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(A) Introduction To Quran: Surahs and Verses of The Holy Quran

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The Quran-e-Majeed is the last divine book of Allah Almighty which was revealed upon the last
Prophet Hazrat Muhmmad during the period of approximately 23 years gradually and according
to the needs and demands arising from time to time. This is a very noble and sacred book containing
a message of guidance for all human beings.
Apart from the Holy Quran, there are other divine books which were revealed upon the previous
Prophets e.g., Taurat, Zaboor and Ingil. Besides, there are Sahaif (the divine books) which were also
revealed upon Prophets. Their teachings were confined to a specific period and not applicable to other
times. Holy Quran is the comprehensive book which contains guidance for all fields of life, for all
mankind and for all times to come till the day of judgement. This is the last divine book revealed
upon the last Prophet .

The scholars have discussed different names of the Holy Quran. In Kitab-ul-Burhan, 55 names of the
Holy Quran, derived from verses of the Holy Quran, have been discussed. A few of these names are
listed below:
1. Al-Kitab: The only book among all the books in the world which deserves to be called a book is
the Holy Quran.
2. Al-Furqan: Which can distinguish between truth and falsehood.
3. Noor: Which shows light and guidance
4. Shifa: Which can provide spiritual shifa and a
message of health
5., Tazkira: A source of warning and advice
6. Al-Ilm: A source of knowledge and vision


The Holy Quran comprises 114 Suras. Every Sura contains a few verses or Ayat . Ayat means token
or sign. Therefore, every Ayat is a sign of some eternal law of Allah Almighty. There are 6666 ayats
in the Holy Quran.Except Sura Tauba, every Sura begins with BISMILLAH

Sura Baqra is the largest Sura of the Holy Quran and sura Al-Kausar is the shortest, which has
only three verses. The Holy Quran has been divided into thirty parts. Each part is called a Para. The
Holy Quran has sevenStations (Manazils). These Manazil have been fixed to enable a man to
complete the recitation of Holy Quran in one week, if he wishes to do so.


The Holy Prophet spent the first thirteen years of his Prophethood in Makkah. During this period, he
had to face great difficulties. To people known to him turned against him and did not care to listen to
the message of Tauheed. During this period, the suras of Holy Quran revealed upon the Holy
Prophet contained a message of patience. Beside this, the topics relating to Oneness of Allah
Almighty, Prophethood and the life in the world hereafter have been dealt with. He was orderd to
migrate to Madina after thirteen years.


After Hijrat when the Holy Prophet arrived in Madina the situation was quite different. A number
of people in Madina had embraced Islam before his arrival. After Hijrat when a small group of
Muslims led by the Holy Prophet reached Madina, the Holy Prophet set up an Islamic State with the
help of Mahajreen and Ansars. During this period, the Suras and verses of the Holy Quran revealed
were meant to meet the new needs in the situation. Those pertain to the social, economic and
political problems. In addition to these topics emphasis was laid on spending wealth in the way of
Allah Almighty, exercise of justice, business dealing and compulsion of Jehad. Roza, Zakat and Hajj
were made compulsory. The Holy Prophet spent ten years in Madina.


Allah Almighty has Himself promised to preserve the Holy Quran. Allah says:
We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will
assuredly Guard it (from corruption)

In this verse, Allah Almighty has made three points.

‫ ٭‬First this book has been revealed by Allah Almighty. This means that this is not an ordinary book, but
has been revealed by Allah Almighty for the guidance of mankind.
‫ ٭‬Second, this is a book of Zikr, Zikr means advice, i.e., This book has been revealed to advise the
people with the intention of their welfare.
‫ ٭‬Third, it has been declared that Allah Almighty is responsible for the preservation of this book.
This means that no tampering alternation or suppression of any portion of this book is possible.
Other divine books have been subjected to tampering and alterations. However, Quran is intact in its
original form; even after the passage of centuries. Its language, eloquence and contents exist without
any change. The Holy Quran contains guidance for mankind for all times to come. It is for all ages
and all races of mankind. The power of government cannot suppress its teachings. Allah Almighty has
fulfilled His promise to preserve the Holy Quran. This fact has been acknowledged by the Muslims
as well as non-muslims.
The Holy Prophet ensured that the contents of the Holy Quran should be committed to memory
and writing. That is why a large number of the companions of the Holy Prophet learnt the Holy
Quran by heart. In addition to this the contents of the Holy Quran were recorded on slabs, plain
leaves, and the shoulder bone of the camel.


