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Unit 2 Basics of C Programming

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Basics of C++ programming

Unit 2
• C++ is an OOP language
• Developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at AT &T and bell laboratories
• Combination of power of C and additional feature of OOP
resulted in C++
• C++ can be used to develop editors, compilers, databases,
communication systems and any real life complex application
Structure of C++ program
• C++ is structured by dividing a program into three sections:
– Standard Library Section
– Main Function Section
– Function Body Section
• For example lets look at an example:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
cout << "Hello World!" << endl;
return 0;
Structure of C++ program(cont..)
Standard Libraries Section
• #include is a preprocessor command that copies and paste
entire text specified between angle bracket into the source
• <iostream> is a standard file that contains commands for
displaying and getting input from the user
• Namespace is a prefix applied to all the names

Main Function Section (int main{})

• The starting point of C++ programs is the main function
• This function is called by OS when the program is executed
• { tells start of code and } tells end of code
Structure of C++ program(cont..)
Function Body Section

cout << "Hello World" << endl;

return 0;
• cout is short for character output and displays whatever in
between <<
• Return keyword tells program to return value to a function int
• After return statement, execution control returns to OS
• Execution of code terminates here
Structure of C++ program(cont..)
It includes the following:
• Include files
• Class declaration
• Class functions, definition
• Main function program
Comments in C++
Output Operator
• cout << “Hello world”;
• cout can be used to display individual
character, strings and numbers
• It is an object that corresponds to standard
output stream
• The insertion operator << also called “put to”
operator inserts information from its right to
the object on its left
Input Operator
• cin >> number;
• The statement above causes the program to
wait for the user to type in a number. The
number typed is place in number variable.
• cin is predefined identifier in C++ that
corresponds to standard input stream
• >> is known as get from operator or extraction
operator. It extracts value from keyboard and
assigns it to the variable on its right.
Cascading of I/O operator
cout << ”sum=” << sum << ”\n” ;

cout << ”sum=” << sum << ”\n” <<

”average=” << average <<”\n”;

cin >> number1 >> number2;

• The smallest units in program are known as
tokens. C++ has the following tokens
1. Keywords
2. Identifiers
3. Constants
4. Strings
5. Operators
Tokens (Keywords)
• They are the explicitly reserved identifiers and can’t be used as names for
program variables or user defined program elements
Tokens (Identifiers)
• It refers to the name of variable, function, array, class,
• Each language has its own rule for naming identifiers
• The following are basic rules for C and C++:
1. Only alphanumeric chars, digits and under score are permitted
2. The name can’t start with digit
3. Upper case and lower case are distinct
4. A declared keyword can’t be used as variable name

Note: In C the max length of variable is 32 chars but in C++ there is no

Basic data types in C++
Built in Data Types
Type Bytes Range
char 1 -128 to – 127
unsigned 1 0 to 265
signed char 1 -128 to 127
int 2 -32768 to 32768
unsigned int 2 0 to 65535
signed int 2 -32768 to 32768
short int 2 -32768 to 32768
long int 4 -2147483648 to 2147483648
signed long int 4 -2147483648 to 2147483648
unsigned long int 4 0 to 4294967295
float 4 3.4E-38 to 3.4E+38
double 8 1.7E -308 to 1.7E +308
long double 10 3.4E-4932 to 1.1E+ 4932
Void data type
Normally used for:
• Specifying return type of function
• To indicate an empty argument list to a function
Example :
void function(void);
• Used in the declaration of generic pointer
Example :
void *gp;
Note: it is allowed in C but not in C++. But cast operator can be used for this purpose.

void *ptr1; ptr2=(char * ) ptr1;

void *ptr2;
Need of cast operator in C++
Allowed in C
User Defined Data Types:
Structures and Classes
• User defined types such as struct and union in C provides us
with more functionality of defining custom data types and
allow grouping multiple variables into a single unit
• C++ permits us to define another user defined data type
known as class
• Class variables are also known as objects which is the central
focus of OOPS
User Defined Data Types:
Enumerated Data Type
• Is another user defined data type which consist of named
constants called enumerators
• It provides a way to define a list of named values that
represent mutually exclusive choices
• Example:
enum shape { circle,square,triangle}
enum colour{red,blue,green,yellow}
enum position {off,on}
User Defined Data Types:
• C defines the types of enums to be ints. In C++,each enumerated data type retains its own
separate type. This means that C++ does not allow an int value to be automatically converted
to an enum.
• Example:
colour background =blue; //vaid
colour background =7; //error in c++
colour background =(colour) 7;//ok

• By default, the enumerators are assigned integer values starting with 0

• We can also write
enum color {red, blue=4,green=8};
enum color {red=5,blue,green};
Reference Variables
• C++ introduces a new kind of variable known as the reference variable. A
references variable provides an alias.(alternative name) for a previously
defined variable.
• For example ,if we make the variable sum a reference to the variable total,
then sum and total can be used interchangeably to represent the variable.
• A reference variable is created as follows:

• Synatx:
Datatype & reference_name=variable_name;

• Eg : int originalVariable = 23;

int& referenceVariable = originalVariable;

Note : A reference variable must be initialized at the time of declaration .

