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Smart Money Budgets

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Budgeting 101:
What is a Budget and
Why do I need one!

Doug Willis
Assoc. Dean of Students PRC
Mark Clark
Professor of Business Administration

What Youll Learn

1. Why is a Budget __________.
What is a Budget.
2. _____
Create a Budget that
3. How do I _______
is best suits me.

Why Its Important

Following a practical budget can
help you:
1. Develop better financial habits.
2. Relieve emotional stress.
3. Assist you in achieving your
financial goals.

Why is a Budget
Identifies and defines your financial goals
Manages your money
Directs your money flow
Increase your savings
Avoids spending money unnecessarily
Achieves your personal goals

What is a Budget?
a plan for the coordination of resources and
Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary

Simply Put:
A budget is a plan for managing
your money in a way that best meets your
personal needs and wants.

Seven Keys to Effective

1. Identify and develop personal goals
2. Evaluate and record current trends,
both income and expenses
3. Assign priorities
4. Develop a time line for the month
5. Keep it simple
6. Remain flexible: One size does not fit all
7. Review and revise

Budgeting is Effective
Money Management
Effective money management is planning
how to get the most from your money.
Good money managers keep track of where
their money goes so that they can make it go
Effective money management includes:
Developing personal financial goals
Organizing personal financial records
Creating a personal monthly budget
Evaluating personal financial health

How do I Create a Budget?

Creating a budget begins with a clear,
accurate, and well-thought-out plan. This
will allow you to be able to:
1. Adjust plans, activities, and spending as
2. Spend money cost-effectively
3. Reach the specific goals you have set
4. Strengthen internal control system

Whats in a Budget?

Simply any money

earned or
contributed to
your household
from either
personal finances
or a business.


Money that you

spend, this
includes anything
you purchase. This
includes both
planned and

Steps in Budgeting

Set financial goals

Estimate your income
Record what you spend
Budget for actual and unexpected
5. Review and evaluate monthly

Set Financial Goals

Identify and write them down
Long term (1-5 years)
Short term (within a year)

Make then achievable, practical, and owned by

Keep them in the fore front
Journal the process
Celebrate their completion

Write them into your monthly budget

Adjust them as necessary

Estimate Your Income

Make a list of each income stream that you receive on a
regular basis each month. The key is to only include that
income you get every month.
Include both monthly wages earned from your job(s) as
well as monthly supplemental income (i.e. child support,
disability, etc.)
Mark down the date these are received
Calculate the monthly income total
Record, but do not include any periodic income you may
receive at this point.

Estimate Your Income

If your income is unpredictable,
estimate what you will receive in the
next month and adjust it DOWN a little

Record What You Spend

1. Review the previous months check
book ledger, bank statements etc. and
record your spending and income.
2. Record what you spend for the next
month and write down what your
actual expenses and income

Budget for Actual and

Unexpected Expenses
Actual Expenses:
Identify fixed expenses (i.e. rent, car payment, student
Record the monthly payment deadline and plan according
to your payday date.

Variable Expenses:
Identify recurring expenses the fluctuate (monthly grocery,
automobile, etc.) calculate an average based on
previous months NOTE: when in doubt, guess high!
Consult with friends and family on what they spend

Actual Expenses
Rent or Mortgage
Car payment, upkeep, gas, etc.
Insurance (health/medical, life, auto,
home, et.)
Household utilities

What Else is in a Budget?

Student loan payments
Insurance payments
Entertainment (movies, books, magazines, toys, cable TV,
Internet access)
Income taxes in addition to those withheld from your paycheck
Child care
Medical bills
Savings (transfers to savings account, retirement fund or
brokerage account)

Budget for Actual and

Unexpected Expenses

The FIRST step is to create and maintain an Emergency Fund.

Initially the Emergency Fund should be $500 - $1, 000
depending on your income and debt load.
Eventually you need to increase this to 3-6 months worth of
Develop the attitude that this is ONLY used for EMERGENCIES
(unemployment, unexpected medical needs or any other
financial crisis).
Should you have to use money in this fund for an
EMERGENCY the priority for the next month is to re-supply
the fund.

Remember Murphy always strikes!

Budget Resources
Use these resources for additional

Budgeting Terms
Surplus occurs if you have a positive cash
Deficit occurs if you have a negative cash
Discretionary Income is the money you
have left over after paying for essentials
Discretionary Income is used to evaluate
the strength of a persons income
Represents the money you can spend
on wants

Review & Evaluate

Review on a monthly basis, especially when you begin
the process.
Evaluate the budget against your personal financial
All monthly deficits need to be addressed immediately
All surplus experienced needs to be added to savings
Consider operating on a cash envelope system
Do not get discouraged.

Practical Budgeting Tips

The budget must BALANCE

The income must equal the expenses. If you make,
you must have a destination for that money!
That does NOT mean you MUST SPEND it. Planning
to put money in some type of savings account is a
GREAT idea.
The Income MUST EQUAL Expenses!!
Plan carefully
estimates should be based on some data
cover all expenses
Be practical
Be flexible
Write your budget down
Be able to access your budget data easily


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