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Steering Gears Maintenance

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Troubles and symptoms

Too much
before engine

too slow.

a. slackness of control and

hunting gear b.excessive
overlap of control valve
c. air in system
a. bypass valve leak/open
b. relief valve leaking/slack or
broken spring
c. stroke stops engage
d.slow pump speed.
e. slack /worn pump parts
f.worn control valves
g.abnormal load on actuator
due to seizure or damage in
rudder post or rudder
h.. Movement normal in local
mode but slack from bridge

a. repair/replace as
b. valve to set proper
c. Blow out air and
rectify leakage chances
and maintain oil level in

g. hydraulic pr. To move

rudder in still water
shall not exceed 14 bar.

h. check up controls

Troubles and symptoms

Rudder hunts when
helm in midships
worn bearing
Rudder and gear
hunts when helm
still and away from

Leak from one side to other

due to bypass valve, relief
valve, worn pump parts, or
control valves

Helm, tiller, rudder

and indicator not
simultaneously in

a. Rudder indicator needs

b. control not correctly
connected to helm actuator
c. stock twisted if helm and
tiller midship but rudder not.

c.Adjust rudder to be in
mid ship w.r to helm

Control stiff to
operate but free
binding in hunting gear, pump
when disconnected stroke mechanism or control
from gear.

examine repair and


a. air in system
Noise and vibration b. motor-pump misalignment
from pump
c. mechanical pump fault

c. bearings and other

moving parts

Troubles and symptoms

Noise and vibration from

a.air in system
b.motor-pump misalignment
c.mechanical pump fault

c.bearings and other

moving parts

Relief valve leaking.

Indicated by rudder
movement too slow.

Rudder and gear hunts when helm

wheel is stationary.

Check for spring, valve or

seat damage

Worn pins and weak spring g

in the hunting gear

Rudder and gear hunts when helm

wheel is stationary.

Slack pump[ pistons

Oil leak and sluggish operation

Over heating of pump

System idle for long periods,

Leakey NRV

Air in the system

Excessive movement of steering

wheel before the gear moves.
Noise and vibration from pump.

Gum in oil may have

caused the parts to
stick to each other.
Foreign matter in the
oil may be causing a
wedging action

Vent air and check the

system for tightness.

When checking steering in still waters, rudder locking valves can be used to simulate a load to
the system.

Steering gear failure

A study of steering gear defects demonstrates that

the most common are related to vibration and the
working loose of components.
Major reasons for these in the modern shipping is
mainly due to 2 points.
Location of engine room and accommodation into
the vicinity of the propellers
An explosive increase in the ships power.
The most common source of failure are the pump
and the hydraulic system associated with it.

Electric power circuits

1. Short circuit protection, an overload alarm and, in the case of poly
phase circuits, an alarm to indicate single phasing is to be provided for
each main and auxiliary motor circuit. Protective devices are to
operate at not less than twice the full load current of the motor or
circuit protected and are to allow excess current to pass during the
normal accelerating period of the motors.
2. Indicators for running indication of each main and auxiliary motor are
to be installed on the navigating bridge and at a suitable main
machinery control position.
3. Two exclusive circuits are to be provided for each electric or electrohydraulic steering gear arrangement consisting of one or more electric
4. Each of these circuits is to be fed from the main switchboard. One of
these circuits may pass through the emergency switchboard.
5. One of these circuits may be connected to the motor of an associated
auxiliary electric or electro hydraulic power unit.

Electric power circuits

6. Each of these circuits is to have adequate capacity to supply all the

motors which can be connected to it and which can operate

simultaneously. 5.1.7 These circuits are to be separated throughout
their length as widely as is practicable.
7 In ships of less than 1600 gross tonnage, if an auxiliary steering gear
is not electrically powered or is powered by an electric motor primarily
intended for other services, the main steering gear may be fed by one
circuit from the main switchboard. Consideration would be given to
other protective arrangements than described above, for such a motor
primarily intended for other services.

Electric control circuits

Electric control systems are to be independent and separated as far as

is practicable throughout their length
Each main and auxiliary electric control system which is to be
operated from the navigating bridge is to comply with the following:
(a) It is to be served with electric power by a separate circuit supplied
from the associated steering gear power circuit, from a point within the
steering gear compartment, or directly from the same section of
switchboard busbars, main or emergency, to which the associated
steering gear power circuit is connected.
(b) Each separate circuit is to be provided with short circuit protection


