.
Consider the 10G002 Quad 2-input XOR/XNOR packaged in the 40-pin leadless
chip carrier using 1 XOR gate (2 inputs, 1 output).

First find the power dissipation.

We know the circuit can be respresented as:
VSS = -3.4 V ISS(max) = -240 mA *
VEE = -5.2 V IEE(max) = -75 mA *
VOUT(HI) = -0.8 V IOUT(HI) = 24 mA
VOUT(LO) = -1.8 V IOUT(LO) = 4 mA
VOUT(Avg) = -1.3 V IOUT(Avg) = 14 mA
* from data sheet
From circuit theory we know PD Vi Ii
i 1
where all current flow is referenced into the device as:
PD 3.4 V 240 mA 5.2 V 75 mA
1.8 V 4 mA 0.8V 24mA
PD 816 mW 390 mW 13.2 mW
PD 1.22 W 80
Thermal management
Example (continued)
Now we are provided with information about the GaAs die
Dimensions: 0.090 x 0.067 x 0.025 (estimated)
Computed area: 2.29 mm x 1.7 mm or 3.89 x 10-6 m2
Power 1.22 W
Power density 314 kW / m 2
202 W / in 2

Area 3.89 10 6 m 2
Die thickness 0.025 (25 mils) or 635 m

Note GaAs die are typically thicker than Si die because GaAs is more brittle
than Si. To reduce breakage in handling and processing, die are 25-mil thick
vs. 15-mil thick for Si.

The die is attached to a silicon chip carrier

0.250 x 0.250 x 0.015
that serves as a heat spreader
and has decoupling capacitors
and 50- coplanar transmission lines
Thermal management
Example (continued)
The die is bonded to the silicon chip carrier with a 2.5-mil (0.0025)
thick layer of conductive epoxy.

The silicon chip carrier is bonded to the co-fired alumina package with
eutectic solder, 2.5-mil thick.

The alumina package thickness is 20 mils

Next find the thermal resistance from the junction to the package

Find for each layer using t

where t = thickness kA
k = thermal conductivity
A = area

Thermal management
Example (continued)
t kA
Layer material t (m) k (W/mK) A(m2) (C/W)
GaAs 635x10-6 46 3.89x10-6 3.55
Epoxy 63.5x10-6 3 3.89x10-6 5.544

Before we find the thermal resistance of the silicon chip carrier we must
address how to evaluate the heat spreading.
Since silicon is a moderate heat conductor (not nearly a good as a metal
or diamond) and the chip carrier footprint is much larger than that of the
die, the heat will spread out as it passes through this layer.

Silicon area >> GaAs area

assume a 45 spreading angle
Average top surface area with bottom
surface area to get effective area for heat flux

Thermal management
Example (continued)
Top surface area determined by GaAs dimensions, 90 mils x 67 mils or 3.89x10-6 m2
Bottom surface area found by adding 2T to each dimension (2T = 30 mils)
Bottom surface area, 120 mils x 97 mils or 7.51x10-6 m2
Effective area for heat flux through silicon chip carrier (3.89 + 7.51)x10-6 m2
or 5.7x10-6 m2

Layer material t (m) k (W/mK) A(m2) (C/W)

Silicon 381x10-6 83.5 5.7x10-6 0.80
Eutectic 63.5x10-6 68.2 7.51x10-6 0.12

The thermal resistance for the alumina layer is handled similarly

Bottom surface area found by adding 2T to each dimension (2T = 40 mils)
Bottom surface area, 120 mils x 97 mils + 2(20 mils) = 160 mils x 137 mils
Bottom surface area = 14.1x10-6 m2
Effective area for heat flux (7.51 + 14.1)x10-6 m2 or 10.8x10-6 m2

Layer material t (m) k (W/mK) A(m2) (C/W)

Alumina 508x10-6 20 10.8x10-6 2.35
Thermal management
Example (continued)
Overall the thermal resistance from the die surface through the package

Layer material t (m) k (W/mK) A(m2) (C/W)

