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Development Genre Table

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Psychological Horror Time Line


Nosferatu (1922) The Golem (1915) The Phantom of the Opera (1925)

Vampire, religious references including crucifixes, blood, castles, witches, un-realistic surreal moments, darkness

Characters Techniques
The Golem anti hero protect the Jews of Prague from persecution. Supernatural comes to life. Tall, made of stone, elements of characters from fantasy film, hybrid genre. This is Propps theory as he is presented as a anti hero, which makes the audience at first like him and then they realise he is not such a good person. Stereotypical supernatural villain in a film. Rabbi Loew- head of Jewish community powerful, makes predictions shows importance of religion -Silent movie time period -Black and white -Shadows used to create enigma -Music throughout entire film -Textual information on screen for audience to read -Low camera angles, mid shots, close ups and a lot of long shots

A Golem (a solidly built clay man) is fashioned to save the ghetto, but when his job is done he refuses to cease existing, and runs amok through expressionist sets, eventually to be confronted and defeated by a little girl Propps theory of a anti hero as he saves the world however, then causes disruption Binary opposition of good vs. Bad is also used here as he turns good but then the little girl tries to fight him as he is bad.

Audience Appeal
The Golem- Uses and gratification theory is used here as entertainment to the target audience who in these times would be attracted to horror films. Also education as it has a religious meaning behind it with golem protecting Jewish people. Equilibrium theory is used as the narrative in the beginning as everything is going in the right direction by the Golem helping save people but then there is a dis-equilibrium when he causes amok in the town and then it is resolved by a young girl . This creates enigma code to the audience as they will want to watch on to find out what happens to the Golem and see if he gets defeated. This allows them to follow the narrative throughout.


Dracula (1931) Frankenstein (1931) The Mummy (1932) Freaks (1932)

Monsters/ Mummies/ darkness/ tombs/ gothic/sexuality lesbianism

The mummy Ancient Egyptian characters showing traditional routes. Tall, powerful, dominating. Propps theory stereotypically looks like a villain as presented as a supernatural character however, although created as a mysterious villain we learn he his not evil which makes him a prince like character who goes to find the love of his life Imhotep fictional characters and antagonist This uses Propps theory as he is the villain who has been brought back to life and disturbs the narrative

-Slow moving and atmospheric - text -Black and white -sound introduced (dialogue, sound effects, music etc.) creates tension and more understanding for the audience. Also creates suspense - close up shots used to emphasis importance of fearsome character -shadows -main character always in centre of rule of thirds to highlight power

The Mummy -The main action takes place in Cairo (or the Universal backlot's version of that city) and revolves around a mummy who is brought to life by the accidental reading of a spell. He then hunts down the reincarnation of his lost love, only to be thwarted, and reduced to the dust from whence he came Binary opposition is used here as the mummy is supernatural character which is stereotypically related with villains however, he actually helps the expedition uncover the tomb of his accident love.

Audience Appeal
This film is a hybrid genre as it has elements of romance in the film which allows it to appeal to a mass audience. Uses and gratification is used in this film because it entertains the audience as people that are interested in the horror genre will find this appealing. The characters used in this film allows them to indentify the genre of the film which will enable to see whether it is appealing to them. Also technical codes allow them to indentify the genre due to the mise-enscene of the film. Equilibrium theory is also used as there is a dis-equilibrium when the mummy goes missing and therefore creates enigma for the audience


King of the Zombies (1941)
Revenge of the Zombies (1943)

Zombies, death, living dead, gloom, haunted mansions

Zombies, supernatural, unknown, made up Propps theory is used in this film as there is a hero and villain which are conventional characters to a horror film. However, binary opposition is used as the hero in the film is a little girl, stereotypically males are usually the hero in a film and also she is a ghostly character as she is dead but suddenly comes back to life to save the people.

