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Steam Power Plant

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Steam Power Plant

This section provides an overview of the steam
power cycle. There are noteworthy omissions
in the section: site selection; fuel handling;
activities related to civil engineering (such as
foundations); controls; and nuclear power.
Thermal power cycles take many forms, but the
majority are fossil steam, nuclear, simplecycle gas turbine, and combined cycle. Of
those listed, conventional coal-fired steam is
the predominant power producerespecially
in developing countries that have indigenous
coal or can import coal inexpensively.

Power plant Layout

Because the Rankine cycle is the overwhelmingly
preferred process for steam power generation, it
is discussed first. Topping and bottoming cycles,
with one exception, are rare and mentioned only
for completeness.
The exception is the combined cycle, in which the
steam turbine cycle is a bottoming cycle.
Developed countries have been moving to the
combined cycle because of relatively low capital
costs when compared with coal-fired plants; its
high thermal efficiency, which approaches 60%,
and low emissions.

Power plant cycles, Parts

Power cycles:
Rankine cycle.
Topping and bottoming cycles.
Combined Cycle

Power plant components:

feedwater pump;
and generator.

Power plant components

1. Steam Boilers:
A boiler, also referred to as a steam generator, is
a major component in the plant cycle. It is a
closed vessel that efficiently uses heat
produced from the combustion of fuel to
convert water to steam. Efficiency is the most
important characteristic of a boiler because it
has a direct bearing on electricity production.
Boilers are classified as drum-type or oncethrough (Figure 8.6). Major components of
boilers include an economizer, superheaters,
reheaters, and spray attemperators.

Steam Boilers

Drum-Type Boilers
Drum-type boilers depend on constant recirculation of
water through some of the components of the steam
water circuit to generate steam and keep the
components from overheating. These boilers circulate
water by natural or controlled circulation.
Natural Circulation Boilers.
Natural circulation boilers use the density differential
between water in the downcomers and steam in the
waterwall tubes for circulation.
Controlled Circulation Boilers.
Controlled circulation boilers use boiler-water-circulating
pumps to circulate water through the steamwater

Once-Through Boilers
Once-through boilers convert water to
steam in one pass through the
system rather than re-circulating
through the drum. Current designs
for once-through boilers use a spiralwound furnace to assure even heat
distribution across the tubes.

Major Boiler Components

1. Economizer. The economizer is the
section of the boiler tubes in which
feed water is first introduced into the
boiler and flue gas is used to raise the
temperature of the water.
2. Steam drum (drum units only). The
steam drum separates steam from the
steamwater mixture and keeps the
separated steam dry.

Major Boiler Components

3. Superheaters.
Superheaters are bundles of boiler tubing located in
the flow path of the hot gases created by the
combustion of fuel in the boiler furnace.
Heat is transferred from the combustion gases to the
steam in the superheater tubes. Superheaters are
classified as primary and secondary. Steam passes
first through the primary superheater (located in a
relatively cool section of the boiler) after leaving
the steam drum. There the steam receives a
fraction of its final superheat and then passes
through the secondary superheater for the

Major Boiler Components

4. Reheaters.
Reheaters are bundles of boiler tubes that are exposed to
the combustion gases in the same manner as
5. Spray attemperators.
Attemperators, also known as desuperheaters, are spray
nozzles in the boiler tubes between the two
superheaters. These spray nozzles supply a fine mist of
pure water into the flow path of the steam to prevent
tube damage from overheating.
Attemperators are provided for the superheater and the

Worldwide, the current trend is to use higher

temperatures and pressures to improve plant
efficiency, which in turn reduces emissions.
Improvements in high-temperature materials
hightemperature strength and improved corrosion
resistance permitting reliable operation in
advanced steam cycles. In addition, the
development of reliable once-through Benson
type boilers has resolved most of the
operational problems experienced with firstand second-generation supercritical plants.

Steam plant boilers burning coal require advanced

exhaust gas clean-up systems to meet todays
strict environmental emissions limits.
A typical plant burning high-sulfur eastern coal
will have an SCR (selective catalytic reduction)
for NOx control, a precipitator for particulate
control, and a wet limestone scrubber to reduce
A typical plant burning low-sulfur western coal
might include an SCR, a baghouse filter for
particulate control, and a dry scrubber for SOx

SCR Process Description

Applied to Coal Fired Electric Power Plants
NOx in the flue gas exiting the boiler
economizer is converted to nitrogen and
water by reaction with ammonia in the
presence of a catalyst.
Process is called Selective Reduction because
it take the Oxygen from Nitrogen compounds
and not Carbon, sulfur or others.
Undesirable Product:
Ammonium Sulfate (NH4)2SO4
Ammonium Bisulfate NH4HSO4

