Ramanuja Darshanam: Bagavath Ramanujacharya - Moolavar, Srirangam
Ramanuja Darshanam: Bagavath Ramanujacharya - Moolavar, Srirangam
Ramanuja Darshanam: Bagavath Ramanujacharya - Moolavar, Srirangam
• Ramanuja was born as only son for the devine couple, Smt.
Kantimati devi and Sriman Asuri Kesava Somayaji at the village of
Sriperumbudur, 40 kms from Chennai, Tamilnadu, in 1017 CE
(PingaLa naama samvatsaram, Chaitra maasam, Sukla Paksha,
Panchami thithi and ArudhrA nakshatram).
• Very many occasions arose when the Saivite Guru clashed with
ramanuja, when the Guru misinterpreted Vedantic statements.
Ramanuja fearlessly pointed out the errors in the Guru's
interpretations and corrected
!Bagavath him.
Ramanujar tiruvadigaLe
Bagavath Ramanuja Clashes with
• Ramanuja’s arguments enraged his Saivite Guru. Fearing that one
day, ramanuja would demolish Advaita philosophy, he plotted to kill
ramanuja and hence he planned a pilgrimage to kashi, thinking that
they can kill swami ramanuja on the way in the forest and clear the
sin by taking a holy dip in ganga. At this point of time sri embar
swami (cousin brother of ramanuja) somehow came to now about
his master’s evil plan and told ramanuja to go back to kanchi.
• News came that Alavandar was very sick and he desired to meet
with Ramanuja and sent for him. Just as Tirukkachi Nambi and
Alavandar arrived, they saw the funeral procession of Alavandar.
During the last rites, they noticed that three fingers of Alavandar
remained folded signifying three of his last unfulfilled wishes.
As Ramanuja swore,
( i ) that he would write a commentary on Veda Vyasa's Brahma
( ii ) that he would perpetuate the memory of Vyasa and Parasara
who penned Vishnu Puranam and
( iii ) that he would strive to propagate Visishtadvaita on the lines
of the 4000 holy collects of Alwars (naalayira divya prabandam),
They were:-
( i ) That Lord Narayana is only the supreme lord (paramatma).
(ii ) That the individual souls were different from Paramatma.
(iii) That Prapatti (self surrender) is the means to attain salvation.
(iv) That the last remembrance (antyakaala smarama) of the Lord,
for a surrendered soul was not necessary.
(v) That Moksha can be obtained only on laying off the mortal coils
(Videha Mukti) & (vi)That ramanuja should take refuge at the feet
of Periya Nambi, for panchasamkaaram.
•It is this Kulothunga who is reported to have thrown away the idol
of Govindaraja in the sea. Ramanuja recovered it and had it
installed at Tirupathi. Later for his bagavad apacaram, kolotunga
chola died due to in incurable disease.
• Swami Ramanuja lived for a long period of 120 years and till his
last breath he preached that prapatti and devotional service to
sriman narayana Ramanujaralone
and poorchacharyas tiruvadigaLe
is the way to mukti in
this age of kali.
Bagavath Ramanuja Attains
• With his head on the lap of sri Embar and his feet on the lap of
Vaduga Nambi, swami ramanuja attained paramapadam in 1137 AD
listening to the recitation of the Divya Prabandam at srirangam.
Born in PINGALA year, he left for his heavenly abode also in
PINGALA year that followed 120 years from the year of his Avatara.
Thus, he lived TWO full cycles of Tamil years after his birth (in the
month of Magha,
Sukla Paksha under the constellation of arudra nakshtram and at
noon, as in the time of his birth).
(meaning) I bow to that Sri Ramanuja, the great Yogi who became
the very soul of Vedas, Upanishads and other Sutras.
!Bagavath Ramanujar tiruvadigaLe
--Adiyen Bhaskara Ramanuja Dasan