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A 2.2 W, Current Sensing Readout Interface IC With Injection-Locking Clock Generation

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7, JULY 2016

A 2.2 μW, −12 dBm RF-Powered Wireless

Current Sensing Readout Interface IC With
Injection-Locking Clock Generation
Fu-To Lin, Student Member, IEEE, Shao-Yung Lu, Student Member, IEEE, and Yu-Te Liao, Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper presents a wireless-powering curren- a point of care, these devices need to be capable of portable
t-sensing readout system on a CMOS platform for portable elec- biomedical analysis at a low cost. With the advent of CMOS
trochemical measurement. The wireless sensing system includes technology, an electrochemical sensor array can be integrated
energy-efficient power management circuitry, a sensor readout
interface, and a backscattering wireless communication scheme. on a single silicon chip [4] for bio-implants and wearables.
For power-and-area-constrained bio-sensing applications, the The dense sensing array, small form factor, and reduced long
proposed readout circuitry incorporates an ultra-low-power po- external connections of these microsystems extend the limit
tentiostatic system that generates a current according to the elec- of detection resolution by improving the signal-to-noise ratio
trochemical reaction, as well as an oscillator-based time-to-digital and reducing environmental interference coupling. The de-
converter instead of a voltage-domain analog-to-digital converter.
To avoid a bulky battery and power-hungry clock reference, the velopment of a CMOS-based electrochemical platform would
chip is wirelessly powered and injection-locked by the modulated enable a new breed of highly valuable biological research and
radio waves, which includes a 918 MHz carrier signal mixed applications. However, despite the extreme potential of CMOS
with a 3.2 MHz modulated signal. The chip, implemented using electrochemical sensors, portable biomedical analysis is still
a 0.18-μm CMOS process, occupies a silicon area of 1 mm2 . The limited to the complexity of the associated interfaces and bulky
proposed design achieves a sensitivity of 289 Hz/nA and an R2
linearity of 0.997 over a current range of 200 nA while consuming energy storage components.
2.2 μW at a supply voltage of 0.8 V. The chip, integrated with Many CMOS potentiostats and electrochemical impedance
a PCB antenna, has minimum sensitivities of −12 dBm and spectroscopy circuits have been reported in the literature
−25 dBm for RF-powering and injection-locking mechanisms, [4]–[10]. An active CMOS sensor array [5], which is integrated
respectively. with potentiostats, a controlled amplifier, and dual-slope ADCs,
Index Terms—Electrochemical sensing, reference-free, temper- performs biomolecular detection by accessing the current flow
ature stabilization. from the biochemical reaction on a gold electrode surface.
The design complexity of using ADCs and precise clock gen-
I. I NTRODUCTION eration increases the power consumption, which makes the
sustainability of long-term operation using a miniature battery

E LECTROCHEMICAL analysis has been tailored for use

in many biomedical applications, ranging from disease
diagnostics to forensics. Accurately monitoring metabolic pa-
challenging. In addition, low-power wireless communication
capability is necessary in point-of-care applications. Electro-
chemical sensing of glucose levels in human tears using an
rameters in bloodstreams, such as pH value [1], glucose [2], active contact lens was demonstrated at a total power consump-
and lactose [3], is essential for disease diagnosis, tracking, tion of 3 μW [6]. However, the sensing data were processed in
and treatment. Recently, with the increasing needs of patient- the analog domain without digitization. Therefore, the design
centric healthcare, a portable electrochemical sensor system is susceptible to environmental interference, process variations,
with fast and reliable diagnosis has become necessary to elim- and noise coupling.
inate the bulky and expensive optical instrumentation required In this paper, an RF-powered wireless current-sensing system
in fluorescence-based sensing assays. To be widely deployed at without a bulky battery and crystal clock reference is presented.
The paper is organized as follows. Section II describes the
proposed architecture of the wireless current sensing chip. The
Manuscript received November 14, 2015; revised February 19, 2016;
circuit design is shown in Section III. Section IV illustrates
accepted March 22, 2016. Date of publication June 21, 2016; date of current the implementation and experimental results of the proposed
version July 22, 2016. This work was supported by the Ministry of Science wireless current sensor system. Finally, a brief conclusion is
and Technology, Taiwan under Grant 100-2218-E-009-030-MY3 and 102-
2221-E-009-193-MY3. Chip fabrication was supported by the National Chip
addressed in Section V.
Implementation Center, Taiwan. This paper was recommended by Associate
Editor A. Mazzanti.
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineer- II. A RCHITECTURE OF THE P ROPOSED W IRELESS
ing, National Chiao-Tung University, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan (e-mail: yudoliao@ C URRENT R EADOUT I NTERFACE
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at Fig. 1 depicts the system block diagram of the proposed
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCSI.2016.2546398 RF-powered wireless electrochemical readout chip, in which
1549-8328 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Fig. 1. System architecture of the proposed wireless current sensing IC.

