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The Pathogenic Basis of Malaria: Insight

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The pathogenic basis of malaria

Louis H. Miller*, Dror I. Baruch*, Kevin Marsh & Ogobara K. Doumbo
*Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,
Maryland 20892, USA
KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Collaboration Programme, Center for Geographic Medicine Research Coast, Post Office Box 230, Kilifi, Kenya
Malaria Research and Training Center, Bamako, Mali (e-mail:

Malaria is today a disease of poverty and underdeveloped countries. In Africa, mortality remains high because
there is limited access to treatment in the villages. We should follow in Pasteurs footsteps by using basic
research to develop better tools for the control and cure of malaria. Insight into the complexity of malaria
pathogenesis is vital for understanding the disease and will provide a major step towards controlling it. Those
of us who work on pathogenesis must widen our approach and think in terms of new tools such as vaccines
to reduce disease. The inability of many countries to fund expensive campaigns and antimalarial treatment
requires these tools to be highly effective and affordable.

illions of children die from malaria in pathophysiological feature that cuts across the classical
Africa every year1. But the clinical clinical syndromes of cerebral malaria and severe malarial
outcome of an infection in a child anaemia2. It is the single most important determinant of
depends on many factors (Fig. 1). These survival and leads directly to a common, but previously
factors, often ill-defined, determine the poorly recognized, syndrome of respiratory distress3. In
outcome in each child. The top priority must be disease most cases, this is predominantly (but not exclusively)
prevention because of the inability of the mothers to access a lactic acidosis4. There are several causes of lactic acidosis in
or afford optimal treatment, and the ever-evolving drug children with severe malaria, from increased production of
resistance. Prevention may be effected through vector lactic acid by parasites (through direct stimulation by
control such as insecticide-treated bednets or through the cytokines) to deceased clearance by the liver; however, most
development of antimalarial vaccines. important by far is probably the combined effects of several
factors that reduce oxygen delivery to tissues5.
Malaria: the disease A key feature of the biology of Plasmodium falciparum is
Over the past 10 years, there have been several key shifts in its ability to cause infected red blood cells (RBCs) to adhere
our understanding of what constitutes severe malaria, and to the linings of small blood vessels. Such sequestered para-
these shifts define the issues in pathogenesis that need to be sites cause considerable obstruction to tissue perfusion. In
explored to develop better treatments for sick children. The addition, in severe malaria there may be marked reductions
first shift is the increasing recognition that severe malaria is a in the deformability of uninfected RBCs6,7. The pathogene-
disorder that affects several tissues and organs, even when sis of this abnormality is not clear, but its strong correlation
the most marked manifestations may seem to involve a with acidosis suggests that it may be involved in compromis-
single organ such as the brain. In particular, metabolic ing blood flow through tissues. Individuals affected with
acidosis, often profound, has been recognized as a principal malaria are often dehydrated and relatively hypovolaemic8,

Figure 1 The clinical outcome

of malarial infection in an Parasite factors Host factors Geographic and social factors
African child depends on many Drug resistance Immunity Access to treatment
parasite, host, geographic and Multiplication rate Proinflammatory cytokines Cultural and economic factors
social factors. These converge Invasion pathways Genetics (sickle cell trait, Political stability
Cytoadherence thalassaemia, ovalocytosis, Transmission intensity
in the child to result in a range Rosetting Gerbich RBC, CD36, TNF-, (Anopheles spp., seasonality
of outcomes, from an Antigenic polymorphism ICAM-1, CR1, MHC locus) of transmission, infectious
asymptomatic infection to Antigenic variation (PfEMP1) Age (no cerebral malaria in infants) bites per year, epidemics)
Malaria toxin Pregnancy
severe disease and death.

