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Erasmus Policy Statement 2021-2027

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Call: EACEA-03-2020 - Erasmus: Key action 1: Erasmus Charter for Higher Education

EU Grants: Proposal template (EACEA Erasmus+ IBA): V1 .O - 11-02-2020

In the following sections of the application form, you will need to explain how your institution
will fulfil the ECHE principles if the Charter is awarded. You are encouraged to consult the
ECHE Guidelines for support in completing this application.
Please note that your Erasmus+ National Agency will monitor your Erasmus Policy Statement
and your answers to the questions given in the application. The Erasmus+ National Agency
reserves the right to request mare information on your activities and propose supplementary
measures, for the purposes of monitoring and implementing the Charter principles by your


1.1 Erasmus activities included in your EPS

In this section, you need to tick the Erasmus activities covered by your Erasmus Policy
Statement. Please select those activities that your HEi intends to implement during the entire
duration of the Programme.

Erasmus Key Action 1 (KA1) - Learning mobility:

The mobility of higher education students and staff

Erasmus Key Action 2 (KA2) - Cooperation among organisations and institutions:

Partnerships for Cooperation and exchanges of practices

Partnerships for Excellence - European Universities

Partnerships for Excellence - Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees

Partnerships for lnnovation

Erasmus Key Action 3 (KA3):

Erasmus Key Action 3 (KA3) - Support to policy development and cooperation:

1.2 Erasmus Policy statement (EPS): your strategy

Your Erasmus Policy Statement should reflect how you intended to implement Erasmus after
the award of the ECHE. Should you wish to add additional activities in the future, you will
need to amend your Erasmus Policy Statement and inform your Erasmus National Agency.

What would you like to achieve by participating in the Erasmus Programme? How does your
participation in the Erasmus Programme fit into your institutional internationalisation and
modernisation strategy?

(Please reflect on the objectives of your participation. Please explain how you expect the
participation in Erasmus to contribute towards modernising your institution, as well as on the

Call: EACEA-03-2020 - Erasmus: Key action 1: Erasmus Charter for Higher Education

EU Grants: Prooosal temolate (EACEA Erasmus+ IBA): V1.O - 11-02-2020

goal of building a European Education Area 1 and explain the policy objectives you intend to

Original language (and translation into EN, FR or DE if the EPS is not in one of these