SCR Units
installation in USA

1.Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)

Technology for the Control of Nitrogen
Oxide Emissions from Coal-Fired

Site Layout
Coal Yard

Water Cooling
Man Made Lake

Gibson Generation Station

Coal Power plant - Owensville,
Indiana, USA

Coal Yard

Water Cooling
Man Made Lake

Generated Emissions

Gibson Station Unit 5

Gibson Unit 5 is a 625 MW coal-fired base-load generating
facility located in southwestern Indiana.
The unit was placed in service in 1982 and relies on high
sulfur coal supplies predominantly from southern Indiana.
Coal for Gibson Unit 5 is delivered to the plant by rail and
Gibson Unit 5is equipped with particulate, sulfur dioxide
(SO2) and nitrogen oxide (NOX) removal facilities.
Installation ofa Selective Catalytic Reduction(SCR)
systemfor NOXcontrol was completed in 2004, andin
2008, Gibson Unit 5 upgraded its flue gas desulfurization
system to increase SO2removal efficiency.

Gibson Station SCR Units

S i ts

Gibson Station SCR Units

Gibson Station SCR Unit


200 feet
pieces of

Source: Reference 1

Costs of SCR

The average cost is 136/kWe for SCR

Steam Turbines
Each turbine manufacturer has unique
features in its designs that affect
However, the designs appear similar
to a non-steam-turbine engineer.

Last Figure shows a modern steam turbine

generator as used in a coal-fired steam power
plant. Steam turbines for power plants differ
from most prime movers in at least three ways:
1. All are extremely high powered, varying from
about 70,000 to 2 million hp, and require a
correspondingly large capital investment,
which puts a premium on reliability.
2. Turbine life is normally between 30 and 40
years with minimal maintenance.
3. Turbines spend the bulk of their lives at
constant speed, normally 3600 or 1800 rpm for
60-Hz operation.

The most highly stressed component in steam
turbines is the blades. Blades are loaded by
centrifugal and steam-bending forces and also
circumferential disturbances in the blade path).
All blades are loaded by centrifugal and steambending loads, and smaller blades are designed
to run when the harmonic excitation is resonant
with the natural modes of the blade. If harmonic
excitation is permitted on very long blades,
however, the blades become impractically large.

Blades guide steam throughout the turbine in as
smooth and collision-free a path as possible.
Collisions with blades (incidence) and sudden
expansions reduce the energy available for doing
work. Until recently, designers would match flow
conditions with radially straight blades (called
parallel-sided blades).
Turbine physics does not recognize this convenience
for several reasons. The most visually obvious is the
difference in tangential velocity between blade hub
and tip. The latest blades address the full threedimensional nature of the flow by curving in three
dimensions (bowed blades).


After blades, steam turbine rotors are the second
most critical component in the machine.
Rotor design must take into account
The large high-strength alloy steel rotor forging that
must have uniform chemistry and material properties.
Centrifugal force from the rotor body and the increased
centrifugal pull from the attached blades.
The need to have high resistance to brittle fracture,
which could occur when the machine is at high speed
and the material is still not up to operating
Creep deformation of the high-pressure (HP) and
intermediate-pressure (IP) rotors under steady load
while at high temperature.

Choosing the Turbine


Because the turbine shaft would be too long and

flexible if it were built in one piece with all the
blades in sequence, the rotor is separated into
supportable sections. The cuts in the shaft
result in HP (high pressure), IP (intermediate
pressure), and LP (low pressure) cylinders.
Manufacturers address the grouping of cylinders in
many different ways, depending upon steam
conditions. It is common practice to combine HPs
and IPs into one cylinder for subcritical units in
the power range of about 250 to 600 MW. One
manufacturers grouping.

Heat Exchangers
Heaters: The two classifications of condensate and
feedwater heaters are the open or direct contact
heater and the closed or shell-and-tube heater.
1. Open Heaters. In an open heater, the extraction
or heating steam comes in direct contact with
the water to be heated. Although open heaters
are more efficient than closed heaters, each
requires a pump to feed the outlet water ahead
in the cycle. This adds cost and maintenance
and increases the risk of water induction to the
turbine, making the closed heater the preferred
heater for power plant applications.