Clinical outcome
Asymptomatic infection Fever Severe malaria Death
(symptomatic (metabolic acidosis, severe
infection) anaemia, cerebral malaria)

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Merozoite invasion

Infection Red cell

in placenta



to mosquito Asexual
Adhesion to


Figure 2 Parasite life cycle and pathogenesis of falciparum malaria. The molecular and parasitaemia because of greater flexibility in the receptor pathways that it can use to
cellular events during the parasite life cycle influence the severity of the disease. invade all RBCs. RBCs infected with P. falciparum must bind to endothelium or placenta
Disease occurs only as a result of the asexual blood stage after the parasite leaves the for the parasite to avoid spleen-dependent killing mechanisms, but this binding also
liver and begins to invade and grow inside red blood cells (RBCs). All human leads to much of the pathology (see Fig. 4).
Plasmodium spp. invade by the same mechanism, but P. falciparum reaches high

which potentially exacerbates microvascular obstruction by reduc- of infected RBC mass, destruction of both infected and uninfected
ing perfusion pressure. The destruction of RBCs is also an inevitable RBCs, microvascular obstruction, and inflammatory processes that
part of malaria, and anaemia further compromises oxygen delivery. combine to lead to reduced tissue perfusion. This, in turn, may
The second and related shift in our concept of severe malaria is the lead to downstream events at a cellular level that further exacerbate
realization that there is no simple one-to-one correlation between the situation.
the clinical syndromes and the pathogenic processes. Thus, severe These general processes, which affect many tissue beds, may also
anaemia may arise from many poorly understood mechanisms be focused on specific organs in some situations, for instance the
including acute haemolysis of uninfected RBCs and dyserythro- brain in cerebral malaria or the placenta during malaria in pregnan-
poiesis, as well as through the interaction of malarial infection with cy. This could reflect both host-specific factors (for example, an
other parasite infections and with nutritional deficiencies9. For many increased likelihood to express particular receptors on cerebral
desperately sick children a simple one pathogen/one disease model endothelium) and parasite-specific factors (for example, the
is not adequate, as bacteraemia caused by common pathogens may be expression of molecules on the infected RBCs surface that that are
present with acute malaria and may be a factor in mortality10,11. Even particularly suited for binding to certain receptors). In this article, we
the rigorously defined syndrome of cerebral malaria is used to review the main advances in our understanding of malaria pathogen-
describe children who have arrived at the point of coma through esis with the hope that these advances will lead to new tools to prevent
different routes. In many of these children, coma seems to be a disease before children become so sick that they need hospitalization.
response to overwhelming metabolic stress rather than a primary Although the disease must ultimately be understood in humans,
problem in the brain. Such children are often profoundly acidotic much of our knowledge of pathogenesis depends on studies in non-
and may regain consciousness remarkably quickly after appropriate human species and in vitro cultures of P. falciparum. The parasitic
resuscitation12, suggesting that cerebral malaria in this instance invasion of hepatocytes and RBCs studied in rodent malarias caused
cannot be a consequence of the classical histologic picture. by Plasmodium berghei and Plasmodium yoelii, and the rhesus
Similarly, it has been recognized that a significant proportion of malaria caused by Plasmodium knowlesi, respectively, have provided
children in coma are, in fact, experiencing covert status epilepticus13, insight into these processes. Inflammatory cytokines are often
which responds rapidly to appropriate anticonvulsant therapy. The studied in rodent malarias. In addition, these parasite species are
pathogenesis of this condition is unknown, but again the speed of important for the screening of drugs and vaccines, including those
resolution argues against classical views of pathogenesis. The picture targeted at human malarias, in New World primates.
that emerges is one in which many processes lead to a common
outcome. These distinctions are much more than academic: they Plasmodium life cycle and pathogenesis
have direct implications for therapy, and they also identify the Plasmodium falciparum and, to a much lesser extent, Plasmodium
research issues needed to improve therapy for sick children. vivax14 are the main causes of disease and death from malaria.
Severe malaria is complex and probably cannot be represented Mosquitoes inject parasites (sporozoites) into the subcutaneous
accurately by any single scheme; however, our current understanding tissue, and less-frequently directly into the bloodstream; from there,
of the way in which several key pathogenic processes combine to sporozoites travel to the liver (Fig. 2). Evidence indicates that sporo-
cause severe disease invokes several basic processes: rapid expansion zoites pass through several hepatocytes before invasion is followed by
