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C Programming: Homework 5

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C Programming

Homework 5

Basic Data Types

Holds integer numbers
Usually 4 bytes
Holds floating point numbers
Usually 4 bytes
Holds higher-precision floating point numbers
Usually 8 bytes (double the size of a float)
Holds a byte of data, characters
Pretty much like C++ basic data types, but NO bool before C99

Variables that store memory addresses
<variable_type> *<name>;
int *ptr;
int var = 77;
ptr = &var;

//declare ptr as a pointer to int

// define an int variable
// let ptr point to the variable var

Dereferencing Pointers
Accessing the value that the pointer points to
double x, *ptr;
ptr = &x;

// let ptr point to x

*ptr = 7.8;

// assign the value 7.8 to x

Pointer Example
int *x;
int *y;
int var; x = &var;

*x = 42;

Pointer Example
*y = 13;

y = x;

*x = 13;
*y = 13;


Pointers to Pointers
char c = A

*cPtr = &c

**cPtrPtr = &cPtr

Pointers to Functions
Also known as: function pointers or functors
Goal: write a sorting function
Has to work for ascending and descending sorting
order + other

Write multiple functions
Provide a flag as an argument to the function
Polymorphism and virtual functions
Use function pointers!!

Pointers to Functions
User can pass in a function to the sort
double (*func_ptr) (double, double);

func_ptr = [&]pow; // func_ptr points to pow()

// Call the function referenced by func_ptr

double result = (*func_ptr)( 1.5, 2.0 );

// The same function call

result = func_ptr( 1.5, 2.0 );

No classes in C
Used to package related data (variables of different
types) together
Single name is convenient
struct Student {
char name[64];
char UID[10];
int age;
int year;
struct Student s;

typedef struct {
char name[64];
char UID[10];
int age;
int year;
} Student;
Student s;

C structs vs. C++ classes

C structs cannot have
member functions

C++ classes can have

member functions

Theres no such thing as

access specifiers in C

C++ class members have

access specifiers and are
private by default

C structs dont have

constructors defined for

C++ classes must have at

least a default constructor

Dynamic Memory
Memory that is allocated at runtime
Allocated on the heap
void *malloc (size_t size);
Allocates size bytes and returns a pointer to the allocated

void *realloc (void *ptr, size_t size);

Changes the size of the memory block pointed to by ptr to
size bytes

void free (void *ptr);

Frees the block of memory pointed to by ptr

Reading/Writing Characters
int getchar();
Returns the next character from

int putchar(int character);

Writes a character to the current
position in stdout

Formatted I/O
int fprintf(FILE * fp, const char * format, );
int fscanf(FILE * fp, const char * format, );
FILE *fp can be either:
A file pointer
stdin, stdout, or stderr

The format string

int score = 120; char player[] = Mary;
printf(%s has %d points.\n, player, score);

Compiling a C program
gcc o FooBarBinary -g foobar.c
gcc is the name of the compiler
The o option indicates the name of the
binary/program to be generated
The g option includes symbol and sourceline info for debugging
foobar.c is the source code to be compiled

Homework 5
Write a C program called srot13
Reads stdin byte-by-byte (getchar)
Consists of records that are newline-delimited

Each byte is ROT13 encoded (add 13 letters)

Sort records without decoding (qsort, rot13cmp)
Output result in ROT13 encoding to stdout

Error checking
Dynamic memory allocation


Input: printf sybjre\nobl' | ./srot13

printf sybjre\nobl\n | ./srot13
Read the records: sybjre, obl
Compare records using rot13cmp function
Use rot13cmp as compare function in qsort
Output: obl

qsort Example
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int compare (const void * a, const void * b)
return ( *(int*)a - *(int*)b );
int main ()
int values[] = { 40, 10, 100, 90, 20, 25 };
qsort (values, 6, sizeof(int), compare);
int n;
for (n = 0; n < 6; n++)
printf ("%d ",values[n]);
return 0;

Homework Hints

Start as soon as possible

Use gdb
Use exit, not return when exiting with error
1-D vs. 2-D array
Test your code with od c

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