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Writing & Reporting 1 "What Is News"

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News is what is new; its whats happening.
News is a report of recent events or previously

unknown information. But most of the things that happen in the world every day dont find their way into the newspaper or onto the air in a newscast.

Did something happen recently or did we just learn about it? If so, that could make it newsworthy. The meaning of recently varies depending on the medium, of course. For a weekly news magazine, anything that happened since the previous edition the week before may be considered timely. For a 24-hour cable news channel, the timeliest news may be breaking news, or something that is happening this very minute and can be covered by a reporter live at the scene.


Are many people affected or just a few? Contamination in the water system that serves your towns 20,000 people has impact because it affects your audience directly. A report that 10 children were killed from drinking polluted water at a summer camp in a distant city has impact too, because the audience is likely to have a strong emotional response to the story. The fact that a worker cut a utility line is not big news, unless it happens to cause a blackout across the city that lasts for several hours.


Did something happen close to home, or did it involve people from here? A plane crash in Chad will make headlines in N'Djamena, but its unlikely to be front-page news in Chile unless the plane was carrying Chilean passengers.


Are people in disagreement about this? Its human nature to be interested in stories that involve conflict, tension, or public debate. People like to take sides, and see whose position will prevail. Conflict doesnt always entail pitting one persons views against another. Stories about doctors battling disease or citizens opposing an unjust law also involve conflict.


Is a well-known person involved? Ordinary activities or mishaps can become news if they involve a prominent person like a prime minister or a film star. That plane crash in Chad would make headlines around the world if one of the passengers were a famous rock musician.


Are people here talking about this? A government meeting about bus safety might not draw much attention, unless it happens to be scheduled soon after a terrible bus accident. An incident at a football match may be in the news for several days because its the main topic of conversation in town.


Is what happened unusual? As the saying goes, If a dog bites a man, that is not news. But if a man bites a dog, it's news! The extraordinary and the unexpected appeal to our natural human curiosity.

* What makes news also depends on

the make up of the intended audience, not just where they live but who they are. * Different groups of people have different lifestyles and concerns, which make them interested in different types of news.

A radio news program targeted at younger listeners might include stories about music or sports stars that would not be featured in a business newspaper aimed at older, wealthier readers. A weekly magazine that covers medical news would report on the testing of an experimental drug because the doctors who read the publication presumably would be interested. But unless the drug is believed to cure a well-known disease, most general-interest local newspapers would ignore the story. The exception might be the newspaper in the community where the research is being conducted.

News organizations
Work as public service:

news is made up of information that people need to know in order to go about their daily lives and to be productive citizens in a democracy.
Work as Businesses:

have to make a profit to survive, so the news also includes items that will draw an audience: stories people may want to know about just because theyre interesting.

Types of News:
Topics: war, politics, business, and crime
is essentially the news of the day. Its what you see on the front page of the newspaper or the top of the Web page, and what you hear at the start of a broadcast news report.

For example, A strike announced today by the citys bus drivers that leaves thousands of commuters unable to get to work. Its timely, controversial, and has a wide impact close to home. The community needs the information right away, because it affects peoples daily lives.

Types of News:
* SOFT NEWS Topics: stories about lifestyles, home and family, the arts, and entertainment, food, health, education, and so forth. a story about a world-famous athlete who grew up in an orphanage; human-interest story involving a prominent person and its an unusual story that people likely would discuss with their friends. It has to be published or broadcast on any particular day.

Types of News:
Hard news and soft news are written

differently. Hard news stories generally are written so that the audience gets the most important information as quickly as possible. Feature writers often begin with an anecdote or example designed primarily to draw the audiences interest, so the story may take longer to get to the central point.

Some stories blend these two approaches. Stories

that are not time-sensitive but that focus on significant issues are often called news features. A story about one communitys struggle to deal with AIDS, for example, is a news feature. A story about a new treatment option for AIDS patients would be hard news. News features are an effective way to explore trends or complex social problems by telling individual human stories about how people experience them.

The Journalists Role

- News stories, whether hard news or features, must

be accurate Fact-based information, strive to be fair and complete Tell an accurate and authentic story, one that reflects reality, not their own perception of it or anyone elses Strive for independence from the people they cover Do not confuse fact with opinion or rumor, and they make sound editorial decisions

Nadia Ardiwinata

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