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Topic - 4 (Informed Search and Exploration) (14.02.17)

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Spring 2017

CSE 412: Artificial Intelligence

Topic 4: Informed Search
and Exploration
Course Teacher:
Md. Tarek Habib
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Daffodil International University
Topic Contents
Informed (Heuristic) Search Strategies

Heuristic Functions

Local Search Algorithms and Optimization

Hill-climbing search
Simulated annealing search
Local beam search
Genetic algorithms
Best-First Search

Node is selected for expansion based on

an evaluation function f(n)
Evaluation function estimates distance to
the goal
Choose node which appears best
fringe is a priority queue sorted in ascending
order of f-values

Md. Tarek Habib 3

A Heuristic Function h(n)

Dictionary definition: A rule of thumb,

simplification, or educated guess that
reduces or limits the search for solutions in
domains that are difficult and poorly
For best-first search:
h(n) = estimated cost of the cheapest path
from node n to goal node

Md. Tarek Habib 4

Romania with Step Costs in Km
hSLD = straight-line
distance heuristic
hSLD cannot be
computed from the
problem description
In greedy best-first
search f(n)=h(n)
Expand node that is
closest to goal

Md. Tarek Habib 5

Greedy Search: Example

Md. Tarek Habib 6

Greedy Search: Example

Md. Tarek Habib 7

Greedy Search: Example

Md. Tarek Habib 8

Greedy Search: Example

Goal reached
For this example no node is expanded that is not
on the solution path
But not optimal (see Arad, Sibiu, Rimnicu Vilcea,
Md. Tarek Habib 9
Greedy Search: Evaluation
Complete or optimal: no
Minimizing h(n) can result in false starts, e.g. Iasi
to Fagaras
Check on repeated states

Md. Tarek Habib 10

Greedy Search: Evaluation

Time and space complexity:

In the worst case all the nodes in the search
tree are generated: O(bm )
(m is maximum depth of search tree and b is
branching factor)
But: choice of a good heuristic can give
dramatic improvement

Md. Tarek Habib 11

A* Search
Best-known form of best-first search
Idea: avoid expanding paths that are already
Evaluation function f(n)= g(n) + h(n)
g(n): the cost (so far) to reach the node
h(n): estimated cost to get from the node to the goal
f(n): estimated total cost of path through n to goal
A* search is both complete and optimal if h(n)
satisfies certain conditions

Md. Tarek Habib 12

A* Search
A* search is optimal if h(n) is an admissible
A heuristic is admissible if it never overestimates
the cost to reach the goal
h(n) h*(n) where h*(n) is the true cost from n
Admissible heuristics are optimistic about the
cost of solving the problem
e.g. hSLD(n) never overestimates the actual road

Md. Tarek Habib 13

Romania Example

A* Search: Example

Md. Tarek Habib 15

A* Search: Example

Md. Tarek Habib 16

A* Search: Example

Md. Tarek Habib 17

A* Search: Example

Md. Tarek Habib 18

A* Search: Example

Md. Tarek Habib 19

A* Search: Example

Md. Tarek Habib 20

Optimality of A*
Suppose a suboptimal goal node G2 appears on
the fringe and let the cost of the optimal solution be
Since G2 is suboptimal and
h(G2) = 0 (true for any goal node),
we know that f(G2) = g(G2) + h(G2) = g(G2) > C*
Now consider a fringe node n that is on an optimal
solution path.
If h(n) does not overestimate the cost of
completing the solution path,
then we know that f(n) = g(n) + h(n) C*
Since f(n) C* < f(G2), G2 will not be expanded
and A* search must return an optimal solution. 21
A* Search: Evaluation

Complete: yes
Unless there are infinitely many nodes with
f < f(G)
Optimal: yes
A* is also optimally efficient for any given
h(n). That is, no other optimal algorithm is
guaranteed to expand fewer nodes than A*.

Md. Tarek Habib 22

A* Search: Evaluation

Time complexity:
number of nodes expanded is still exponential
in length of solution
Space complexity:
All generated nodes are kept in memory
A* usually runs out of space before running
out of time

Md. Tarek Habib 23

Heuristic Functions

Let us see two heuristics for a problem.

