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Appliance Scheduling Optimization in Smart Home Network

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Received September 22, 2015, accepted October 8, 2015, date of publication October 29, 2015,
date of current version November 17, 2015.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2015.2496117

Appliance Scheduling Optimization

in Smart Home Networks
1 Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto, M5B 2K3, Canada
2 Comsats Institute of Information Technology, Wah Cantonment 47040, Pakistan
Corresponding author: A. Anpalagan (

ABSTRACT In this paper, we propose a solution to the problem of scheduling of a smart home appliance
operation in a given time range. In addition to power-consuming appliances, we adopt a photovoltaic (PV)
panel as a power-producing appliance that acts as a micro-grid. An appliance operation is modeled in terms
of uninterruptible sequence phases, given in a load demand profile with a goal of minimizing electricity
cost fulfilling duration, energy requirement, and user preference constraints. An optimization algorithm,
which can provide a schedule for smart home appliance usage, is proposed based on the mixed-integer
programming technique. Simulation results demonstrate the utility of our proposed solution for appliance
scheduling. We further show that adding a PV system in the home results in the reduction of electricity bills
and the export of energy to the national grid in times when solar energy production is more than the demand
of the home.

INDEX TERMS Appliance scheduling, optimization, branch-and-bound, smart home network, smart grid.

I. INTRODUCTION a consumer to reduce/shift his or her electricity consumption

The advent of smart grid has enabled the utilities to find in return for certain monetary benefits. These devices can
ways for promoting small scale renewable energy generations form part of a home area network (HAN), which consists
and ways to keep the electricity demand in line with the of networking of devices inside or within close vicinity of
supply during peak timings of usage. This ability to control a home.
usage is called demand-side management (DSM) and it could The traditional grid has DR programs for large-scale con-
translate into as much as $59 billion in societal benefits sumers such as industrial plants or commercial buildings;
by 2019 [1]. DSM plays a vital role in facilitating greater however, a similar mechanism for the residential consumers
connection of intermittent renewable generation [2]. does not exist mostly due to two reasons. First, it is hard to
DSM manipulates residential electricity usage to reduce handle the large number of residential units without com-
cost by altering the system load shape [3]. DSM pro- munication, sensors, and efficient automation tools. Second,
grams comprise of two principal activities: 1) demand the impact of DR programs is considered to be relatively
response (DR) programs and load shifting, and 2) energy small when compared with their implementation cost. The
efficiency and conservation programs. DR programs transfer advent of smart grid, smart meters, low-cost sensors and
customers’ load during periods of high-demand to off-peak smart appliances have led to novel residential energy man-
periods by offering them incentives [4] and can reduce critical agement techniques that involve communications and inter-
peak demand or daily peak demand. Shifting daily peak action between consumers, devices and the grid [5]. Recent
demand flattens the load curve, allowing more electricity advances in smart metering technology enable bidirectional
to be provided with less expensive base load generation. communication between the utility operator and the end-
DR programs can also save the cost of building additional users and facilitate the option of dynamic load adaptation.
generation capacity to meet future critical peak demand. In smart grid, real time pricing information updated by the
Most of our high energy use is due to heating/cooling, utility provider is in fact directly related to the consumer.
cooking, lighting, washing and drying. The home appliances
performing these functions are beginning to become smart A. LITERATURE REVIEW
with connectivity features. These features allow them to be In the study of dynamic DSM, different techniques and
automated to reap benefits that smart metering and variable algorithms have been proposed, where the basic idea has
tariffs bring. Such smart devices enable the consumers to take been to reduce the energy bill corresponding to the time-of-
advantage of the DR program, where a utility can contact use (TOU) tariffs incentives offered by the utility [6], [7].

2015 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only.
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F. A. Qayyum et al.: Appliance Scheduling Optimization in Smart Home Networks

