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Bab 09 Expansion Joints

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Chapter IX Expansion Joints



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Chapter IX Expansion Joints

9.1 Simple Bellows with Pressure Thrust

- Finite Length Expansion Joint KTR=(2/3)(KAX)(D/L)2 KBEND=(1/2)(KAX)(D2)(p/180) - Zero Length Expansion Joint KBEND=(1/8)(KAX)(D2)(p/180) where : L : joints flexible length D : joints effective diameter KAX : joints axial stiffness *Torsional Stiffness Is Given by The Vendor
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Chapter IX Expansion Joints

9.2 Tied Bellows (Simple Model vs. Complex Model)

Simple Model :
- should only be used when the tie bars are guaranteed to be carrying tension - used when have nuts on either side of the flange, and so will carry compression if needed

Complex Model :
- used when the failure is being investigated - used when the piping diameter and the number of the convolution became large - used when nuts are only on the outside the flange, allowing the tie bars to only carry tension - Complex model give more good value for the load distribution in the tie bars.
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- built by entering large axial stiffness

Chapter IX Expansion Joints

9.3Tied Bellows Expansion Joint (Simple Model)

Step 1 : Need to calculate the lateral

stiffness of the bellows.

For example : Deff = (4Aeff/p)1/2 = 12 .0 in KTR = 3/2(KAX)(Deff/L)2 = 3/2(850)(12/12)1/2)

= 1275 lb/in
L = flexible convolution length = 12 in
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Chapter IX Expansion Joints

Step 2 : - Built the CAESAR II model of the flexible portion of the expansion joints. - Note how the rotational restrain between node 29 and 30 keep the flange parallel. - The flange and tie bars form a parallelogram upon lateral deflection

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Chapter IX Expansion Joints

9.4 Tied Bellows Expansion Joints (Complex Model)

- The flexible joint is between node 30 and 35. - The flange of the joint is modeled as the rigid elements 20 to 30 and 35 to 45. - Additional rigid elements perpendicular to the pipe axis, extend from each flange. - The tie bars are 1 inch in diameter

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Chapter IX Expansion Joints

Joints property
Expansion joint

Rigid elements Tie rod Restrain

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Chapter IX Expansion Joints

9.5 Universal Expansion Joint (Simple Model)

Nuts on one side of flange only creates a tension-only tie bar.

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Chapter IX Expansion Joints

Equivalent single bellow lateral stiffness is given by the manufacturer for the whole assembly

Rigid element with zero weight used to keep flange at 10 and 15 parallel. Node 14 restrain to node 15 in the two bending directions.

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Chapter IX Expansion Joints

Manufacturers angular spring rates can be inserted here

Rigid element with zero weight used to keep flange at 10 and 15 parallel. Node 14 restrain to node 15 in the two bending directions.
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Chapter IX Expansion Joints

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Chapter IX Expansion Joints

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Chapter IX Expansion Joints

9.6 Universal Joint (Comprehensive Tie Rod)

The comprehensive universal joint model involves defining, as accurate as possible, all tie rod and connection between tie rods and end plates

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Chapter IX Expansion Joints

The following groups illustrate the method used in constructing the universal expansion joint model showed above.
- Rigid Elements (flanges) 15-17/31-33 - Rigid Elements normal to the pipe axis, and between the pipe and the tie bars center line. At the end where there are nuts on either side of the flange, fixing the tie bar to the flange. 33-1033/33-2033/33-3033 - Rigid Elements Normal to the pipe axis, and between the pipe and the tie bar center line. At the end where there are nuts only on the back side of the flange 15-1015/15-2015/15-3015
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Chapter IX Expansion Joints

- Intermediate lateral tee support (rigid) 23-1023/23-2023/23-3023 25-1025/25-2025/25-3025

- Tie Bars
1033-1034-1035-1036 2033-2034-2035-2036 3033-3034-3035-3036 - Restrain with connecting nodes at the tension only flange end RESTR NODE = 1036 RESTR NODE = 2036 RESTR NODE = 3036 CNODE = 1015 CNODE = 2015 CNODE = 3015 TYPE = -X,Y,Z TYPE = -X,Y,Z TYPE = -X,Y,Z