2. Closed Heaters. These heaters

employ tubes within a shell to
separate the water from the heating
They can have three separate sections
in which the heating of the feedwater

First is the drain cooler section where the feedwater is

heated by the condensed heating steam before
cascading back to the next-lower-pressure heater.
The effectiveness of the drain cooler is expressed as
the drain cooler approach (DCA), which is the
difference between the temperature of the water
entering the heater and the temperature of the
condensed heating steam draining from the heater

the second section (condensing section), the

temperature of the water is increased by the heating
steam condensing around the tubes. In the third
section (desuperheating section), the feedwater
reaches its final exit temperature by desuperheating
the extraction steam. Performance of the condensing
and superheating sections of a heater is expressed

The terminal temperature difference (TTD): is the

difference between the saturation temperature of
the extraction steam and the temperature of the
feedwater exiting the heater. Desuperheating and
drain cooler sections are optional depending on
the location of the heater in the cycle (for
example, desuperheating is not necessary in wet
extraction zones) and economic considerations.
The one exception is the deaerator (DA), which is an
open heater used to remove oxygen and other
gases that are insoluble in boiling water. The DA is
physically located in the turbine building above all
other heaters, and the gravity drain from the DA
provides the prime for the boiler feed pump (BFP).

Steam turbines generally employ surface-type
condensers comprising large shell-and-tube heat
exchangers operating under vacuum.
The condenser:
1. reduces the exhaust pressure at the last stage blade
exit to extract more work from the turbine; and
2. collects the condensed steam and returns it to the
feedwater-heating system.
Cooling water circulates from the cooling source to the
condenser tubes by large motor-driven pumps.
Multiple pumps, each rated less than 100% of
required pumping power, operate more efficiently at
part load and are often used to allow for operation if
one or more pumps are out of service.

Cooling water is supplied from a large

heat sink water source, such as a river,
or from cooling towers. The cooling in
the cooling tower is assisted by
evaporation of 3%6% of the cooling
(hyperbolic towers) or forced draft.
Noncondensable gases are removed
from the condenser with a motor-driven
vacuum pump or, more frequently,
steam jet air ejectors, which have no
moving parts.

Condensate Pump. Condensate is removed from the
hot well of the condenser and passed through the LP
heater string via the condensate pump. Typically, two
or more vertical (larger units) or horizontal (medium
and small units) motor-driven centrifugal pumps are
located near the condenser hot well outlet.
Depending on the size of the cycle, condensate
booster pumps may be used to increase the pressure
of the condensate on its way to the DA.
Feedwater Booster Pump: The DA outlet supplies the
feedwater booster pump, which is typically a motordriven centrifugal pump. This pump supplies the
required suction head for the BFP (boiler feed pump).

Boiler Feed Pump: These pumps are multiple-stage

centrifugal pumps that, depending on the cycle, can be
turbine or motor driven. BFP turbines (BFPT; Figure
8.12), are single-case units that draw extraction steam
from the main turbine cycle and exhaust to the main
condenser. Typical feed pump turbines require 0.5% of
the main unit power at full-load operation. Multiple
pumps rated at 50%100% each are typically used to
allow the plant to operate with one pump out of
With the increasing reliability of large electric motors,
many plant designers are now using motors to drive
the feed pumps for plants up to about 800 MW.
Although the cycle is not quite as efficient as using a
turbine drive, the overall plant capital cost is
significantly less when motor BFP drives are used.

The electric generator converts rotating shaft
mechanical power of the steam turbine to threephase electrical power at voltages between
11.5 and 27 kV, depending upon the power
rating. The generator comprises a system of
ventilation, auxiliaries, and an exciter.
Figure 8.13 shows an installed hydrogen cooled
generator and brushless exciter of about 400
MW. Large generators greater than 25 MW
usually have a solid, high-strength steel rotor
with a DC field winding embedded in radial slots
machined into the rotor.

The rotor assembly then becomes a rotating

electromagnet that induces voltage in stationary
conductors embedded in slots in a laminated
steel stator core surrounding the rotor.

Generator Auxiliaries
Large generators must have a lubrication oil system
for the shaft journal bearings. Major components of
this system are pumps, coolers, and a reservoir. In
most cases, the turbine and generator use a
combined system. For hydrogen-cooled generators,
a shaft seal system and hydrogen supply system
are needed.
The shaft seal system usually uses oil pumped to a
journal seal ring at a pressure somewhat higher
than the hydrogen pressure. Its major components
are pumps, coolers, and reservoir, similar to the
lubrication system. The hydrogen supply system
consists of a gas supply and regulators.

The rotor field winding must have a DC source.
Many generators use rotating collector
rings with stationary carbon brushes to
transfer DC current from a stationary source,
such as a thyristor-controlled static
excitation system, to the rotor winding.
A rotating exciter, known as a brushless
exciter, is used for many applications. It is
essentially a small generator with a rotating
rectifier and transfers DC current through the
coupling into the rotor winding without the
need for collectors and brushes.

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