GaAs 635x10-6 46 3.89x10-6 3.55
Epoxy 63.5x10-6 3 3.89x10-6 5.544
Silicon 381x10-6 83.5 5.7x10-6 0.80
Eutectic 63.5x10-6 68.2 7.51x10-6 0.12
Alumina 508x10-6 20 10.8x10-6 2.35
12.3 C/W
SC = 12.3 C/W (SC: Surface to Case)

For now lets assume the case is in intimate contact with heat sink @ 25 C

The transistors junction temperature is

where CA is the average case-to-ambient thermal resistance (C/W)
and CA = 0 assumed
TA = ambient temperature
Thermal management
Example (continued)

TJ = 25 + 10 + (12.3)1.22 = 35 + 15 = 50 C

Note that the 10 C term represents the differential between TJ and TJ(region) and
is empirically determined. This term is independent of PD

A 50 C junction temperature implies an MTBF > 100 million hours great!

However this analysis assumed the case is in intimate contact with heat sink @
25 C which is not practical.

Now address the junction temperature under realistic conditions,

i.e., the case of an attached heat sink with air forced-air cooling

Total SC CH HA
where CH = case to heat sink thermal resistance
HA = heat sink to air thermal resistance

Thermal management
Example (continued)
The heat sink is attached to the case using a
2.5-mil thick epoxy layer

CH = t / k A
t = 63.5x10-6 m
k = 3 W/mK
A = r2, r = 100 mils, A = 20.3x10-6 m2
CH = 1 C/W

Note: This analysis underestimates CH since the base area of the heat sink is
20.3x10-6 m2 while the spread area on the surface of the ceramic case is
14.1x10-6 m2.

Now to find HA
HA = 1 / h(v) A
where h(v) is the heat transfer coefficient for forced air convection cooling
v is the air velocity, and
A is the effective surface area of the heat sink as specified by the vendor
Thermal management
Example (continued)
v Lr k
h v 0.0011 0.036
k L
where turbulent flow is assumed, v is the air velocity in cm/s, Cp , , r , and k
are as defined below, and L is a characteristic dimension of the system. It is
reasonable to assign L to the length of the printed circuit board, in cm.
Thermodynamic properties of Air at 100 C
Specific heat (Cp) 0.941 W s/g C
Kinematic viscosity () 0.000219 g/s cm
Thermal conductivity (k) 0.000277 W/cm C
Density (r) 0.0011 g/cm3

For v = 600 lfpm (linear feet per minute) 6.75 mph 305 cm/s
L = 7 cm (length of the circuit board)
A = 24 cm2 (specified by the heat sink vendor)

Thus h(v) = 0.0033 (W / cm2 C) and HA = 12.8 C/W

Thermal management
Example (continued)
Now the thermal resistance from die surface to the air through the heat sink is
Total SC CH HA 12.3 1 12.8 26.1 C / W
Therefore we can related the junction temperature, TJ, to the ambient
temperature, TA, as

TJ = TA + 10 + (26.1)1.22 = TA + 41.8 C

if TA = 25 C TJ = 66.8 C and the MTBF is very good

if TA = 70 C TJ = 111.8 C and the MTBF is good
if TA = 100 C TJ = 141.8 C and the MTBF is poor

Furthermore, if the fan providing the forced air cooling were to fail, (v = 0)
then h(0) = 0.0011 and HA goes to 37.9 C/W (3x that of when the fan operates)
and for a 70 C ambient air temperature, TJ = 142.5 C (which is 30 C higher
than when the fan operates)

Thermal management
Example (continued)
Analysis of results
To reduce , focus on the biggest contributors from the example

Layer (C/W) how to reduce

GaAs 3.55 thinner die / flip chip
Epoxy 5.44 better k, eutectic
Silicon 0.80
Eutectic 0.12
Case 2.35 thinner / thermal vias / better k

Thermal management
Thermal vias
Consider a slab of material with
thermal conductivity k1
thickness tslab
area Aslab
slab = tslab/k1Aslab