The steering gear is to be tried out on the trial trip in order to demonstrate to the
Surveyor's satisfaction that the requirements of the Rules have been met.
The trial is to include the operation of the following:
(a) The steering gear, including demonstration of the performances required For the
main steering gear trial, the propeller pitch of controllable pitch propellers is to be at
the maximum design pitch approved for the maximum continuous ahead RPM. If
the vessel cannot be tested at the deepest draught, alternative trial conditions may
be specially considered. In this case, for the main steering gear trial, the speed of
the ship corresponding to the maximum continuous revolutions of the main engine
should apply;
(b) The steering gear power units, including transfer between power units;
(c) The isolation of one power actuating system, checking the time for regaining
steering capability;
(d) The hydraulic fluid recharging system;
(e) The emergency power supply required
(f) The steering gear controls, including transfer of control and local control;
(g) The means of communication between the steering gear compartment and the
wheelhouse, also the engine room, if applicable;
(h) The alarms and indicators.
(j) Where the steering gear is designed to avoid hydraulic locking this feature shall
be demonstrated.
Test items (d), (g), (h) and (j) may be effected at the dockside.

Additional requirements
For tankers, chemical tankers or gas carriers of 10 000 tons gross and above
(a) The main steering gear is to be so arranged that in the event of loss of steering
capability due to a single failure in any part of one of the power actuating
systems of the main steering gear, excluding the tiller, quadrant or components
serving the same purpose, or seizure of the rudder actuators, steering capability
is to be regained in not more than 45 seconds after the loss of one power
actuating system.
b) The main steering gear is to comprise either:
(i) two independent and separate power actuating systems, each capable of
meeting the requirements
(ii) at least two identical power actuating systems which, acting simultaneously in
normal operation, are capable of meeting the requirements of 2.1.2(b). Where
necessary to comply with these requirements, inter-connection of hydraulic
power actuating systems is to be provided. Loss of hydraulic fluid from one
system is to be capable of being detected and the defective system
automatically isolated so that the other actuating system or systems remain fully
(c) Steering gears other than of the hydraulic type are to achieve equivalent

Additional requirements
For tankers, chemical tankers or gas carriers of 10 000 tons gross and
upwards but of less than 100 000 tons deadweight
Solutions other than those set out which need not apply the single failure criterion
to the rudder actuator or actuators, may be permitted provided that an equivalent
safety standard is achieved and that:
(a) Following loss of steering capability due to a single failure of any part of the
piping system or in one of the power units, steering capability is regained within 45
seconds; and
(b) Where the steering gear includes only a single rudder actuator special
consideration is given to stress analysis for the design including fatigue analysis
and fracture mechanics analysis, as appropriate, the material used, the installation
of sealing arrangements and the testing and inspection and provision of effective
Manufacturers of steering gear who intend their product to comply with the
requirements of the `Guidelines' are to submit full details when plans are
forwarded for approval

Additional requirements
Acceptance of non-duplicated rudder actuators for tankers, chemical
tankers and gas carriers of 10 000 tons gross and upwards but of less
than 100 000 tons deadweight
Parts subject to internal hydraulic pressure or transmitting mechanical forces to
the rudder-stock are to be made of duly tested ductile materials complying with
recognized standards. Materials for pressure retaining components are to be in
accordance with recognized pressure vessel standards. These materials are not
to have an elongation less than 12 per cent and a tensile strength in excess of
650 N/mm2.
Design pressure. The design pressure should be assumed to be at least equal
to the greater of the following:
(a) 1,25 times the maximum working pressure to be expected under the
operating conditions required
(b) The relief valve(s) setting.

Additional requirements
Analysis. In order to analyse the design the following are required:
(a) The manufacturers of rudder actuators should submit detailed calculations
showing the suitability of the design for the intended service.
(b) A detailed stress analysis of pressure retaining parts of the actuator should be
carried out to determine the stresses at the design pressure.
(c) Where considered necessary because of the design complexity or
manufacturing procedures, a fatigue analysis and fracture mechanics analysis
may be required. In connection with these analyses, all foreseen dynamic loads
should be taken into account. Experimental stress analysis may be required in
addition to, or in lieu of, theoretical calculations depending upon the complexity of
the design.
The assumption for dynamic loading for fatigue and fracture mechanics analysis
where required are to be submitted for appraisal. Both the case of high cycle and
cumulative fatigue are to be considered.
For the purpose of determining the general scantlings of parts of rudder actuators
subject to internal hydraulic pressure the allowable stresses should not exceed
limits calculated using the materials to be used
Pressure retaining parts not requiring fatigue analysis and fracture mechanics
analysis may be accepted on the basis of a certified burst test and the detailed
stress analysis required The minimum bursting pressure should be calculated
using set formulae:

Construction details
The construction should be such as to minimize local concentrations of stress.
(a) The welding details and welding procedures should be approved.
(b) All welded joints within the pressure boundary of a rudder actuator or
connection parts transmitting mechanical loads should be full penetration type
or of equivalent strength.
Oil seals forming part of the external pressure boundary are to be of the metal
upon metal type or of an equivalent type
Isolating valves are to be fitted at the connection of pipes to the actuator, and
should be directly mounted on the actuator.
Relief valves for protecting the rudder actuator against over-pressure as
required to comply with the following:
(a) The setting pressure is not to be less than 1,25 times the maximum working
pressure expected under operating conditions
(b) The minimum discharge capacity of the relief valve(s) is to be not less than
110 per cent of the total capacity of all pumps which provided power for the
actuator. Under such conditions the rise in pressure should not exceed 10 per
cent of the setting pressure. In this regard due consideration should be given to
extreme foreseen ambient conditions in respect of oil viscosity.

