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Critical Chain Project Management N Notes

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Critical Chain Project Management

Definition Introduction Difference from traditional project management Challenges faced Critical chain schedule Buffer management Methodology of CCPM Benefits

Critical chain project management

The Critical Chain Method is an outgrowth of the Theory of Constraints (TOC). TOC focuses on identifying and fixing bottlenecks in order to improve the throughput of the overall system. Likewise ,Critical chain focuses on bottlenecks. CCPM (Critical Chain Project Management) is a new methodology for doing projects that allows you to complete projects with high quality deliverables in 10% to 50% less elapsed time, and/or 10% to 50% less resources (i.e. man-hrs, $, etc.)

With traditional project management methods, 30% of the lost time and resources are typically consumed by wasteful techniques such as bad multi-tasking Student Syndrome In-box delays and lack of prioritization. Student Syndrome: refers to the phenomena that many people will start to fully apply themselves to a task just at the time last possible moment before a deadline.


In project management, the critical chain is the sequence of both precedence and resource dependent terminal elements that prevents a project from being completed in a shorter time, given finite resources. If resources are always available in unlimited quantities, then a project's critical chain is identical to its critical path.

No Traditional Project Management
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Critical Chain Project Management

Schedules average task durations.
Protects overall project completion with buffers. Emphasizes project progress. Starts tasks as soon as predecessors are done, finishes tasks as quickly as possible.

Schedules worst-case task durations.

Protects individual tasks with safety time. Emphasizes task progress. Starts and finishes tasks at scheduled start and finish times.

Challenges faced
If there were a way of managing projects without task due dates and the undesirable behaviors they instigate, it would have to deal with several non-trivial challenges:

How can we systematically protect the promise date of an entire project from Murphy and uncertainty without nailing all the tasks to deadlines on a calendar, which brings Parkinson and wasted safety time into the picture? How can we systematically take advantage of early task finishes when they can help us to accelerate the project and maybe allow us to finish it early, freeing up the resources to address other projects? How can we manage the execution of a project -- how do we know what shape our project is in once it gets started, if we don't have due dates to track?

Challenge 1:Achieving both speed and reliability

Three things can help avoid Parkinsons Law. 1. Build the schedule with target durations that are too tight to allow diversion of attention. CC methodology requires that the schedule be built with only the time to do the work without safety. This is the time we expect the work to take if allowed to focus a full sustainable level of effort on it and if there are no significant problems. 2. Get rid of task due dates. For this we describe estimates in terms of 50% confidence level. This leads directly to elimination of due dates. 3.Charge management with responsibility to protect project resources from interruptions rather than getting in their way with unnecessary distractions.

Challenge 2:Early finishes are tied into achieving speed

There are two steps to accomplish this: Step1: Ask resources how much of an advance warning they need to finish up their other work and shift to interruptible work so that when preceding project task is done they can stop what they are doing and pick up their critical task. Step2: Require resources to provide regular, periodic updates of current estimate of time to complete their current task

Rest of Challenge1: Dealing with Murphy s Law

But you are not yet done with 1st challenge. Especially the part about protecting against Murphys Law. Uptil now weve got a tight schedule supported by these resource alerts to assure critical resources are available when needed and that they can pick up work when tasks are finished earlier than expected. The problem is that 50% estimates do not do too much to help us promise final due date of project. We need to protect due date from variations in tasks esp. critical tasks. Thus instead of spreading safety all around of the project lets take a whole system view and concentrate on where it will help us.

Feeding buffer: concentrate the safety associated with chains of non-critical tasks (again, reduced due to aggregation) as a buffer protecting the start of the critical chain task they feed into--"feeding buffers." Thus feeding, non critical tasks are two buffers away from impacting project more. Also you gain more by keeping non-critical chain resources focused on work at hand and to assure that they finish work that can be passed onto other resources. Project Buffer: The safety associated with critical tasks can be shifted to end of chain, protecting project promise from variation in critical chain tasks. This concentrated aggregation of safety is called PROJECT BUFFER.

Challenge 3: Managing the execution of projects

The key is the set of feeding and project buffers and a process known as "Buffer Management. Buffers allow focus, simplify priorities and provide early warning regarding health of project. Planning and action depend on how much buffer has been consumed or replenished by task performance, which tell us when to act, when to protect critical chain and project promises.

The contents of methodology of critical chain project management are:

Planning Execution Monitoring

Two duration are entered for each task
Best guess.

The justification for using the 50% estimates is that half of the tasks will finish early and half will finish late, so that the variance over the course of the project should be zero.

Safe duration. which should have higher probability of completion (perhaps 90% or 95%,
depending on the amount of risk that the organization can accept).

Competition of project.

When the plan is complete and the project ready to kick off, the project network is fixed and the buffers size is "locked" (i.e. their planned duration may not be altered during the project) task durations have been planned at the 50% probability duration, there is pressure on the resources to complete critical chain tasks as quickly as possible, overcoming student's syndrome and Parkinson's Law. The goal, here, is to overcome the tendency to delay work or to do extra work when there seems to be time.

50%Task duration.


Monitor the buffers.

we monitor the buffers that were created during the planning stage

creation of charts.

A fever chart or similar graph can be easily created and posted to show the consumption of buffer as a function of project completion

The project is on target.f the rate of buffer consumption is low,

the project is on target. If the rate of consumption there is likely to be little or no buffer at the end of the project,


Parkinson's Law.
An aggressive target duration schedule, along with elimination of task due-dates, minimizes impact of "Parkinson's Law."

Buffer Management
Resource alerts

avoids unnecessary distraction, and allows recovery planning to take place when needed, but well before the project is in trouble allow projects to take advantage of good luck and early task finishes while buffers protect against bad luck and later than scheduled finishes.

Murphy's Law.

Parkinson's Law

Concentrate safety in strategic places that protect what is important to the project from Murphy's Law Avoid task due-date focus and Parkinson's Law. Old habits are hard to break. Project managers must stop publishing date-laden project schedules. Avoid resource multi-tasking and the lead-time multiplication it results in. Focus on the task at hand.


Resource Contention.
when building project schedules must realize resource dependency is as real as task dependency when determining what is critical for the project.

Mind Map

Identify the constraints: The things that prevents the organization from obtaining more of the goal. Decide how to exploit the constraints: make sure the constraint is doing things that the constraint uniquely does, and not doing the things that it should not do. Subordinate all other processes to above decision: align all other processes to the decision made above. Elevate the constraints: if required, permanently increase capacity of the constraint; buy more. If, as a result of these steps, the constraints has moved, return to step1. Do not let inertia become the constraint.

Thank you!

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