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U05 Notes Part4 Entropy Spontaneity

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IB Topics 5 & 15

Entropy & Spontaneity
The time has come, the Walrus
To speak of many things:
Of shoes--and ships--and sealing
Of Entropy, Enthalpy, and Free
Is this your room?

Then you already know about

Why do things happen
The answer is the way
they do, and not in reverse?
So, whats the
Glassware breaks
spontaneously when it hits the
floor. Yet you cant drop
broken glass and have it form a
graduated cylinder.
Why is it that.
a parked new car left to itself will become junk over
but the junk car will never become like new over
A sugar cube dissolves spontaneously in hot
coffee or tea, but dissolved sugar never
precipitates out of it to form a sugar cube?
a measure of the
degree of
disorder in a

In nature, things
tend to increase
in entropy, or
So WHY do
things tend
states of
Think of your room again..
If you were to throw everything up in the air and
then just wait for it all to land, there is a much
greater probability that things will end up
disordered. Its unlikely that things will land in an
orderly fashion, because there are fewer ordered
arrangements than there are disordered
There are more ways that gas
molecules can be mixed together than
there are ways they can be separated.
Once this valve is opened, it is more
likely that the gas molecules will spread
out than stay as is.

Again, this is because there are more

ways for them to be dispersed than to
stay on one side.
Probably Not!
So, next time youre
thirsty, go ahead,
wander into the kitchen
and get yourself a drink
of water. Therell be
plenty of air to breath
when you get there.
One last example

Daves Hand
2.6 million to

What are the odds?

Johns Hand
2.6 million to
Johns hand is one of a very select
group of hands called a straight
flush. Out of the 2.6 million possible
hands, there are only 40 straight
Dave has junk. There are over a
million hands that are junk.

In other words, there are very few

combinations of five cards that form
a straight flush, and very many
combinations that result in junk.
Entropy can be defined in terms of
microstates and macrostates.

Johns Hand 7 8 9 10 J
Straight Flush

Daves Hand 4 8 7 3 K Junk

The more microstates
a macrostate can
have, the higher its
Hey, wake up! The law of
entropy says youre
probably going to get

2 mol gas 1 mol solid

Solids Liquids Solutions
Fewer Particles More Particles
An increase in disorder (entropy) can result from:

Mixing different types of particles (e.g.

the dissolving of sugar in water)
A change in state where the distance
between particles increases (e.g. liquid
water steam)
The increased movement of particles
(e.g. heating a liquid or gas)
Increasing the number of particles, e.g.
2H2O2(l) 2H2O(l) + O2(g)

Note: The greatest increase in disorder is

usually found where the number of particles in
the gaseous state increases.
The standard entropy of a substance is
the entropy change per mole that
results from heating the substance from
0 K to the standard temperature of 298
Unlike enthalpy, absolute values of
entropy can be measured.
The standard entropy change for a
reaction can then be determined by
calculating the difference between the

entropy of the products

and the
Srxn S (products ) - S (reactants )
Example: Determine the entropy change for
the formation of ammonia from hydrogen and
3H2(g) + N2(g) 2NH3(g)

S for hydrogen, nitrogen and ammonia

are respectively 131, 192 and 192 J mol-1

Therefore per mole of reaction

S = [2(192)] [3(131) + 192]
S = -201 J mol-1 K-1
areaction is said to be
spontaneous if it causes a
system to move from a less
stable to a more stable state.
Enthalpy and entropy are DRIVING
FORCES for spontaneous reactions
(rxns that happen at normal

Itis the interplay of these 2

driving forces that determines
whether or not a physical or
chemical change will actually
Free Energy Change (G)
a.k.a. Gibbs Energy Change

relatesenthalpy and entropy in a

way that indicates which
predominates; the quantity of
energy that is available or stored
to do work or cause change.
G = H - TS
Free Energy Change (G)
Spontaneous: G = ()

Non-spontaneous: G = (+)

Reaction is at Equilibrium: G = 0

Ex: thermit rxn (G=neg)

Free Energy Change (G)
Note: the fact that a reaction is spontaneous
does not necessarily mean that it will
proceed without any input of energy. For
example, the combustion of coal is a
spontaneous reaction and yet coal is stable
in air. It will only burn on its own accord
after it has received some initial energy so
that some of the molecules have the
necessary activation energy for the
reaction to occur.
Relating Enthalpy and Entropy
to Spontaneity
Example of reaction H S Spontaneity
- +
always spon.

