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Meo Questions 2015 To April 2016

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Rs 3500
April 2016.
Describe the background and relevance of International convention on civil liability for bunker oil
pollution damage 2001.
define the following under bunker convention and explain how they differ from other similar
convention such as CLC 92.
Pollution damage. Bunker oil. Time limit for claims. Exclusion.

To operate engines in complaince with the new sulphur limits in sulphur emission control areas and to
prepare the engine and auxiliaries for change in fuel characteristics, is a challenge for onwers,
operators and crew. From the chief engineers prespective explain the following briefly.
Cylinder lubrication strategies. Cat fines related issues. Fuel change over procedure.

With reference to Port State Control Inspection,
(a) What are "clear ground" and "ISM related deficiencies" for a Port State Control Officer to conduct
a more detailed inspections of the ship.
(b) List out five deficiencies, which may lead to detention of the vessel. Also enumerate the cause of
such deficiency and preventive action you, as Chief Engineer, will take to avoid reoccurrence of such
detainable deficiencies.

What are the functional requirement of ISM.

How an internal audit helps in External Audit of a vessel? Name the salient issues addressed in
the Internal Audit and the persons responsible to carry out the same.

With introduction of the new generation of super long stroke engines and changed process parameter triggered
by enviromental compliance rules cold corrosion of cylinder liner has grown to become a major issue for the
latest generation of two stroke engines Discuss the causes and mitigation measures stressing on the following
Increased jacket cooling water temperature. New cylinder liner designs New cylinder lubricators.

With regards to minimum requirement for sea farers to work on a ship as per MLC 2006, write short
notes on the following
Minmimum age to work on a ship.
Medical sertification for duties on board
Training and qualifications
Recruitment and placement

What are P&I clubs? How P&I clubs collect funds from ships what are the risks covered under P&I

What are the principles of modern salvage law? What is G.A, explain in context of G.A
a) Entitlement
b) Artificial adjustment
c) Contestation

Periodic lube oil analysis its correct interpretation and corrective measures are of critical significance for the
maintenamce of marine machineries. With reference to the modern analysis techniques employed for the
condition anyalsis of L.O, discuss the following
Elemental [spectrometric] analysis
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.
Particle count.
Base number Vs Acid number.

MARCH 2016.
(i) Define the'-meaning of the term "conditions of assignment" as applied to
(ii) State how conditions of assignment contribute towards the watertight integrity of
(iii) Give reasons why conditions of assignment need periodic inspection, giving specific
instances where they can be found to be less than fully effective.

Elaborate some of the technological innovations adopted / developed to improve the overall plant
efficicency of ships propulsion engine.
Describe fuel injection system in the cam shaft less engines of any of the two major slow speed
engine makers.

What are the UNCLOS provisions concerning ships flag and nationality? In observing the
provisions of UNCLOS, what are the duties of the flag state and how they are enforced.

Discuss a generic model of formal safety assessment FSA promulgated by the I.M.O, with brief
explanation of the following terms.
cost effective index.
Human reliability analysis HRA.
Extended task analysis XTA.
Technique for human error rate prediction THERP.

Fault and event tree analysis.

Failure mode and effect analysis FMEA.

Exhaust emission control is a major global issue and under serious consideration by world shipping.
In this context, comment on the following,
Primary Nox reduction vis-a-vis secondary Nox reduction measures.
Scavenge Air Moisturizing & Exhaust Gas Recirculation for ME.

What is the purpose of annual surveys? Give a list of items that would be examined by a surveyor
during annual survey. Also explain condition of class. What impact condition of class has on a ship s
commercial/technical aspects?

Discuss in detail the main function of a bill of lading and explain the reason for a bill of lading being
made out to order in stead of to a named consignee.
Bill of lading is said to be evidence of the contract of carriage of goods.
Discuss any circumstances when a bill of lading may become the actual contract of carriage.
Discuss giving appropriate examples ratification. Ostensible authority in the law of agency


Describe the salient features of latest IOPP equipment compared with the earlier version.
Discuss the latest guidelines for mandatory entries to be made in oil record book.
(b) Your ship is fitted with an approved comminuted & disinfected sewage system. State the criteria to
be followed for discharge of sewage from such a system & what are the parameters to be considered for
deciding the moderate rate of discharge for a particular ship.

