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Thematic Objective VII "Promoting Sustainable Transport and Removing Bottlenecks in Key Network Infrastructures" (In Preparation)

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Thematic Objective VII

Promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures (in preparation)
Thematic training seminar 30 May 2012

PART I general The 4 Investment Priorities in CP

a) Supporting a multimodal Single European Transport Area by investing in the Trans European Transport Network

b) Enhancing regional mobility through connecting secondary and tertiary nodes to TEN-T infrastructure (does not apply for Cohesion Fund)
c) Developing environment-friendly and low carbon Transport systems and promoting sustainable urban mobility

d) Developing comprehensive, high quality and interoperable railway systems

Linking Investment Priorities to Key actions identified in the CSF (I)

a) Supporting a multimodal Single European Transport Area by investing in the TEN-T Network

Core TEN-T infrastructure covering road, rail and sea transport, as well as multimodal and interoperable modes bringing high net benefits to society Core TEN-T railway infrastructure , secondary connectivity, upgrading of dense railway networks, ERTMS and other investments to improve interoperability and capacity building for planning, implementing and managing projects.

Linking Investment Priorities to Key actions identified in the CSF (II)

b) Enhancing regional mobility through connecting secondary and tertiary nodes to TEN-T infrastructure (does not apply for Cohesion Fund)

Core TEN-T railway infrastructure , secondary connectivity, upgrading of dense railway networks, ERTMS and other investments to improve interoperability and capacity building for planning, implementing and managing projects, and for risk and disaster management

Linking Investment Priorities to Key actions in the CSF (III)

c) Developing environment-friendly and low carbon Transport systems and promoting sustainable urban mobility

Actions - innovative road pricing, user charging systems and traffic management, and in fuelling and charging infrastructure for new carbon-free vehicles for urban transport. integrated, sustainable and accessible urban mobility concepts in cities, city-regions and metropolitan areas, leading to reduced GHG emissions, in particular through sustainable urban transport plans, including facilitating use of public transport, cycling and walking.

Linking Investment Priorities to Key actions in the CSF (IV)

d) Developing comprehensive, high quality and interoperable railway systems


Core TEN-T railway infrastructure , secondary connectivity, upgrading of dense railway networks, ERTMS and other investments to improve interoperability and capacity building for planning, implementing and managing projects, and for risk and disaster management

Key implementation principles (selection)

Investments to be supported by ERDF and CF should:
Be fully in line with TEN-T guidelines and ensure complementarity with CEF Be embedded in an integrated/ multimodal network planning approach and ensure that urban/rural areas benefit from the opportunities of major networks Focus on building new and enhancing the capacity of existing infrastructure, not on maintenance Integrate transport pricing and user charging systems Make use of available financial instruments to attract more private funding for strategic TEN-T infrastructures projects

Ex- ante conditionalities

1. Road:

(Council Agreement of 24 April)

The existence of a comprehensive plan(s) or framework(s) for transport investment in accordance with the MS institutional set-up (including public transport at regional and local level) which supports infrastructure development and improves connectivity to the TEN-T comprehensive and core networks. 2. Rail: - The existence within the comprehensive transport plan(s) or framework(s)of an explicit section on railway development in accordance with the MS institutional setup which supports infrastructure development and improves connectivity to the TEN-T comprehensive and core networks. The investments cover mobile assets, interoperability and capacity building.

Ex post evaluation on transport - lessons from 20002006

- Progress is slow in the rail sector: Rail projects require a

longer process for design, planning and approval; they are technologically complex; and they also require a greater scale of investment, often along an entire route rather than over a short section.

- Rail/High-speed rail: Rail projects should be identified

through assessing all relevant modes for improving transport links through a corridor, taking into account demand patterns and existing services. High speed rail should only be supported with ERDF where it can be demonstrated that such lines encourage regional development beyond the main centres served.

Ex post evaluation on transport - lessons from 20002006 ( continued)

- Rail Sector Planning and Implementation to be improved: The evaluation provided strong evidence that MS find it challenging to approve and implement rail projects. This seems to be an area where the EC needs to provide more support, for ex. bringing together EU expertise at a seminars and/or to encourage exchanges of experience between MS, exploiting examples of good practice. - EC could play a role in the process of identification of appropriate rail corridors for development across the EU, as well as the speed and type of those lines, including the appropriate development of high-speed lines.

Recommendations from the Court of Auditors

Rail :


TEN-T Guidelines

( main messages from DG MOVE)

Input from MOVE B1 expected

Connecting Europe Facility


(main messages from

Input from MOVE B4 expected

PART II - Sustainable urban transport

Input from C2 expected on Friday

Sustainable urban transport: EC Proposals C. Policy

Priority ( ERDF + CF draft regulations):

Key Actions (in CSF):


developing environment-friendly and low-carbon transport systems and promoting sustainable urban mobility


innovative road pricing, user charging systems and traffic management, and in fuelling and charging infrastructure for new carbon-free vehicles for urban transport. integrated, sustainable and accessible urban mobility concepts in cities, cityregions and metropolitan areas, leading to reduced GHG emissions, in particular through sustainable urban transport plans, including facilitating use of public transport, cycling and walking.

Sustainable urban transport Commission Proposals (identify which one )

Priorities action to improve the urban environment, including regeneration of brownfield sites and reduction of air pollution; Actions investment in actions to reduce transport related air pollution, in particular retrofit or replacement programmes for bus fleets, incentive schemes for cleaner transport, improved public transport infrastructure and promotion of alternative forms of transport

Thematic dimension:

Territorial Approach: Entry point for programming:

Smart growth Research & Innovation ICT SME Sustainable growth Low-carbon economy Resource efficiency Risk prevention Sustainable transport Inclusive growth Employment Social inclusion Combat. poverty Education

Territorial dimension:

Integrated strategies and measures

Cities and urban areas Deprived urban areas and neighbourhoods City-regions, metropolitan areas Rural areas, etc.

Governance mechanism:


Example: Member State A

Regional ERDF OP National/sectoral ERDF OP

Strategic plan for sustainable urban development delivered through ITI

Ensuring metropolitan sustainable mobility for all



CF OP: New tram network National ERDF OP: Bio-gas buses Regional ERDF OP: Creating jobs at the Central station Community bikes Access-free platforms ESF OP: Training Campaign for sustainaible mobility


Sustainable urban transport indicators

Input from C4 expected:

Sustainable urban development good practice example

Agence Urbanisme Bordeaux Mtropole

Reference Documents
2011 White Paper "Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system". 2011 Proposal for establishing the Connecting Europe Facility

2010 TEN-T Guidelines

2009 Action Plan on Urban Mobility 2006 Strategic Evaluation on Transport Investment Priorities under Structural and Cohesion Funds for the Programming - Period 2007-2013

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