One of the main strategie goals of the Jagiellonian University (JU) in building the European Education
Area is to create a sustainable basis for examination of the University and the ongoing strengthening its
international position. The JU is committed to keep and improve its results, especially at international level
by intensifying world-wide collaborations, strengthening post-graduate programmes, expanding research
opportunities, recruiting new faculty all over the international arena and tailoring its curricula to the
evolving needs of the global scenario. The JU provides high quality education and gives an international
scope to the study which can be achieved only through programmes that enable students and staff getting
international experience by participation in various forms of mobility. This comes as a consequence of the
globalization process and the creation of a global market of research and higher education. That is why
the JU's efforts are focused on producing effective links between education, research and business that
are necessary for improving the continuum between basie and applied research and transfer of the
knowledge to the market and business. The JU is committed to the creation of world-changing research
and high quality, inspirational teaching within an inclusive academic culture. Academic mobility is, and has
been, one of the strategie priorities of the JU and one of the key aspects supported by the JU in
international cooperation, is the extensive exchange of students, professors, assistants, researchers and
administrative staff within the Erasmus Programme, as well as all other mobility schemes funded by the
European Union. An important objective of the JU is to achieve the appropriate balance between incoming
and outgoing mobility, to encourage student mobility at all three cycles of study, and to make sure that
extensive mobility of academic and administrative staff has a sustainable impact on the process of
internationalization at the institution as a whole. International credit mobility, apart from brining great
benefit to individual students and staff, is seen as an exceptional capacity building and quality raising
mechanism for university and faculty services in implementing the priorities, set out in the institutional
strategy of internationalization. The years 2021-2027 are going to bring about further dynamie progress in
student and university staff exchange in the whole new context. In accordance with the mission and vison
of the new Erasmus Programme the JU will be even mare focused on different forms of mobility such as:
virtual, blended and physical that can enrich study programmes offered by specific units. Mobility window
imbedded in the study programmes is a key aspect in the JU's internationalization strategy and offering
students the period during which they can gain international experience is one of the most important goals
that we are aiming for. In this context mobility is a key to promote common European values, toster social
integration, enhance intercultural understanding and build a sense of belongingness to the European
society. The innovative character and the challenging aspects lie in the integration of virtual and physical
space, that can offer academic community a wide variety of fully inclusive mobility formats. This
harmonizes with the development of higher education in and outside Europe, including in particular the
adaptation of curricula to the European Qualifications Framework, the increased mobility of students and
teachers as well as the development of new forms of learning under the assumption that permanent
access to education is a prerequisite for full participation in the society based on knowledge. The JU will
create a European higher education inter-university 'campus', where: students, staff and researchers
enjoy seamless mobility (physical or virtual) to study, train, teach, do research, work or share services at
cooperating partner institutions; transdisciplinary and transnational teams of students, academics and
external stakeholders tackle big issues facing Europe (such as climate protection, democracy, health, big
data, migration); students can design their own flexible curricula, leading to a European Degree; practical
and/or work-based experience is provided to toster an entrepreneurial mind-set and develop civic
engagement; the student body reflects the social, economic and cultural diversity of the population. In this
context the JU aims on fostering excellence, innovation and inclusion in higher education across Europe,
accelerating the transformation of higher education institutions into the universities of the future with
structural, systemie and sustainable impact.

For more information on the priorities of the European Education Area, such as recognition, digital skills,
common values and inclusive education, please consult the following website: en

Call: EACEA-03-2020 - Erasmus: Key action 1: Erasmus Charter for Higher Education

EU Grants: Proposal template (EACEA Erasmus+ IBA): V1.O - 11-02-2020

Please reflect on the Erasmus actions you would like to take part in and explain how they will
be implemented in practice at your institution. Please explain how your institution's
participation in these actions will contribute to achieving the objectives of your institutional

Original language (and translation into EN, FR or DE if the EPS is not in one of these

Taking into consideration that international cooperation, conducting research at the highest international level with
specialists from all over the world and various mobility programmes offered by interna!, domestic and international
financial agencies are key aspects in the internationalization strategy of the Jagiellonian University (JU), we
definitively commit to take part in all three actions of the 2021-2027 edition of the Erasmus+ Programme. All actions
will be promoted equally among the academic community of the JU and as the Erasmus+ includes a strong
international dimension in all fields of higher education and youth we will widely support main actions of the
Programme and aim on cooperation with both Programme and Partner Countries. Until naw aur experience in the
implementation of the project was mainly set up to promote the mobility of learners and staff from and to Partner and
Programme Countries within the KA 1 (International credit mobility of individuals and Erasmus Mundus Joint Master
Degrees) support capacity-building projects in higher education (under Key Action 2) that promotes cooperation and
partnerships with an impact on the modernization and internationalization of HEls and maintain policy dialogue
(under Key Action 3) through international attractiveness and successful promotion of structural reforms and
organizational changes at universities. We will continue aur participation in the European University Network (UNA
Europa Alliance) and focus on building one true European university with aur strategie partners (7 universities from
Europe). We assume to continue working in the same fields in the new Erasmus+ Programme and if its structure will
change we will adjust aur mechanisms to be able to take part in newly introduced actions and possibilities. We can
assure that all existing mechanisms and organizational structure of the University will secure correct and smooth
implementation of all projects conducted under Erasmus+ Programme. The authorities of the JU understand and
support goals of the programme and its actions and are fully committed to designate offices and employees to
administrate the programme. The JU community engaged in various actions of the programme could count on the
professional support offered mainly by staff members working in the International Students Office, International
Relations Office, Centre for Administrative Project Support and few divisions dealing with all financial aspects of
Erasmus+ projects. Such structure and dividing responsibilities between few strictly cooperating offices proved
effectiveness and we will keep the same level of administration in following years. We can definitively say that
existing organizational structure effectively supports all projects' aims. At the moment we commit that the priorities of
the programme will set the directions of the JU's development and internationalization strategy. In 2021-2027
programme perspective the JU's actions will be focused on: increasing the attractiveness of higher education in the
region, in Poland and at the international arena, expanding offer of educational services, enriching teaching methods,
promoting interdisciplinary research and broadening its impact especially on the non-academic environment and
strengthening role of the JU.