Feb 2016.

To operate engines in complaince with the new sulphur limits in sulphur emission control areas and to
prepare the engine and auxiliaries for change in fuel characteristics, is a challenge for onwers,
operators and crew. From the chief engineers prespective explain the following briefly.
Cylinder lubrication strategies. Cat fines related issues. Fuel change over procedure.

Referring to the latest I.M.O. code on noise level on board ship define and explain the following terms
A-weighted equivalent sound level.
C- weighted equivalent sound level.
Sound pressure level.
Weighted sound reductuion index

Any capital acquisition activity, like a ship acquisition, may be regarded as a four step process.
Identify the four Steps and briefly explain the activities found in each of these steps.
Also, there are six methods of ship acquisition. Name them and briefly describe them.

Why is dry-docking referred to as a major event in the maintenance of a ship?
As a Chief Engineer explain different steps that need consideration while planning a dry-docking
project of a ship due for its first special survey.

In an unfortunate incident of Main Engine Crank case explosion on your vessel, the main engine was
badly damaged and two engine room personnel suffered serious injuries. Explain how you will
present the vessel for subsequent inspections by P&I and H&M insurance companies with special
emphasis on the records and documents required in each case to ensure that only genuine claims are


With reference to port PSC enumerate on the following (i) Regional co-operation/ agreements (ii)
Future of PSC (iii) Is PSC an effective tool for ship safety?

Illustrate the provision kept towards establishing procedures for identification and testing of "critical"
equipment under ISM Code. How the list of critical equipment and systems are made and on what
factors are they dependent?

Describe the background and relevance of International convention on civil liability for bunker oil
pollution damage 2001.
define the following under bunker convention and explain how they differ from other similar
convention such as CLC 92.
Pollution damage. Bunker oil. Time limit for claims. Exclusion.

With the latest emission control requirements,storage & purification of marine fuel oils onboard has become a
Challenge for chief engineers. Against this background, discuss:(a) Challenges with the traditional fuel purification systems on existing ships.
(b) Advanced computer based fuel cleaning system.
(c) Fuel storage & stability issues.
(d) Fuel oil additives & treatments.

Jan 2016

Referring to various alternatives to tin based anti fouling paint discuss the following
Hull roughness of different types of anti fouling paints
Enhancement of foul release coating by oil incorporation
Personal and health safey during application of antifouling paints.

State the circumstances which may lead to suspension or withdrawal of class explain the terms (i)
period of class (ii) anniversary date (iii) survey time window (iv) memoranda (v) recommendations


Explain the different machinery related emergency situations that are dealt as documented procedures
under "emergency preparedness". Underline the salient actions that are documented in dealing with (i)
Main Engine Failure (ii) Steering failure (iii) Boiler automation failure (iv) Scavenge fire.

With regards to minimum requirement for sea farers to work on a ship as per MLC 2006, write short
notes on the following
Minmimum age to work on a ship.
Medical sertification for duties on board
Training and qualifications
Recruitment and placement

Give a brief history and necessity towards formation of UNCLOS? What are its important highlights?
Under context explain (i) Territorial sea (ii) Contiguous Zone (iii) Exclusive Economic Zone (iv)
Continental Self (v) High Seas

With the latest emission control requirements,storage & purification of marine fuel oils onboard has become a
Challenge for chief engineers. Against this background, discuss:(a) Challenges with the traditional fuel purification systems on existing ships.
(b) Advanced computer based fuel cleaning system.
(c) Fuel storage & stability issues.
(d) Fuel oil additives & treatments.

Explain the influence of a charter on operation of propulsion and other ship board machineries during
a voyage. After taking over ship as C/E you have informed that ship is on time charter and has a
history of unforeseen auxiliary machinery breakdown at sea, state the different options you have and
actions you would take as C/E prior to the commencement of voyage

Ref to latest develpoment in trubocharger application in maring diesel engiones wrtie short notes on
the following
Power turbine generators.
Hybrid turbo chargers
Electro assist turbo chargers

For onboard noise measurement as per IMO code on noise level on board ship explain the
requirement regarding
Measuring conditions
Measuring equipment
Measurement procedures.