Md. Tarek Habib 24

Example: 8-puzzle

States: location of each tile plus blank

Initial state: Any state can be initial
Actions: Move blank {Left, Right, Up, Down}
Goal test: Check whether goal configuration is
Path cost: Number of actions to reach goal
Md. Tarek Habib 25
Example: 8-puzzle

For 8s puzzle:
h1 = number of tiles out of place. In the
example h1= 8
h2 = total Manhattan distance of errant pieces.
In the example
h2 = 3+1+2+2+2+3+3+2 = 18

Md. Tarek Habib 26

Local Search Algorithms and
Optimization Problems
Previously: systematic exploration of search space
Path to goal is solution to problem
for some problem classes, it is sufficient to find a
the path to the solution is not relevant, e.g. 8-queens
Different algorithms can be used
Local search
memory requirements can be dramatically relaxed by
modifying the current state
all previous states can be discarded
since only information about the current state is kept, such
methods are called local 27
Local Search Algorithms and
Optimization Problems
Local search = use single current state and
move to neighboring states.
Use very little memory
Find often reasonable solutions in large or infinite state spaces.
Are also useful for pure optimization problems.
Find best state according to some objective function.
e.g. survival of the fittest as a metaphor for optimization.

Md. Tarek Habib 28

Local Search Algorithms and
Optimization Problems

Md. Tarek Habib 29

Hill-Climbing Search
continually moves uphill
increasing value of the evaluation function
gradient descent search is a variation that
moves downhill
is a loop that continuously moves in the direction
of increasing value - that is, uphill.
It terminates when a peak is reached.

Md. Tarek Habib 30

Hill-Climbing Search
Hill-climbing does not look ahead of the immediate
neighbors of the current state.
Hill-climbing chooses randomly among the set of
best successors, if there is more than one.
Hill-climbing is also called greedy local search
Hill-climbing is a very simple strategy with low
space requirements
stores only the state and its evaluation, no search tree

Md. Tarek Habib 31

Hill-Climbing Example

8-queens problem (complete-state

Successor function: move a single queen
to another square in the same column.
Heuristic function h(n): the number of pairs
of queens that are attacking each other
(directly or indirectly).

Md. Tarek Habib 32

Hill-Climbing Example
(a) (b)

(a) An 8-queens state with heuristic cost estimate h = 17,

showing the value of h for each possible successor
obtained by moving a queen within its column. The best
moves are marked.
(b) A local minimum in the 8-queens state space; the state
has h = 1 but every successor has a higher cost.

Md. Tarek Habib 33

Md. Tarek Habib 34

Ridge = sequence of local maxima difficult for greedy

algorithms to navigate
Plateaux = an area of the state space where the
evaluation function is flat.
Gets stuck 86% of the time.

Md. Tarek Habib 35

Hill-Climbing Search
local maxima
algorithm cant go higher, but is not at a satisfactory solution
area where the evaluation function is flat
search may oscillate slowly

Md. Tarek Habib 36

Escaping Local Optima

HC gets stuck at local maxima limiting

the quality of the solution found.

Two ways to modify HC:

1. choice of neighbor
2. criteria for accepting neighbor for current
For example:
1. choose neighbor randomly
2. accept neighbor if it is better or
if it isn't, accept with some fixed probability p
Md. Tarek Habib 37
Escaping Local Optima

Modified HC can escape local maxima but:

chance of making a bad move is the same
at the beginning of the search as at the end
magnitude of improvement or lack of is ignored

How can HC address these concerns?

fixed probability p that bad move is accepted
can be replaced with a probability
that decreases as the search proceeds
now as the search progresses,
the chances of taking a bad move reduces

Md. Tarek Habib 38

Hill-Climbing Search
function HILL-CLIMBING( problem) return a state that is a local maximum
input: problem, a problem
local variables: current, a node.
neighbor, a node.

current MAKE-NODE(INITIAL-STATE[problem])
loop do
neighbor a highest valued successor of current
if VALUE [neighbor] VALUE[current] then return STATE[current]
current neighbor

Md. Tarek Habib 39

Hill-Climbing Variations

Stochastic hill-climbing
Random selection among the uphill moves.
The selection probability can vary with the
steepness of the uphill move.
First-choice hill-climbing
implements stochastic hill climbing by
generating successors randomly until a better
one is found.
Random-restart hill-climbing
Tries to avoid getting stuck in local maxima.
Md. Tarek Habib 40
Simulated Annealing

Escape local maxima by allowing bad moves.

Idea: but gradually decrease their size and frequency.
Origin; metallurgical annealing
Bouncing ball analogy:
Shaking hard (= high temperature).
Shaking less (= lower the temperature).
If T decreases slowly enough, best state is reached.
Applied for VLSI layout, airline scheduling, etc.