an RF-power harvester, power management units, a current III. C IRCUIT D ESIGN

readout interface, a data encoder, and a modulator are mono-
A. Cross-Coupled Rectifier
lithically integrated. In this design, RF-powering and injection-
locking techniques are used to avoid a bulky battery and crystal A differential cross-coupled full-wave rectifier is adopted
oscillator. The energy and clock reference signals are transmit- in this work [13]. The rectifier converts RF power to DC
ted as electromagnetic waves from an external interrogator. In voltage stored in the on-chip capacitors. Compared to the
the energy path, the carrier signal (918 MHz) is rectified to a diode-connected rectifier, the MOS transistors act as switches,
DC voltage and stored in the on-chip capacitor. To suppress the resulting in smaller turn-on resistance and lower conduction
supply voltage variations due to RF-power fluctuations, a low loss. An eight-stage rectifier is used to increase the output
quiescent current output capacitor-less regulator is employed voltage and improve RF-to-DC conversion sensitivity.
following the rectifier. A nanowatt CMOS-only bandgap refer-
ence design is proposed, providing an area-efficient, high power
supply rejection (PSR) and temperature-stabilized reference B. CMOS-Only Low-Power Bandgap Reference
voltage for the entire system. In the clock path, the modulated A high-precision, low-power voltage reference with low
signal (3.2 MHz) passes through an on-chip band-pass filter, sensitivity to the power supply, temperature, and process is
attenuating the carrier signals before locking the ring oscillator critical for a precise amplifier and signal processing analog
to generate precise clock signals for the chip. Instead of using front ends. Compared to a conventional BJT-based bandgap
the carry frequency as the injection signal [11], this method reference, the CMOS-only implementation [14], [15] provides
can reduce the power dissipation of the front-end amplifier that a more area-efficient, lower-cost, and lower-voltage solution
is used to improve sensitivity. The injection-locking technique for on-chip voltage reference generation. To lower the power
also offers clock and data synchronization between the sensor consumption, MOS transistors, operating in the subthreshold
nodes and the reader. region, offer a BJT-like current characteristic and negative
Amperometric detection is widely used in electrochemical temperature coefficients at a low supply voltage. In addition, to
sensors because of its effectiveness and well-established funda- further reduce the silicon area, a CMOS-only bandgap design
mentals compared to other methods, such as resistance and ca- [16], [17] is created without passive components. However,
pacitance detection [12]. The current sensing readout circuitry subthreshold transistors usually suffer from serious process
consists of a potentiostat, a current-to-frequency converter, a variations, thereby limiting the potential for large volumes of
time-to-digital converter, and a data encoder. The potentiostat production. To address process variations, a new low-voltage
provides an accurate voltage to the reference electrode (RE) CMOS-only bandgap reference is proposed. Fig. 2 shows the
using a feedback topology. The voltage defines the potential schematic of the proposed bandgap reference. To overcome the
electrochemical reaction to expedite and stabilize the chemical process variations, temperature-dependent voltages are gener-
process. Due to the power-and-area constraints, the design ated by the relative ratio between two transistors instead of
adopts an oscillator-based current-to-digital conversion instead using the absolute value of a single transistor. The current of
of voltage-domain ADC. The digitized sensing data are en- the subthreshold transistor can be expressed as follows:
coded with the header bits, and the load of the impedance
matching network is modulated to reflect the incoming RF W VGSnV−Vth
signals. The reflection amplitudes of the RF signals represent I = μCox nVt2 e t (1)
the data “0” and “1.” Without an active transmitter, the design
can save power. The details of each circuit block are discussed where μ is the mobility of the carriers in the channel, Cox is the
as follows. oxide capacitance per unit area, Vth is the threshold voltage,