The present order of the Suras of the Holy Quran is TAUQIFI. This means that the Holy Prophet
has arranged the contents of the Holy Quran according to the commands of Allah Almighty. When a
Sura was revealed the Holy Prophet himself instructed the scribes to write the sura in question
before or after some particular sura.When ayat were revealed he directed to record the same in
a particular sura. In view of this practice, the Muslims believe that editing of the Holy Quran has been
made under the will of Allah Almighty. Among the scribes of Wahi are included the four caliphs.



During the life time of the Holy Prophet the Holy Quran did not exist in a single book form. It
contents were recorded on different articles. In the time of Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique, the need arose
to compile it in book form. During his caliphate, the Muslims fought a war (YAMAMA) with
Muselima Kazzab who claimed to be a Prophet. The army sent to crush him consisted of a large
number of Huffaz-e-Quran. A large number of them were martyred during the war. The Muslims
won the war but it was felt that death of Huffaz-e-Quran might not affect the preservation of the Holy
Quran. Therefore, Hazrat AbuBakkar Siddique entrusted the work of the compilation of
the Holy Quran to a famous Qari and Hafiz, Sahabi Zaid Bin Sabit who also served as a scribe of Wahi
during the period of the Holy Prophet . He completed this task with great diligence. This
manuscript of the Holy Quran remained with Hazrat Abu Bakkar Siddique (R.A). After
his death, it was in the custody of Hazrat Umar and after his death, it was passed on to Hazrat Hifsa.
Compilation of Qur'an and Hazrat Usman (R.A):
During the Caliphate of Hazrat Usman it was observed that Non-Arabs are facing propblems in
reciting the Qur'an because of different Arabic accents. Hazrat Usman got many copies of the
manuscript of Hazrat Abu Bakr prepared under his supervision according to Qureshi Accent and sent
the same to the different parts of his empire. That is why he is called Jame Al Qur'an.
Diacritical marks were added for non-Arabs:
The original manuscript of the Qur'an does not have
the signs indicating the vowels in Arabic script. These vowels are known as tashkil, zabar, zair, paish
in Urdu and as fatah, damma and qasra in Arabic. The Arabs did not require the vowel signs and
diacritical marks for correct pronunciation of the Qur'an since it was their mother tongue. For
Muslims of non-Arab origin, however, it was difficult to recite the Qur'an correctly without the
These marks were introduced into the Quranic script during the time of the fifth 'Umayyad' Caliph,
Malik-ar- Marwan (66-86 Hijri/685-705 and during the governorship of Al-Hajaj in Iraq.


The Holy Quran possesses certain qualities which have made it immortal. It is not possible to
enumerate all the qualities. However, a few qualities are described as
1. The Holy Quran is the true book. Its message and teachings contain truth. It contains very solid
arguments and proofs. Allah Almighty says:
I.L.R. (This is) a book, with verses basic or fundamental (of
established meaning), further explained in detail, from One
Who is Wise and Well-Acquainted (with all things)

The arguments are very solid and convincing and lead us to truth. These are free from any
contradiction. There is a consistency in the topics dealt with in the Holy Quran. Allah Almighty says:
Had it been from other than Allah; they would surely have
found therein much discrepancy
2. This book guarantees the success of those individuals and nations who believe in it truly and
sincerely and who follow its commands. Through this book, they can win prestige and distinction in
the world. Hazrat Umar has expressed this fact in these words:
"Through this book Allah Almighty Taala will
ensure the rise of many nations as well as the down fall of
Allama Iqbal is of the view that the only cause of the prevailing deterioration of Muslims is their
separation from the Holy Quran. If the Muslims follow the commands of the Holy Quran, they can
win back their prestige and honour.

3. The Holy Quran has great influence on human heart and mind, feelings, desires and tendencies. It
performs a vital rule in the reformation and chastisement of human character and personality.
The recitation of the Holy Quran creates tendencies in our hearts as well as develops the blessings of
determination and conviction.

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