What is the envisaged impact of your participation in the Erasmus+ Programme on your

Please reflect on targets, as well as qualitative and quantitative indicators in monitoring this
impact (such as mobility targets for studenUstaff mobility, quality of the implementation,
support for participants on mobility, increased involvement in cooperation projects (under the
KA2 action), sustainability/long-term impact of projects etc.) You are encouraged to offer an
indicative timeline for achieving the targets related to the Erasmus+ actions.

Original language (and translation into EN, FR or DE if the EPS is not in one of these

The implementation of the programme by the Jagiellonian University (JU) will have a positive impact both on the
organization itself and individual beneficiaries. Participation in international projects and activities that support
teaching and learning will strength the university's international profile and actively support university's mission to
offer the highest possible quality of education and receive by graduates high skills and competencies as a demand
for highly skilled people is increasing at the labour market. The opportunities offered by Erasmus+ Programme and
all its actions will support international cooperation and enhance mobility among students, academic and non­
academic staff members of the JU. We believe that key aspect in internationalization of HEls lies in gaining
intercultural and international experiences which can be achieved mainly by international exchange and mobility.
What is mare, mobility enriches and improves the quality of the university's degree programmes and influences the
visibility of institution at the international level. By participation in Erasmus+ Programme the following objectives are
planned to be achieved: increase the mobility of students for studies and traineeships, staff members for teaching
and traininq purposes, increase the attractiveness of the JU for international students and staff members as a place

Call: EACEA-03-2020 - Erasmus: Key action 1: Erasmus Charter for Higher Education

EU Grants: Prooosal temolate (EACEA Erasmus+ IBA): V1.O - 11-02-2020

to study and work as well as higher involvement of the academic community in cooperation projects and
improvement of the quality of the university.
In 2014-2020 the JU participated in all actions offered by Erasmus+ Programme under KA 2 and KA 3 and
conducted following number of projects: Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees - 6 projects, Jean Monnet activities
- 7 projects, Strategie Partnerships - 28 projects, Capacity Building - 9 projects. In 2019 the JU, together with six
partners from the UNA Europa Alliance successfully applied for a project within newest, highly supported and
promoted action of the Erasmus+ Programme - European Universities lnitiative. This offers great opportunity to co­
create the strategy and development of the European universities' idea, which will be realized by major academic
centers in Europe. The number of KA 2 and KA 3 projects under Erasmus+ Programme in which the JU took part in
the years 2014-2020 has increased in comparison to the earlier edition of the programme. This leads to higher
engagement and involvement of academic staff members in educational projects and allow them to get international
experience while working in international and multicultural teams. Participation in Erasmus Mundus Joint Master
Degree Programmes results in higher number of international students, who receive the JU's diplomas, and the JU
lecturers contributing to the importance of aur university. lnvolvement in Capacity Building projects supports transfer
of knowledge to and from partner institutions.
Taking part in Erasmus+ Programme is of the paramount importance of the JU and influences its position and
visibility at the international arena. We cannot stress enough how important and how significant is the participation in
the the programme and how much it gives to institutions and individuals. We are dedicated to widen aur participation
in the programme together with aur partners form European and non-European countries.


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