TOU tariffs are varied throughout the day according to the In [9], the authors reduce the peak-to-average ratio and
supply and demand [8]. Consumers can also generate renew- cost using genetic algorithm. The authors do not use any
able energy, consume some portion of it locally, and sell threshold on peak power, instead, they consider that if the
the excess energy to the utility companies when permitted. power is greater than a certain threshold, the price becomes
For example, Ontario government’s micro feed-in tariff (FIT) high. The authors use delay time rate, which means that
program in Canada allows home owners to sell locally gener- an application should finish the work as soon as possible.
ated energy [5], [22], [23]. They consider a single constraint for meeting the length of
In [5], a single objective optimization problem is operating time of the appliances. In the results section, the
presented to minimize the total cost of electricity usage appliances with fixed power are used. In [10], the energy cost
at home. Four appliances were considered for comparing is minimized under the energy-price uncertainty, where the
two optimization algorithms. Optimization based residential prices randomly vary around nominal values with a known
energy management was developed using external solver underlying distribution. The authors consider energy-storage
CPLEX. The authors assume average non-varying consump- devices, and use simulated values of active level of appliances
tion value for complete operating cycle of an appliance. in a certain range. They do not consider any leveling and
Similarly authors in [6] discuss a model in which assume appliances to have a constant energy consumption.
objective function encompasses three different criteria: cost In [11], day-ahead prices and residential load schedule are
minimization, maximization of scheduling preferences and obtained, then price is adjusted in real-time. The authors max-
maximization of climatic comfort. A mathematical program- imize the utility company’s profit with respect to distribution
ming problem is defined using a weighted objective function grid constraints and minimize the consumer’s electricity bill
based upon the importance given by the user. Since the com- as well as disutility function.
putational complexity of the problem is NP-hard, a heuristic In [12], the authors consider uniform distribution of power
algorithm has been proposed to derive suboptimal solutions for each appliance and minimize cost using stochastic behav-
within a limited computational time. The authors present ior of wind power. The authors present a protocol for home-
results by randomly generating the load profile length and area network design to permit load scheduling amongst
power consumed in the load profiles of devices. flexible and controllable loads. The authors do not consider
In [24], optimization of appliances for a single home is constraints for starting and ending of appliances. In [13],
done using convex programming framework. Since the on/off the authors minimize the energy cost to find the optimal
status of appliances can be gauged by the binary decision energy consumption and operation time of the throttleable
variables, by relaxing decision variables from integer to and shiftable appliances, respectively. Subsequently, a multi-
continuous values, the mixed integer linear problem can be objective optimization problem considering consumer prefer-
formulated as a new convex programming problem. The ences is formulated, with objectives to minimize the energy
authors consider minimization of cost and user dissatisfaction cost, operation delay and energy gap. The authors consider
in the objective function. fixed energy consumption of devices with no PV panel and
In [25], the authors use particle swarm optimization to consider daily usage. In [14], the authors mainly discuss
carry out scheduling according to the preference placed by the architecture for PV system management in residential
user on benefit from different services. The authors calculate areas and PV monitoring system without considering any load
the schedule for hourly charging or discharging of the battery scheduling problem. In [15], the authors consider flattening
of a hybrid electric vehicle, hourly heating power of the of load profile of the gird and providing uninterrupted power
heaters, hours for turning on the water heater and pool pump. supply to homes. They present a design for controllers that
In [26], the authors formulate an integer linear problem that consider the required power by home and based on available
minimizes cost, while at the same time ensuring that the heat power from grid and other sources, manage the distribution.
and electricity demands are met. In [27], the authors consider The appliance load scheduling problem is not considered in
the unit commitment problem that aims to find the minimum this reference.
cost dispatch of available generation resources to meet the In [16], the authors describe the design of a solar home
electrical load. The authors minimize overall cost consid- system. In [17], the optimal scheduling of energy consump-
ering the cost of energy production, spinning reserve and tion in smart homes is presented using mixed-integer linear
interruptible load using mixed integer programming. In [28], programming. In order to minimize a one-day forecasted
the authors consider the minimization of cost incurred by energy consumption cost, operation and electricity con-
distribution network operators in case of variation of load. sumption tasks are scheduled based on different electricity
This strategy is based on varying the interruptible load and tariffs, electricity task time window and forecasted renewable
dispatchable generation to account for any load variation. energy output, and no leveling or reducing peak demand
In [29], the authors provide an optimization model that allows is considered. In [18], the authors deal with reducing cost
a consumer to adapt his or her cumulative hourly load level and energy consumption, without considering any PV. The
in response to varying hourly electricity prices. In [30], the authors first provide a schedule that will achieve desired
authors present a solution for managing the use of energy cost or energy savings, and include an objective to minimize
supplies by minimizing the cost of using these supplies. deviation between historical activation use pattern and the

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proposed pattern, and do not consider any leveling. In the suggested pattern. In [7], the implementation of the intelligent
performance evaluation, they present the computation time residential energy manager is done through a master energy
of their presented approach. controller (MEC). The personalized home energy manage-
In [19], the authors consider scheduling of three kinds ment system manages all configurations at the customer-
of appliances (1) heating-cooling system by using Dijkstra end to control various home appliances either remotely or
routing algorithm, where nodes are possible temperature locally through the MEC. At each residential unit in HAN, as
points and the cost of each transition between nodes is a outlined in [32], smart device controller (SDC) coordinates
combination of energy cost and comfort (2) washing machine the energy demand and supply processes based on a commu-
that is scheduled using exhaustive search by considering all nication infrastructure that can detect energy demand of the
possible starting moments as well as the respective cost of load associated within the HAN and check the availability of
each of them, and (3) water heater whose total required supply to address the demand.
duration is calculated and then most efficient time intervals to
activate the device are presented. Each kind of scheduling is B. CONTRIBUTIONS
done independently, with no overall constraints. In [20], the Overall, the work carried out in existing reference do not
authors present a power consumption management scheme consider some or all of the following scenarios: 1) Actual
based on maximizing comfort and meeting temperature and load profiles are replaced by average loads or maximum
peak power constraints. This management is based on a pro- load of devices. As the load profiles of devices vary with
tection layer that makes decision if some constraints such respect to time, results of scheduling with average load may
as maximum power are violated, and an anticipation layer not always give a feasible solution, compared to using real
that can schedule energy consumption in advance, based on load profiles. 2) Specific objective functions for leveling
predictions. The reference mainly deals with heating man- demands are not considered. Although an objective function
agement in a household. In [21], the authors minimize the that minimizes cost helps in leveling demand and avoiding
daily energy bill, constraints consist of activity scheduling peaks in the high-priced area, it may still lead to peak loads
and batteries constraints. They do not consider any leveling as in low-priced region. 3) Most of the work in the literature
well as constraints that restrict the running of each appliance does not provide a solution to the end-user where he or she
to be uninterruptible and sequential. In the results section, the may get an operating schedule of the devices, instead they
authors show that their proposed technique is able to reduce concentrate on providing an overall optimum hourly demand
the electricity demand during peak hours. level or consider cost reduction from the point of view of
Available DR optimization schemes are implemented providers/dispatchers. 4) The constraints considered in some
through either incentive based rates or time based rates [24]. references ignore that appliances may have to run without
TOU pricing has been shown to have a significant influence interruption and sequentially. 5) The results mainly show the
on ensuring a stable and optimal operation of a power system. cost savings or reduction in demand during peak hours, no
A residential customer’s daily activities are characterized by actual schedule of the devices is presented, which can in fact
a list of tasks to be scheduled at preferred time intervals. reveal further if the reduction in cost or demand has come at
Some of these tasks are persistent, as they consume electricity the expense of scheduling of appliances during inconvenient
throughout the day, e.g., the use of a refrigerator; others can timings.
be scheduled according to the user-specified constraints and In this paper, we consider a scenario where automated
the variable tariffs offered by the utility company to achieve energy consumption scheduling is done at a centralized con-
cost savings and peak demand reduction [7]. trolling device (CCD) also referred to as a scheduler. Contrary
Although the flexibility associated with appliances and to many references reviewed above, we present an approach
time varying prices can achieve tangible benefits for cus- that can be directly used by a consumer for appliance schedul-
tomers, current residential load control activities are mainly ing, according to input tariffs and peak load constraint.
operated manually, which pose great challenges to customers User preference for an appliance to start within a particular
in optimally scheduling the operations of their appliances. time interval is also taken into account. The considered sce-
Some customers may not have time to make such scheduling nario is more realistic as we consider constraints that allow
decisions and if prices vary fast and frequently, scheduling the appliances to run sequentially and without interruption.
may be too complex. In order to let the users participate in All the home appliances are smart appliances, which imme-
the DR program and maneuver their consumption pattern diately after being powered on and connecting to the HAN
through pricing signal, studies have suggested employing will exchange their handshake signals with the CCD. A smart
automated household energy management strategies. Hence, meter can also serve the same purpose, where it is assumed to
a centrally located automated intelligent device is necessary be equipped with an automated energy consumption schedul-
to optimize the appliances and load operation on behalf of ing function and all the appliance operating features in terms
customers. In [31], this device is called automated building of operation cycle, power consumption and energy ID will get
energy management controller (BEMC). Energy box (eBox) through the HAN to neighborhood area network and finally to
referred in [6] does the computation while considering all the the national grid. The CCD function is programmed based on
parameters, and demands consumers to strictly adhere to the the user’s energy consumption needs, then it automatically

