Farmakokinetika Klinik Vancomycin: Riri Tifani 1201108
Farmakokinetika Klinik Vancomycin: Riri Tifani 1201108
Farmakokinetika Klinik Vancomycin: Riri Tifani 1201108
Riri tifani
Vancomycin is a glycopeptide antibiotic
used to treat severe gram-positive
infections due to organisms that are
resistant to other antibiotics such as
methicillin-resistant staphylococci and
ampicillin-resistant enterococci. It is also
used to treat infections caused by other
sensitive gram positive organisms in
patients that are allergic to penicillins.
Vancomycin is bactericidal and exhibits time-dependent
or concentration-independent bacterial killing.
Antibiotics with time-dependent killing characteristically
kill bacteria most effectively when drug concentrations
are a multiple (usually three to five times) of the
minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) for the bacteria.
The mechanism of action for vancomycin is inhibition of
cell wall synthesis in susceptible bacteria by binding to
the D-alanyl-D-alanine terminal end of cell wall
precursor units.
Many strains of enterococcus have high MIC values for
vancomycin, and for these bacteria vancomycin may
only demonstrate bacteriostatic properties.
Vancomycin is administered as a short-term (1-hour)
intravenous infusion. Infusion rate related side effects have
been noted when shorter infusion times (~30 minutes or
less) have been used. Urticarial or erythematous reactions,
intense flushing (known as the redman or red-neck
syndrome), tachycardia, and hypotension have all been
reported and can be largely avoided with the longer infusion
time. Even with a 1-hour infusion time, vancomycin serum
concentrations exhibit a distribution phase so that drug in
the blood and in the tissues are not yet in equilibrium (Figure
5-1). Because of this, a 1/21 hour waiting period is allowed
for distribution to finish before maximum or peak
concentrations are measured. Since vancomycin exhibits
time-dependent killing, microbiolgic or clinical cure
FIGURE 5-1 Concentration/time plot for vancomycin 1000 mg
given as a 1-hour infusion (circles with dashed line). When given
as a 1-hour infusion, end of infusion concentrations are higher
because the serum and tissues are not in equilibrium. A 1/2- to 1-
hour waiting time for vancomycin distribution to tissues is allowed
before peak concentrations are measured.
rates are not closely associated with peak
serum concentrations. However, ototoxicity
has been reported when vancomycin serum
concentrations exceed 80 g/mL.
so the therapeutic range for steady-state
peak concentrations is usually considered to
be 2040 g/mL. Because vancomycin does
not enter the central nervous system in
appreciable amounts when given
steady-state peak concentrations of
4060 g/mL or direct administration
into the cerebral spinal fluid may be
Vancomycin is almost completely eliminated unchanged in the
urine primarily by glomerular filtration. This antibiotic is given by
short-term (1 hour) intermittent intravenous infusion.
Intramuscular administration is usually avoided because this route
has been reported to cause tissue necrosis at the site of injection.
Oral bioavailability is poor (<10%) so systemic infections cannot be
treated by this route of administration. However, patients with
renal failure who have been given oral vancomycin for the
treatment of antibiotic-associated colitis have accumulated
therapeutic concentrations because gut wall inflammation
increased vancomycin bioavailability and renal dysfunction
decreased drug clearance. Plasma protein binding is ~ 55%.The
recommended dose for vancomycin in patients with normal renal
function is 30 mg/kg/d given as 2 or 4 divided daily doses. In
normal weight adults, the dose is usually 2 g/d given as 1000 mg
every 12 hours.
Nonobese adults with normal renal function (creatinine clearance >80 mL/min)
have an average vancomycin half-life of 8 hours (range = 79 hours), and the
average volume of distribution for vancomycin is 0.7 L/kg (range 0.51.0 L/kg) in
this population. Because of the moderate size for volume of distribution, fluid
balance (under- or overhydration) is less of an issue with vancomycin compared
to the aminoglycoside antibiotics.
Since vancomycin is eliminated principally by glomerular filtration, renal
dysfunction is the most important disease state that influences vancomycin
pharmacokinetics. Vancomycin total clearance decreases proportionally to
decreases in creatinine clearance . The relationship between renal function and
vancomycin clearance forms the basis for initial dosage computation methods
presented later in this chapter.
Major body burns (>3040% body surface area) can cause large changes in
vancomycin pharmacokinetics. Forty-eight to seventy-two hours after a major
burn, the basal metabolic rate of the patient increases to facilitate tissue repair.
The increase in basal metabolic rate causes an increase in glomerular filtration
rate which increases vancomycin clearance. Because of the increase in drug
clearance, the average half-life for vancomycin in burn patients is 4 hours.
Obese individuals with normal serum creatinine concentrations have
increased vancomycin clearance secondary to increased glomerular
filtration rate and are best dosed with vancomycin using total body
weight. The reason for the increased drug clearance is kidney
hypertrophy which results in larger creatinine clearance rates.
