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Recruitment & Selection and the Management of Change

Chapter 4 of Thornhill et al Management of Change MBA 642 Robin Snell


Chapter Coverage
A. Case Study of Protection Royale B. Defining recruitment & selection. C. The traditional model of recruitment & selection. D. A strategic model of recruitment & selection and the challenges it faces. E. Where strategic R&S fits with higher-level strategies F. Strategic R&S when higher levels of strategy have already been decided (planned change) G. Strategic R&S when higher levels of strategy are still undecided (uncertain, unpredictable futures)

A1. The case of Protection Royale

The focus is on the Financial Consultancy Division of this insurance company There had been very low turnover among the sales consultants whose job had been to market the companys insurance products to insurance brokers. Recruitment was by replacement:
advertise in the trade press use specialist recruitment agencies recommendations from existing staff shortlist from applications interviews, roles plays, psychometric testing references

But the job became harder as products diversified and become more complex 3

Customers lost confidence, the company lost its position in the marketplace There was a big shake-up The company recognised the need to have a more focused product range and highperforming staff who could persuade brokers that these were worth selling on to clients. A new person specification emerged:
excellent product knowledge influential and persuasive negotiation skill

A2. Protection Royale...

A3. Protection Royale ...

Furthermore, legislation introduced in 1994 required financial sales practitioners to hold various qualifications Therefore there was a big reduction in eligible people within the external labour market. Existing staff were deemed either suitable, unsuitable or possible; many left Line managers tried to head-hunt replacements, but failed. A crisis became apparent 5

A4. Protection Royale ...

Recruitment champions were appointed Line managers and HR specialists were given performance indicators relating to recruitment objectives A new search for direct recruits and for trainees. A matrix of selection methods (e.g. Application form, testing of job knowledge/ skills/attitudes, psychometric testing, interviews, simulations, presentations, references) and competencies.

A5. Protection Royale...

National advertising 7 day phone-in interviews, followed by screening interviews Assessment centre based selection Appointment of an induction manager Thorough procedural knowledge training for all those involved in the recruitment and selection process.

B1. Defining Recruitment & Selection

Defining the vacancy (the job or role to be filled) Identifying relevant personal attributes correlated with effectiveness (person specification) Searching for and attracting relevant applicants


Assessing candidates Narrowing down the field Making the final decision

Internal recruitment: meets manpower requirements from the existing stock of employees, except at the lowest level.
Internal recruitment may be vehicle for establishing cultural fit, morale, and commitment, reinforced by socialisation

B2. Internal vs. External Recruitment

External recruitment: meets manpower requirements by recruiting from outside

May be used as a symbol that times are changing

C. Traditional Recruitment & Selection Model (p. 96)

Vacancy Job description Personnel specification Publicise vacancy Shortlist Interview Select Offer accepted? References Appoint Engage and induct

Fits people to existing jobs Not a vehicle for change Reflects the status quo Over-emphasis on the interview as a selection tool Neglects the interests of customers, peers, providers Needs adapting!


D1. Strategic Recruitment & Selection (see p. 115)

Linked to corporate strategy Integrated with other HR strategies Front-loaded investment

Strategic job analysis Incorporate core values R&S

Continuous improvement

Represent all stakeholder interests

Reliable, valid selection methods Job previews


D2. Challenges to Strategic Recruitment & Selection

Expensive Short-term orientation/pressures Often the lack of clear or coherent corporate strategy Difficulty validating selection decisions The authors urge companies to embrace strategic recruitment & selection nonetheless

Upstream (bottom-up) integration

E. Levels of Strategy
1. Corporate Long term, big decisions, e.g. focus on innovation, cost reduction, etc)

2. Structural (e.g. delayering, decentralisation)

- Operating procedures

Downstream (top down) integration

3. Functional (HR)

Other functions

Culture Recruitment. & Selection.

Training & Devel. Performance Mgt. Rewards Downsizing


F1. Recruitment & Selection and PLANNED/PREDICTABLE Change

When the strategists believe that the future is predictable, Human Resource Planning seeks to provide human resources for envisaged FUTURE jobs Recruits will be selected on those attributes that are judged necessary for successful future performance


F2. Recruitment & Selection and PLANNED/PREDICTABLE Change

We now consider strategic R&S under 3 conditions: F3a/b When corporate strategy has been decided F4 When desired organisation structure is known F5 When management has decided what assumptions it will make about employee motivational attitude and trustworthiness.