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TABLE 1. Symbols used in problem formulation. 3) Weather based load (e.g., air conditioner and electric
heaters which depend upon weather and power absorp-
tion of premises).
Non-manageable loads include TV, laptops, lights, etc. There
are appliances that are in home use such as TV, lights, clock,
phones, computers etc. Their loads compared to the major
load discussed above are insignificant and not power consum-
ing. Moreover, these appliances are interactive and have little
scheduling flexibilities.

controls the operation of various appliances such as the

batteries of electric vehicles, washer, dryer and dish
We consider the limitations of existing methods and pro-
pose a solution to overcome these limitations. We formulate
the problem of scheduling of smart appliances operations in
a given time range as a problem consisting of two objective
functions: one dealing with cost minimization, and the other
dealing with leveling of demand. We propose a solution to
the problem based on mixed integer programming technique.
We further evaluate the performance of a residential energy
model and optimize the performance of different types of
loads associated within. In the results section, we take into FIGURE 1. HAN model for appliance scheduling.

consideration real load profiles of the appliances and generate

starting and ending plan satisfying all the time and energy
constraints given by the user. Our proposed solution can be B. DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR HOME APPLIANCES
directly used by a user to get a calculated schedule corre- Fig. 1 summarizes the system model. We consider a mid-size
sponding to variable tariffs and load profiles. Additionally home with the following major electricity consuming appli-
it can be used for generating appliance scheduling plan in ances: dishwasher, clothes washer and dryer, refrigerator, air-
comparable time to be true as a real time process, thus, it is conditioner (AC), oven-1, oven-2 and electric vehicle (EV).
adaptable to any change in tariffs. The home also has on-grid photo voltaic (PV) panels for elec-
This paper is organized as follows: In Section II, we present tricity generation. It is known that different appliances have
the system model. In Section III we discuss the problem for- definite timing of completion of their cycles and thus have
mulation and the proposed solution. In Section IV, we present definite power consumption vector, which can be ascertained
results. Conclusions are given in Section V. A summary of either from the appliance specifications or measuring demand
symbol notations is shown in Table 1. experimentally at equal time intervals till the completion of
cycles. The load vector for EV used in this paper is taken from
II. SYSTEM MODEL the data used in [33]. We have adopted the power vectors of
A. TYPES OF LOADS the appliances from a study done at Virginia Tech. Advance
In a particular HAN, appliance load can be further sub- Research Institute [34]. The time-dependant power vectors
categorized into manageable and non-manageable loads. are called load profiles in the rest of the paper. The TOU
Existing literature of energy management system focusses tariffs used in this paper are 13.5 cents/kWh, 11.2 cents/kWh
mainly on manageable loads because of its high energy con- and 7.5 cents/kWh for on peak, mid peak and off peak,
sumption and predictability in its operation. In [6] and [31], respectively [35]. In the following, we describe each of the
manageable load has been further categorized as: appliances along with its load vector.
1) Shiftable load (flexible delay having certain consump-
tion cycle with specified energy consumption profile), 1) DISHWASHER
e.g., washing machine, dish washer, etc. The dishwasher has three main operating cycles: wash, rinse
2) Interruptible load (e.g., water heater and refrigerator and dry and it takes approximately 105 minutes to complete
they are either ON with fixed energy consumption all the cycles. During the running of the dish washer, load
or OFF. However, their ON cycle duration depends varies from maximum 1.2 kW to minimum 0.6 kW as shown
upon user preference setting). in Fig. 2. The energy consumption is about 1.44 kWh for