Now modify the slab by adding N thermal vias containing material with
thermal conductivity k2 where k1 < k2
The area of the thermal vias, A2
Avias = N(D/2)2
The area of the rest of the slab
Aslab Avias
vias = tslab/k2Avias slab = tslab/k1(Aslab-Avias)

vias slab
vias slab
Thermal management
Thermal vias example
Consider a low-temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) substrate
k = 2.2 W/m C
and gold via material
k = 293 W/m C
The die attach area is 103 mils x 67 mils (4.45x10-6 m2) and the slab
thickness is 74 mils (1.88 mm)
With a 45 heat spreading angle, the effective area for heat transfer is
19.6x10-6 m2

Without thermal vias the slabs thermal resistance is

1.88 103
slab 43.6 C W

2.2 19.6 10

Thermal management
Thermal vias example (continued)
Now adding 8 thermal vias (N = 8), diameter of 15 mils (381 m)

38110 6
A vias 8 0.912 10 6 m 2

A slab A vias 19.6 10 6 0.912 10 6 m 2 18.7 10 6 m

slab 45.7 C W vias 7.0 C W

vias slab
Total 6.1 C / W
vias slab

6.1 C/W vs. 43.6 C/W, an 86% reduction in thermal resistance

Thermal management
Other thermal management techniques
The thermal resistance of common integrated circuit packages are
known and provided by vendors.

Thermal management
Other thermal management techniques
Given a packages thermal properties, there are several techniques for
managing heat removal from the package surface.
Fan with heat sink combination
Requires power lines to drive the fan

Liquid cooling
Plumbing integrated into the package
Plumbing issues
Freezing problems
Possible chemical reaction with circuit
Examples: liquid nitrogen (LN2), Fluorinert (3M) used in Cray computers

Thermal management
Other thermal management techniques
Thermoelectric coolers (TEC)
Solid-state heat pump
Uses PeltierSeebeck effect
Single stage TEC can produce T 70 C
Multi-stage TEC can produce larger T
Current driven (reversable)
Can be used with heat sink
Can be used with heat sink and fan

Thermal management
Other thermal management issues
CTE mismatch
Consider the case of flip chip using solder bump interconnects
Material CTE (ppm/K)
Silicon 3
GaAs 6
Alumina 6.3
Glass epoxy (FR4) 13-16
RO2800 (RT/duroid) 12

For a chip attached with solder bumps, CTE mismatch results in strain in
the chip for temperature deviations (positive or negative)
The amount of strain depends on:
chip size
T (-55 C to +125 C)
bump geometry
solder compliance
CTE mismatch

Thermal management
Other thermal management issues
CTE mismatch
Compared to flip chip using solder bumps, other die attachment schemes
offer more compliance (absorbs stress due to CTE mismatch)
Wire bonds
CTE mismatch is important at the board level as well
Consider the leadless chip carrier

J-leads and SMT leads offer

more compliance to
CTE mismatch
Thermal management HW assignment
Thermal Resistance and Junction Temperature
For each case below, find SC (10 points 3 cases), Tjunction (10 points 3 cases), CH (10 points 1
case), HA (10 points 1 case), where
SC = thermal resistance from die surface to case
CH = thermal resistance from case to heat sink
HA = thermal resistance from heat sink to air
1. Die GaAs, dimensions 122 x 105 x 25 mils, power dissipation, PD = 1.3 W
Die is bonded to a substrate with 2 mil thick epoxy (k = 4 W / m C)
Substrate LTCC 851 48 mil thick, area die footprint
Substrate is bonded to a heat sink with 2 mil thick epoxy (k = 4 W / m C)
Heat sink area 24 cm2, base is 200 mil diameter
Air temp 35C, flow rate 200 lfpm.
2. Same as #1 except:
Substrate contains thermal vias beneath the die
The number of vias, N = 16
Via diameter is 15 mils
Vias filled with gold material (k = 293 W / m C)
3. Same as #1 except:
Substrate is Aluminum Nitride (AlN) and not LTCC 851
(There are no thermal vias)
4. Compare the results found in parts 1-3 and provide a conclusion. (10 points)
See course website for complete assignment details

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