Tendering Process
Tendering Process
Tendering Process
Steps in Procurement
Approval to PQ
Pre Bid Meeting and Issue of Minutes, Clarifications and Common Set of
Receipt of Bids
While approving the Bid documents it should be inter alia ensured that:
The official approving the bid documents to affix his signature on every
page of the bid document as a token of approval and a certificate of
Period given for submission of Bids should be adequate to enable the bidder
make his investigations, visit the site, carry out his costing, and quote
For domestic Bids this period may be 30 to 60 days.
For smaller works the period could be less than 30 days.
For very short works the period could be about 15-20 days.
For large and complex works, this period will depend on the demands of the
work/ stipulation imposed by the funding institution (e.g. World Bank).
Usually the period is reckoned from the publication to the last date of sale of
bid documents.
Some organizations prescribe a time gap of four to seven days between the
last date of sale and the receipt of bids so as to allow some time for the
bidders to study the bid documents and prepare their bids.
The time period for bids is reduced for the second or subsequent calls, in
case re-bidding is resorted to.
Sale of Tenders
Pre-Bid Meeting
A Pre Bid Meeting is held at a specified place and time to enable prospective bidders to
seek clarifications about the provisions of the bid and make suggestions to the
organization about the work and the bidding conditions.
It is to be noted that non-attendance at the Pre Bid Meeting does not constitute a
disqualification of the bidder.
A senior official connected with the bid process usually chairs the meeting.
Minutes of this meeting are prepared along with clarifications to the bidders to
respond to their queries.
In case there are amendments to the bid conditions proposed at this stage ensuing
from the suggestions made by the bidders or otherwise, the same are issued in the
form of Common Set of Deviations (CSD) to the bidders.
The minutes of the Pre Bid Meeting, Clarifications and the CSD as above need to be
supplied to the bidders without delay.
A minimum gap of about ten to fifteen days is usually allowed between the Issue of
these minutes and the clarifications/CSD and the last date of sale of the bid documents
primarily with a view to enable bidders who are attracted to the bid process on account
of these deviations, to purchase the bid documents and participate in the bid.
Bid Validity
Bid Security
Submission of Bids
Fixed place, specific date and time as the deadline for the
submission of tenders.
Prior to the deadline for the submission of tenders; extend the
deadline, if necessary
Notice of any extension of the deadline needs to be given promptly
to each bidder.
The tender to be submitted in writing, signed and in a sealed
envelope as per stipulations contained in the Bid documents.
The employer may provide to the bidders a receipt showing the date
and time when its tender was received, especially when asked for.
The tender received after the deadline for the submission of tender,
shall be returned unopened to the bidders who submitted the same.
Opening of Bids
On the due date and appointed time, bids are opened in the
presence of the intending bidders or their representative.
The bidders name, the bid prices and discount, if any will be
announced by the procuring entity during opening of bids.
A record of opening of bids is to be maintained.
Where the bidding follows a two envelope bid submission, the first
envelope of the bidders containing the documents to ascertain
eligibility/qualification of the bidders and/ or technical proposals is
opened on the bid submission date.
The documents in the first envelope are scrutinized in due course.
The financial bids of those technically qualified bidders are opened.
Qualifying bidders intimated date of opening of financial bids
Bid documents should clearly spell out the procedure of opening
and scrutiny of the bid documents.
Responsive Bids
Scrutiny of the 'Financial Bids to determine whether properly signed and is
substantially responsive.
A substantively responsive bid is one that conforms to all the terms, conditions and
specifications of the tender documents without material deviation and reservation.
A material deviation or reservation is one:
which affects in any substantial way the scope, quality, or performance of the
works; or
which limits in any substantial way the Employer's rights or the bidder's
obligations; or
whose rectification would affect unfairly the competitive position of other bidders
which are substantially responsive.
) If a bid is not substantially responsive to the requirements of the bid documents, it
shall be rejected with the approval of the authority empowered to accept the bid in
the first instance, and may not subsequently be made responsive by correction or
withdrawal of the non-conforming stipulation.
) In this context, conditional bids may be considered as non-responsive.
) The provisions regarding determination of responsiveness of bid documents
generally form part of the Instructions to Bidders (ITB) incorporated in the bid
Correction of Errors
The evaluated bid Prices will be adjusted after taking into account
(i) correction for errors;
(ii) adjustments for any acceptable variations, deviations and,
(iii) adjustments to reflect any discounts or other modifications offered.
Variations, deviations, or alterative offers and other factors which are in
excess of the bidding documents or otherwise result in unsolicited benefits for
the Contractor should not be taken into account in bid evaluation.