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parasite development15. The co-receptor on sporozoites that zoite surface molecules recognize the RBC surface and then signal the
mediates invasion involves, in part, the thrombospondin domains on start of the invasion process. Invasion events include releasing essen-
the circumsporozoite protein and on thrombospondin-related tial molecules from apical organelles and initiating the actinmyosin
adhesive protein (TRAP). These domains bind specifically to heparin moving junction that brings the parasite inside the vacuole that
sulphate proteoglycans on hepatocytes in the region in apposition to forms in the RBC. The TRAP protein interacts with skeletal proteins
sinusoidal endothelium and Kuppfer cells16. Inside the hepatocyte, in malaria sporozoites and in Toxoplasma gondii21, but the equivalent
each sporozoite develops into tens of thousands of merozoites, which molecule for merozoites has yet to be identified.
can each invade an RBC on release from the liver. Disease begins only Both P. falciparum and P. vivax can cause severe anaemia, but only
once the asexual parasite multiplies in RBCs. This is the only gateway P. falciparum causes the many complications of cerebral malaria,
to disease. hypoglycaemia, metabolic acidosis and respiratory distress. Certain
Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax develop over 48 hours in differences in the biology of the two parasites partially explain the
RBCs, producing around 20 merozoites per mature parasite, with differences in patterns of disease. First, P. falciparum can invade a
each merozoite able to invade other RBCs. A small proportion of large percentage of RBCs, whereas P. vivax is limited to reticulocytes.
asexual parasites converts to gametocytes that are essential for Similar differences are found between virulent and avirulent P. yoelii.
transmitting the infection to others through female anopheline Both invade reticulocytes preferentially, but once the reticulocytes
mosquitoes, but cause no disease. Here, the strategy of P. vivax differs are consumed virulent P. yoelii can invade all RBCs, leading to higher
from that of P. falciparum. P. vivax develops into gametocytes soon parasitaemia and death. A comparison between severe and uncom-
after the release of merozoites from the liver; P. falciparum gameto- plicated falciparum malaria has suggested a similar pattern of RBC
cytes develop much later. The early treatment of clinical attacks of invasion, with the virulent P. falciparum invading all RBCs and the
malaria by anti-bloodstage chemotherapy for P. falciparum also avirulent parasites invading only a subpopulation22.
kills the developing gametocytes; P. vivax transmits before the A second difference is the surprising redundancy of invasion
symptomatic stage of the disease. pathways in P. falciparum as compared with P. vivax. The latter
parasite invades only Duffy blood group positive RBCs23 and is large-
Invasion of RBCs ly limited to reticulocytes. In West Africa, where RBCs are Duffy
The sequence of invasion is probably similar for all Plasmodium spp. blood group negative, P. vivax has essentially disappeared. The Duffy
The parasite must engage binding receptors17 on the RBC, and negative blood group has arisen independently in Papua New
undergo apical reorientation18, junction formation19, and signalling. Guinea24 a region in which P. vivax is highly endemic. The limita-
The parasite induces a vacuole derived from the RBCs plasma tions of P. vivax invasion have led to the discovery of two families of
membrane and enters the vacuole by a moving junction. Three parasite receptors (Fig. 3): first, the parasite molecule that binds to
organelles on the invasive (apical) end of the parasite (rhoptries, the Duffy blood group system, and homologous Duffy-binding-like
micronemes and dense granules) define the phylum Apicomplexa. (DBL) proteins of P. falciparum and P. knowlesi25; and second, the
Receptors that mediate invasion of RBCs by merozoites and invasion parasite reticulocyte-binding proteins of P. vivax26, and homologous
of liver by sporozoites are found in micronemes20, on the cell surface, reticulocyte-binding-like (RBL) proteins of P. falciparum27 and
and in rhoptries. The location of these receptors within organelles P. yoelii28. The various members of the DBL and RBL families may
may protect the parasite from antibody-mediated neutralization, as recognize different RBC receptors to those of the Duffy blood group
the release from apical organelles after contact with the RBC may or the receptor on reticulocytes. The receptor grouping into DBL and
limit their exposure to antibody. RBL refers to the family of homologous parasite proteins, not the
Identifying the signalling pathways that release organelle contents binding specificity on the RBC.
on contact with a host RBC is a critical issue in parasite biology Plasmodium yoelii possesses a large family of RBL genes. Each of
(Fig. 2). Malaria parasites have intracellular signalling pathways the merozoites in a single infected RBC can express a different
mediated by phosphoinositide, cyclic AMP and calcium-dependent member of the RBL family29. If each has a different RBC-binding
mechanisms. What remains completely unknown is which mero- specificity, then the parasite has a greater chance for survival. Thus,

Figure 3 Two families of Plasmodium spp.

