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Business Process Finals

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Getting There

from Here

Laying the Foundation

BPM is not something you can achieve overnight. Instead, you
must make the commitment to a long-term strategy. BPM will also
pay short-term rewards and help you build on its successes.
Technical implementation, performance improvement, and change
management all play a part in the discipline of BPM. If you prepare
for your journey by laying the foundation for each of these, you set
the stage for near-term wins and long-term sustained success.

The strategic imperative

The most successful initiatives are launched and sustained with
a core focus that can be articulated clearly and crystallized into
messages that become deeply-rooted and highly personal for
everyone in the organization. Ask the question, Why are we doing

Know your goals

Identify and articulate clearly the goals for process performance.
Examine which KPIs reflect the condition of processes and the
systems of management control. Focus on the critical few KPIs that
give you the most leverage.

Follow a process methodology

A process methodology is critical to BPM success. Your business
may have chosen a methodology already; if so, thats great. If not,
youre best served to pick one or develop something new. This way,
you have a sufficient basis for deploying BPM technology and you
will accelerate the gains in business performance.

Set up the architectures

BPM has three dimensions to it. You must set up the
architectures for each.

Three Dimensions of Architectures

Business and management architectures: Put in place the systems and

procedures for managing change, projects, and programs. Identify the key
stakeholders, and plan for managing their involvement and support.

Deploy the process architecture: Because youre moving toward a processcentric business structure, you must set up your process architecture. Define the
roles of process owners and cross-functional process teams. Conduct process
training. Instill process governance. Implement process-centric business

The technology architecture: Deploy an integrated BPM suite on a sound

technology architecture. Include the tools and techniques for modeling, analysis,
simulation, rules, metadata, SOA governance, design, workflow, development, and
deployment. Chapter 5 describes the technology architecture of BPM. Set up an
Integration Competency Center.

Define measurement systems

You only know how well any initiative affects the business if you
have a good system of measurement. The first technical activity in
BPM is to implement the monitoring and management of selected
core and enabling processes. Measurements lead directly to
improvements and fuel early success and momentum.

Preparing for the Bigger Issues

BPM will affect your entire enterprise. Consider making some
adjustments as you go forward. Many analyst and consulting firms
have process capability and maturity models, and can help you set
up an assessment.

Effectiveness of BPM enterprisewide

Corporate culture: The culture of your company influences adoption of BPM. If your
company is entrepreneurial, consider starting with a project that quickly proves BPMs
value and buys you the political capital to expand its footprint within your company.

Risk attitude: In BPM, risk comes from poor preparation. Once you have your
business, process, management, and technical architectures in place, the risks of
implementing any given project are small.

The IT environment: The more your environment is biased toward legacy systems,
the more important the middleware and metadata architecture. At the same time, this
bias provides more opportunity to showcase re-use!

Professional development: BPM proficiency requires new skills. These can be

gained through professional training and development.

Taking Your First Steps

Once youre ready, where do you begin with BPM? Take your first
steps in areas that can return value quickly in a matter of a few
months at the most. Select projects that influence core processes
and return the highest customer value, as opposed to indirect,
enabling processes. And dont be afraid to jump right in.

BPM projects come in two flavors

Optimize current operations: Improve productivity and

performance by measuring current operating processes and
correcting defects.

Develop new processes and applications: Pursue growth

and innovation, or eliminate wasteful practices, by building new

Showing Them the Money

You now know that BPM addresses the business needs of your
company and extends business processes to your customers,
partners, and suppliers.

Achieving ROI
With BPM, you build and deploy new capabilities that create new
value and lower costs, time spent, and waste. All this spells positive
Return on Investment (ROI). In addition, you build these new
capabilities faster, at a lower cost, and with more leverage all of
which contribute to even greater ROI.

Benefits for constituencies

Business users benefit from new visibility and metrics, faster

time to new capabilities, eliminating non-value added work; and
gaining agility, flexibility, and self-sufficiency. Information
technologists benefit from meeting business needs quickly
being off the critical path, reusing IT assets, scaling, achieving
lower costs, and spending more time in development and less in
support. Customers, partners, and suppliers gain improved
customer service and satisfaction, value-stream alignment, faster
response and in general, making you easier to do business

Obliterate the gaps!

BPM removes not only the gap between IT and business groups,
but also gaps between all business functions. Teams communicate
more seamlessly and effectively, shed mundane and non-valueadded work, operate more strategically, and adapt faster to change.

Ten Best Practices of BPM

Think process; be process.

Get smart!

Adopt an executive.

Great expectations.

Pick a methodology.

The right technology.

Hear the voice of the customer.

Pick a project.

Measure first.

Plan to change.

Think process; be process.