- - spon. at
low temp.
+ +
spon. at
high temp.
+ -
never spon.
Calculating G values
1) Calculating Grxn from Gf

rxn G (

f products )- G (

f reactants )

Or via energy cycles / Hess Law

2) Using Srxn and Hrxn values to

G = H - TS
calculate Grxn at all
Example: Find the standard free energy of
combustion of methane given the standard free
energies of formation of methane, carbon dioxide,
water and oxygen.


reactant product
s s
Gf (reactants ) Gf (products)


rxn G (

f products )- G (

f reactants )
Example: Find the standard free energy of
combustion of methane given the standard free
energies of formation of methane, carbon dioxide,
water and oxygen.


CH4(g) + 2O2(g) CO2(g) +

Gf (reactants ) Gf (products)

C(s) + 2O2(g) + 2H2(g)

rxn G (

f products )- G (

f reactants )
Example: Find the standard free energy of
combustion of methane given the standard free
energies of formation of methane, carbon dioxide,
water and oxygen.
Gf (CH4) = -50
Gf (CO2) = -394

Gf (products
Gf (H2O) = -237
) - Gf (reactants )
kJ/mol 0

G rxn [G (CO 2 ) G (H2O)] - [G (CH4 ) G (O2 )]
f f f f

G rxn [(-394) 2(-237)] - [(-50) 2(0)]
G rxn 818 kJ mol
Example: Determine whether or not the decomposition of calcium
carbonate is spontaneous at all temperatures. If not, provide
conditions of temperatures (if any) at which the reaction is

CaCO3(s) CaO(s) + CO2(g)

H=+178 kJ mol-1; S=+165.3 J mol-1K-1

Note that the units of S are different from H

At 25C (298K):
G = H - TS
G = 178 kJ/mol (298K)
G = +129 kJ mol-1
Example: Determine whether or not the decomposition of calcium
carbonate is spontaneous at all temperatures. If not, provide
conditions of temperatures (if any) at which the reaction is

CaCO3(s) CaO(s) + CO2(g)

H=+178 kJ mol-1; S=+165.3 J mol-1K-1

G = H - TS
G = (+) (+)(+)
This rxn is spontaneous only at high temps.
Example: Determine whether or not the decomposition of calcium
carbonate is spontaneous at all temperatures. If not, provide
conditions of temperatures (if any) at which the reaction is

CaCO3(s) CaO(s) + CO2(g)

H=+178 kJ mol-1; S=+165.3 J mol-1K-1

Thus the reaction will become spontaneous

when TS > H

TS = H when T = H/ S
T = 178/0.1653
T = 1077K (804 C)

Therefore, the rxn will be spon. above

Example: Determine whether or not the decomposition of calcium
carbonate is spontaneous at all temperatures. If not, provide
conditions of temperatures (if any) at which the reaction is

Note, this solution assumes that the

entropy value is independent of temp.,
which is not strictly true.
More practice problems:
Example #1

For the decomposition of O3(g) to

2O3(g) 3O2(g)
H = -285.4 kJ/mol
S = 137.55 J/molK @25 C
a) Calculate G for the reaction.
G = (-285.4 kJ/mol) (298K)
G = -326 kJ
More practice problems:
Example #1
For the decomposition of O3(g) to
2O3(g) 3O2(g)
H = -285.4 kJ/mol
S = 137.55 J/molK @25 C
b) Is the reaction spontaneous?
More practice problems:
Example #1
For the decomposition of O3(g) to
2O3(g) 3O2(g)
H = -285.4 kJ/mol
S = 137.55 J/molK @25 C
c) Is H or S (or both) favorable for the
Both S and H are favorable
(both are driving forces enthaply = - & entropy
= +)
More practice problems:
Example #2
What is the minimum temperature (in C)
necessary for the following reaction to occur
Fe2O3(s) + 3CO(g) 2Fe(s) + 3CO2(g)
H = +144.5 kJ/mol; S = +24.3 J/Kmol
G = H TS
0 = (144.5) (T)(0.0243)
T = 5947 K
T = 5674 C 5670 C

Thus, the rxn will be spon. @ temp >

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