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Quran is my Book

What is Al-Quran?
Al-Quran is the holy book for Muslims. It is
miraculous word of Allah revealed to Prophet
Muhammad through the angel Jibreel.
Therefore, Al-Quran is a wahy or divine
revelation that has reached us through or a holy
connection starting from Allah to the angel
Jibreel to the prophet Muhammad. The Wahy or
Quranic revelation is regarded by Muslims as the
exact words of Allah.
What is Al-Quran?
As you learned earlier Allah revealed a few
books to past prophets and messengers:
Taurat or the original Torah of Musa (Moses)
Zabur or the original Psalms of Daud (David)
Injil or the Original Gospel of Isa (Jesus)
Al-Suhuf the scrolls of Ibraheem.
What is Al-Quran?
Many years later Allah revealed Al-Quran to
prophet Muhammad, the prophet was 40 years
old when the Quran began to be revealed to him
and he was 63 when the revelation was
The revelation of Al-Quran
The revelation of Al Quran started in the month
of Ramadan during the year 610 AD at that time
prophet Muhammad was in a cave called Ghar
Hiraa on the Jabal-un-Noor or the mountain of
light near Makkah Jibreel AA continued to teach
prophet Muhammad passages of al Quran every
now and then . the revelation continued
throughout the following 23 years of the life of
Rasoloullah until he passed away . at that point
revelation of Al-Quran was completed .
Makkan and Madani chapters:
The scholars of Al-Quran described the suwar of
Al-Quran that were revealed before Al-Hijrah as
suwar Makkiyyah or Makkan chapters.
Most of these where revealed while the prophet
was in Makkah. On the other hand they
described the suwar revealed after Hijrah as
suwar Madaniyyah or Madani
chapters. Most of these chapters were revealed
while the prophet was in Madina.
The structure of Al-Quran:
The Quran is made of 114 suwar (chapters).
Each surah of Al-Quran made of few or many
Ayaat, or verses. The longest Surah in Al-Quran
has 286 Ayaat while the shortest Surah has only
three Ayaat, Surat-ul-Kawthar. The rest of Suwar
has different numbers of Ayaat that fall in
between. Like the Suwar have different length,
the Ayaat have different lengths too.
What is Al-Quran?
The suwar of Al-Quran are not put in chronological
order. Al-Quran starts with Surat-ul-Fatiha and end
with Surat-un-Nas some of the suwar or chapters of
Al-Quran are long, others are very short.
Among the long suwar are:
Baqarah (The Cow)
'Aali-'Imraan (The Family of 'Imraan
Nisaaa' (Women)
Maaa-'idah (The Table Spread)
'An-'aam (Cattle)
'A'-raaf (The Heights)
Anfaal (Spoils of War)
The above suwar are called the long seven
There are 30 parts, each Juzu' has number
of Suwar. The great scholars of Islam divided the
Quran into 30 equal parts. This way its easier for
us to read in one moth as the prophet
recommended us to do.
Al-Quran deserves our respect:
We all know that Al-Quran is the most important
book for Muslims. Since it is then it should be
treated with the utmost respect. You should
realize that you are holding the words of Allah in
your hands.
1. Taharah and cleanliness:
It is recommended that you should have Wudoo'
when reading Al-Quran and touching it. Think
about it for a moment, if you are going to visit a
very important person you will make sure that
you are clean, neat and have the best cloths on.
Reading Al-Quran means you are getting closer
to Allah, so you have to be clean and well kept.
2. Face the direction of prayer (Qiblah) to
Its also recommended that you should face the
Qiblah when reading the Quran.
3. Humble heart and Khushoo':
When carrying Al-Quran it is important to realize
that you are holding Allah's words in your hands.
Can you think of any words better than Allah's
words? Khushuoo' is having your heart humbled
and connected with Allah while worshipping
4. Al-Isti'aatha and Basmalah:
5. Observing Ahkam Al-Tajweed or
Rules of recitation:
Its important to pronounce the words correctly
as best as you can. You should learn to read the
Quran according to Ahkam Al-Tawjeed
: recite the Quran
according to the rules of recitation.
6. Al-Tadabbur:
Which means reflection or deep understanding of Al-
Quran, its focusing on the meaning and guidance. Its
very important to pay attention to the meaning of
the words you are reading.
Afterwards you should reflect on the lessons you
have learnt in the Quran.
Its easier to experience Tadabbur when you:
- have good intention and mean to reflect on what
you read.
- recite in a calm place, like the Masjid or quiet place.
- recite while you are comfortable and relaxed.
7. Interacting with the Quran:
For example when reading about Jannah the
reader should be happy and hopeful and ask
Allah to grant him-her Jannah. And when the
reader goes through Ayaat on the Judgment day
hellfire the reader should feel scared.
8. Handle it with care and respect:
At all times, we should handle the Quran and
carry it with the utmost respect. The Quran is
not just any object, its the words f Allah
There should be no eating or drinking while
reading the Quran. Make sure you keep the
Quran in place where it will be safe and
9. Implementing the Quran:
This is the most important Duty we need to
fulfill toward the Quran. Allah sent his book to
us so we would implement it and apply its
guidance .
Names in the Quran
Allah mentioned the names of twenty five
prophets and messengers including Adam, Nooh,
Hood , Idrees, Salih Isa and Muhammad.
Maryam is the only women whose name is
explicitly mentioned in the Quran and her name
is also the title of a surah.
Zaid Ibn Haritha was the only Sahabi who has his
name mentioned explicitly in Al-Quran.
Three mosques are refered to in the Quran Al-
Masjid Al-Haram, AL-Masjid Al-Aqsa, Masjid

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