Parasite (protein) Host receptors
receptors. a, The Duffy-binding-like (DBL)
family is named after the receptor region of P.
P. vivax DBL Duffy blood group
vivax that binds the Duffy blood group protein
on the surface of RBCs. Homologous proteins P. falciparum
(EBA-175) DBL DBL Glycophorin A
with a DBL receptor region occur in many
Plasmodium spp. Whereas P. vivax P. falciparum Unknown
possesses a single DBL protein, P. falciparum
P. falciparum DBL1 CIDR1 DBL2 C2 DBL3 DBL4 DBL5 CIDR2 ATS CD36, ICAM-1,
has several that use RBC receptors other (PfEMP1) CSA, etc.
than Duffy, and may in part explain the ability b
of the parasite to invade all aged RBCs. P. vivax
(RBL1) Reticulocytes
MAEBL has the same structure as the P. vivax
P. falciparum Trypsin-resistant and
protein except that its receptor domain has neuraminidase-sensitive
been replaced by a region that is homologous receptor on red cells
P. vivax
to another parasite protein. In addition to its (RBL2) Reticulocytes
function in invasion, DBL is also important as
P. falciparum
a receptor domain on the P. falciparum (RBL2) Unknown
erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1),
which is expressed on the infected RBC
surface. See Fig. 4 for the role of PfEMP1 in pathology. b, A second family, the RBL2 has a defined highly homologous region (shaded in green). The receptor domains
reticulocyte binding-like (RBL) parasite proteins, was first discovered in P. vivax through of the heterodimer remain to be defined, as does the requirement of the heterodimer
its binding to reticulocytes. In P. vivax, RBL is present as a RBL1/RBL2 heterodimer. for binding RBCs in Plasmodium spp. other than P. vivax.