Set a cross-functional organization in place to drive and sustain
your process orientation. Process teams and process owners should
plan together, meet regularly, and work collaboratively. Be certain
that the main stakeholder is directly involved.

Get smart!
BPM is a new discipline and the skills can be hard to come by.
But the people around you have most of what you need. They may
not have the job titles, but theyll have the right understanding of
your business, the people, the processes, and the right raw skills to
be successful. Train them! Attend a conference, visit Web sites, read
blogs. Seek out companies that have done this before and
created real business value.

Pick a methodology.
Do you already have a process improvement program like Lean
or Six Sigma in your company? If so, these are an effective
foundation for BPM. If not, pick something. Select the process
improvement and management methodology thats right for you,
and set this in place as a cornerstone of your process architecture.

The right technology.

The technology varies considerably from vendor to vendor. After
finding a technology set that fits your architecture, be sure to run it
through its paces: ask for custom demonstrations and make sure
the vendor shows you what it can do.

Hear the voice of the

The point of BPM is to create customer value. Use BPM to see
your business the way your customers do. Your customers dont
care how things get done, they only care that they experience
exceptional service and receive what they ordered at the best
price, and when they wanted it. Remember that everything youre
doing should ultimately create more value for your customers.

Pick a project.
Select the project that provides the greatest return to your
business and can be completed in three months or less. And
remember, you dont have to improve entire processes all at once.

Measure first.
Dont start designing new processes until you understand whats
happening with your current ones. You wouldnt let a doctor
administer treatment without a thorough diagnosis would you

Plan to change.
BPM is a change system. Its designed to help you identify where
change is needed and for you to make changes quickly and get to
the next level of operational performance. With such a powerful
toolset, you need to surround BPM with support for change. Manage
change, implement policies for making changes, articulate change
approvals, recognize change events, measure change, reward

Ten BPM Pitfalls to


BPM Mistakes

Firing too early.

Thinking in stovepipes.

Making a RIF program.

Solving problems once.

Not supporting users.

Ignoring the end users.

Forgetting to celebrate.

Hard-wiring the framework.

Using gut feel.

Automating failure.

Firing too early.

BPM technology tempts you with its promises of visibility,
productivity, and fast results. You might be seduced into plowing
ahead without methodology, architecture, and process. This is a
shortcut to failure. Take the time to get the business, process, and
management dimensions of BPM in place before you attack the

Thinking in stovepipes.
Dont think functionally! Process centric thinking is different.
Cross-functional solutions are different. You need to be thinking endto-end; about how a value-chain comes together; how your role,
performance, and productivity create value within the greater
process. Getting everyone to think this way takes time and

Making a RIF program.

People make processes work, and if you use a process initiative
to justify a Reduction-In-Force (RIF) initiative, the program will die.
BPM is for helping people work more effectively and generate more
value. If workers re-engineer a process to work themselves out of a
job, retrain and relocate them. And do so with great fanfare!

Solving problems once.

Dont just train an implementation team on how to do a onetime solution. Seek out training and professional development that
will teach them to fish. Be sure to figure out how to facilitate
continuous and sustaining change. Be sure to include senior
executives, IT staff, and users.

Not supporting users.

BPM empowers process owners and participants to implement
change. Be sure you support them with the policies, authority,
rewards and recognition, compensation, and other means of
facilitation. In particular, BPM empowers business users in ways that
require the IT systems to share responsibility. Dont overlook the
need to make this happen.

Ignoring the end users.

Dont overfund infrastructure at the expense of the process
participants: the end-users. Treat the users like customers; make
them more productive and the technology more invisible, so their
day-today tasks can continually add more value.

Forgetting to celebrate.
Rolling out something in three months that used to take two
years is worth celebrating. Achieving a lofty business goal for
productivity or customer satisfaction is worth celebrating. BPM
projects may be shorter and the improvements more incremental,
but you must measure and celebrate the successes.

Hard-wiring the framework.

BPM was created to help you create adaptive processes. But you
have to design for flexibility. Dont just hard-wire todays answer at
the expense of building in the flexibility to ensure that the answer
can change to be effective in tomorrows world.

Using gut feel.

BPM provides the visibility and measures for fact-based decisionmaking. If you dont let the data drive decisions, and if you fall back
and let intuition and tradition drive your decisions, you will be
squandering your investment and your opportunities.

Automating failure.
If a process is broken, then automating it will only generate
errors faster. Because BPM enables an unprecedented level of
automation in actions, activities, and decisions, this doesnt mean
you just start automating things. BPM provides you the methods
and tools to analyze and improve processes, and then automate
them when theyre performing optimally.