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Chapter IX Expansion Joints

- Restrain with connecting node at the intermediate support points RESTR NODE = 1035 RESTR NODE = 2035 RESTR NODE = 3035 RESTR NODE = 1034 RESTR NODE = 2034 RESTR NODE = 3034 CNODE = 1023 TYPE = Y, Z CNODE = 2023 TYPE = Y, Z CNODE = 3023 TYPE = Y, Z CNODE = 1025 TYPE = Y, Z CNODE = 2025 TYPE = Y, Z CNODE = 3025 TYPE = Y, Z

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Chapter IX Expansion Joints

9.7 Universal Joint with Lateral Control Stops (Comprehensive Tie Rod Model)
- Double-acting restrain with connecting nodes and gaps are used to model stops gaps along the tie bars. - Stops along the tie bars are installed to restrict lateral motion at each end of the universal joint

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Chapter IX Expansion Joints

Method used in constructing the universal joint with the lateral stops :
- Standard pipe element : 34-36/36-38 - Rigid flange element : 30-32/40-42 - Bellow element : 32-34/38-40 - Rigid element from the pipe to the tiebar centerline : 30-1030/36-1036/42-1042

- Tie-bar element : 1003-1002/1002-1001

- Restrain with connecting nodes : 1. RESTR NODE = 1001, CNODE = 1042 TYPE = X,Y,Z 2. RESTR NODE = 1002, CNODE = 1036 TYPE = Y w/gap = 1.5,X, Z
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Chapter IX Expansion Joints

9.8 Hinged Joint

- The relationship between the rotational bellows stiffness and axial bellows stiffness are approximately : Kbend = 1/8(KAX)(D2)(p/180) - This equation should only be used with zero length expansion joint - The hinged joint is define using a zero length expansion joint with axial, transverse, and torsional stiffness rigid - Hinged directions are define using restrain and connecting node - The restrain line of the action is always normal to the hinge axis - Hinged joint s are design to take the pressure thrust - The hinged friction can provide considerable additional resistance to banding
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Chapter IX Expansion Joints

Expansion joint restrain

Zero length hinged joint

Pipe elements Expansion joints property
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Chapter IX Expansion Joints

9.9 Slotted Hinge Joint (Simple)

Weightless element Zero length hinged joint Expansion joint restrain Expansion joints property
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Chapter IX Expansion Joints

9.10 Slotted Hinged Joint (Comprehensive)

Slotted Hinged Joint Restrain : need to provide for the non hinged axis rotation due to the slotted on either side of the joint
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Chapter IX Expansion Joints

9.11 Slip Joint

Slip join element

Zero length slip joint Slip join property

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Chapter IX Expansion Joints

9.12 Gimbal Join

- Gimbal joints are design to resist pressure thrust. -There are two basic type of gimballed expansion join : 1. Those design to make angular deformation only. 2. Those design to make angular deformation and transverse offset.

- The angular only gimbal can be input as a zero length expansion joint with rigid axial, transverse, and torsional stiffness. The bending stiffness is set equal to the rotational stiffness specified in the manufacturer catalogue.
- Angular and offset gimballed joins are usually installed a large diameter line where lumped property assumption for the bellows may not be within reasonable engineering accuracy.
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Chapter IX Expansion Joints

Gimbal Join

Zero length angular only gimbaled expansion joint element

Expansion join property

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Chapter IX Expansion Joints

Offset Angular Angular and offset gimbal join restrain

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Chapter IX Expansion Joints

9.13Dual Gimbal
-Dual gimbal joint are, usually angular-only gimbaled joint in series in the pipeline to absorb lateral and possibility axial deformation. -Each angular-only should be modeled as zero length expansion joint with rigid axial, transverse, and rotational stiffness. -The minimum required distance L between adjacent gimbaled join, is principally a function of angular and rotational deformation to be absorb, diameter, and the number of the number of corrugation per joint.
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Chapter IX Expansion Joints

9.14 Pressure-Balanced Tees and Elbows

- Pressure balanced tees and elbow are used to absorb axial displacement at a change in direction, without any associated pressure thrust. - Pressure balanced tees can also be used in universal type configuration to absorb axial and lateral movement.
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Chapter IX Expansion Joints

- The example above shows briefly the coding a pressure-balanced tee in turbine exhaust line. - The bottom side of the tee in blanked off. - The tee in a standard unreinforced fabricated tee. - The tie bars will only act in tension
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