Md. Tarek Habib 41

Simulated Annealing
function SIMULATED-ANNEALING( problem, schedule) return a solution state
input: problem, a problem
schedule, a mapping from time to temperature
local variables: current, a node.
next, a node.
T, a temperature controlling the probability of downward steps

current MAKE-NODE(INITIAL-STATE[problem])
for t 1 to do
T schedule[t]
if T = 0 then return current
next a randomly selected successor of current
E VALUE[next] - VALUE[current]
if E > 0 then current next
else current next only with probability eE /T

Md. Tarek Habib 42

Local Beam Search

Keep track of k states instead of one

Initially: k random states
Next: determine all successors of k states
If any of successors is goal finished
Else select k best from successors and repeat.
Major difference with random-restart search
Information is shared among k search threads.
Can suffer from lack of diversity.
Stochastic variant: choose k successors at proportionally to state

Md. Tarek Habib 43

Genetic Algorithms

Variant of local beam search with sexual recombination.

Md. Tarek Habib 44

Genetic Algorithms
GAs begin with a set of k randomly generated states, called
the population.
Each state, or individual, is represented as a string over a
finite alphabetmost commonly, a string of 0s and 1s.
For example, an 8-queens state must specify the positions of
8 queens, each in a column of 8 squares, and so requires
8 x log2 8 = 24 bits.
Alternatively, the state could be represented as 8 digits, each
in the range from 1 to 8.
Figure 4.6(a) shows a population of four 8-digit strings
representing 8-queens states.

Md. Tarek Habib 45

Genetic Algorithms

Figure 4.6: The three major operations in genetic algorithm.

The initial population in (a) is ranked by the fitness function
in (b), resulting in pairs for mating in (c). They produce
offspring in (d), which are subject to mutation in (e).

Md. Tarek Habib 46

Genetic Algorithms
The 8-queens states involved in this reproduction step are
shown in Figure 4.7.

Figure 4.7: The 8-queens states corresponding to the first

two parents in Figure 4.6(c) and the first offspring in
Figure 4.6(d).

Md. Tarek Habib 47

Genetic Algorithms
The production of the next generation of states is shown in
Figure 4.6(b)(e).
In (b), each state is rated by the objective function, or (in GA
terminology) the fitness function.
A fitness function should return higher values for better
states, so, for the 8-queens problem we use the number of
nonattacking pairs of queens, which has a value of 28 for a
The values of the four states are 24, 23, 20, and 11.
In this particular variant of the genetic algorithm, the
probability of being chosen for reproducing is directly
proportional to the fitness score, and the percentages are
shown next to the raw scores.

Md. Tarek Habib 48

Genetic Algorithms
In (c), two pairs are selected at random for reproduction, in
accordance with the probabilities in (b).
Notice that one individual is selected twice and one not at all.
For each pair to be mated, a crossover point is chosen
randomly from the positions in the string.
In Figure 4.6, the crossover points are after the third digit in
the first pair and after the fifth digit in the second pair.
In (d), the offspring themselves are created by crossing over
the parent strings at the crossover point.
For example, the first child of the first pair gets the first three
digits from the first parent and the remaining digits from the
second parent, whereas the second child gets the first three
digits from the second parent and the rest from the first
Md. Tarek Habib 49
Genetic Algorithms
The 8-queens states involved in this reproduction step are
shown in Figure 4.7.

Figure 4.7: The 8-queens states corresponding to the first

two parents in Figure 4.6(c) and the first offspring in
Figure 4.6(d).

Md. Tarek Habib 50

Genetic Algorithms
The example shows that when two parent states are
quite different, the crossover operation can produce
a state that is a long way from either parent state.
It is often the case that the population is quite
diverse early on in the process, so crossover (like
simulated annealing) frequently takes large steps in
the state space early in the search process and
smaller steps later on when must individuals are
quite similar.

Md. Tarek Habib 51

Genetic Algorithms
Finally, in (e), each location is subject to random
mutation with a small independent probability.
One digit was mutated in the first, third, and fourth
In the 8-queens problem, this corresponds to choosing a
queen at random and moving it to a random square in its

Md. Tarek Habib 52

Genetic Algorithms
Figure: A genetic algorithm. The algorithm is the same as the
one diagrammed in the figure in slide no. 45, with one variation:
in this more popular version, each mating of two parents
produces only one offspring, not two.

Md. Tarek Habib 53

Genetic Algorithms

function GENETIC_ALGORITHM( population, FITNESS-FN) return an individual

input: population, a set of individuals
FITNESS-FN, a function which determines the quality of the individual
new_population empty set
loop for i from 1 to SIZE(population) do
child REPRODUCE(x,y)
if (small random probability) then child MUTATE(child )
add child to new_population
population new_population
until some individual is fit enough or enough time has elapsed
return the best individual

Md. Tarek Habib 54

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