Dec 2015
Enumerate brielfy the responsibility of companies as per STCW convention.
State the requirement and responsibility of the office in enforcing emergency
preparedness procedures for a ship and its personnel, as required under ISM
Codes? Describe the duties of the office in: (i) Formation of the emergency team (ii)
During emergency situations (iii) Maintaining contact between ship and office.

With reference to port PSC enumerate on the following (i) Regional co-operation/ agreements (ii)
Future of PSC (iii) Is PSC an effective tool for ship safety?
Define a substandard vessel and give examples of detainable items under each of the I.M.O
convention[SOLAS, MARPOL, STCW, & ICLL]

Illustrate the provision kept towards establishing procedures for identification and testing of "critical"
equipment under ISM Code. How the list of critical equipment and systems are made and on what
factors are they dependent?

Develop a training program for activities of a vessel, where you have joined recently as a
Chief Engineer highlighting the specific training needs for engine room personnel in case of (i) use
of life saving appliances (ii) fire in accommodation (iii) explosion in engine room, when the ship
is in dry dock


Suggest, with reasons, why EACH of the following courses of action arc appropriate if
a ship
a. Begins to wallow in heavy seas:
b. Frequently sound all hold bilges;
c. Frequently sound bilges in chain locker, peak tanks, cofferdams and other void
d. Sound all fuel, fresh water and ballast tanks;
If satisfied with Q, (a), (b) and (c) trim ship by the stern and correct any list.
e. Reduce speed of main engine.

As a Chief Engineer on a UMS vessel scheduled to make a voyage from India to the U.S. Coast; list
the salient items you will inspect including propulsion machinery to ensure making a satisfactory
voyage. Also list the documents the ship will keep handy to successfully undergo port State control
inspection on arrival.

Differentiate between third party liability and contractual liability. When may the ship seek to limit his
liability? List the persons entitled to limit liability and claims entrusted.

State the circumstances which may lead to suspension or withdrawal of class explain the terms (i)
period of class (ii) anniversary date (iii) survey time window (iv) memoranda (v) recommendations

Why does a ship require Marine Insurance cover? Explain Hull Claims and Cargo Claims related with
Marine Insurance. State the related documents and information required from the ship in this regard
highlighting their validity.

Nov 2015.
One of the objectives of UNCLOS is protection of marine environment and prevention
of pollution. Define pollution as per UNCLOS and discuss the key features of
obligations of costal states in this regards
State the 3 main tiers of the oil pollution damage compensation convention of the
In each case elaborate on who is responsible for payment of compensation

Also state the source of fund as well as certification required by ship under each tier.

The legal system in countries around the world generally fall into one of 2 main
categories: common law system and civil law systems.
What is the main difference between the 2 systems and the roles of a lawyer and
judge in each system?
How the provisions of international convention are given effect in countries following
the common law system and civil law systems of laws. State and describe with

What are the essential features of the ISPS Code? What are the duties and responsibilities of a Chief
Engineer with respect to the Code.
State action you will take to familiarize newly inducted crew of different nationality employed on
board Ship.

The STCW 95 convention was amended in manila on 25th June 2010. What major changes and
amendment were made for the engine department?
Illustrate the salient features factors for on board training and standards of competence as laid down
on STCW 95 chapter III under line the specific roles a chief engineer needs to perform towards
necessary satisfactory training of engine room personnel under these parameters what will be criteria
for evaluating competence for on board training by a chief engineer

With reference to PSC inspection, explain various codes used to represent actions to
be taken by the vessel against deficiencies reported.
Your IOPP equipment is not operational for want of spares awaited in the next port of
call. How will you represent your case to a PSCO for voyage permission till next port
of call?

Name the present ISO standard for marine fuel oil and explain salient features with reference to fuel
oil analysis report, explain relevant corrective action against various adverse observation in it.