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FIGURE 2. Load profile of dishwasher [34]. FIGURE 4. Load profile of refrigerator [34].

one complete cycle of dishwasher. Dishwasher is classified in Fig. 4, which is marked by spikes at regular intervals
in category of shiftable load. reaching 0.37 kW, due to defrosting of the refrigerator. The
maximum and minimum load during the operation of the
2) CLOTH WASHER AND DRYER WORKING IN TANDEM refrigerator is 0.37 kW and 0 kW respectively. The electricity
This is a case of two appliances working in sequence. energy consumption is 3.43 kWh/day. Refrigerator is classi-
Cloth washing machine precedes the dryer and has three fied as continuous non-shiftable load.
cycles of operation: wash, rinse and spin, which take
45 minutes to complete. The power load varies between 4) CENTRAL AIR-CONDITIONER
0.52 kW to 0.65 kW. Then after lapse of 15 minutes, dryer The load profile of the central air-conditioner (AC) is shown
starts, which takes 60 minutes to complete. The load of dryer in Fig. 5 which resembles like a series of square wave train
varies from 2.97 kW to 0.19 kW. The load profile of such showing peak load of 2.75 kW when compressor of AC is
a device is shown in Fig. 3. The energy consumption of working, and 0.25 kW when the compressor is switched off.
the combined appliances is 2.68 kWh per operation. Cloth This occurs when inside room temperature is equal or below
washing machine and dryer are classified in the category of the set room temperature. However, air fan continues to work
shiftable load. for circulation of air. The energy consumption of 2.5-ton
AC is around 31.15 kWh per day. AC is classified as con-
tinuous non-shiftable load with sub-classification as weather
based load.

FIGURE 3. Load profile of cloth washer & dryer [34].

FIGURE 5. Load profile for air-conditioner [34].

Refrigerator falls in the category of appliances which works
24 hours a day. The only time compressor rests is when the
inside temperature is lower or equal to the set temperature 5) OVEN FOR MORNING
of the refrigerator. The compressor also rests when defrost The use of cooking ovens falls into the category of appliances
heating starts. The load profile of the refrigerator is shown that are used more than once in a day. For instance, an oven

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used in the morning and in the evening can be treated as two model is taken from the data used in the publication [33] and
separate appliances. The use of oven in the morning is of shown in Fig. 8.
short duration and usually lasts 30 minutes. The load varies
from 1.28 kW to 0.83 kW as shown in Fig. 6. The electricity
consumption is estimated to be 0.53 kWh. Oven is considered
as shiftable load to user specified time preferences.

FIGURE 8. Load profile for electric vehicle [33].

FIGURE 6. Load profile for oven used in morning hours [34]. A typical micro-grid for buildings integrates the operation
of electrical and thermal energy supply and demand. The
supply may include energy sources from distribution grid,
fuel cells, renewable energy sources such as PV solar panels
The use of oven in evening is extended and usually two
and wind power, etc. [36]. We consider a micro-grid of 3kW
burners are used. The evening oven runs for 1.5 hours, during
PV panel system with on-grid connection and having a profile
which time the load varies between 2.35 kW and 0.75 kW as
given in [37]. Electricity generated by the PV system will be
shown in Fig. 7. The electricity consumption is 1.72 kWh.
consumed in home. On-grid connection means that PV panels
are connected to the national grid. If during any instance of
time, PV produced electricity is more than the demand of
home, the surplus electricity will be exported to the national
grid. When the electricity produced by PV is less than the
demand in the home, the surplus electricity will be imported
from the national grid. The PV panel energy selling rate is
considered as 39.617 cents/kWh [23]. Power profile of a
typical 3kW solar panel is shown in Fig. 9, according to which
power varies from 2.9 kW to 0 and energy production on a
sunny day is 23.11 kWh.

FIGURE 7. Load profile for oven used in evening hours [34].

Electrical vehicles (EVs) are slowly gaining popularity and
automobile manufacturers are producing hybrid vehicles that
work both on gas and electric batteries. The batteries are
charged through home electricity. The EV takes 2.5 hours
to charge fully at a constant 3 kW load and immediately
tapers off to zero. The consumption of EV is estimated to
be 7.50 kWh. EV is considered as shiftable load to user
preference time when TOU tariff is the lowest like between
7 PM to 7 AM. The load vector for EV used in this thesis FIGURE 9. Locally generated PV panel profile [37].

