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Leadership Styles: Ruel H. Palcuto

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Leadership Styles

Ruel H. Palcuto
Can you define a leader?
A person who leads, a guide or a conductor.
A person who directs, a person who has
commanding authority or influence
A leader need not be a superman. He must
be intelligent and must be able to manage
people. He should not afraid of any
situations. A famous leadership quote
says" Great leaders are almost great
simplifiers who can cut through arguments,
debate and doubt to offer a solution that
everybody can understand". The task of a
leader today is vast and complex. But the
quote is applicable for today's leader also.
Leadership style is an approach of giving
direction, motivating people and
implementing plans. As there are many
leaders, there are different leadership
styles. A good leader uses the right
leadership style according to the situation.
Whatever may be the situation, bad
leaders tend to use only one style.
A process that influences other people to
achieve an objective and guides the
company in a way to make it more
coherent and cohesive is called leadership.
a process of leading people in the right
direction in order to achieve goals.
as a process that can have a positive impact
on others. It motivates people to excel in
the field they are working.
as a process that encourages the followers
to achieve their objectives. You can also
define leadership as an action that directs
the followers to lead a respectable and
honorable life.
Leadership qualities are not inborn but can
be developed gradually through education
and self-study. Leadership can also be
defined as learnership as it is a continuous
learning process. Some scholars have
defined leadership as an ability to inspire
other people with a dream.

I want both of you…..
Autocratic Leadership
This is often considered the classical
approach. It is one in which the manager
retains as much power and decision-
making authority as possible. The manager
does not consult members nor are they
allowed to give any input.
Followers are expected to obey orders
without receiving any explanations. The
motivation environment is produced by
creating a structured set of rewards and

Bureaucratic Leadership

Bureaucratic leadership is where the leader

manages “by the book¨ Everything must
be done according to procedure or policy. If
it isn’t covered by the book, the leader
refers to the next level above him or her.
This leader is really more of a police officer
than a leader. He or she enforces the rules.

Let's work together to solve this. . .
Democratic Leadership
The democratic leadership style is also
called the participative style as it
encourages employees to be a part of the
decision making. The democratic leader
keeps his or her members informed about
everything that affects their work and
shares decision making and problem
solving responsibilities. This style requires
the leader to be a coach who has the final
say, but gathers information from staff
members before making a decision.

You two take care of the problem
while I go. . .
Laissez-Faire Leadership
Style (delegative)
lais…sez faire (or lais…ser faire), which is
the noninterference in the affairs of others.
[French : laissez, second person pl.
imperative of laisser, to let, allow + faire,
to do.]
The laissez-faire leadership style is also
known as the “hands-off¨ style. It is one in
which the leader provides little or no
direction and gives members as much
freedom as possible.
All authority or power is given to the
members and they must determine goals,
make decisions, and resolve problems on
Traits of a Good Leader

Part II
Your leadership traits will tell the manner in
which you will lead your followers.
Effective leadership traits will make that
organization successful.
Leadership traits will convince voters, wins
negotiations and overcomes objection.
Leadership should have the potential to
lead others to accomplish goals.

Display sincerity, integrity, and candor in all
your actions. Deceptive behavior will not
inspire trust
People want to follow an honest leader.
One of the most frequent places where
leaders miss an opportunity to display
honesty is in handling mistakes.
People want to follow someone who is
competent. This doesn’t mean a leader
needs to be the foremost expert on every
area of the entire organization, but they
need to be able to demonstrate
Base your actions on reason and moral
principles. Do not make decisions based on
childlike emotional desires or feelings.

Set goals and have a vision of the future.
The vision must be owned throughout the
organization. Effective leaders envision
what they want and how to get it. They
habitually pick priorities stemming from
their basic values.