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although the full details of the DBL and RBL families are unknown, receptors (ref. 39; and Fig. 4). The adhesion phenotype is not
these receptors clearly determine much of the flexibility for invasion homogenous, and different parasites can bind to variable numbers
by the various Plasmodium spp. This flexibility, in turn, determines and combinations of host receptors48,49. This variability is believed to
the maximum parasitaemia and disease caused by the various affect the tissue distribution and pathogenesis of parasites.
parasites. A single parasite protein P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane
Plasmodium falciparum can use its many redundant pathways to protein 1 (PfEMP1), which is expressed at the infected erythrocyte
invade at equal or reduced efficiency RBCs that lack a particular surface mediates parasite binding to all the various receptors3941.
receptor such as sialic acid30,31. Three sialoglycoprotein-dependent PfEMP1 is encoded by the large and diverse var gene family that is
pathways involving RBCs and parasite co-receptors have been identi- involved in clonal antigenic variation and has a central role in P. falci-
fied: glycophorin A and the parasite DBL protein EBA-175 (ref. 32); parum pathogenesis5052. The multiple adhesion domains located at
glycophorin C/D and the DBL parasite protein BAEBL33; and a the extracellular region of PfEMP1 can simultaneously recognize
trypsin-resistant pathway involving a P. falciparum RBL protein27. A several host receptors. These domains contain variable numbers of
fourth may involve sialic acid on glycophorin B (ref. 27). different (five types) DBL domains, named for their homology to the
Despite markedly reduced invasion of glycophorin-A-negative DBL domains involved in RBC invasion, and 12 cysteine-rich
RBCs, only glycophorin B mutations occur in Africa. Gerbich RBCs interdomain regions (CIDRs)52,53. The binding domains for several
do not express glycophorin D, express an altered glycophorin C and host receptors have been mapped to various DBL and CIDR
have reduced binding to the parasite molecule BAEBL. Gerbich RBCs domains39,54. The diversity in this gene family is extensive, and
are rare in most parts of the world except in the falciparum-endemic numerous var genes appear in the parasite population. Although
regions of Papua New Guinea, where the allele frequency approaches each parasite within an RBC expresses a single var gene55, other var
50% (ref. 34). Such redundancy and alternative pathways are a large genes in its repertoire (out of 50 in its genome) can be expressed up to
advantage to the survival of P. falciparum in response to changes in a rate of 2% per parasite growth cycle56.
host genetics. The parasite, however, may become less virulent as it In most cases, the binding to host endothelium does not lead to
adapts to survival in these deficient RBCs. pathogenesis, as most infections result in malaria that is devoid of
Studying the DBL and RBL families has begun to yield a molecular complications57. What causes the transition from an uncomplicated
understanding of the diverse invasion pathways for P. falciparum and to a serious infection, such as cerebral malaria, is unclear at present.
other Plasmodium spp. Although other parasite proteins on the An intriguing possibility is that the expression of particular binding
merozoite surface and in apical organelles have been proposed as properties will lead to distinct patterns of sequestration and to patho-
receptors3537, there is no direct evidence so far. Because invasion is genic consequences. One example is the sequestration of infected
such a complex series of events from RBC binding, to apical reorien- RBCs in the placenta, which causes premature delivery, low birth
tation, to entry, it seems likely that several proteins are required for weight and increased mortality in the newborn, as well as anaemia in
efficient invasion. For example, evidence has suggested that RBC the mother. Parasitized RBCs isolated from placentas have a unique
invasion requires the cleavage of a surface protein on the RBC by a adhesion property that is different from parasites collected from
parasite serine protease38. This parasite enzyme has yet to be identi- non-pregnant individuals48,58. These parasites bind to CSA but fail to
fied. Thus, the molecular and cellular events surrounding each step in adhere to CD36 the crucial host receptor for sequestration in
invasion still remain to be elucidated. Understanding these pathways microvasculature. The apparent dichotomy in adhesion to these
will give insight into parasite virulence and will facilitate rational receptors has been selected to allow the parasite to sequester not in
vaccine design against merozoite invasion. endothelium but in placenta perhaps a site of reduced immunity.
Indeed, CSA-binding parasites express PfEMP1 with a DBL-g
Binding of parasitized RBCs to vascular endothelium and placenta domain that binds CSA and a non-CD36-binding CIDR1 (refs
An important difference between P. falciparum and other human 59,60). In contrast, CD36-adherent parasites express a PfEMP1 with
malarias is the way in which P. falciparum modifies the surface of the a CD36-binding CIDR1 (ref. 60).
RBCs so that asexual parasites and gametocytes can adhere to the Sequestration of parasites in the brain may be related to cerebral
endothelium and asexual parasites can adhere to the placenta. As a malaria and may involve the intercellular adhesion molecule 1
result, only ring forms of P. falciparum are found in circulating blood (ICAM-1) receptor41. Although infected RBCs are bound to brain
(for review, see refs 3941). The surface of P. falciparum trophozoite- endothelium at autopsy, it is unknown whether this represents a dif-
and schizont-infected RBCs is covered with knob-like excrescences ferent distribution of adhesion from that of uncomplicated malaria.
that are the contact points with host cells42. Adherence protects the An increase in the expression of ICAM-1 in brain endothelium may
parasite from destruction, as non-adherent mature parasitized RBCs explain differences in parasite adhesion in cerebral malaria61,62. The
are cleared rapidly in the spleen43. role of sequestration in other severe complications of malaria
Attempts to decipher the highly complex and pathogenic adhe- remains unclear. Pathogenic connections between adhesion and host
sion process emphasize how much we have learned and how little we receptors are supported by both a nonsense mutation in the gene of
understand. To determine whether and how sequestration can lead the adhesion receptor CD36 that is associated with protection from
to pathogenesis, we should first look at how the parasite sequesters. severe malaria, and the link between complement receptor 1 and
The P. falciparum adhesion process, in which most parasites first ABO blood group antigens and rosetting (the binding of uninfected
tether and then roll, before becoming firmly adherent44,45, is RBCs)40,63,64. Several investigators have suggested that simultaneous
comparable to leukocyte adhesion. Most host receptors are involved binding to multiple receptors might be associated with more severe
with tethering and rolling but are unable to support on their own cases of malaria65, but specific data are lacking. Some properties, such
firm adhesion under flow44,46. Binding to these host receptors is as rosetting40 and clumping66, appear at higher frequencies in cases of
important, however, as it significantly increases adhesion, which may severe malaria, but these associations have not been found in all stud-
allow the parasite to bind efficiently to the endothelium of various ies and their effect on pathogenesis remains obscure. One possibility
organs47. Only two receptors, CD36 and chondroitin sulphate A is that competition (for adhesion) between parasites drives some of
(CSA), provide stable stationary adherence44,46. them to develop new adhesion properties and sequester themselves
Parasites sequester themselves in various organs including heart, in less desirable locations that lead to pathogenesis.
lung, brain, liver, kidney, subcutaneous tissues and placenta. The Although dissecting various individual interactions is a good
various endothelial cells in these organs and syncytiotrophoblasts in experimental approach, the outcome of an infection and progression
placenta express different and variable amounts of host receptors. To into pathology depend on the specific and dynamic combination of
successfully adhere to these cells, the parasite can bind to several the host and the parasite properties. Clinical disease also changes
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P-Sel. (CD31)