Here the objective of recruitment & section would be to recruit people who will enhance the org.s capacity to deliver its corporate strategy. E.g. for an INNOVATION corp. strategy, the company would seek to recruit people with:
highly innovative behaviour preference/ability for co-operative behaviour relatively high risk taking tolerant of uncertainty moderate concern for quality of output balanced orientation toward process and results longer-term focus

F3a. Recruitment & Selection flowing down from Corporate Strategy

For a QUALITY ENHANCEMENT or COST REDUCTION corp. strategies, the patterns would be different


F3b. Employee Behaviour Continua Relevant to Corporate Strategy

Innovation (lo to hi) Job/org involvement Self-autonomy (lo to hi, Skill base (broadetc.) narrow) Risk taking Time focus (long/short term) Adaptability to change Comfort with certainty Concern for quality Concern for quantity Concern for outcomes Responsibility preference (avoids vs. seeks) 17

F4. Recruitment & Selection Flowing down from Organisation Structure

Mgt competencies required in Behaviours Organic organisations required in info search managers in concept formation Organic conceptual flexibility Organisations: interpersonal search networking managing interaction team building developmental orientation self confidence information retrieval proactivity innovative problem achievement orientation (These may be needed by nonsolving managers too)


down from a desire to recruit Theory Y employees

The target candidates would be committed to the job accepting of change flexible Their precise qualities would depend on the context and circumstances that are envisaged

F5. Recruitment & Selection Flowing

G1. Recruitment & Selection and uncertain/UNPREDICTABLE Change

When the higher level strategies are undetermined and uncertain, Strategic R&S seeks to provide new people who can help to shape future strategies and help the organisation to be more FLEXIBLE


G2. Recruitment & Selection and Uncertain/UNPREDICTABLE Change

We now consider strategic R&S under 3 conditions: G3 When corporate strategy has NOT been decided G4 When desired organisation structure is NOT known but will be built around teams G5abcd When management has decided that it wants employees who will lead change and contribute to strategy development, whatever their level in the company

G3. Recruitment & Selection driving Corporate Strategy

There is a business case for building more DIVERSITY into organisations
enhances creative capability greater flexibility in global markets more widely equipped to face unpredictable challenges


G4. Recruitment & Selection driving Org. Structure

e.g. Recruiting people in order to help reconfigure the organisation as delayered and TEAM-BASED rather than tall. Therefore look for people:
who are dependable have interpersonal skills are self-motivated have integrity have leadership potential are assertive tolerate ambiguity are able to cope with stress Make recruitment a two-way process Involve existing team members in the final selection

G5a. Recruitment & Selection and Unplanned/Unpredictable Change (Future Imperfect) When the strategists believe that the future is UNPREDICTABLE, Human Resource Planning seeks to provide human resources for jobs that cannot be prescribed Continuous modifications are expected as the future unfolds, numerous changes are likely to systems of recruitment and development Transformational criteria:

ability to work in the learning organisation - one that is sensitive to environmental change and constantly changes and adapts through continuous learning attributes that are required to enable change to happen, i.e. change agent competencies leadership traits


G5b. Necessary Characteristics for Workers in a Learning Organisation

Desired traits Experiments admits mistakes open encourages ideas makes joint decisions
Undesired traits Cautions rationalises mistakes defensive discourage ideas dominates

G5c. Necessary Qualities of Change Champions & Change Agents

Take calculated risks Good product knowledge & technical skills Good motivation & work attitudes Achievement-oriented Good people skills and communication skills. Probably require political skills and sensitivities to survive organisational politics games.


G5d. Qualities of Transformational Leaders

Provides vision Generates respect, trust & pride

Conveys high expectations

Intellectual stimulation
Promotes rational approaches to problem solving

Individualised consideration
Individual needs are addressed through personalised approaches

We Covered (recap)
A. Case Study of Protection Royale B. Defining recruitment & selection. C. The traditional model of recruitment & selection. D. A strategic model of recruitment & selection and the challenges it faces. E. Where strategic R&S fits with higher-level strategies F. Strategic R&S when higher levels of strategy have already been decided (planned change) G. Strategic R&S when higher levels of strategy are still undecided (uncertain, unpredictable futures)


1. Using the behaviour continua on slide 17, please indicate the employee behaviours that are most appropriate to corporate strategies based on
a. Quality enhancement b. Cost reduction

2. How might recruitment and selection contribute to culture change programmes?


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