Explain latest development in marine tribology.

Discuss the inferences you may draw from marine lube oil analysis report with the
proposed corrective action in each case.

Describe the procedure for calculating optimum bunker requirements for a crude oil
tanker. Discuss the precaution required for correct ordering storing and purification
of low grade fuel oil.


Describe the salient features of latest IOPP equipment compared with the earlier version.
Discuss the latest guidelines for mandatory entries to be made in oil record book.

Oct 2015.
With specific reference to any make sketch and describe the cylinder lubrication system used in new
generation marine engines
How will you effect the optimum cylinder oil feed with varying sulphur content
Discuss the capital voyage and operating cost of ship operation and explain chief engineer role in
optimizing them.
What are the modern management principle used in inventory control.

With regards to ordering and receiving fuel bunker on board answer the following
The importance of correct bunker specification including the relevant ISO standard

How will you ensure that a representative sample is drawn during bunkering.
How will you ensure that in case of bunker disputes especially with regards to quality the sample
from the vessel will be acceptable for verification
With respect to refrigeration gases used on board vessels answer the following.
Explain ozone depleting potentional of conventional ref gases.
Name alternative refrigeration gases available and being used on board
Explain the steps you will take to ensure that release of refrigeration gases from the plant is
minimised during normal operation and during maintenance activities.
Explain the following modern methods of turbo charging
Pulse converter system
Sequential turbo charging
2 stage turbo charging
Variable geometry turbo charger.

With respect to EEDI explain in detail the following.
Required EEDI
Attained EEDI

Explain in detail the significance of propeller curves to a chief engineer
Enumerate the propeller safety margins in relation to the chief engineer.

State the different types of Marine Insurance policies that could be undertaken by owners, shippers or
other related parties Explain the salient liabilities and exclusions related with each case for an insurer.

Sept 2015.
The protection of the Marine environment is of utmost importance today.


(a) How would you as a C/E of a tanker ensure protection of the environment by compliance" with the
various Regulation of MARPOL 73/78 Annex, 1 for prevention and control of pollution at sea?
(b) State requirement for compliance under Annex VI of MARPOL 73/78.
An Indian flag vessel has grounded off the coast of India, and the owners have abandoned the
property. In accordance with the provisions under the Merchant Shipping Act, what steps should be
initiated and who should initiate such steps for the safety of the ships and the marine environment

In an unfortunate incident of Main Engine Crank case explosion on your vessel, the main engine was
badly damaged and two engine room personnel suffered serious injuries. Explain how you will
present the vessel for subsequent inspections by P&I and H&M insurance companies with special
emphasis on the records and documents required in each case to ensure that only genuine claims are
Illustrate the provision kept towards establishing procedures for identification and testing of "critical"
equipment under ISM Code. How the list of critical equipment and systems are made and on what
factors are they dependent?
Differentiate between third party liability and contractual liability. When may the ship seek to limit his
liability? List the persons entitled to limit liability and claims entrusted.
State the circumstances which may lead to suspension or withdrawal of class explain the terms (i)
period of class (ii) anniversary date (iii) survey time window (iv) memoranda (v) recommendations
Your vessel, which had recently been dry docked, is showing a significant increase in fuel oil
consumption. Frame a report, in the format of an e-mail message, addressed to the Engineer
Superintendent. Discuss the related inspections made, findings established and suggestions for repair,
if any.
Discuss IEC and NEMA standards for marine electrical equipment
What required for marine electrical cables
How will you conform that electrical cables are suitable for intended use onboard.

What are the principal reasons responsible for compounding of machinery vibration in connection
with operation of a long stroke diesel engines and associated machinery arrangements? What are the
key factors for excitations generated by the engines?

Aug 2015.
One of the objectives of UNCLOS is protection of marine environment and prevention
of pollution. Define pollution as per UNCLOS and discuss the key features of
obligations of costal states in this regards
State the 3 main tiers of the oil pollution damage compensation convention of the
In each case elaborate on who is responsible for payment of compensation
Also state the source of fund as well as certification required by ship under each tier.