Fig. 4. VGS variations of thin and thick gate oxide and the difference between
Fig. 2. Schematic of the proposed CMOS-only bandgap. them at five process corners.

Fig. 5. Output voltage versus temperature over five process corners.

Fig. 3. Simulated temperature-dependent voltage of stacked thin and thick
transistors and their sum results.

Vt is the thermal voltage, VGS is the gate-source voltage of

the transistor, and W and L are the gate width and length,
respectively. The gate-source voltage difference between two
transistors operating in the subthreshold at the same bias current
can be derived from (1)

Vxy (T ) = VGSx (T ) − VGSy (T )

nkT (μCox )y Wy Lx
= ln + ΔVth (2) Fig. 6. Distribution of the output voltage from a Monte Carlo simulation of
q (μCox )x Wx Ly 200 runs.

where the temperature-dependent threshold voltage is reference. By summing the two voltages, the temperature-
Vth = Vth0 − α · T (α > 0) (3) independent voltage can be attained as follows:
and the subtraction of the threshold voltages between two nkT W5 L6 nkT (μCox )2 W2 L1
VREF = ln + ln +ΔVth .
transistors can be represented by q W6 L5 q (μCox )1 W1 L2
ΔVth = ΔVth0 − (αx − αy ) · T. (4)
From (5), since the temperature-dependent coefficient of the
In (2), the first term is a proportional to absolute temperature bandgap reference is related to the difference between two
(PTAT) voltage, and the second term is a complementary to transistors, the mobility and size deviations can be cancelled.
absolute temperature (CTAT) voltage. First, assuming two tran- Fig. 4 shows the simulation results of the VGS variations of a
sistors with the same length and gate thickness, the threshold single transistor and after subtraction over corners. The voltage
voltage is equal. Therefore, the gate-source voltage difference deviations of a single transistor can be larger than ±10%;
creates a PTAT voltage reference. While using two different when the voltage difference is used, the voltage deviations
transistor gate thicknesses, VGSx − VGSy becomes a CTAT are reduced to ±3.5%. The simulation results of the output
voltage reference since ΔVth becomes dominant. Fig. 3 shows voltage versus over five typical process corners of the proposed
the simulated temperature-caused voltage deviations between voltage reference circuit from −30 ◦ C to 130 ◦ C are shown in
thin and thick gate oxide transistors at the same bias current. Fig. 5. In addition, from (5), VREF does not depend on the
In this design, to ensure the same bias current, the transistors supply voltage (Vdd), and thus this architecture can achieve
are stacked to generate the temperature-dependent voltage. high power-supply rejection. Fig. 6 shows the Monte Carlo
Moreover, thin-thickness transistors, M5 and M6 , are used for simulation results. Among 200 runs, the standard deviation of
the PTAT voltage reference; a thin-thickness transistor (M2 ) the voltage deviations from the average voltage (310 mV) is
and a thick-thickness transistor (M1 ) create a CTAT voltage about 4.8%.

Fig. 7. Schematic of (a) a potentiostat and (b) a current-to-frequency oscillator.