Derived Data Types
• Arrays
– Same as in c expect for the character arrays
– In C, the compiler allow us to declare the array
size as the exact length of the string constant
char string[3] = “abc”;
– But in C++ the size should be one larger than the
number of characters in string
char string[4] = “abc”;
• Pointers
– They are declared and initialized as in C
int* ptr; // integer pointer
ptr = &x; // address of x assigned to ptr
*ptr = 5; // 5 assigned to x

• Functions
– Functions are more advanced in C++ according to needs
of OOP
– Some concepts like function overloading, inline
functions, etc. have been introduced
Operators in C++
• C++ has a rich set of operators. All C operators are valid in C++ also. In
addition. C++ introduces some new operators.

<< Insertion operator

>> Extraction operator
:: Scope resolution operator
::* Pointer to member declarator
* Pointer to member operator
.* Pointer to member operator
Delete Memory release operator
Endl Line feed operator
New Memory allocation operator
Setw Field width operator
Scope Resolution Operator
• Like C,C++ is also a block-structured language. Same variables can be
declared in different blocks because the variables declared in blocks are
local to that function.
• Blocks in C++ are often nested.
• Block 2 is contained in block 1 .Note that declaration in an
inner block hides a declaration of the same variable in an
outer block and therefore each declaration of x causes it to
refer to a different data object .
• Within the inner block the variable x will refer to the data
object declared there in.
• In C, the global version of a variable can't be accessed from
with in the inner block.
• C++ resolves this problem by introducing a new operator ::
called the scope resolution operator .This can be used to
uncover a hidden variable.
• Syntax:
: : variable_name;
Pointer to Member Declarator
Memory Management Operator
• C uses malloc and calloc functions to allocate memory dynamically at run
• Similarly it uses the functions free() to free dynamically allocated memory.
• We use dynamic allocation techniques when it is not known in advance
how much of memory space as needed.
• C++ also support those functions
• It also defines two unary operators new and delete that perform the task
of allocating and freeing the memory in a better and easier way
• The new operator can be used to create objects of any type.
• Syntax: pointer-variable =new datatype;
• Example :
Normal declaration/initialization : int a = 10;
Using new keyword : int* a = new int; // allocated 2 bytes memory
Using new for array : int* a = new [50]; // allocates 100 bytes memory
Using new for class : Employee* e = new Employee();

• Syntax: delete pointer-variable;

• Example:
delete a;
delete e;
• Manipulators are operator that are used to
format the data display. The most commonly
manipulators are endl and setw.
• The endl manipulator, when used in an output
statement, causes a line feed to be insert.(just
like \n)
• Example:
cout << "m=" << m << endl;
cout << "n=" << n << endl;
cout << "p=" << p << endl;
• If we want to print all numbers in right
justified way use setw which specify a
common field width for all the nos.
• Example:
Control Structures
• The if statement
– Simple if statement
– If..else statement
• The switch statement
– This is a multiple-branching statement where, based on a condition, the control is transferred to one
of the many possible condition

case 1:
case 2:
• The while statement

• The do-while statement

} while(condition);
• For loop

• Is a value that cannot be changed during execution of program
• Creating constants
 Using const keyword
 const int MAX_VALUE = 30;
 const double PI = 3.14;
 Using the #define preprocessor directive
 #define MAX_VALUE 30
 #define PI 3.14
 Enumerations
 enum Color{
 RED,
 };
• const variables have scope just like any other variables limited to
functions, classes, etc.
• const variables are stored in memory while on the other hand #define
constants are just textual replacement, they are substituted directly during
preprocessing stage and doesn’t involve memory allocation
• const are evaluated at compile time whereas #define are evaluated by the
preprocessor at preprocessing time which occurs before the compilation
• Note : #define directives are also called symbolic constants
• String is an array of characters or alphabet
• Strings may be alphabet, digits or special characters written in double quotation
• It is a class in C++ that is a part of standard library to handle string manipulation
• Some examples include:
• std::string strOne(5, ‘A’) // initialization with repeated characters
• std::cout << “Hello”
• std::cin >> variable_name
• string1 + “,” + string2
• str.length()
• str1 == str2
Type Conversion
• Type conversion or type casting refers to changing entity of one datatype to
• There are two types of conversion that is implicit and explicit conversion
• This is primarily used to perform calculations more effectively
• Implicit Conversion
• This conversion happens automatically by the compiler when it is safe and doesn’t
result is data loss. For example, conversion from int to float or assigning a smaller
integer type to a larger integer type
• Example :
• int x =5 ;
• float y = x; // implicit conversion
• Explicit Conversion
• This conversion is performed explicitly by the programmer using casting operators

