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Ad Campaign - Objectives of Advertising - Role of Advertising in Service Sector - Ad Agency

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Ad campaign Objectives of advertising Role of advertising in service sector Ad agency

An advertising campaign is a series of advertisement messages that share a single idea and theme which make up an integrated marketing communication (IMC). Advertising campaigns appear in different media across a specific time frame. The critical part of making an advertising campaign is determining a campaign theme, as it sets the tone for the individual advertisements. The campaign theme is the central message that will be communicated in the promotional activities . The campaign themes are usually developed with the intention of being used for a substantial period but many of them are short lived due to factors such as being ineffective or market conditions and/or competition in the marketplace and marketing mix .


The advertising scenario is full with a number of magiclike words such as fragmented advertising, consumer-centric ad campaigns, involving a wide range of options covering the audio, visual and electronic media, Billboards . . The new-age electronic gadgetry has further enabled such an influx of advertising techniques, from popups, to audio messages, flashes, animation, and various levels of interactive campaigning, that it is inherently difficult to decide which is the optimum mix to run a successful ad campaign.

Some of the effective strategies, both in the short and long term plans of scores of successful advertisers. 1. Clearly selecting the target group and knowing all about them seems to score the topmost rank, because the criterion for choosing the option, well depends on the target. Campaign money needs to be spent on methods like radio, newspapers, magazines if the target comprised of senior citizens, whereas schemes to attract working parents should get decided based on where or what sources they look in, like which TV, Internet, or which magazines and so on.

2. Collecting all that is possible about the top three competitors, about the what, when, methods, timing, audiences, target messages and where they plan to do their campaigns, first and next. 3. Once the above two data, are available, one has to analyze what is right or not-soright,. One has to be different to get noted/differentiated. 4.Choosing one/two proven working strategies from the top performers so that there is a time-tested formula that can work in the interim stage of the campaign.

5. A combination of clarity and freshness should present what one has to say to the target. 6. The widespread use of Internet seems to work like a double-edged sword, beneficial and detrimental, to both the target and advertiser.what needs to be done is the proper mix to sustain target interest. 7. Proper balance of seeking what the customers want to know and selling some key ideas about the advertised product/service would ensure that the receiver accepts in a positive mind as against viewing as a nuisance. 8. Realize that the average modern e-age customer is much more technically informed and plan the campaigns accordingly.

ANYBODY CAN BUILD WEAPONS OF WAR Strategies win the battles .. In business as in a battle , the ultimate objective is to achieve goals You need to capture mind share in your market place And turn that mind share into profits ..


A push promotional strategy makes use of a company's sales force and trade promotion activities to create consumer demand for a product. The producer promotes the product to wholesalers, the wholesalers promote it to retailers, and the retailers promote it to consumers. A good example of "push" selling is mobile phones, where the major handset manufacturers such as Nokia promote their products via retailers . Personal selling and trade promotions are often the most effective promotional tools for companies such as Nokia - for example offering subsidies on the handsets to encourage retailers to sell higher volumes. A "push" strategy also tries to sell directly to the consumer, bypassing other distribution channels (e.g. selling insurance or holidays directly). With this type of strategy, consumer promotions and advertising are the most likely promotional tools.

Pull A pull selling strategy is one that requires high spending on advertising and consumer promotion to build up consumer demand for a product. If the strategy is successful, consumers will ask their retailers for the product, the retailers will ask the wholesalers, and the wholesalers will ask the producers. A good example of a pull is the heavy advertising and promotion of children's toys mainly on television. a major advertising campaign is likely to pull demand from children and encourage retailers to stock toys in the stores.

Role of advertising in service sectors banks / hotels / tourism

Advetisments play a MAJOR role in the expansion / survival of the service industry . Most advertisements in the service industry are aimed at making / creating awareness about the service / its level . Apart from the awareness , the advertisements for this sector are aimed at creating a level of trust . The advertisements for these sectors are more driven towards the senses and creating a sense of belongingness .