C. Potentiostat of the counter. Since the frequency counter filters out high-
frequency noise, the noise is mainly contributed by the low-
A conventional electrochemical sensor converts the product
frequency fluctuation and clock noise.
of biochemical reactions to an electrical current, which can
Fig. 7(b) shows the schematic of the proposed charge-based
be analyzed using electronic signal conditioning and process-
oscillator. An offset cancellation technique [22] is applied by
ing devices. Generally, an electrochemical sensor consists of
switching the inputs of the comparator in each half period
three electrodes: a working electrode (WE) for an oxidation
to eliminate the period fluctuation. In the first half cycle, the
or reduction process, a reference electrode (RE) for providing
positive input of the comparator is connected to the reference
reference potentials, and a counter electrode (CE) for electrical
voltage, and the other side is connected to the capacitor (C1 ),
current collection. The electrodes require a potentiostat inter-
which is charged by the sensing current from the output of the
face, which is used to sense the current from the sensor and to
potentiostat until the voltage reaches VREF . In the next half
provide a stable potential difference between the RE and WE by
cycle, this capacitor (C1 ) is discharged to ground, and the other
injecting the proper current into the counter electrode according
capacitor (C2 ) begins to be charged until its voltage reaches
to the biochemical reaction for charge balance.
VREF . The offset voltage of the comparator is presented in each
A transimpedance amplifier is one of the common current
half cycle, thereby leading to a constant period. The half period
readout circuit topologies [18]. However, transimpedance am-
(Tφ=1 , Tφ=0 ) can be calculated as follows:
plifiers use a large amount of power and large silicon areas due
to the use of two operational amplifiers and resistors, which CVREF CVOS
always occupy a large area, especially in a low-power design. Tφ=1 = + +tdelay (7)
IPTAT + ISense IPTAT + ISense
To achieve area-and-power efficiency, a current-mirror-based
topology [19] is employed in this design. CVREF CVOS
Fig. 7(a) shows the schematic of the current-mirror-based Tφ=0 = − +tdelay (8)
IPTAT + ISense IPTAT + ISense
potentiostat. A voltage feedback loop is employed to force and
stabilize the voltage difference across the WE and RE. The where C is the capacitance of C1 and C2 , IPTAT is the biased
reaction current through the CE is collected by a pass transistor current, ISense is the sensing current from the potentiostat,
(Mp1 ), and then mirrored to a demodulator for digitization and VREF is the reference voltage, VOS is the offset voltage of the
decoding. The current mirror herein provides isolation between comparator, and tdelay is the delay time of the Schmitt trigger
the sensor electrodes and the demodulator, thereby reducing and inverters. The Schmitt trigger is used to improve the noise
the coupling effects. The reference voltage (0.4 V) is divided tolerance of the oscillator. By taking the sum of (7) and (8), the
from the regulated supply voltage using pseudo-resistors [20], period of the oscillator can be derived
which are built with reversely-biased transistors to save power
and area.  
T=2 + tdelay (9)
IPTAT + ISense
D. Current-to-Frequency Converter
Instead of converting the current to voltage for digitization, where T is the period generated by the oscillator. From (9), the
this design adopts a frequency/time domain digitization ar- offset voltage of the comparator has no effect on the period,
chitecture for lower power consumption and a smaller area. resulting in stable frequency outputs. Moreover, the frequency
For counter-based time-to-digital converter (TDC), according stability is mainly dominated by the stability of VREF . To
to [21], the frequency noise can be expressed as improve the stability, the reference voltage (VREF ) is created
∞ by the voltage division from the stable regulator output, which
Δωn.,rms = Sφ (ω) · (jω)2 |HLPF (ω)|2 dω
(6) follows the on-chip bandgap voltage reference. The voltage di-
vider is implemented using reversely-biased transistors to save
area. The PTAT current is used to compensate for the frequency
where SΦ(ω) is the SSB phase noise of the oscillator and drifts due to temperature variations. For further cancellation of
HLPF (ω) is the transfer function due to the averaging function low-frequency drifts, the measurement is switched between the