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There are appliances that are in home use such as TV, lights, FORMULATION AND SOLUTION
clock, phones, computers etc. Their loads compared to the In this section, appliance scheduling is formulated using a
major load discussed above are insignificant and not power mixed integer programming (MIP) technique for which use
consuming. Moreover, these appliances have little scheduling of decision variables and auxiliary binary decision variables
flexibilities. are defined and applied. We further describe the proposed
A day of 24 hours is divided into 96 time slots. All the time A. PROBLEM DEFINITION
slots are represented by their starting times. The starting slot The set of number of appliances for scheduling are denoted
and ending slot times over the whole day are 6:00 AM and by N and their corresponding number of set of un-
5:45 AM, respectively. Thus each time slot represents an interruptible load profile for each appliance is denoted by ni
interval of 15 minutes, giving a total of 96 time slots in a for i = 1, 2, 3, . . . , N . Pkij represents load variable assigned
day. The end time of an individual slot is obtained by adding to an appliance i having load phase j during time slot k.
15 minutes to the starting time. For example, for time
slot 2, the starting time is 06:15AM and ending time B. DECISION VARIABLES
is 06:30AM. The typical unit for Pkij is kW, but when this is multiplied by
a factor of (15/60 = 0.25), its unit will be changed into kWh.
D. EXECUTION WINDOW OF EACH OPERATION The load profiles Pkij are real and continuous decision vari-
For each appliance, there is a minimal starting time and ables. In addition to Pkij , we need auxiliary binary decision
a maximal ending time. For instance, if a user comes variables to indicate whether a particular load profile is being
home at 05:00PM and wants to end dinner not later than processed or not. Binary decision variables are denoted by
08:30PM, then the oven may be scheduled on any time Xijk ∈ {0, 1}. Xijk = 1, if an appliance i and its load phase j
after 05:15PM and has to finish by 07:45PM. We limit the is being processed during the time slot k, otherwise Xijk = 0.
case where each appliance is executed exactly once dur- Similarly, we can introduce other auxiliary binary variables
ing the day. However, we can take into account multiple Sijk = 1 indicating an appliance i, load phase j is already
usage of the same appliance by considering the appliance finished by time slot k. It means Xijk and Sijk are complementary
and multiple appliances of the same type. The scheduler is
free to switch on the appliances on any time as long as it and either binary variables Xijk = 1 or Sijk = 1, i.e.,
respects the starting and ending time constraints within the
Xijk + Sijk = 1, ∀i, j, k. (1)
The first objective of the load scheduler is to minimize the
An appliance operation process follows a load profile, total electricity cost for operating the appliances based on
comprising a set of sequential load phases, e.g., the load 24-hours ahead TOU electricity tariff. Let C k denote electric-
profile of a dishwasher in kW is [1.2, 1.2, 0.2, 1.1, 0.68, ity TOU tariff for time slot k. Then the total cost of electricity
0.8, 0.6] spaced at 15 minutes apart and has seven load consumption function fC is given by the following equation:
phases. The whole cycle of dishwashing takes 105 minutes.
The dishwasher has three sub-cycles: wash, rinse and m
X X ni
N X 
dry, which are carried sequentially in that order. The P1A : fC = min C k
Pkij Xijk , (2)
first 45 minutes associated with wash cycle, next k=1 i=1 j=1
30 minutes for rinse and the remaining 30 minutes are
spent in washing. A load phase is un-interruptible and where X is a vector whose entries are Xijk . Once first load
sequential. phase starts, it will sequentially complete all the phases with-
There can be additional inter-appliance operational con- out interruption. The corresponding auxiliary binary variable
straints. A certain appliance cannot start before some other Xijk ∈ {0, 1} is used with Pkij as on/off switch to estimate the
appliance finishes, e.g., dryer cannot start before completion time slot k, when the appliance first phase starts till all of its
of washing. More importantly, due to safety reasons, the load phases end. Therefore, optimization will be on binary
sum total of loads of all the appliances at any point of time variable Xijk for all values of {i, j, k} of which appliance i
cannot exceed a pre-defined peak load. To put the appliance and its load profile j are known and only k is unknown. This
load phases in operation with operational constraints, the will provide optimal layout of appliances with their respective
appliance’s scheduler determines the load assignments, as a start and end slot time with the objective to minimize energy
function of time in a day with the objective to find the least cost according to the TOU tariff and minimize and level peak
energy cost of the appliances and/or a flat demand curve demand of the appliances by using (2), and (3) and (4) given
(minimizing peak load). in the following.

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Eqn. (2) has a different variant if a micro-grid (G) is 2) TIMING CONSTRAINTS

m X ni 
N X  This situation can be modeled by the constraint that, for
all i and j, Xijk = 0. This can also be explained by the following
P1B : fC = min C k Pkij Xijk −g k
Gkij Xijk (3)
k=1 i=1 j=1
auxiliary constraint equations:
Xijk + Sijk ≤ 1 ∀{i, j, k}. (8)
where g represents feed-in tariff. Gkij is the power produced
by PV panel consisting of different phases j at time k. IfSijk = 1, then at time = k, load phase j in appliance i
Micro-grid component in the objective function is con- is already finished. Hence, the corresponding Xijk = 0.
stant as it has fixed possible starting and ending time. The The condition triggering Sijk = 1 is that Xijk switches from
optimization will be achieved through appliance scheduling 1 to 0, i.e., the load profile just finished. This situation is
only. shown as:
The second objective is to minimize the maximum peak
load function fL of the home: Xijk−1 − Xijk ≤ Sijk ∀{i, j}, ∀{k = 2, 3, 4, . . . m}, (9)

