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Data Gathering Methods

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Research Methods for Degree Study

Data Gathering Methods

Prepared by: TLS First Prepared on: 19-05-05 Last Modified on: Quality checked by: SAN, MOH, Copyright 2004 Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology

Learning Outcomes
Introduction to Research

At the end of this session, YOU should be able to:

Select proper Data collection methods (Primary and Secondary) Preparing Questionnaire Select proper Sampling methods Rationale for selected approach

Module Code and Module Title Research Data Gathering Methods Methods for Degree Study

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Data Gathering Methods

Social Survey Methods of Collecting Primary Data

Introduction to Research

Questionnaire surveys Panels

Trade, consumer, reader panels

Observation Longitudinal Empirical

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Data Gathering Methods

Key requirements of Social Surveys

Introduction to Research

Repeated measurements give the same result

The survey measures what it set out to measure
Face validity-commonsense responses Content validity-can be triangulated Predictive validity-how well it can predict future situations Concurrent validity-how well it describes present situations

How accurately it represents the total population from which the sample is drawn
Module Code and Module Title Research Data Gathering Methods Methods for Degree Study Title of Slides Data Gathering Methods

Questionnaire Survey Types

Introduction to Research

Face to face
Interviewer completion, aided completion, self completion In the street, at the place of work, personal delivery and collection

Postal Phone Fax On-Line Point of use/purchase

Title of Slides

Self completion

Module Code and Module Title Research Data Gathering Methods Methods for Degree Study

Data Gathering Methods

Types of Questionnaire
Introduction to Research

Questionnaire structure
Check list Open ended Structured Fully structured/closed

Question types
Open ended Multiple choice Multiple response Ranking Dichotomous Attitude scale
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Module Code and Module Title Research Data Gathering Methods Methods for Degree Study

Questionnaire Structure
Introduction to Research

Explanation of what its about, why the person can help How to respond/complete the questionnaire Confidentiality Who it is being done by, authentication of interviewer

Classification section
Factual information such as gender, age, socio-economic group, job, industry etc (depends on the nature of the population and the analysis required) Where located?
In quota surveys at the beginning so as to check it is the right person responding In random samples at the end so as to avoid offence by asking questions which may be sensitive (eg age)
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Questionnaire Structure 2
Introduction to Research

Main body
Logical flow Filters Show cards Response boxes Emotional and complicated questions at the end Clear sections with introductions Thanks Checks, all questions completed etc How to return the questionnaire Who has carried out the interview Unique questionnaire number
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Module Code and Module Title Research Data Gathering Methods Methods for Degree Study

Selection of Samples
Introduction to Research

Random sampling
Simple random Stratified random Clustered random Multistage random

Quota Haphazard

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Data Gathering Methods

Random Sampling
Introduction to Research

Simple Random
Numbered Sampling frame Random number selection

All users of e-mail at APIIT 100% Heavy users 50% Light users 30%

Very light users 20%

Selection by random numbers within strata

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Data Gathering Methods

Random Sampling (cont)

Introduction to Research Examples (survey of APIIT students): Classes


Cluster 3 Cluster 1 Rooms Cluster 4 Floors

Cluster 2

Random selection of clusters then interview all in the cluster

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Data Gathering Methods

Random Sampling (cont)

Introduction to Research

1. 2. 3. Selection of Clusters by random sampling Stratification of population in the clusters Selection of sample in strata based on strata percentage then random

Select by choosing people who: Will participate Are at home when you call

Are prepared to answer your email (self selection)

Wear red ties

Not random
Module Code and Module Title Research Data Gathering Methods Methods for Degree Study Title of Slides Data Gathering Methods

Introduction to Research

1. 2. 3. 4.