reference current and sensing current. The recorded frequencies

of each measurement are
fREF = (10)
IPTAT + ISense
fSense = (11)
where fREF and fSense are the frequency of the reference
mode and sensing mode, respectively. By reading frequency
differences between two measurements, the effects of process
Fig. 8. Schematic of the injection-locking oscillator.
variation and low-frequency temperature-caused drifts are
effects of temperature and supply variations. To decrease the
E. Injection-Locking and Clock Generation contribution of 1/f noise in the ring oscillator design, a symmet-
A precise clock is essential for high-resolution frequency-to- ric current starving oscillator is adopted. All of the transistors
digital conversion [23]. Crystal oscillators have been optimized are operated in the deep subthreshold region, where the 1/f
for low-power, high-performance clock generation in many noise is much lower than in the strong inversion region [28],
applications, such as wireless and wired communication, high- [29]. The voltage supply is regulated (0.8 V) to suppress
precision analog-to-digital convertors, and digital processors. noise coupling; in addition, the high output swings (0.6 V) are
However, their bulky size makes it difficult to integrate them required to lower the 1/f noise contribution [30] by reducing
into size-constrained sensor nodes. To address the size issue, voltage drops across the current sources. Furthermore, the clock
on-chip clock generation using a microelectromechanical sys- frequency is divided by D-flip-flop-(DFF)-based dividers for
tems (MEMS) resonator [24] and complicated compensation the required clock signals, sensor readout circuits, frequency-
schemes for process and temperature variations have been to-digital converter, and data modulator.
explored to achieve the required performance in many applica-
tions. However, the power consumption of these architectures is F. Counter-Based Demodulator and Data Modulator
higher than hundreds of microwatts. Power-efficient injection- In this design, the sensing signals are digitized through a
locking techniques have been used to generate RF carriers in counter-based time-to-digital converter (TDC). Fig. 9(a) shows
wireless sensor applications [25]–[27]. Injection-locking clock the block diagram of the proposed TDC and data modulator.
generation provides low jitter performance and low frequency The edge of the sensing output signals is counted by a 12-bit
drifts since the clock tracks the external RF reference. The counter until the most significant bit (MSB) of the reference
injection locking range can be expressed by 9-bit counter, which counts the edge of the injection-locked
ω0 Iinj signal, changes from “0” to “1.” The frequency range of the
ωL ≈ · (12)
2Q IOSC TDC is derived as
where ωL is defined as a half of the locking range, ωo is the 1 2sen_bits
free-running frequency of the oscillator, Q is the quality factor fREF · < f < fREF · (13)
2ref_bits 2ref_bits
of the oscillator, IOSC is the current of the ring oscillator, and
Iinj is the current of the injection signal. The injection signal where fREF is the frequency of injection-locked oscillator,
should be large enough to extend the locking range over process and ref_bits and sen_bits are the bit numbers of the reference
variations. However, the high operational frequency causes high counter and sensing counter, respectively. In this design, the
power dissipation in the amplifier stage and the oscillator. To reference clock is 50 kHz, giving a frequency resolution of
save power and area, the design adopts an on-chip injection- 97 Hz/bit. Finally, the value of the 12-bit counter is stored in
locked ring oscillator for 3.2 MHz clock signal generation auxiliary registers for data modulation and transmission.
instead of GHz signals. In this design, an NMOS transistor is employed as a load
Fig. 8 shows the schematic of the injection-locking ring modulator that changes the impedance matching between the
oscillator. A resistor-feedback preamplifier offers high gain and antenna and the rectifier. For data “1,” a large reflection signal
bandpass filtering, where the high-pass frequency corner is is observed in the reader, thereby leading to small incident
defined by the bypass capacitor and input resistance, and the RF power to the chip. Thus, to avoid large voltage drops in
low-pass frequency corner is defined by the output resistance the small on-chip storage capacitor, which may inactivate the
and capacitance. Therefore, the out-of-band interference can be function of the chip, two dummy bits “0s” are inserted between
rejected in the first order. From the simulation, the rejection of two data bits, and the header bits are transmitted before data
918 MHz carrier signals is about 41 dB. In the future, a multi- communication starts.
order filter design can be implemented for better interference The counter-based conversion provides a low-pass fil-
rejection. The amplified signal is injected into the high imped- tering function to remove high-frequency noise. However,
ance node of the three-stage current-starved inverter chain to environment-caused frequency inaccuracy still affects the sens-
lock the oscillator. The bias current comes from a constant-gm ing oscillator. Therefore, sensing mode and reference mode data
bias circuit with PTAT temperature coefficients to reduce the are transmitted intermittently for calibration in the reader.