m X ni 
N X 2 Another constraint is as follows:
P2 : fL = min Pkij Xijk −q , (4) Sijk−1 ≤ Sijk ∀{i, j}, ∀{k = 2, 3, 4, . . . m} (10)
k=1 i=1 j=1
where m is the number of available time slots in a day. This
where q is the average load of all the appliances considered means that Sijk should remain unity.
and is given by (5).
1 PN Pn i Sequential processing of load phases in a load profile of
4 i=1 j=1 Pij an appliance means that a load phase cannot start unless
q= (5) its preceding phases have finished. This requirement can be
described using the auxiliary decision variable Sijk as follows:
Here, Pij is the variable to indicate assigned load of appli-
ance i having phase j. This in fact translates to minimizing the Xijk ≤ Si(j−1)
∀{i, j}, ∀{k = 2, 3, 4, . . . m} (11)
sum of squared of deviation (SSOD) from the average value
of the appliances load. SSOD is a measure of leveling effect in c: USER TIME PREFERENCES
the load demand curve. When the peaks in the demand pattern The appliance user can setup the time preference constraints
decrease and the gaps are filled, SSOD of the load curve will specifying the time interval an appliance must be finished
reduce. within. It means that appliance cannot be run outside of the
time preference interval.
D. CONSTRAINTS tst − tend ≥ α, (12)
The constraints are grouped into energy constraints and tim-
ing constraints: where tst is the starting time of the range selected by the user,
tend is the ending time of the range selected by the user and
1) ENERGY CONSTRAINTS α is the length of the load profile of an appliance.
The number of cycles or positions that can be available for
To make sure that load phases of appliances fulfill their
starting an appliance is given by:
energy requirements, the following constraint is imposed:
X  cyc = tend − tst − α + 2. (13)
0.25 Pij = Eij ∀{i, j}, (6) As an example consider an appliance load profile of the
k=1 dishwasher:
Pi,j = 1.2 1.2 0.2 1.1 0.68 0.8 0.6 ,
where Eij is the energy requirement for appliance i with load
phase j and m is the available time slots in a day. where i = 1 refers to the dishwasher. Also α = 7 is the length
The load safety constraint puts upper limit to the peak of the load profile consisting of number of load phases in an
coincident load demand of all appliances not exceeding a appliance load. Also user time range constraints for starting
certain pre-defined limit β. and ending of appliance is given as tst = 2 (06:15AM) and
N X tend = 14 (09:15AM). Since we are working on the time slots
given with respect to the hour of the day, we consider time
Pijk ≤ β ∀{k} (7)
i=1 j=1
slot number for all our calculations of available time positions
for allocating an appliance. Using (13) we get the result as
The peak signal β is provided by the grid operator, which is cyc = 7, which is the available number of time slots in a day
a demand response signal. in which an appliance can be operated.

VOLUME 3, 2015 2183

F. A. Qayyum et al.: Appliance Scheduling Optimization in Smart Home Networks

E. PROPOSED SOLUTION For each case, we present a scenario, followed by opti-

The objective function given in (2) can be solved using mization results. These results consist of load patterns,
mixed-integer programming (MIP) technique. We divide the assigned starting and ending times, and other parameters
time scale into 96 time slots. This is determined in MIP such as total energy consumption (TEC), energy cost (EC),
through binary decision variable Xijk , when its value is 1 at one energy exported (EE), maximum peak load and its associated
particular slot and 0 for all the remaining slots. In this work, time (MPLAT), and SSOD with q = 2 kW. The results are
there is a need for 8 × 96 binary variables for describing the obtained in most cases in less than five seconds, using a
scheduling of appliances as there are seven appliances and computer with Intel i3 processor, which shows that results
one PV panel. can be obtained in near real-time. If a computer with higher
Solving NP-hard discrete optimization problems optimally computational capability is used, the processing will be faster.
is often an immense job requiring very efficient algorithms.
We use a branch and bound (B&B) algorithm, which is useful A. APPLIANCES ASSIGNED TO THE FULL TIME RANGE
for solving such a problem. The B&B algorithm is the basic In this case, appliances can be assigned to any time slot.
technique for solving MIP programming problems [39], [40]. Running the optimization algorithm for minimizing peak load
The B&B algorithm searches the complete space of solutions and minimizing cost of energy, separately, i.e, P1A and P2,
to a given problem for the best solution. The algorithm is with appliances range available from time slot 1 (06:00 AM)
based on the observation that the enumeration of integer to time slot 96 (06:00AM), it is found that the scheduler
solutions has a tree structure. Now the main idea in B&B is assigns some appliances to inconvenient starting time slots.
to avoid growing the whole tree as much as possible, because We consider two cases separately as follows:
the entire tree is just too big in any real problem. Instead,
B&B grows the tree in stages, and grows only the most 1) MINIMIZATION OF PEAK LOAD
promising nodes at any stage. It determines which node is In case of peak load minimization, the emphasis is on allo-
the most promising by estimating a bound on the best value cating the appliance operation over time scale where there
of the objective function that can be obtained by growing that will be leveling of peak loads over the given range of time.
node to later stages. Branching occurs when a node is selected For this scenario, we are optimizing (4) over a given full
for further growth and the next generation of children of that time range of 24 hours divided in to 96 slots. Therefore, load
node is created. The bounding comes in when the bound graph of all the appliances run over the day would tend to
on the best value attained by growing a node is estimated. be leveled irrespective of the utility pricing signal (TOU) as
We use YALMIP toolbox [38] in Matlab that has an inter- shown in Fig. 10. The starting and ending time of appliances
face for Gurobi solver [41], which is used to implement our in this case is shown in Table 2.
B&B based solution.


We run our MILP program code to schedule appli-
ances for minimizing the energy cost and minimizing
the peak load based on (2) and (4) for the following
four cases:
A: Appliances assigned to the full time range.
B: Appliances assigned to fixed range equal to the length
of load profiles.
C: Appliances with mixed time range equal to or greater
than the load profiles.
D: Case A above with PV panels.
E: Case B above with PV panels. FIGURE 10. Load pattern of appliances while minimizing peak load over
In TOU pricing, the electricity price per kWh varies for full time range of slots from 1 - 96.

different times of the day to fill the valleys and reduce the
peak load for more horizontal load distribution. However, As shown in Table 2, scheduled time of dishwasher to
the maximum peak load in home is controlled through an start operating from 10:00 AM and ending at 11:45 AM is
additional constraint that the sum of loads at any time be not preferable. Dishwasher should be scheduled to operate
always equal to or less than 5.5 kW in our case. The maximum after dinner time. Similarly, the timing of oven-1 (Morning)
peak is always assigned by the electricity provider. Reducing starting at 10:45 AM is too late and oven-2 (Evening) starting
the cost of electricity bill is important and relevant in this at 3:30 AM is too early. Appliance scheduling as a result
work. Therefore, the effect on cost energy will be studied of peak load minimizing under full time range (1-96) is,
for the five different appliances scheduling scenario shown therefore, inconvenient and not adoptable. Other parameters
above. are shown in Table 8 and will be compared next.

