Presentation On 4G
Presentation On 4G
Presentation On 4G
4G Wireless Networks
Instructor: Dr. M. A. Al-Andalousi
Prepared by
3G vs. 4G
4G Network Features How 4G works Challenges Summary
What is 4G?
Features of 4G Networks
Use Multiple systems at the same time (e.g. GPS and WLANs and CDMA)
3G vs. 4G
3G (including 2.5G) 4G
Switching Design Basis Access Technologies Forward Error Correction
5-20 MHz
Circuit and Packet W-CDMA, 1xRTT, Edge Convolution rate 1/2, 1/3
Component Design
From :
The IP address is based on IPv6. IPv4: X.X.X.X example: IPv6: example: 4 IPv4
(32 bits)
(128 bits)
IPv6 128 bits Enhance security Multi-fun. and mobile fun. are built-in Plug & Play (Auto-Configuration)
Bluetooth WLAN
Wide area
Metropolitan area
Local area
Personal area
4G Systems Challenges
To migrate current systems to 4G with the features mentioned previously, researchers are facing a number of challenges These challenges are grouped into the following different aspects: Accessing Different Networks: Multimode Devices Overlay Network
One of the most challenging problems facing deployment of 4G technology is how to access several and different mobile and wireless networks There are two possible architectures Multimode Devices Overlay Network
A single physical terminal with multiple interfaces to access the different wireless networks Advantages: Improve call completion Expand coverage area Reliable coverage in case of network, link or switch failure Disadvantages: Complexity in the hardware of the device Handoff Mechanism: Performed by the user, device or network
bandpass filter
Analog/digital converter
High number of antennas: Still It is impossible to have just one antenna and one LNA to cover the bands of all 4G wireless networks
The low speed of ADCs. the speed of the fastest current ADC is still two to three times slower than required
A user accesses an overlay network consisting of several UAPs UAPs Functions: Select a wireless network based on availability and user choices Store IPs of user, network and devices Advantages: Simplify hardware of device Supports single billing Disadvantages: More network devices Handoff Mechanism between UAPs: Performed by overlay network rather than the user or device
In order to provide wireless services at any time and anywhere, terminal mobility is a must in 4G infrastructure Terminal mobility allows mobile clients to roam across geographical boundaries of the wireless networks There are two main issues in terminal mobility:
The system tracks and locates a mobile terminal for possible connection
Location management involves handing all the information about
Roaming terminals such as original and current location cells Authentication information QoS capabilities,,
home address
care-of address
mobile IP address,,,
home address
care-of address
mobile IP address
Vertical & Horizontal handoff will increase System load (increasing control packets) Packet losses Handover latency
Hard correct handoff time: because measuring handoffs is done among different wireless systems
The key concept behind 4G systems is integrating their capacities with all of the existing mobile technologies through advanced technologies The IP address system used in 4G is based on the new technology IPv6.
4G networks is still in the development stage, and in order to utilize their new features too many challenges must be overcome
Upkar Varshney and Radhika Jain, Issues in Emerging 4G Wireless Networks, Georgia State Jain, Issues in Emerging 4G Wireless Networks, Georgia State University. Available: edia_2002/issues_in_emerging_4G_wireless_networks.pdf Erik Fledderus, Bingulac, Broadband Radio; a vision on 4G, KPN Research, The Netherlands. Available: Ibrahim,Jawad 4G Features, Bechtel Telecommunications Technical Journal (Vol.1 No.1), Dec. 2002 Yu Hui, Suk and Kai Hau Yeung, City University of Hong Kong: Challenges in the Migration to 4G Mobile Systems. Available: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
References (cont.)
Z. Theodore, Migration toward 4G Wireless Communications, IEEE Wireless Communication, June. 2004
U. Narumi, O. Toru, and M. Tatsuro Overview of Fourth-generation Mobile Communication System, NTT Technical Review (Vol.2 No.0), Sep. 2004