Fig. 11. Profile of the split-ring loop antenna.

matching for maximum power transfer. A loop antenna is an

applicable antenna type with inductive impedance, and it is
widely used in RFID antenna design to provide a wide range of
impedances in a small area. In this paper, a split-ring-type loop
antenna is adopted for area-and-radiation-efficient design [31].
In addition, the split-ring antenna area can be further reduced
by using inductive coupling between multiple rings. In this
design, a three split-ring loop antenna is used and a silicon chip
and electrode are directly attached to the backside of the PCB
to reduce the magnetic coupling between the antenna and the
electrodes. Fig. 11 shows the schematic and design parameters
of the split-ring loop antenna. The outer loop is a curved dipole
antenna, which is designed to operate at the half wavelength (λ)
of the circumference with a related radius (a) close to λ/12.
The design also needs to meet the criteria of an electrically
small antenna

a ≤ 0.5. (14)
A 3.7-cm radius of the outer ring is used in the design to offer
Fig. 9. (a) Block diagram and (b) flowchart of the time-to-digital converter.
a resonant frequency of 918 MHz. In addition to the radius of
the outer ring, the other parameters are used to define the real
and imaginary impedance of the antenna. Fig. 12 shows the
simulated |S11| and radiation pattern at 918 MHz. The design
achieves an |S11| of −16 dB and a radiation efficiency of 75%.
The radiated signals are transmitted vertically from the plane
of the antenna. The bandwidth, where the reflection is less than
−6 dB, is around 30 MHz.


Fig. 10. Simulated power breakdown of each functional block.
Fig. 13 shows the chip micrograph of the proposed wireless
The power breakdown of the proposed system is shown in electrochemical readout IC. The proposed system is fabricated
Fig. 10. The greatest amount of power is consumed by the in a 0.18 μm CMOS process and occupies an area of 1 mm2 .
regulator to provide a sufficient bandwidth and load current The chip is first assembled on a PCB to characterize its func-
range to the system. tionality and performance.

G. PCB Antenna Design A. Bias Circuitry and Power Management

The reactance at the input of a rectifier is usually capacitive, Fig. 14 shows the measured output voltage of the differential
thereby requiring an inductive impedance to achieve conjugate crossed-coupled rectifier and the regulator. In this design, a

Fig. 15. Measured output voltage versus temperatures.

Fig. 12. Simulation results of (a) |S11| and (b) the radiation pattern at
918 MHz. Fig. 16. Measured power supply rejection of the bandgap reference.

Fig. 17. Distribution of the output voltage of 26 samples.

Fig. 13. Chip micrograph of the proposed readout IC.

Fig. 18. Measured Allan deviations of the free-running and injection-locked

oscillators at 100 kHz.

communication distance is about 3 m. Fig. 15 shows the

measured output voltage of the proposed bandgap reference at
a temperature range of 0–100 ◦ C. The measured temperature
Fig. 14. Measured output voltage of the rectifier and regulator. coefficient is 30 ppm/◦ C from an average output of 0.3 V at a
1 V supply. The measured power rejection is shown in Fig. 16.
918 MHz ISM band is used for wireless data communication. The design achieves a PSR of −56 dB at low frequency while
The minimum RF power to operate the system is −12 dBm, only consuming 160 nW. The standard deviation of the output
regulating the supply voltage to 0.8 V. Using a 1 W equiv- voltage is 6.5 mV among 26 samples fabricated in the same
alent isotropically radiated power (EIRP) from a reader, the wafer. The result is illustrated in Fig. 17.

Fig. 22. Measured response of continuous current flow.

Fig. 19. Measured results of (a) output frequency versus the supply voltage
and (b) output frequency versus temperatures of the current readout circuit.

Fig. 23. Assembled PCB of antenna and the wireless current readout IC (front
and back sides).

Fig. 20. Measured Allan deviation of the sensing oscillator at a central fre-
quency of 2 kHz.