2184 VOLUME 3, 2015

F. A. Qayyum et al.: Appliance Scheduling Optimization in Smart Home Networks

TABLE 2. Appliances starting and ending times for minimizing peak load TABLE 3. Appliances starting and ending times for minimizing cost of
over a full time range. energy over a full time range.


In this scenario, using objective function (2), we want to con-
sider the appliances in HAN to operate while minimizing the Time allocations for dishwasher, oven-1 (Morning) at
cost of energy used based on time range starting from slot 1 time slot 75 (12:30 AM) and oven-2 (Evening) to time
to time slot 96. Appliance dynamic responses are maneuvered slot 91 (4:30 AM) to operate are still inconvenient timings.
by utility TOU signal as shown in Figure 11. Table 3 shows Therefore, there is a need to review the constraints of time slot
the starting and ending time of appliances when minimizing range assignment of the appliances for its operations keeping
the energy bill. its time of suitability and convenience. It is also to be noted
that the peak load has increased significantly and has to be
restricted to a limit.


Consider a scenario where an unconcerned consumer may
likely use appliances without giving due considerations to
TOU tariffs and limit to peak load. Such a situation is
described as a worst case. In this connection, consider a home
where appliances operate on the fixed time range equal to
the length of load profile as per schedule given in Table 4.
The starting time of the appliances given by the consumer
is fixed and there is no room for operating the appliances
other than the time given by the user irrespective of the TOU.
Based on the input range given in Table 4, Table 5 gives
starting and ending time of the appliances, obtained using the
FIGURE 11. Load pattern of appliances while minimizing cost of energy
proposed optimization algorithm. These times are the same
over full time range of 1 - 96 slots. as the given input ranges and show the effectiveness of the

Figure 11 shows that while minimizing cost of energy, the

scheduling of appliances have moved in time range where TABLE 4. Range of time constraints given for appliances in fixed range.

TOU tariff is low. The maximum peak load is 6.79kW, which

occurs at time slot 75 (12:30 AM).
As expected, the cost of electricity in case of mini-
mization of energy cost is indeed lower than the case of
minimization of peak load. The cost of electricity when
minimizing peak load is $4.63 as shown earlier. The cost of
energy when minimizing energy cost is $4.46 showing energy
cost reduction of 3.6%. The reduction of energy cost came
with an increase in peak load level distortion, i.e., SSOD. The
SSOD increased from 156.98 to 238.80 (increase of 52.7%)
in minimizing peak load and minimizing energy cost,

VOLUME 3, 2015 2185

F. A. Qayyum et al.: Appliance Scheduling Optimization in Smart Home Networks

TABLE 5. Appliance with fixed schedule (time range = length of a load


FIGURE 13. Load pattern of appliances operating on mixed time range.

TABLE 7. Appliances starting and ending times for mixed time range

FIGURE 12. Load pattern of appliances operating on fixed time range

equal to the load profile.

TABLE 6. Range of time constraints given for appliances in mixed range. C. APPLIANCES WITH MIXED TIME RANGE
In this case, time range space is provided in Table 6 for
optimizing the scheduling of appliances as per convenience
of its operations. The time range provided is either equal or
greater than the length of the load profiles to give flexibility
for appliance scheduling and more time slots options for
allocating appliances. Only refrigerator and AC have fixed
range equal to their respective load profiles. It is noted that
energy demand of appliances being constant, reduction of
peak demand and electricity cost could occur by appropri-
ately shifting loads away from the peak TOU tariff timings.
We also seek optimization scheduler to determine the
minimum energy cost with additional constraint that peak
load be less than or equal to 5.5 kW at any instant of the time
proposed solution in dealing with given constraints. Demand range. The combined appliance load distribution is shown
curve of the above situation is shown in Fig. 12, along with in Fig. 13 and the recommended starting and ending times
TOU tariff curve. It shows that most of the appliances are of the appliances is given in Table 7, obtained using the pro-
scheduled in the region of peak and mid peak of TOU tariff, posed algorithm. The electricity consumption is 48.45kWh,
as the scheduling is not done with respect to TOU tariffs. which remains constant and its cost is reduced from $4.92 in
The peak load of 6.78 kW occurs at time slot 51 (6:30 PM), case A to $4.46 based on TOU Tariff and peak load is reduced
which is in mid-peak TOU tariff. Other parameters are given from 6.78kW to 5.5kW, a reduction of 18.9%. The load curve
in Table 8. shows that shiftable loads under flexible time range move

2186 VOLUME 3, 2015

F. A. Qayyum et al.: Appliance Scheduling Optimization in Smart Home Networks

TABLE 8. Comparison of results.