Duties, taxes and other levies will not be considered in evaluation of bids.
If the bid of the successful bidder is seriously unbalanced in relation to the
estimate of the cost of the work, the Employer may ask the bidder to produce
detailed price analysis for any or all the items of Bill of Quantities, to
demonstrate the internal consistency of those prices with the construction
methods and schedule proposed.
After evaluation of this analysis, the Employer may require that the amount of
performance security be increased to a level sufficient to protect the Employer
against financial loss in the event of default of the successful bidder under the
Confidentiality Considerations
Acceptance of Bids
At the end of its scrutiny and evaluation of the bids a comparative statement of
tenders is prepared to compare the tenders and in order to ascertain the successful
tender in accordance with the procedures and criteria set forth in the bid
No criteria shall be used that has not been set forth in the tender document.
Based on the acceptance criteria stipulated in the Bid documents, the competent
authority shall accept the tender that meets the requirements of the bid
documents and the acceptance criteria stipulated.
The usual criterion stipulated in bid documents, is to regard a bidder successful if
his bid quotes the lowest price subject to any margin of preference applied
pursuant to Government policy.
The Bid documents should incorporate the stipulation that the Employer shall
reserve the right to accept or reject any bid or all bids, recall the tender and to
annul the bidding process, at any time before the award of its work, without
thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder(s) or any obligation to inform
the affected bidder(s) of the grounds for this action.
However, while exercising this right the competent official of the Employer must
base his action of rejection on clear, logical reasons and keep these reasons for
rejection/recall of tenders on record.
The acceptance of single tender poses difficulty and is not encouraged. Acceptance
of a single tender is to be an exception and not a general rule. The following
guidelines adopted by NHAI for its works, may be used for guidance.
In case only a single bid is received by the due date of receipt, normally the bid
process may be cancelled and re-bidding done by giving a shorter notice (say of four
weeks) except in cases where due to other reasons like difficult conditions, law and
order etc., the tender response is expected to be poor.
In case of re-bidding, change from pre-qualification to post-qualification may also
be considered and resorted to, if that would help increase response of tender.
In case re-bidding/change to post-qualification also results in receipt of single bid
then it should be opened and the bid amount should be compared with the
estimated project cost. In case the bid amount is within 15% of the estimated cost,
then acceptance of the bid may be considered with proper justification and reasons.
For EPC contracts such single tenders can be considered for acceptance provided if
bid is reasonable and sufficient justifications exist for acceptance.
In cases where due to reasons like difficult conditions, law and order, likelihood of
poor response etc., it is decided to open the single bid without going for re-bidding,
then for acceptance, the above guidelines shall be applicable as are prescribed for
acceptance of tenders where re-bidding is resorted to.
Communication of Acceptance
Performance Security
Eligibility Criteria
Qualification Criteria
Qualification Criteria
Qualification Criteria
Qualification Criteria
Financial Capability: With a view to ensure that the bidder has access to or
possesses adequate liquid assets and other financial assets to meet the cash
flow requirements for the contract in question, the qualification criteria
provides that (i) The bidder must possess a specified minimum value of
liquid assets (Generally 10% of the annual turnover) (ii) The bidder should
have adequate sources of finance to meet the cash flow requirements of
works currently in progress and for future contract commitments and (iii)
The bidder should possess financial soundness as established by audited
balance sheets and/or financial statements. Towards this the bidder may be
required to produce these details such as Profit and Loss Statements and
Balance Sheets for the preceding five or seven years. The bid documents may
also provide that the Employer may seek reference from the bidders bankers
to establish his financial soundness.
Equipment Capability: The qualification criteria may provide that the
bidders should demonstrate the availability of key equipment necessary for
the contract work. This may be through ownership of the equipment of
through hire or lease. The prime consideration in this regard would be to
assure the availability of the equipment at the time when it is required to be
deployed in the contract work.
Qualification Criteria
Personnel Capability: The qualification criteria may require the
bidder must demonstrate the availability of key personnel of the
requisite qualification and experience for deployment in the
contract work.
Litigation History and Past Performance: With a view to weed
out bidders with a history of unsuccessful or bad litigation or poor
performance in past contracts, e.g. unsuccessful completion, or
excessive delays the criteria may require the bidders to provide
details of previous works and litigations. The Employer may, in
this regard insist on certificates/ independent verification from
the previous Employers to ensue that the past history of the
bidder does not create a doubt about his performance in the
present contract. A decision to disqualify has to be based on solid
evidence (references) from the previous Employers to substantiate
that non-performance resulted from a default by the bidder.
Joint Venture