Definition Advertising that is more public relations than sales promotion. Its objective is to build a firm's corporate image , reputation, and name-awareness among the general public or within an industry .. corporate advertising is in the Advertising, Marketing, & Sales and Business Communications & Presentations subjects.

Definition: A form of business-tobusiness advertising, this is advertising aimed at manufacturers. This advertising typically promotes parts, equipment, and raw materials used in the manufacturing process.


Non-commercial advertising is sponsored by or for a charitable institution or civic group or religious or political organization. Many noncommercial advertisements seek money and placed in the hope of raising funds. Others hope to change consumer behavior. So the main goals of noncommercial advertising are: Stimulate inquires for information Popularize social cause Change activity habits Decrease waste of resources Communicate political viewpoint Improve public attitude Remind people to give again.

So called word-of-mouth advertising is a person to person communication that is perceived as being noncommercial, concerning goods or services.
it is face-to-face product related communications between and among the friends, relatives and others. Because it is noncommercial, it is usually seen as being an unbiased source of information.

Advertising communication
It connects Customer service to clients It connects Candidates to companies It connects Creatives to communication

Advertising agency
An advertising agency performs a lot of different functions . The broad functions performed by them are Providing promotional Expertise. Providing Specialized services . Conducting Marketing Analysis. Designing Advertising Campaigns. Analyzing Product response. Devising Marketing and Branding Strategies. Building Relationship between products and consumers .


THEY recruit / retain / research / plan / advise / build / buy / design / create / develop / place / manage / monitor # Advertising agency helps in the Production of Consumer Culture . # They help in promoting an ideology of marketed consumption.

# They also builds marketing communications and help in demand creation .

# They produce an advertisement that meets the clients demands.

# They create concepts that appeals to a mass


# The agencies help in planning, preparing and placing a campaign . # They helps in creating a competitive situation for a product in a clustered market. # They also measures the marketing mix and advertising research concept.

An Advertising Agency is a combination of a lot of people and processes . The Key Roles of people in an advertising Agency can be broken down into Four

Media Planners . Researchers . Creative People. Executioners.

Structure of an Agency
An advertising agency has a very different structure from that of a regular organization. On a general front, an advertising agency contains five departments namely the Account management department: is the department that is in direct contact with the clients. The account planning (strategy) department,: it is also called the strategy department that is mostly involved in research and strategizing the advertisements. The internal services department (inclusive of the traffic department, the creative department : is responsible for the art (copy-writing and photography) aspect of an Ad or a Campaign. The print production department The human resources department and the finance departments AND The media-planning department.: plans and co-ordinates with media agencies to determine the most effective way to channelize the advertising in order to achieve optimum results.

Advantages of employing an advertising Agency 1) They have In-depth Knowledge of current advertising / Marketing techniques. 2) Have Negotiating Muscle with different Medias 3) Can coordinate both Marketing and advertising functions together .
Disadvantages of employing an advertising Agency 1) Control over the advertising function may be lost . 2) The client may get sidelined in comparison to bigger clients. 3) Agency may be inefficient in Media buying / blocking. 4) May not be able to match the marketing strategies .

Selecting an Advertising Agency

Selection of an advertising agency is mainly guided by the NEEDS of a company .

The Procedure to be followed for selecting are 1) Defining the requirements. 2) Establishing the possible agencies to fulfill the job. 3) Analyzing the credentials of an agency. 4) Issuing briefs to the agencies. 5) Reviewing presentations by agencies. 6) Determining the best possible. 7) Approving the contract details. 8) Finalizing the Agency.

Agency remunerations processes

An agency has three sources of compensation1)Commissions from Media Owners Traditional way of getting compensation as Media need to sell their space . 2)Charging the Client ; usually on an hourly basis for specific tasks performed in addition to the Advertisements. 3)Payment on basis of outcome ; based on awareness created / targets hit . 4) Another way is to markup the outsourced activities ; like photography / printing etc .

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