Display confidence in all that you do. By
showing endurance in mental, physical,
and spiritual stamina, you will inspire
others to reach for new heights. Take
charge when necessary.
People want to be inspired. In fact, there is a
whole class of people who will follow an
inspiring leader–even when the leader has
no other qualities.
Being inspiring means telling people how
your organization is going to change the

A great example of inspiration is when Steve
Jobs stole the CEO from Pepsi by asking
him, “Do you want to sell sugar water for
the rest of your life, or do you want to
change the world?” Being inspiring means
showing people the big picture and helping
them see beyond a narrow focus and
understand how their part fits into the big

Read, study, and seek challenging
Intelligence is something that can be difficult
to develop. The road toward becoming
more intelligent is difficult, long and can’t
be completed without investing
considerable time.
To develop intelligence you need to commit
to continual learning–both formally and

Show fair treatment to all people. Prejudice
is the enemy of justice. Display empathy
by being sensitive to the feelings, values,
interests, and well-being of others.

Seek out diversity.

Have the perseverance to accomplish a
goal, regardless of the seemingly
insurmountable obstacles. Display a
confident calmness when under stress.

Use sound judgment to make a good
decisions at the right time.

Make timely and appropriate changes in
your thinking, plans, and methods. Show
creativity by thinking of new and better
goals, ideas, and solutions to problems. Be
Leaders have to make tough decisions and
they need thick skin to be effective. This
does not been they should not have
compassion. A leader will have flexibility
when he develops an ability to be tough
when the situation demands and be
compassionate when required.
What kind of a leader are you
going to be - the kind who
thinks he is the best?
Or will you be one of the very
few greats
who attributes success to the

 How can we become more
effective leaders?

Three fundamental axioms about
First, leadership is situational.  What is
required of the leader will always be
influenced by the situation. 
History is full of examples of leaders who
found their time and place, but whose
qualities lost their appeal when things
moved on.  For example, Winston Churchill
was an inspirational war-time leader but
his bulldog style was ill-suited to the
reconstruction agenda of post-war Britain.
leadership is non-hierarchical.  Much of the
leadership literature is overly concerned
with those who reach the top of
While we recognize that there is a
relationship between hierarchy and
leadership (they may fulfill a similar
function, for example, by investing
authority), we view the relationship as
contingent.  Being given a particular
organizational title – team leader, section
head, and vice president -- may confer
some hierarchical authority, but it certainly
does not make you a leader. 
Hierarchy alone is neither a necessary nor
 The third foundation of our view of leadership is
that leadership is relational.  Put simply, you
cannot be a leader without followers.  Much of
early trait theory seemed to ignore this.  By
trying to distil the characteristics of leaders it
neglected the fact that leadership is a
relationship actively built by both parties.  In
reality, leadership is always a social construct
that is recreated by the relationships between
leaders and those they aspire to lead. 
Effective leaders are not simply amalgams of
desirable traits; they are actively and
reciprocally engaged in a complex series of
relationships that require cultivation and
nurture.  Like all social creations, this web of
relationships is fragile and requires constant
re-creation.  You can confirm this every time
The following
instrument is a simple
and fun way to
determine how much you
understand about the
concept of Leadership.

Leadership Survey
____1. Leadership is the set of
behaviors by which one is able to
guide people and activities toward
specific goals.
____2. A good leader influences
others through confidence,
communications skills, awareness
of one's impact on others, and
one's own perceptions about
different situations.
____3. Qualities of a leader are
important and have social value.
____4. Within social values, political
considerations, economic
conditions, structure, and types of
followers are all important factors
that together determine a leader's
ability to influence others.
____5. Leadership is very important
to organizational success.
____6. Almost every aspect of work
is influenced by leadership.

____7. The leader is responsible for
attaining the overall team
objective and keeping the team
____8. Leaders have limitations.
____9. Good leadership is
responsible for employee

___10. When you're under the
jurisdiction of a good leader, you
feel confident.
___11. Feeling confident as a result
of good leadership builds morale
within an organization.
___12. A good leader is selfish and
puts his own goals above others'.

___13. A good leader will overcome
objections to achieve cooperation
from others, despite envy. People
envy a good leader and refuse to
cooperate at first.
___14. A good leader can serve as a
friend, philosopher, and guide.
___15. Leading a team is not easy.
___16. Good leadership respects

Interpretation Key
86 - 100 -- Top understanding of
leadership qualities
76 - 85 -- Good leadership
66 - 75 -- Needs some
improvement in understanding
65 - Below -- Could benefit from
some leadership training

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