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Central Asian Education

Asian Education


EuropeAid/131004/C/SER/RSCR - European Union Programme for Central Asia


EuropeAid/131004/C/SER/RSCR - European Union Programme for Central Asia

CAEP main support line 2: Quality

of Education and Training
outline of a study

(Euformation), project expert Central

Asian Education Platform CAEP, Astana, 22

23 February 2013.

Central Asian Education



EuropeAid/131004/C/SER/RSCR - European Union Programme for Central Asia

What is Quality?
Any characteristic, or a (positive) value judgment?
When we consider quality as a value judgment, it can be
a dichotomy (fail / pass), a gradual scale (less / some /
more), or a combination of both (gradual scale with a
minimum and a level for extra distinction).
Even scale: diverging & Uneven scale: converging
Absolute / Relative scores and Statistical Distribution

Central Asian Education



EuropeAid/131004/C/SER/RSCR - European Union Programme for Central Asia

Quality of what?
Result-orientation; products and services
Process-orientation: input, throughput and output
Production factors: material, logistic organisation, human
resources, plus finance and time-dimension
Scale-dimension: local / regional / national / international or
individual / team / company / institutional cluster / system
Formative evaluation (enabling iterative adaptation) &
Summative evaluation (enabling consecutive adaptation)

Central Asian Education



EuropeAid/131004/C/SER/RSCR - European Union Programme for Central Asia

Quality Assurance QA
Policies and instruments for Quality Assurance usually
focus on enhancing the transparency, predictability and
replicability of (production) processes and the reliability and
comparability of products (e.g. ISO)
Ex ante arrangements rather than Ex post control
Multiple variables are measured in conjunction
Objective and subjective value judgments
Results need contextual validation

Central Asian Education



EuropeAid/131004/C/SER/RSCR - European Union Programme for Central Asia

European initiatives on Lifelong Learning

Lifelong Learning Programme (since 2007) with Comenius & Grundtvig
programmes for General Education & Adult Education
Standardised Reports on Education and Training (national and
comparative): Eurydice (since 1980), Eurypedia (since 2011)
Agenda Europa 2020 Growth Strategy (since 2010), preceded by Lisbon
Strategy (2000-2010) and White Paper Delors (1993)
EU-directive on Recognition of Professional Qualifications (since 2005,
with preceding general and sectoral directives since 1977)
European Qualifications Framework EQF (since 2008)
Europass (since 2004) with CV, Mobility Record, Diploma / Certificate
Supplement, Language Portfolio and Network of Europass Centres NEC

Central Asian Education



EuropeAid/131004/C/SER/RSCR - European Union Programme for Central Asia

European initiatives on Higher Education

Erasmus Programme (since 1987)
European Higher Education Area EHEA
Bologna-Declaration (1999), following up to European
Cultural Convention of the Council of Europe (1954)
European Credit Transfer System ECTS (since 1989)
ENIC-NARIC network (since 1984 / 1999)
European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher
Education ENQA

Central Asian Education



EuropeAid/131004/C/SER/RSCR - European Union Programme for Central Asia

European initiatives on VET

Leonardo da Vinci programme (since 1995), preceded by
programmes like Petra (1988-1995)
Copenhagen process (since 2002), with priorities for 2011-2020
Comparability of VET (Cedefop since 1975)
European Credit System for VET ECVET (since 2009)
European Network of Reference Points on vocational
qualifications NRP (since 2002)
European network for Quality Assurance in VET EQAVET with
Quality Assurance Reference Framework for VET "EQARF
(since 2009), preceded by ENQA-VET (2005-2009)

Central Asian Education



EuropeAid/131004/C/SER/RSCR - European Union Programme for Central Asia

Higher Education and VET

Higher Education and Vocational Education and Training
share a triple objective to their added value (enabling selfrealisation, active citizenship, economic contribution).
Institutional settings and organisational structures differ,
but both are increasingly oriented to customer satisfaction
and stakeholder involvement.
Pedagogical characteristics differ, but both use theoretical
instruction and practice learning to integrate knowledge,
skills and competences as learning outcomes.

Central Asian Education



EuropeAid/131004/C/SER/RSCR - European Union Programme for Central Asia

Quality Assurance in Education and Training

Activities involving planning, implementation, evaluation, reporting,
and quality improvement, implemented to ensure that education
and training (content of programmes, curricula, assessment and
validation of learning outcomes, etc.) meet the quality
requirements expected by stakeholders.
QA contributes to better matching of education and training
supply and demand;
QA covers MACRO- (educational system), MESO- (individual
educational institutions), MICRO-level (learning processes).

Central Asian Education



EuropeAid/131004/C/SER/RSCR - European Union Programme for Central Asia

Outline of a study for CAEP

National Reports with a common elements like:
Key terminology (e.g. definitions in national legislation)
QA-elements in policies for Education and Training
Metrology and statistical data
Institutional self-evaluation and peer learning
Stakeholder involvement and customer satisfaction
International cooperation and benchmarking
Comparative Analysis with agenda for discussion by CAEP

Central Asian Education



EuropeAid/131004/C/SER/RSCR - European Union Programme for Central Asia

Methodology and Work plan

Involve national experts on HE & VET in Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan
Document-analysis (legislation, policies and reports)
Generate additional information: pre-structured interviews of
key actors and overview of quantitative data
Consult results of international projects, incl. Torino-reports
National and international meetings aimed at peer learning
evidence-based policy development
Implementation: February till November 2013 (10 months)

Central Asian Education



EuropeAid/131004/C/SER/RSCR - European Union Programme for Central Asia

Contact data:
Mr Hans F. Hoekzema,
director-owner EUFORMATION
international consultancy on the interface between
Human Resource Development and the dynamic
needs of the labour market and economic innovation
E-mail address:

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