Fig. 24. Measured output digital codes of the modulator.

of the frequency of the injection-locked oscillator and free-

running oscillator are 8 μHz and 0.7 Hz, respectively, at a
one-second integral window. Compared to the free-running
signal, the locked signal, following the injected signal from
external reader, reduces the in-band frequency inaccuracy. The
Fig. 21. Measured result of the readout circuitry within the current range from precise clock can improve the resolution of the time-to-digital
0 to 200 nA.
B. Clock Generation
C. Current Readout
The on-chip ring oscillator is locked by a 3.2 MHz modulated
signal on a 918 MHz carrier frequency. The 100 kHz clock The current readout circuitry converts the sensing current
signal of the time-to-digital converter is generated by dividing to a frequency change by the charge-based oscillator. The
down the locked signal. The minimum RF power for injection supply voltage of the sensing oscillator is regulated by on-chip
locking is −25 dBm. Therefore, the sensitivity of the proposed linear regulator, suppressing the voltage fluctuation from the RF
system is limited by the power path. The measured Allan power. Fig. 19(a) shows the measured output frequency changes
deviations of the injection-locked and free-running signals at due to supply variations. The sensing oscillator is operated at
100 kHz are shown in Fig. 18. The measured Allan deviations 1.95 kHz and only varies by 40 Hz over a supply voltage range


from 1 V to 2.6 V, giving a supply sensitivity of 0.96%/V. half period of 10.9 ms, the output frequency of the free-running
Fig. 19(b) shows the measured frequency drifts of the sensing oscillator is transmitted, and then in the next half cycle, the
oscillator from temperature changes. The frequency drifts over sensing data are transmitted for data extraction and calibration.
the range of 0–100 ◦ C are about 100 Hz. Fig. 20 shows Table I shows the performance summary and the comparisons
the measured Allan deviations of the sensing oscillator. The with state-of-the-art RF-powered wireless current readout cir-
minimum residual frequency noise is about 0.9 Hz at a one- cuitry. Compared to other works, this design achieves low
second integral time window. power consumption and high-precision current sensing without
To mimic the current changes of the electrochemical sensor, a bulky crystal oscillator and battery.
the widely-used resistor model from [19] is adopted. The cur-
rent injected to the readout circuits is changed by adjusting the V. C ONCLUSION
resistor (WE) and the voltage across WE is fixed at 0.4 V by
the potentiostat. Fig. 21 shows the measured output frequency This paper presents an RF-powered, wireless current sensing
of the charge-based oscillator versus the injected current. The readout IC with an injection locking clock generation. The
measured R2 linearity is 0.9975, and the conversion gain is carrier signal of 918 MHz radio waves is rectified for DC power
0.289 kHz/nA in the current range of 200 nA. In this design, generation and the periodical 3.2 MHz modulation signal is
the minimum detectable current is 3 pA (0.9 Hz/289 Hz/nA). extracted for an injection-locked clock reference. Temperature-
Fig. 22 shows the results of continuous current flow measure- stable CMOS-only bias circuitry and compensation schemes
ment. The current flow is injected to the readout circuitry with are used to reduce the low-frequency drifts caused by envi-
increments of 10 nA. Finally, the converted current is digitized ronmental variations. A 160-nW on-chip CMOS-only bandgap
by the frequency counter and encoded with the header to drive reference provides a stable output voltage of 0.3 V with a
the load modulator. temperature coefficient of 30 ppm/◦ C over a temperature range
of 0–100 ◦ C and a PSR of −56 dB while the standard deviation
is 6.5 mV over 26 sample measurements. The design achieves
D. System
a current-to-frequency conversion gain of 0.289 kHz/nA and
Fig. 23 shows the photos of the assembled PCB of the an R2 linearity of 0.9975 while only consuming 2.2 μW.
antenna and the wireless current readout chip. The chip is The chip can be wirelessly powered by −12 dBm incident
placed on the one side of the PCB and the antenna is fabricated RF power and only occupies 1 mm2 silicon area without any
on the other side to avoid the strong coupling between the bulky crystal reference or battery. The design offers a power-
two. Fig. 24 depicts the measured output digital codes from the and-area-constrained solution for wearable and implantable
modulator when an injection current of 100 nA is applied. In a electrochemical sensing applications.

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