Define significant variables in the population Identify their percentage in the population Construct Quota control sheet Apply Quota controls to sample size to define numbers to be selected in each cell 5. Interview any one who meets the cell requirements 6. Match the survey selection to the Quota controls
Module Code and Module Title Research Data Gathering Methods Methods for Degree Study Title of Slides Data Gathering Methods

Quota Control Sheet (Example of 2 variables only-age & gender)

Introduction to Research

Age Gender Male Female 18-25 26-45 45-55 55-





Module Code and Module Title Research Data Gathering Methods Methods for Degree Study

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Data Gathering Methods

Requirements for random

Introduction to Research

Identification of all members of the population being considered Construction of a sampling frame Selection of sample size Control of non completions Time, day and other bias factor control

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Data Gathering Methods

Evaluation of Random
Introduction to Research

If the requirements are met it will be the most reliable and valid Can calculate sampling error But other errors likely to be greater than sampling errors Can be expensive and time consuming Suitable sampling frame rarely available

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Data Gathering Methods

Requirements for Quota

Introduction to Research

Creation of Quota Controls Awareness of factors affecting the behaviour/matters being surveyed to enable setting of quota Control of Interviewers to meet Quota Controls Sufficiently large sample size to provide realistic response numbers in each Quota sampling cell
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Evaluation of Quota
Introduction to Research

Most common method for marketing research and market surveys No sampling frame required Not able to calculate sampling error Some problems if large classification section used to explore differential responses Only representative of the Quota Controls used May not be able to get data on variables required for the quota controls
Module Code and Module Title Research Data Gathering Methods Methods for Degree Study Title of Slides Data Gathering Methods

Data Analysis - Attitude Scales

Introduction to Research

Types of Scale
Nominal Ordinal Interval ratio Semantic differential Likert Thurstone Kelly

Scaling methods

Module Code and Module Title Research Data Gathering Methods Methods for Degree Study

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Data Gathering Methods

Types of Scales (1)

Introduction to Research


Small Large

Nominal Scale

Smallest Ordinal scale

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Module Code and Module Title Research Data Gathering Methods Methods for Degree Study

Data Gathering Methods

Types of Scales (2)

Introduction to Research

Interval scale

1 Ratio scale

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Data Gathering Methods

Semantic differential
Introduction to Research

Manchester United are:

Not at all exciting Not very commercial Very exciting Very commercial

May be broken up into equal boxes and/or with descriptive tags

Module Code and Module Title Research Data Gathering Methods Methods for Degree Study

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Data Gathering Methods

Introduction to Research

Manchester United are: Very exciting Exciting Average Unexciting Very unexciting

Tick the relevant response

Module Code and Module Title Research Data Gathering Methods Methods for Degree Study

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Data Gathering Methods

Introduction to Research Thurstone Similar to Likert but with an earlier stage in which surveys are done to create equal intervals between each of the components of the Response

Kelly 1. Stimuli representing the object under consideration are shown to respondents in triads (eg a Man U shirt, a Liverpool shirt and an Arsenal shirt) 2. Respondents are asked in what way are any 2 of these the same yet different to the third 3. Different combinations of premiership shirts are shown until combinations or respondents are exhausted 4. The emergent concepts can then be used on a Likert or Semantic scale 5. The advantage claimed is that the concepts so used will be what people consider important rather than the researcher choosing

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Data Gathering Methods

Important Checklist
Introduction to Research

Before sending out forms, questionnaires, surveys, etc. to respondents, check for the following:
1.Are the questions relevant? i.e. are you asking the right questions? 2.Do the questions assist you in meeting your project objectives? 3.Have you check your questions for any possible ethical violation? 4.How do you plan to distribute them who are the target audiences and why? 5.Have your supervisor for proof-read before your distribution for possible ambiguity in your words and biasness in phrases?
Module Code and Module Title Research Data Gathering Methods Methods for Degree Study Title of Slides Data Gathering Methods

Question and Answer Session

Introduction to Research

Module Code and Module Title Research Data Gathering Methods Methods for Degree Study Title of Slides Data Gathering Methods

Introduction to Research

Enjoy your journey !

Module Code and Module Title Research Data Gathering Methods Methods for Degree Study

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Data Gathering Methods

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