Explain the different cost that are incurred by a ship owner when his ship is on long
term time charter.
Write short notes on
Liner trade
Charter hire
Notice of readiness
Redelivery of vessel



The legal system in countries around the world generally fall into one of 2 main
categories: common law system and civil law systems.
What is the main difference between the 2 systems and the roles of a lawyer and
judge in each system?
How the provisions of international convention are given effect in countries following
the common law system and civil law systems of laws. State and describe with

With reference to "emergency preparedness", discuss
(i) Search and rescue
(ii) Evacuation of critically injured personnel
(iii) Helicopter operation
(iv) Rescue from enclosed spaces
(v) Abandon ship.
Small fire in engine room.

What are the essential element of preventive maintenance on board ships.
Analyze the link between statutory and classification survey of the ship machinery and
equipment with respect to routine maintenance and how it is effectively merged in ships
safety management system under the ISM code.

Illustrate the salient features factors for on board training and standards of competence as laid down
on STCW 95 chapter III under line the specific roles a chief engineer needs to perform towards
necessary satisfactory training of engine room personnel under these parameters what will be criteria
for evaluating competence for on board training by a chief engineer

The protection of the Marine environment is of utmost importance today.

(a) How would you as a C/E of a tanker ensure protection of the environment by compliance" with the
various Regulation of MARPOL 73/78 Annex, 1 for prevention and control of pollution at sea?
(b) State requirement for compliance under Annex VI of MARPOL 73/78.

Discuss G-8, Vs G 9 standards for ballast water treatment system and explain the
principle features of any G 9 approved treatment system.
You are required to have an existing ship retrofitted with a BWT system
Briefly describe the technical challenges you anticipate and the possible technical
option before you.

July 2015
Explain the different machinery related emergency situations that are dealt as documented procedures
under "emergency preparedness". Underline the salient actions that are documented in dealing with (i)
Main Engine Failure (ii) Steering failure (iii) Boiler automation failure (iv) Scavenge fire.

Classification societies are Recognized Institutions play an important role in
implementation of national and international regulations
State the limitation of the RO highlighting them with reasons.
Draw out the salient responsibilities of the classification society authorized as RO for a
flag state as enumerated in RO code adopted by the IMO.

Bill of lading is said to be evidence of the contract of carriage of goods.
Discuss any circumstances when a bill of lading may become the actual contract of
Discuss giving appropriate examples ratification. Ostensible authority in the law of

Explain the concept of direct operating expenses in ship operations.
Describe different factors that influence the demand function of the shipping market.

Explain the electro chemical theory of corrosion taking iron as corroding metal.
Explain the following factors affecting the rate of corrosion
Ratio of anodic to cathodic areas
Nature of corrosion product
pH of the medium.

What are the principal reasons responsible for compounding of machinery vibration in connection
with operation of a long stroke diesel engines and associated machinery arrangements? What are the
key factors for excitations generated by the engines?

You as C/E are requested to inform your company with respect to inspection of propeller in drydock
during which you noticed a surface crack on one of the blades.
State the steps taken by you as C/E for successful handling of the situation.

Slow steaming has enabled many shipping companies survive uncomfortable market.
Discuss briefly with issues for machinery operating with low load.
Reference to international convention for the prevention of pollution from ships marpol 6
what are the salient features of the following

June 2015
Explain the influence of following external factors in higher consumption of fuel oil and how at best
they could be controlled? (i) Ship's hull condition (ii) Weather condition (iii) Maintenance of different
equipments in a fuel oil system (iv) Damage to propeller blades

Differentiate between third party liability and contractual liability. When may the ship seek to limit his
liability? List the persons entitled to limit liability and claims entrusted.

State the circumstances which may lead to suspension or withdrawal of class explain the terms (i)
period of class (ii) anniversary date (iii) survey time window (iv) memoranda (v) recommendations

Discuss IEC and NEMA standards for marine electrical equipment
What required for marine electrical cables
How will you conform that electrical cables are suitable for intended use onboard.