Checking out BPM

Success Stories

Growing with Mobitel

Slovenias largest mobile communications company. Mobitel is a
medium-size company that develops its own innovative mobile
solutions in accordance with the needs of both the Slovenian market
and the users demands. As a progressive company, it keeps the
developments in the Slovenian mobile telecommunications market
very much in line with those in the most advanced countries

Mobitel saw these actual

additional benefits:

Achieved differentiation through customer satisfaction and innovative


Speed time to market of value added services

Lower network operating costs

Able to collaborate well with IT towards common goals

Rapid time to market of new and enhanced services

Real-time business visibility and detail drill-down abilities

Rapid escalation and intervention of critical business transactions

Ensuring business and regulatory process compliance

Automating human based tasks and processes

Reducing complexity in managing change

Top Reasons to
BPM from IBM

Reasons to make IBM your smart

choice in providing a BPM solution

Ease of Use

Dynamic SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) Capabilities

Role-based User Environment

Integrated BAM Capabilities

Advanced Programming Model

Scalability and Performance

Documenting and Running Processes in the Cloud

Business Rule Management

Business Event Processing

Beyond Technology, Assuring Success with BPM Services

Ease of Use
IBM provides superior total cost of ownership compared to other
BPM solutions. Your operational costs are reduced because IBM
provides consistent and scalable runtime architecture across
capabilities. Your cost of change is reduced based on architected
points of agility, so for some changes IT development cost can be
zero and for others it can be very minimal.

Dynamic SOA Capabilities

IBMs solutions make measurement and insight into action
easier. They provide the ability to put control and change
management into the hands of business users. IBM provides
advanced, real-time predictive analytics and drill-down business
activity monitoring with predictive KPIs. In addition, they provide
pre-defined industry KPIs.

Advanced Programming Model

With the IBM BPM solutions you have fine-grained control over
individual process instance execution through an infrastructure and
programming model which leaves your business in a consistent
state at all times. IBM provides process transactional integrity
combined with advanced programming models and runtime

Scalability and Performance

IBM BPM solutions provide you a robust, secure, and scalable
environment that supports a wide range of platforms. The IBM BPM
solutions are built for expansion and growth to handle your future
needs. These solutions include high availability with both vertical
and horizontal support.

Documenting and Running

Processes in the Cloud
Blueworks Live ease-of-use, browser-based delivery and wikilike
structure allow stakeholders inside and outside your organization as
well as across functions, campuses, and even oceans to
collaboratively participate in process improvement. Blueworks Live
takes the practice of process from the hands of the few and spreads
it throughout your organization. In effect, the Blueworks Live
platform becomes the central communication platform for
collecting, sharing, and improving how work gets done in your

Business Rule Management

IBM offers Business Rule Management (BRM) that adds flexibility
and performance to your business systems by enabling powerful
decision automation across processes and applications. Its tools
include the functionality to support rule definition, deployment,
maintenance, and governance with specific environments for
technical and non-technical users who participate in rule
management. In addition, IBM provides best-in-class rule execution
capabilities that can run on a wide range of operating systems and
platforms, ensuring enterprise-wide decision automation.

Business Event Processing

IBM supports advanced event processing capabilities for
detecting, evaluating, correlating, and responding to patterns of
events that can occur over a period of time. These capabilities are
exposed through graphical, non-programming user interfaces,
allowing IT to manage the business event environment, while
equipping business users to manage the event definitions.

Beyond Technology, Assuring

Success with BPM Services
Being successful at BPM requires more than cool technology.
BPM calls for upfront strategic thinking about where the
organization is heading and where BPM fits into this journey. The
IBM WebSphere Services for BPM consists of skilled consultants with
deep process modeling and technical skills gained from countless of
engagements who ensure that you start off your BPM journey on the
right track. The name of the game is quick, small successes that
can be easily scaled across the organization, and IBM consultants
bring with them proven methodologies and best practices that
guarantee you achieve your objectives.

Ten Best
Practices of BPM

Ten Best Practices of BPM

Think process; be process.

Get smart!

Train them

Adopt an executive.

Great expectations.

Pick a methodology.

The right technology.

Hear the voice of the customer.

Pick a project

Measure first.

Plan to change.

Think process; be process.

Set a cross-functional organization in place to drive and
sustain your process orientation. Process teams and process owners
should plan together, meet regularly, and work collaboratively. Be
certain that the main stakeholder is directly involved.

Get smart!
BPM is a new discipline and the skills can be hard to come by.
But the people around you have most of what you need. They may
not have the job titles, but theyll have the right understanding of
your business, the people, the processes, and the right raw skills to
be successful.

Train them!
Appeal to service providers for help, especially in the short
term as you gear up. And, believe it or not, youre not going to learn
quite everything from this book! Get out and see what people are
doing. Attend a conference, visit Web sites, read blogs. Seek out
companies that have done this before and created real business

Adopt an executive.
Find the senior-most individuals whose responsibility is to solve
the big problems and enlist them as sponsors, advocates, and
evangelists. Get them excited and educated about what BPM can do
for them. Show them a demonstration of whats possible and theyll
jump on board.