Volume of distribution does not significantly change with obesity
and is best estimated using ideal body weight (IBW) in patients
more than 30% overweight (>30% over IBW, V = 0.7 L/kg IBW).
Because the primary pharmacokinetic change for vancomycin in
obesity is increased drug clearance with a negligible change in
volume of distribution, average half-life decreases to 3.3 hours [t1/2
= (0.693 V)/Cl]. While the average dose in morbidly obese and
normal weight patients with normal serum creatinine concentrations
was ~30 mg/kg/d using total body weight in both populations, some
morbidly obese patients required every-8-hour dosing to maintain
vancomycin steady-state trough concentrations above 5 g/mL
Premature infants (gestational age 32 weeks) have a larger amount of body
water compared to adults. However, vancomycin volume of distribution (V =
0.7 L/kg) is not greatly affected by these greater amounts of body water as is
the case with aminoglycoside antibiotics.Kidneys are not completely developed
at this early age so glomerular filtration and vancomycin clearance (15
mL/min) are decreased. A lower clearance rate with about the same volume of
distribution as adults results in a longer average half-life for vancomycin in
premature babies (10 hours). Full-term neonates (gestational age ~40 weeks)
have similar volumes of distribution for vancomycin compared to premature
infants, but their vancomycin clearance rate is twice that found in infants born
prematurely (30 mL/min). The increase in drug clearance is due to additional
renal development that occurred in utero. The vancomycin half-life in full-term
babies is about 7 hours. At about 3 months of age, vancomycin clearance has
nearly doubled again (50 mL/min) resulting in a half-life of approximately 4
hours. The increase in vancomycin clearance continues through 48 years of
age when clearance equals 130160 mL/min while volume of distribution
remains ~0.7 L/kg so that half-life is 23 hours. At that time, vancomycin
clearance and half-life gradually approach adult values as puberty approaches
in children (~1214 years old).
The most important drug interactions with vancomycin are
pharmacodynamic, not pharmacokinetic, in nature. Coadministration of
aminoglycoside antibiotics enhances the nephrotoxicity potential of
vancomycin. Aminoglycosides can cause nephrotoxicity when
administered alone. When an aminoglycoside and vancomycin are
administered concurrently, serum creatinine concentrations should be
monitored on a daily basis. Additionally, serum concentrations of the
aminoglycoside, as well as vancomycin, should be measured.
When vancomycin is administered to patients stabilized on warfarin
therapy, the hypoprothrombinemic effect of the anticoagulant may be
augmented. The mechanism of this interaction is unknown, but resulted
in a mean 45% increase in prothrombin time over baseline values when
warfarin was given alone. Patients receiving warfarin therapy who
require vancomycin treatment should have a baseline prothrombin time
ratio (INR) measured before the antibiotic is administered and daily INR
tests until it is certain that anticoagulation status is stable.
Several methods to initiate vancomycin
therapy are available.The pharmacokinetic
dosing method is the most flexible of the
techniques. It allows individualized target
serum concentrations to be chosen for a
patient, and each pharmacokinetic
parameter can be customized to reflect
specific disease states and conditions
present in the patient. However, it is
computationally intensive.
Pharmacokinetic Dosing Method
The goal of initial dosing of vancomycin is to
compute the best dose possible for thepatient
given their set of disease states and
conditions that influence vancomycin
pharmacokinetics and the site and severity of
the infection. In order to do this,
pharmacokinetic parameters for the patient
will be estimated using mean parameters
measured in other individuals with similar
disease state and condition profiles.
Vancomycin is almost completely eliminated unchanged by the kidney, and there is a
good relationship between creatinine clearance and vancomycin clearance (Figure 5-
2).This relationship permits the estimation of the vancomycin clearance for a patient
which can be used to calculate an initial dose of the drug. Mathematically, the
equation for the straight line shown in Figure 5-2 is: Cl = 0.695(CrCl) + 0.05, where Cl
is vancomycin clearance in mL/min/kg and CrCl is creatinine clearance in mL/min/kg.
Because each clearance value is normalized for the patients weight, the estimated or
measured creatinine clearance must be divided by the patients weight in kilogram
before using it in the equation, and the resulting vancomycin clearance must be
multiplied by the patients weight if the answer is needed in the units of mL/min. The
weight factor that is used for all individuals, including obese patients, is total body
weight (TBW). It is not possible to simply enter a patients creatinine clearance in
mL/min and expect the resulting vancomycin clearance to have the units of mL/min
with the idea that dividing the creatinine clearance by weight, then multiplying the
vancomycin clearance by weight, mathematically cancels the weight factor out of the
equation. The reason this does not work is that the y-intercept of the creatinine
clearance/vancomycin clearance equation, which represents nonrenal vancomycin
clearance, is in terms of mL/min/kg so mathematical cancellation of the weight factor
is not possible.