What are the principal reasons responsible for compounding of machinery vibration in connection
with operation of a long stroke diesel engines and associated machinery arrangements? What are the
key factors for excitations generated by the engines?

With regards to ordering and receiving fuel bunker on board answer the following
The importance of correct bunker specification including the relevant ISO standard
How will you ensure that a representative sample is drawn during bunkering.
How will you ensure that in case of bunker disputes especially with regards to quality the sample
from the vessel will be acceptable for verification

State the applicable regulation of SOLAS and MARPOL under which it is mandatory for a
flag state to conduct an investigation into any casualty.
Write briefly the salient points of casualty investigation code and recommended practices
for a safety investigation into a marine casualty or marine incident.
What do you understand by the term" very serious marine casualty."

With respect to refrigeration gases used on board vessels answer the following.
Explain ozone depleting potentional of conventional ref gases.
Name alternative refrigeration gases available and being used on board
Explain the steps you will take to ensure that release of refrigeration gases from the plant is
minimized during normal operation and during maintenance activities.

Explain in detail the significance of propeller curves to a chief engineer
Enumerate the propeller safety margins in relation to the chief engineer.

April 2015.
(i) Define the'-meaning of the term "conditions of assignment" as applied to
(ii) State how conditions of assignment contribute towards the watertight integrity of
(iii) Give reasons why conditions of assignment need periodic inspection, giving specific
instances where they can be found to be less than fully effective

Explain PSC inspection underline its authority for exercising basis of such inspection
Enumerate relevant regulations, articles and annexes of SOLAS 74, load line 66, MARPOL 73/78,
STCW 95 and tonnage 69 which form provision for PSC. What is understood by CIC?

What are the UNCLOS provisions concerning ships flag and nationality? In observation of
UNCLOS what the duties are of flag States and how is it enforced?

A junior engineer has joined ship.
Enumerate in detail the issue you would mentor him or her with respect to the
Up keep of his personal safety.
Up keep of the safety of his colleagues on board
Technical job, responsibility he need to learn at the earliest
What attention he needs to pay towards energy conservation and
His entitlement with regard to human right in a foreign port.

Exhaust emission control is a major global issue and under serious consideration by world shipping.
In this context, comment on the following,
Primary Nox reduction vis-a-vis secondary Nox reduction measures.
Scavenge Air Moisturizing & Exhaust Gas Recirculation for ME.

What is the purpose of annual surveys? Give a list of items that would be examined by a surveyor
during annual survey. Also explain condition of class. What impact condition of class has on a ship s
commercial/technical aspects?

Name the present ISO standard for marine fuel oil and explain salient features with reference to fuel
oil analysis report, explain relevant corrective action against various adverse observation in it.


Describe the salient features of latest IOPP equipment compared with the earlier version.
Discuss the latest guidelines for mandatory entries to be made in oil record book.


Explain latest development in marine tribology.

Discuss the inferences you may draw from marine lube oil analysis report with the
proposed corrective action in each case.

March 2015.
What are the ongoing developments at the IMO with respect to the technical and
operational measures to be invoked on board ships for combating green house
gas emissions from ships?

Explain the different machinery related emergency situations that are dealt as documented procedures
under "emergency preparedness". Underline the salient actions that are documented in dealing with (i)
Main Engine Failure (ii) Steering failure (iii) Boiler automation failure (iv) Scavenge fire.

Classification societies are RO and play an important role in implementation of
national and international regulations.
State Limitation highlighting them with reason.
List the statutory service undertaken by a classification body on behalf of
On a ship where you are employed as Chief Engineer, the vessel has UMS system
for controlling engine room and a central scanning and data logging system for
Explain the special attention you will pay to the specific data s and formulate a
chart for condition monitoring.
Highlight the tools in computer application you will use for making graphical
representation, salient points and trend analysis
What are the principal reasons responsible for compounding of machinery
vibration in connection with operation of a long stroke diesel engines and