Rudder torque calculations

Formulae for assessing rudder torque's are based upon the
Ta =CpV2 Sin q where:T=rudder torque
A = rudder area
Cp = centre of pressure distance from centre line of rudder stock
V = velocity of ship
q = rudder angle measured from mid-ship position
In practice different constants obtained empirically are used with this
expression and take into account such factors as propeller slip and
wake speed as appropriate depending upon the relation of the rudder
and propeller positions. The position of the centre of pressure has a
significant effect upon rudder torque and hence the size of the steering
gear required; the greater the distance of the C of P from the centre
line of the rudder stock, the larger the torque required; therefore
designers attempt to bring the C of P as near to the centre line as

Rudder torque calculations

With the simple "barn door" type rudder on some single screw ships, no
adjustment can be made, but the semi-balanced and balanced-type rudders
can be designed to reduce the torque required; for instance, with the spade
type rudder such as fitted to twin screw ferries, the position can be adjusted by
the designer to give optimum position. This lies between 30 and 32 per cent
abaft the leading edge of the mean chord of the rudder. Such a rudder would
have its C of P forward of the stock position at low angles of helm, would
balance around 10o to 15o and drift aft of the stock at higher rudder angles.
In graph above is shown a
typical torque characteristics
for a spade type balanced
rudder and a "barn door" or
unbalanced plate rudder. The
astern torque's should also be
calculated since this is
sometimes higher than the
ahead torque, this is true for
spade rudders

The peak power that a steering gear must develop is the product of the
maximum torque (T) usually at hard over with the ship traveling at full
speed, and the maximum speed (S) of rudder movement i.e. Power
(max) - T x S.
The combination of maximum power and speed only exists for 2 or 3
seconds during each manoeuvre; so clearly the average power required
to operate the steering gear is considerably below the peak. Because
the steering gear must have sufficient power to overcome friction and
still have ample reserve of power, the value for used in the foregoing
expression is significantly higher than that used in the expression for
rudder torque. When considering the diameter of the rudder stock,
bending and shear stresses must be taken into account.

Special requirements
Owners may specify additional requirements such as faster hard-over to hard-over
time, strength of components above that required by the Rules, additional control
points and additional duplication,
New tankers of 100 000dwt and above-shall comply with the following
The main steering gear shall comprise of either
two independent and separate power actuating systems each capable of
meeting the hard over port to 30o starboard in 28 sec requirements,
at least two identical power actuating systems which acting
simultaneously in normal operation, shall be capable of meeting the
hard over requirements. Where necessary to comply with this
requirement inter connection of hydraulic power systems shall be
provided. Loss of hydraulic fluid from one system shall be capable of
being detected and the defective system isolated so that the other
system shall remain fully operational
In the event of loss of steering capability due to a single failure other than the
tiller, quadrant or components serving the same purpose (these are excluded
from single failure concepts), or seizure of the rudder actuators. The steering
capability shall be regained in not less than 45 seconds after the loss of one
power actuating system.
Steering gear other than hydraulic should meet the same standards

Suitable system permissible for all


The system shown consists of two

sets of rams but could equally be
two rotary vane units. With no
power on, the solenoids are in bypass mode with oil being allowed to
pass freely from one side to the
other. When an electric motor is
started the control pump supplies
oil to the solenoid shutting it. High
pressure oil from the main unit is
now fed to the rams as required.
The other unit remains in by-pass
until the electric motor is started.
Low level alarms are fitted to the
tanks. Low changeovers may also
be fitted so that in the event of oil
loss from one system, the other
system is started

Relief Valves
Hydraulic actuators are provided with relief and bypass
valves between complementary pairs of cylinders or
chambers of vane gears. The relief valves are set to lift at
pressures above the normal maximum.

Bypass Valves
The bypass valves are normally closed but can be opened on a
two cylinder gear to enable emergency steering to be used. On
a four cylinder gear one pair of cylinders can be bypassed
while the other pair provide emergency steering at a reduced
torque, an instruction plate is fitted over the controls valve
block giving a combination of failures and which valves have to
be open or shut to cope with the emergency etc. It should be
noted that if one ram or cylinder in a four ram system breaks
down, then never isolate the cylinder diagonally opposite the
damaged unit, since the steering gear will not operate due to
the fact that the remaining two cylinders will be either on all
pressure or on all suction at the same time.