The average volume of distribution of
vancomycin is 0.7 L/kg. The weight factor that
is used to calculate vancomycin volume of
distribution for obese patients is ideal body
weight (IBW). Thus, for an 80-kg patient, the
estimated vancomycin volume of distribution
would be 56 L: V = 0.7 L/kg 80 kg = 56 L. For a
150-kg obese patient with an ideal body weight
of 60 kg, the estimated vancomycin volume of
distribution is 42 L: V = 0.7 L/kg 60 kg = 42 L.
The vancomycin elimination rate constant (ke) is computed
using the estimated clearance and volume of distribution
values for the drug in the following equation: ke = Cl/V. It is
usually expressed using the unit of h1. For example, for a
patient with a vancomycin clearance equal to 1.04 mL/min/kg
and a vancomycin volume of distribution equal to 0.7 L/kg,
the elimination rate constant (in h1) would be computed as
follows: ke = (1.04 mL/ min/kg 60 min/h)/(0.7 L/kg 1000
mL/L) = 0.089 h1, where 60 min/h and 1000 mL/L are used
as unit conversion factors for time and volume, respectively.
Vancomycin half-life would be calculated using the equation
that relates elimination rate constant and half-life: t1/2 =
0.693/ke = 0.693/0.089 h1 = 7.8 h.
When given by intravenous infusion over an hour, vancomycin serum
concentrations follow a two- or three-compartment pharmacokinetic model
(Figure 5-1). After the end of infusion if a two-compartment model is
followed, serum concentrations drop rapidly because of distribution of drug
from blood to tissues ( or distribution phase). By about 3060 minutes after
the end of infusion, vancomycin serum concentrations decline more slowly,
and the elimination rate constant for this portion of the concentration/time
curve is one that varies with renal function ( or elimination phase). In
patients whose vancomycin serum concentration/time curve follows a
three-compartment model, an intermediate distribution phase is found
between the and portions of the graph. While these models are important
to understand conceptually, they cannot easily be used clinically because
of their mathematical complexity. Because of this, the simpler one-
compartment model is widely used and allows accurate dosage calculation
when peak vancomycin serum concentrations are obtained after drug
distribution is finished.
Intravenously administered vancomycin is given over 1 hour as intermittent
continuous infusions. Since the drug has a long half-life relative to the infusion
time (1 hour) and waiting time (0.51 hour) necessary to allow for distribution
to complete before peak concentrations are obtained, little of the drug is
eliminated during this 1.5- to 2-hour time period. Intravenous infusion
pharmacokinetic equations that take into account the loss of drug during the
infusion time are not generally needed because so little vancomycin is
eliminated during the infusion and waiting time periods. So, although the
antibiotic is given as an intravenous infusion, intravenous bolus equations
accurately predict peak vancomycin concentrations and are mathematically
simpler.53 Because of these reasons, intravenous bolus equations are
preferred by many clinicians to compute vancomycin doses (Table 5-2).
Vancomycin steady-state peak (Cssmax) and trough (Cssmin) serum
concentrations are chosen to treat the patient based upon the type, site, and
severity of infection as well as the infecting organism. Steady-state versions of
one-compartment model intravenous bolus equations are as follows (Table 5-
2): Cssmax = (D/V) / (1 e ke), Cssmin = Cssmaxeke, where D is the
antibiotic dose, V is the volume of distribution, ke is the elimination rate
constant, t is time, and is the dosage interval.
of infection in addition to the infecting organism. A commonly used therapeutic
range for this value is 515 g/mL. For selected patients, such as those with
hospitalacquired pneumonia in institutions with high MICs for methicillin-resistant
S. aureus (MRSA), trough concentrations as high as 20 g/mL may be needed to
effect a cure. There is far less clinical data available to aid in the selection of
vancomycin serum concentrations compared to aminoglycoside serum
concentrations. Severe, life-threatening infections should be treated with
vancomycin trough steady-state concentrations in the upper end of this range
(1015 g/mL). Recent data suggests that steady-state trough concentrations as
high as 15 g/mL may pose no greater risk of vancomycin-induced nephrotoxicity
than those within the traditional therapeutic range.18 If a patient does not
respond adequately to vancomycin therapy that provides trough serum
concentrations within the usual range or for patients with sites of infection that
are difficult for vancomycin to penetrate (such as the central nervous system),
clinicians should consider prescribing an increased dose that produces a value as
high as 20 g/mL. Whenever vancomycin doses are used that exceed steady-
state trough concentrations of 15 g/mL, serum creatinine concentrations should
be monitored daily to detect early signs of nephrotoxicity.
Example 1 JM is a 50-year-old, 70-kg (5 ft 10 in) male with a
methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) wound infection. His
current serum creatinine is 0.9 mg/dL, and it has been stable over
the last 5 days since admission. Compute a vancomycin dose for
this patient.
1. Estimate the creatinine clearance.
2. Estimate vancomycin clearance.
3. Estimate vancomycin volume of distribution.
4. Estimate vancomycin elimination rate constant (ke) and half-
life (t1/2).
5. Choose desired steady-state serum concentrations.
6. Use intravenous bolus equations to compute dose
7. Compute loading dose (LD), if needed.