associated machinery arrangements? What are the key factors for excitations
generated by the engines?
You as C/E are requested to inform your company with respect to inspection of propeller in drydock
during which you noticed a surface crack on one of the blades.
State the steps taken by you as C/E for successful handling of the situation.
In an unfortunate incident of Main Engine Crank case explosion on your vessel, the main engine was
badly damaged and two engine room personnel suffered serious injuries. Explain how you will
present the vessel for subsequent inspections by P&I and H&M insurance companies with special
emphasis on the records and documents required in each case to ensure that only genuine claims are
With reference to port PSC enumerate on the following (i) Regional co-operation/ agreements (ii)
Future of PSC (iii) Is PSC an effective tool for ship safety?
Illustrate the provision kept towards establishing procedures for identification and testing of "critical"
equipment under ISM Code. How the list of critical equipment and systems are made and on what
factors are they dependent?

Feb 2015.
With specific reference to any make sketch and describe the cylinder lubrication system used in new
generation marine engines
How will you effect the optimum cylinder oil feed with varying sulphur content
Discuss the capital voyage and operating cost of ship operation and explain chief engineer role in
optimizing them.
What are the modern management principle used in inventory control.

With regards to ordering and receiving fuel bunker on board answer the following
The importance of correct bunker specification including the relevant ISO standard
How will you ensure that a representative sample is drawn during bunkering.
How will you ensure that in case of bunker disputes especially with regards to quality the sample
from the vessel will be acceptable for verification
With respect to refrigeration gases used on board vessels answer the following.
Explain ozone depleting potentional of conventional ref gases.
Name alternative refrigeration gases available and being used on board
Explain the steps you will take to ensure that release of refrigeration gases from the plant is
minimised during normal operation and during maintenance activities.
Explain the following modern methods of turbo charging
Pulse converter system

Sequential turbo charging

2 stage turbo charging
Variable geometry turbo charger.
Explain in detail the significance of propeller curves to a chief engineer
Enumerate the propeller safety margins in relation to the chief engineer.
Write shot notes on
Tier 2 and 3 emission regulation on main engine.
Homogenizer for water emulsion.
SCR for Nox emission reduction.
Scavenge air moisturizing and exhaust gas recirculation for main engine
State the different types of Marine Insurance policies that could be undertaken by owners, shippers or
other related parties Explain the salient liabilities and exclusions related with each case for an insurer.

JAN 2015.
The protection of the Marine environment is of utmost importance today.

(a) How would you as a C/E of a tanker ensure protection of the environment by compliance" with the
various Regulation of MARPOL 73/78 Annex, 1 for prevention and control of pollution at sea?
(b) State requirement for compliance under Annex VI of MARPOL 73/78.
An Indian flag vessel has grounded off the coast of India, and the owners have abandoned the
property. In accordance with the provisions under the Merchant Shipping Act, what steps should be
initiated and who should initiate such steps for the safety of the ships and the marine environment
In an unfortunate incident of Main Engine Crank case explosion on your vessel, the main engine was
badly damaged and two engine room personnel suffered serious injuries. Explain how you will
present the vessel for subsequent inspections by P&I and H&M insurance companies with special
emphasis on the records and documents required in each case to ensure that only genuine claims are
Illustrate the provision kept towards establishing procedures for identification and testing of "critical"
equipment under ISM Code. How the list of critical equipment and systems are made and on what
factors are they dependent?
Differentiate between third party liability and contractual liability. When may the ship seek to limit his
liability? List the persons entitled to limit liability and claims entrusted.
State the circumstances which may lead to suspension or withdrawal of class explain the terms (i)
period of class (ii) anniversary date (iii) survey time window (iv) memoranda (v) recommendations

Your vessel, which had recently been dry docked, is showing a significant increase in fuel oil
consumption. Frame a report, in the format of an e-mail message, addressed to the Engineer
Superintendent. Discuss the related inspections made, findings established and suggestions for repair,
if any.
Discuss IEC and NEMA standards for marine electrical equipment
What required for marine electrical cables
How will you conform that electrical cables are suitable for intended use onboard.
What are the principal reasons responsible for compounding of machinery vibration in connection
with operation of a long stroke diesel engines and associated machinery arrangements? What are the
key factors for excitations generated by the engines?
21014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008

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