Isolating Valves

Isolating valves are provided at each cylinder or rotary vane chamber

which when closed will hold the rudder by trapping the oil in the
chambers. Isolating valves are also fitted to pumps so that a pump
can be completely shut off from the circuit and removed for servicing
while steering is continued with the other pump. In the case of gears
with duplicated variable stroke pumps, in order to be able to bring a
standby unit quickly into operation, the pump stroke mechanisms are
permanently coupled together and both pumps are left open to the
hydraulic circuit. Thus it is only necessary to start up a motor for the
stand by pump to be operative. It is usual to run both pumps in
restricted navigation waters. As a variable stroke pump can operate
as a motor if pressure oil is applied to one side while it is on stroke,
it is necessary to prevent wind milling or rotation of the pump which
is on stand by duty

One method to prevent wind milling, is by using a fixed ratchet

provided concentric with the pump driving shaft. Pawls that can
engage this ratchet are carried in the drive coupling. When the
pump is on stand-by the pawls engage with the ratchet and prevent
rotation when oil on the delivery side of the operating pump is on
pressure. In this condition the tendency to motor the stand by
pump will always be against its normal direction of rotation. As
soon as the pump is started, rotation being in the opposite
direction, the pawls disengage and by centrifugal action fling out
against the inner flange of the coupling completely clear of the
ratchet. When a pump is on stand-by and the rudder is being
driven by water pressure in the direction in which it is being moved
so as to generate pressure on what is normally the suction side of
the operating pump, this will cause the stand by pump to rotate in
its normal running direction. This means that the pawls will
disengage and the pump will be motored round, allowing the rudder
to move more quickly to a new steering position than the single
operating pump will allow

Non reversing locking gear

Another method
method of
of protection
protection against
against rotation
rotation of
of the
the stand by
pump is
is to
to fit
fit Servo
Servo pressure operated automatic change over
valves in
in the
the pipelines;
pipelines; these
these ensure
ensure that
that the
the pump
pump can
can only be
started in the unloaded condition (neutral) and in addition
prevents the stand by pump from being motored by the pump
in service.
On some
some ships
ships it
it has
has been
been discovered
discovered that
that the
the ball
ball bearing
races on
on the
the stand-by
stand-by pump
pump have
have been
been failing
failing due
due to
to brinelling
of the
the ball
ball bearings,
bearings, caused
caused by
by ship
ship vibrations,
vibrations, and
and in
in these
cases it
it is usual
usual to
to fit
fit devices
devices which
which allows
allows the
the stand
stand by
by pump
to be
be motored
motored slowly.
When fixed
fixed delivery
delivery pumps
pumps are
are duplicated
duplicated in
in supplying
supplying oil
oil to
to a
common hydraulically
hydraulically operated
operated control
control valve,
valve, an
an automatic
change over
over valve
valve can
can be
be fitted
fitted which
which will
will isolate
isolate the stand by
pump when
when it
it is
is at
at rest,
rest, but
but will
will connect
connect it to the actuator when
the pump
pump is started up.

Stops And Limit


External or stern posts stops are set at the

absolute limit to hard over movement of the
rudder , protects propeller and ship stern in
the event of metal or other failure which
allows rudder to swing in an uncontrolled
manner. Mechanical stops on the rudder
actuator operate before the external stop
are reached .these take the form of travel
limits. Stops on the bridge control operate
before mechanical stops. local controls are
set midway. auto pilot controls are set first.
It should be noted that the vanes act as
stops on rotary vane gears

Drive Back Due To Heavy Sea's

Heavy seas acting on the rudder can force
the actuator against the hydraulics sufficient
to lift the relief v/v, in which case the rudder
will move. Hunting gear will tend to return
the gear to its correct position.
"Follow Up"
Up" Steering
This is
is the
the normal
normal method
method of
of steering
steering and
and involves the feedback
of steering
steering angle to the helm. This is suited to both manual and
automatic operation.
The ships
ships heading
heading may be set into the autopilot which can then
compare the
the actual to
to desired
desired heading
heading and
and adjust
adjust the rudder
angle to
to suit
suit"Non-follow Up" Steering

Normally used for back up purposes only.

Consists of a single lever per steering gear unit,
by moving the lever in on direction the rudder
will begin to turn, the rudder will continue to
turn until the lever is released or it reaches the
limit of its operation

Circumstances when
more than one steering power unit required.
In areas where navigation demands special caution,
ships shall have more than one steering gear power
unit in operation when such units are capable of
simultaneous operation.

Electrical steering gear

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