Great expectations.
BPM programs involve many stakeholders, and each will
naturally form his own perspectives and definitions of success. Be
clear about the value proposition of your programs and projects.
Repeat these often, and deliver on them directly, avoiding
expectation creep.

Pick a methodology.
Do you already have a process improvement program like Lean
or Six Sigma in your company? If so, these are an effective
foundation for BPM. If not, pick something. Select the process
improvement and management methodology thats right for you,
and set this in place as a cornerstone of your process architecture.

The right technology.

Do your homework and choose technology that best fills your
needs and requirements. The technology varies considerably from
vendor to vendor. After finding a technology set that fits your
architecture, be sure to run it through its paces: ask for custom
demonstrations and make sure the vendor shows you what it can

Hear the voice of the

The point of BPM is to create customer value. Use BPM to see
your business the way your customers do. Your customers dont
care how things get done, they only care that they experience
exceptional service and receive what they ordered at the best
price, and when they wanted it. Remember that everything youre
doing should ultimately create more value for your customers.

Pick a project.
So many processes, so little time! How do you choose? Select
the project that provides the greatest return to your business and
can be completed in three months or less. And remember, you dont
have to improve entire processes all at once.

Measure first.
Dont start designing new processes until you understand
whats happening with your current ones. You wouldnt let a doctor
administer treatment without a thorough diagnosis would you? So
dont start implementing process change until you have diagnosed
their current state. Using BAM, establish the baseline metrics. Only
then are you operating from a position of knowledge.

Plan to change.
BPM is a change system. Its designed to help you identify
where change is needed and for you to make changes quickly and
get to the next level of operational performance. With such a
powerful toolset, you need to surround BPM with support for
change. Manage change, implement policies for making changes,
articulate change approvals, recognize change events, measure
change, reward change.

Ten BPM Pitfalls to


BPM Mistakes

Firing too early.

Thinking in stovepipes.

Making a RIF program.

Solving problems once.

Not supporting users.

Ignoring the end users.

Forgetting to celebrate.

Hard-wiring the framework.

Using gut feel.

Automating failure.

Firing too early.

BPM technology tempts you with its promises of visibility,
productivity, and fast results. You might be seduced into plowing
ahead without methodology, architecture, and process. This is a
shortcut to failure. Take the time to get the business, process, and
management dimensions of BPM in place before you attack the

Thinking in stovepipes.
Dont think functionally! Process centric thinking is different.
Cross-functional solutions are different. You need to be thinking endto-end; about how a value-chain comes together; how your role,
performance, and productivity create value within the greater
process. Getting everyone to think this way takes time and

Making a RIF program.

People make processes work, and if you use a process initiative
to justify a Reduction-In-Force (RIF) initiative, the program will die.
BPM is for helping people work more effectively and generate more
value. If workers re-engineer a process to work themselves out of a
job, retrain and relocate them. And do so with great fanfare!

Solving problems once.

Dont just train an implementation team on how to do a onetime solution. Seek out training and professional development that
will teach them to fish. Be sure to figure out how to facilitate
continuous and sustaining change. Be sure to include senior
executives, IT staff, and users.

Not supporting users.

BPM empowers process owners and participants to implement
change. Be sure you support them with the policies, authority,
rewards and recognition, compensation, and other means of
facilitation. In particular, BPM empowers business users in ways that
require the IT systems to share responsibility. Dont overlook the
need to make this happen.

Ignoring the end users.

Dont overfund infrastructure at the expense of the process
participants: the end-users. Treat the users like customers; make
them more productive and the technology more invisible, so their
day-today tasks can continually add more value.

Forgetting to celebrate.
Rolling out something in three months that used to take two
years is worth celebrating. Achieving a lofty business goal for
productivity or customer satisfaction is worth celebrating. BPM
projects may be shorter and the improvements more incremental,
but you must measure and celebrate the successes.

Hard-wiring the framework.

BPM was created to help you create adaptive processes. But you
have to design for flexibility. Dont just hard-wire todays answer at
the expense of building in the flexibility to ensure that the answer
can change to be effective in tomorrows world.

Using gut feel.

BPM provides the visibility and measures for fact-based decisionmaking. If you dont let the data drive decisions, and if you fall back
and let intuition and tradition drive your decisions, you will be
squandering your investment and your opportunities.

Automating failure.
If a process is broken, then automating it will only generate
errors faster. Because BPM enables an unprecedented level of
automation in actions, activities, and decisions, this doesnt mean
you just start automating things. BPM provides you the methods
and tools to analyze and improve processes, and then automate
them when theyre performing optimally.


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