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MCIL - Responses To SGX Queries in Respect of Songmart

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(Incorporated in Singapore)
(Company Registration No. 198200473E)
(the “Company”)


The Board of Directors of Mercurius Capital Investment Limited (the “Company”) refers to the following
queries raised by the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited and would like to provide further
information in relation to the Company’s announcement “Proposed Acquisition of Groceries Business
in Malaysia – Third Supplemental Agreement” dated 17 October 2022 (“Announcement”).

Unless otherwise defined, all terms and references used in this announcement shall bear the same
meaning as ascribed to them in the Company’s Announcement.

SGX Query 1:

What is the current status of Unfulfilled Conditions?

Company’s response to Query 1:

Unfulfilled Status Implications Current Status while

Conditions pending approvals
The receipt and Pending approval If the approval from The foreign workers who
possession of the from the MLD. MLD is not obtained, currently hold existing
approval from the SMSB will not be able working permit under the
Malaysian Labour to hire foreign workers. previous company are not
Department (“MLD”) employed under SMSB,
to SMSB in relation In such an event, pending the approval of the
to the transfer of SMSB will consider re- relevant authorities.
foreign workers to submitting its
SMSB application or to hire
The receipt and In connection with local employees.
possession of the the first condition,
endorsement this will only be
reflecting SMSB as updated once MLD
the new employer of approves the
the foreign workers transfer of foreign
on the existing work workers to SMSB.
permits of the
respective foreign
SMSB obtaining a Pending issuance by In the event the With reference to the
certificate of the MLD. The said certificate of Company’s response
accommodation in certificates will only accommodation is not above, as there are no
respect of certain be issued once the obtained, SMSB will foreign workers employed
accommodation approvals are not be able to provide by SMSB while pending the
units provided to its obtained from the accommodation to its relevant approvals from the
foreign workers local councils on the foreign workers. authorities, SMSB is not
workers require to provide any
accommodation SMSB will consider re- accommodation to date.
designs at the submitting its
respective premises. application upon its
At the moment, the consultation with its
approvals from the application officer on
respective local the reasons for its
failure. If the re-

councils are submission is likely to
pending. bear similar result,
SMSB will consider
engaging a licensed
workers’ hostel
provider to
accommodate SMSB’s
foreign workers.

Granville Grocery Granville has - -

Sdn Bhd completed
(“Granville”) registering its
registering its employees in the
employees in the Human Resources
Human Resources Development Fund
Development Fund with HRDC as at 7
with Human November 2022, and
Resource this condition has
Development been fulfilled.

SMSB is closely monitoring and following up with the relevant authorities in respect of the foregoing.
Notwithstanding the foregoing Unfulfilled Conditions, there are no changes to SMSB’s current

SGX Query 2:

Why was the original target timeline not met?

Company’s response to Query 2:

The original target timeline was not met as the approvals are pending from the MLD and the local
authorities, which is out of the parties’ control and resulted in the postponement of the original target
timeline. We are given to understand that the delay in processing the approvals is due to the backlog
arising from the manpower limitation arising from the Covid-19 pandemic which lasted approximately 2
years prior to the authorities resuming work in full force.

SGX Query 3:

What are the implications of the Unfulfilled Conditions on the SPV, the Company and its
diversification plan?

Company’s response to Query 3:

Please refer to the table above. The Company is of the view that there is no implication on the
Company’s diversification plan as it will still proceed, bearing in mind that there are alternatives if the
Unfulfilled Conditions remained unfulfilled before the Consideration Shares under the second tranche
are issued. In addition, the SPV (Songmart Holdings Sdn Bhd) is now a fully-owned subsidiary of the
Company since the transfer of the SPV shares have been completed on 28 October 2022.

SGX Query 4:

What will happen if the Unfulfilled Conditions are not fulfilled when second tranche
Consideration Shares is due for issuance?
Company’s response to Query 4:

The Company will actively re-assess how the Unfulfilled Conditions will affect the operations of the
Company. The alternatives as per our response to query 3 above will be considered, namely to recruit
new foreign workers or local workers if the transfer of the existing foreign workers cannot be done, and
to provide alternative accommodation for the foreign workers.

SGX Query 5:

Given the Company would have already issued the first tranche Consideration Shares by then,
what are the implications on the Proposed Acquisition, the SPV and the Company?
Company’s response to Query 5:

There are no implications on the Proposed Acquisition, SPV and the Company, as the shares of the
SPV were transferred to the Company on 28 October 2022 and the SPV is now a fully-owned subsidiary
of the Company. The Vendors under the SSA will continue to be fully responsible to fulfil the Unfulfilled
Conditions within the period stipulated and the Company will not be responsible in any way for non-
compliance thereof. In addition, the Vendors have agreed to jointly and severally indemnify the
Company and keep the Company indemnified against all claims or damages that the Company may
incur or be liable for in connection with the Unfulfilled Conditions or non-compliance with the applicable
laws arising from such Unfulfilled Conditions.

SGX Query 6:

In relation to the approval required from MLD, for SMSB to hire foreign workers, what is the
current foreign worker to local workers ratio? Is there a shortage of manpower since SMSB does
not have these foreign workers working for them, and how does SMSB sustain its operations?
Is there a timeline which SMSB is looking at on the application to MLD or the transfer of foreign
workers? If SMSB does not get the approval within such a timeline, what are its plans?

Company’s response to Query 6:

The current foreign worker to local worker ratio is 1:10 and SMSB is currently employing local
employees to continue its business operations to resolve the manpower issues.

SMSB has been given the timeline to complete the application process before the issuance of the
second tranche Consideration Shares (or any other period mutually agreed between the Parties in

In the case where SMSB does not get the approval within the timeline given, SMSB will continue to
employ local employees for its business operations.

SGX Query 7:

In relation to Granville registering its employees with HRDC – Granville should have been aware
that it will need to register its employees with HRDC in connection with the business expansion.
In light that it is already November 2022, and the expansion took place in October 2022, please
clarify why the information was not obtained earlier to submit with HRDC, and what was the
cause for the delay?

Company’s response to Query 7:

There was a delay as the personnel from SMSB dealing with HRDC’s officer had a miscommunication
on the information required for registration. As stated in the table set out in response to query 1 above,
Granville has completed registering its employees in the Human Resources Development Fund with
HRDC as at 7 November 2022.


Executive Chairman
10 November 2022

This announcement has been prepared by the Company and reviewed by the Company’s sponsor,
Novus Corporate Finance Pte. Ltd. (the “Sponsor”), in compliance with Rule 226(2)(b) of the Singapore
Exchange Securities Trading Limited (the “SGX-ST”) Listing Manual Section B: Rules of Catalist.

This announcement has not been examined or approved by the SGX-ST and the SGX-ST assumes no
responsibility for the contents of this announcement including the correctness of any of the statements
or opinions made or reports contained in this announcement.

The contact person for the Sponsor is Mr. Pong Chen Yih, Chief Operating Officer, at 7 Temasek
Boulevard, #18-03B, Suntec Tower 1, Singapore 038987, telephone (65) 69502188.

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