FIGURE 14. Load pattern of appliances and PV generation operating on FIGURE 15. Net load demand from the grid and PV export for minimizing
fixed time range. energy cost in fixed time range.

to region where tariff is low as evident from Fig. 13, which

shows the effectiveness of our approach. E. APPLIANCES WITH MIXED TIME RANGE
D. APPLIANCES WITH FIXED TIME RANGE Next, we optimize the scheduling of appliances on the basis
WITH PV PANEL of minimizing energy cost subject to the same constraints
Next, we study the effect of local electricity generation given in Table 6 and including additional constraint that the
through installation of 3 kW PV panels. PV panels will gen- load at any time be always less than or equal to 5.5 kW
erate power as co-power supplier in addition to supply from with 3 kW PV panels. The scheduling of appliances comes
the national grid. Consider the same appliance configuration to be the same as the scenario discussed in case B, but final
shown in Table 5 with 3 kW PV panels. The load patterns demand curves are totally different because of the effect
of appliances along with power generated by PV panel are power supply by PV panels. There is a mix of import and
overlapped on time-wise basis as shown in Fig. 14. The export of electric power from and to national grid. Fig. 16
net demand of load from the national grid and export of shows the demand of appliances and supply of power from
power to the utility grid are shown in Fig. 15. Other param- PV panels. The flexible loads have shifted to the low tar-
eters calculated from the solution obtained by the proposed iff portion of TOU curve. Fig. 17 shows the net flow of
optimization algorithm with the objective function P1B (with load. The upper portion of the graph shows import from the
micro-grid) are shown in Table 8. The results show that national grid and lower part of the graph shows export to
amount of energy and total electricity cost is the same as the national grid. Other parameters are shown in Table 8. The
in case A. But if we take the effect of PV panel generation results show that the amount of energy and total electricity
shown by the parameter EE, the net import from national grid cost are the same as in case B. But if we take the effect
decreased from 48.45kWh to 34.11kWh. Therefore, the cost of PV panel generation, the net import from national grid
of energy decreased from $4.92 to $3.11 based on TOU tariff. decreased from 48.45kWh to 35.54kWh. Therefore, the cost
The home simultaneously exported 8.77kWh to national of energy decreased from $4.46 to $2.84 based on TOU tariff.
grid. The expected sales proceed from the export of energy The HAN simultaneously exported −10.20kWh to national
is $3.47 based on FIT is $0.396/kWh as of 2014 [23]. Instead grid. The expected sales proceed from the export of energy
of payment, the net amount receivables from the electricity is $4.04 based on FIT $0.396/kWh. Instead of payment, the
supplier is $0.36. Peak demand is reduced from 6.78kW to net amount receivable from the electricity supplier is $1.20.
6.34kW showing a reduction of 6.4%. The reduction in peak The net cost of energy is −$1.20 as against $4.46, showing
demand is due to the reason that peak is occurring at the tail energy cost reduction of 126.9%. Peak demand remained the
end of solar generation time. same at 5.5kW due to the constraint that peak load at any time

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PV panel enabled lowering of cost and export of electricity to

the main grid.

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[39] C. A. Floudas, Nonlinear and Mixed-Integer Optimization: Fundamentals ment and radio access and networking areas within
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[41] Gurobi Optimization, Inc. (2014). Mixed Integer Programming Basics. layer design and optimization, cooperative communication, M2M commu-
[Online]. Available: nication, small cell and heterogeneous networks, and smart grid. He served
mip-basics as an Associate Editor of the IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SURVEYS AND TUTORIALS
(2012-14), the IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS (2010-13), Wireless Personal
FATIMA QAYYUM received the B.S. degree in Communications (Springer) (2009-14), and EURASIP Journal of Wireless
electrical engineering from the Sir Syed University Communications and Networking (2004-2009). He also served as Guest Edi-
of Engineering and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan, tor for two EURASIP SI in Radio Resource Management in 3G+ Systems
and the M.A.Sc. degree from Ryerson University, (2006) and Fairness in Radio Resource Management for Wireless Networks
Toronto, Canada. She was a Research Assistant (2008), and MONET SI on Green Cognitive and Cooperative Communica-
with WINCORE Laboratory, Ryerson University, tion and Networking (2012). He has co-authored three edited books entitled
from 2013 to 2014, where she was involved in Design and Deployment of Small Cell Networks (Cambridge University
optimization problems in smart grid. Press) (2014), Routing in Opportunistic Networks (Springer) (2013), and
Handbook on Green Information and Communication Systems (Academic
Press) (2012).

VOLUME 3, 2015 2189

F. A. Qayyum et al.: Appliance Scheduling Optimization in Smart Home Networks

LING GUAN received the B.Sc. degree in elec- BALA VENKATESH is currently a Professor with
tronic engineering from Tianjin University, Tian- the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-
jin, China, the M.A.Sc. degree in systems design neering, Ryerson University, where he is also the
engineering from the University of Waterloo, Head of the Centre for Urban Energy, as an Aca-
Waterloo, ON, Canada, and the Ph.D. degree demic Director. His interests are in power sys-
in electrical engineering from the University of tems analysis and optimization with applications
British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. He to renewables, energy storage, smart grids, and
held visiting positions with British Telecom, Lon- microgrids. He is also a Registered Professional
don, U.K., in 1994, with the Tokyo Institute of Engineer in the province of Ontario, Canada.
Technology, Tokyo, Japan, in 1999, with Princeton
University, Princeton, NJ, in 2000, with The Hong Kong Polytechnic Univer-
sity, Hong Kong, in 2008, and with Microsoft Research Asia, Beijing, China,
in 2002 and 2009. He is currently a Professor and a Tier I Canada Research
Chair with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ryerson
University, Toronto, ON. He has authored in multimedia processing and
communications, human-centered computing, pattern analysis, and machine
intelligence, and adaptive image and signal processing. He was a recipient of
Best Paper Award and has been an IEEE Circuits and Systems Society
Distinguished Lecturer.

2190 VOLUME 3, 2015

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