Type Conversion (cont..)
• Explicit type conversion can be done in two ways:
 Converting by assignment
 Done by explicitly defining the required type in front of the expression in
parenthesis. It is also called forceful conversion.
 Syntax : (type) expression
 Example :
 int m = 5;
 float y = (float) m/2;
 If we don’t provide float before expression m/2 then we get only 2 which is not
the exact output.
 Conversion by cast operator
 Cast operator is a special operator that forces one data type to be converted into

Type Conversion (cont..)
• The most general cast operators supported by C++ compilers are:
• Static Cast
 It is used to perform compile time type conversion between compatible types
 It is safer alternative since conversions are done by compiler if it is safe
 Syntax : static_cast<new_data_type> (expression)
 Example : int x = 5; double y = static_cast<double>(x);
 Dynamic Cast
 It is used for performing dynamic type conversions between pointers to classes in
 It checks conversion is valid or not at runtime
 Returns a pointer of target type if conversion is success and returns null if not
 Syntax : dynamic_cast<new_type> (expression)

Type Conversion (cont..)
• Const Cast
• Used to add or remove ‘const’ qualifier from a variable, pointer or reference
• Used when we need to modify an object that is originally declared as ‘const’
• Syntax : const_cast<new_type> (expression)
• Reinterpret Cast
• Used to perform low level reinterpretation of one type to another type.
• Allows to reinterpret the binary representation of an object as a different type
even if the type are unrelated
• It is powerful and considered as unsafe and only used when absolutely necessary
• Syntax : reinterpret_cast<new_type> (expression)
Function Overloading
• Two or more functions having same name but different arguments are known as
overloaded functions and this mechanism used in program is called function
• Example:
• int test(){ }
• int test(int a){ }
• int test(double a){ }
• int test(int a, double a){ }
• Note : return type can be same but arguments must be different
• Example :
• ​// gives error
• int test(int a){ }
• double test (int b) { }
Function Overloading (cont..)
Inline Functions
• They are the C++ enhancement feature to increase the execution time of a
• Functions can be instructed to compiler to make them inline so that compiler can
replace those function definition wherever those are being called.
• Compiler replaces the definition of inline functions at compile time instead of
referring at runtime
• “inline” keyword is used in normal function to make it inline
• Syntax :
• inline return_type function_name(parameters)
• {
 // code
• }
• Note : It is only applicable for small functions. If the function is big then, compiler
can ignore the “inline” request and treat as a normal function.
Inline Functions
Inline Functions
• Advantages
• Less overhead of function call and return
• Saves the overhead of push/pop variables on the stack when function is called.
• Reduction in final executable code size

• Disadvantages
• If too many functions are used then size of executable file will be large because of
duplication of same code
• Too much inlining may reduce the speed of instruction fetch from cache memory
to the primary memory
• Not useful in embedded systems because code size is more important than speed
in embedded systems
• Inline function can cause thrashing because it can increase the size of binary
executable file. Thrashing causes performance degrade of a computer.
Default Arguments
• A default argument is a value provided in a function declaration that is
automatically assigned by the compiler if the caller of the function doesn’t provide
a value for the argument with a default value.
• If user doesn’t supply value then default value will be used, if the user supply the
value then user supplied value is used.
• Example :
• int add (int x=5,int y=6)
Call by reference/Pass by reference
• There may arise a situation where we would like to change the values of variables
in the calling program using function which is not possible if the call by value
method is used.
• This is because the function doesn’t have access to the actual variables in the
calling program and can only work on the copy of the values.
• Call by reference works fine if the function does not need to alter the values of the
original variables in the program.
• In call by value, original value is not modified
Call by value example
Call by reference/Pass by reference
• In call by reference original value is modified because we pass reference (address)
• Here address of the value is passed in the function, so actual and formal
arguments share the same address space
• Hence value changed inside the function is also reflected outside the function
Errors and Warnings
• Compile Time Errors
• Runtime Errors
• Warnings

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