Placenta Brain Microvasculature

HS-like GAGs, IgM,
blood group A


Placental malaria Cerebral malaria Microvascular adhesion


PfEMP1 variant antigens Clumping



Dendritic cell
Antigenic distinct waves of parasitaemia

Figure 4 The variant antigen family of PfEMP1 is central to hostparasite interaction erythrocytes (rosetting), and clumping of infected erythrocytes through platelets are
and pathogenesis. PfEMP1 expressed on the surface of mature RBCs infected with P. associated with the pathogenesis of malaria. Parasite-infected RBCs binding to
falciparum is involved with clonal antigenic variation and can bind to many host dendritic cells downregulates the host immune response. HA, hyaluronic acid; TSP,
receptors through its multiple adhesion domains (Fig. 3). The different properties of thrombospondin; ELAM-1, endothelial/leukocyte adhesion molecule 1; P-Sel., P-
PfEMP1 sequestration for evading spleen-dependent killing and antigenic variation selectin; VCAM-1, vascular cell adhesion molecule 1; PECAM (CD31), platelet
for evading antibody-dependent killing contribute to the virulence and pathogenesis endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1; CR1, complement receptor 1; HS-like GAGs,
of P. falciparum and are essential for survival of the parasite. Parasite sequestration in heparin sulphate-like glycosaminoglycans; IgM, immunoglobulin M. Other
the brain and placenta contribute to the complications of cerebral malaria and placental abbreviations defined in the text.
malaria, respectively. Simultaneous binding to several receptors, binding of uninfected

with age, immunity and transmission rates57. Immunity to malaria isolates68,69. This protection can be significant during and after
has a major role in controlling disease and pathogenesis. The proper- infections with virulent isolates. Bull et al.69,70 have provided evidence
ties of PfEMP1 as an adhesion protein (to avoid parasite destruction for rare and prevalent isolates, and shown that parasites causing
in the spleen) cannot be separated from its involvement in immune severe disease tend to express a subset of variant surface antigens
evasion by clonal antigenic variation, which can lead to chronic (PfEMP1). Moreover, these isolates were expressed preferentially in
infection. Even after many exposures, humans are not refractory to children who were less able to recognize (by antibody-mediated
malaria parasites but develop clinical immunity that prevents agglutination) many isolates. Children exposed once or twice to non-
symptomatic disease. This type of immunity limits disease and, cerebral severe malaria acquire immunity that protects them from
although the individual may carry low numbers of parasites, they do this form of the disease71. Hence, exposure to pathogenic forms of
not develop into a symptomatic infection57. The role of anti-PfEMP1 P. falciparum can protect against these parasites, leading to the selec-
antibodies in protecting against pathogenic infections is highlighted tion of possibly less virulent parasites in subsequent infections.
again in placental malaria. Exposure to parasites that sequester them- Despite its variation, regions of PfEMP1 are restricted by function
selves in the placenta during pregnancy induces strain-transcending (for example, binding to CD36 or CSA), and these regions may be
immunity that stops infected erythrocytes adhering to CSA and may potential targets for vaccines.
protect the mother and fetus from placental malaria in subsequent How adhesion progresses to pathology is a principal issue that
pregnancies67. remains unresolved. Several mechanisms that might cause damage to
During the development of clinical immunity, particularly host endothelium and organs have been proposed, including
during early childhood, strain-specific antibodies to PfEMP1 are obstruction of blood flow, and systemic or local production and
important in preventing infection with previously encountered deposition of pro-inflammatory cytokines (see below). Parasite
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adhesion can also affect the endothelium by inducing or blocking impact on disease outcome. Such factors can be targets for interven-
signal transduction mediated by host receptors such as CD36. tion through the development of new tools such as vaccines. Success
Advances in adhesion research will hopefully provide clues to the in the development and implementation of these new tools will
mechanism underlying adhesion-related pathogenesis. depend on a connection with scientists from endemic countries of
Africa who have a better understanding of local customs and
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