-Black and white - Shadows to create suspense and tension -Low angles connotes power -Settings of woods connotes unknown and fear -Music used to create a atmosphere

Revenge of the Zombies -Scott Warrington and his hired detective, Larry Adams, arrive at an old mansion in the middle of a Louisiana swamp to meet his brother-in-law, Dr. Max von Altermann shortly after the death of Scott's sister, Lila. Von Altermann, a Nazi who has been creating zombies for the armies of the Third Reich, has turned the deceased Lila into one of the undead as well, but is surprised when she shows signs of free will and challenges Max for control over his zombie thralls This is Propps theory as there is a clear villain within the narrative and also within the society at that time a Nazi was seen as a villain to the world.

Audience Appeal
Revenge of the zombiesThis is uses and gratification theory as it educates the audience on the current affairs that were occurring at that time to do with the war. This can also use cultivation theory as when a modern day audience watches the film they are able to educate themselves on what things were like during the war. This also uses entertainment from the uses and gratification theory as people that are interested in the horror genre will be engaged into the narrative of the story. Equilibrium theory is also used as the villain is in control of everything until Lila shows signs of free will it creates a disequilibrium in the narrative as it ruins his plan as she tries to control his zombies which engages the viewer

Cat People (1942)


The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms (1953)
The Fly (1958) Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954)

Science-fiction elements, aliens, space, supernatural, space ships, graphic

Real people, female shows realism starting to happen makes audience more engaged and allows them to get into narrative more

- Colour has been introduced to allow more realism and make the characters feel they are part of the narrative -Special effects included technology has evolved -First 3D film introduced shows people evolving with the horror era as they will find this more realistic - Establishing shots to set the scene in beginning -Explosions, sound effects - high angle shots, tracking shots

The War of the worlds -A meteor like object crash-lands near the small town of Linda Rosa. Among the crowd of curious onlookers is Pacific Tech scientist Gene Barry, who strikes up a friendship with Ann Robinson, the niece of local minister Lewis Martin. Because the meteor is too hot to approach at present, Barry decides to wait a few days to investigate, leaving three townsmen to guard the strange, glowing object. Left alone, the three men decide to approach the meteorite, and are evaporated for their trouble. It turns out that this is no meteorite, but an invading spaceship from the planet Mars.

Audience Appeal
Hybrid genre of action, horror and sci-fi. This helps appeal to a mass audience as many people dont like horrors are they are to scary however, this allows them to watch it which expands the horror genre and it its sales. Enigma code is used as there is a mystery created throughout the narrative as to what the spaceship is and where it is going to take them, Dis-equilibrium is also created when they get evaporated which makes the audience want to watch on and engages them more to find out what happens in the ending of the film as it builds up suspense and enigma. Uses and gratification theory is also used as it allows the audience to indentify the different genres within the film due to stereotypical conventions within the genres used.

The War of the Worlds (1953) - PG


Pyscho (1960) 13 Ghosts (1960) Blood Feast (1963) Carnival of Souls (1962) The Birds (1963)

Supernatural, ghosts, darkness, psychological horrors came about this time, this unknown, serial killers

Carnival of soulsMary Henry- church organist and only survivor of the car crash at the top. Suffered from posttraumatic stress disorder Stereotypical victim Demons are stereotypical characters used in psychological horrors. They are conventional to the genre.

-Tracking shots - special effects car crashing falling into water - special effects text floating on water -Close up shots to add emphasis on key parts to create enigma and scare audience - lighting effects, spot lighting effects -Darkness still shots to create atmosphere -Extreme close up -Low angles -Shadows

Carnival of souls Mary Henry is enjoying the day by riding around in a car with two friends. When challenged to a drag, the women accept, but are forced off of a bridge. It appears that all are drowned, until Mary, quite some time later, amazingly emerges from the river. After recovering, Mary accepts a job in a new town as a church organist, only to be dogged by a mysterious phantom figure that seems to reside in an old rundown pavilion. It is here that Mary must confront the personal demons of her spiritual insouciance. Psychological horror introduced creates a sub genre of horror, allows room for mass audience.

Audience Appeal
Enigma code is built up as there is a mystery following throughout the whole film as equilibrium is built up throughout the film to create a climax. The disequilibrium is created when she wakes up from the dead but also when she has to confront demons which creates enigma and allows the audience to follow the narrative. Uses and gratification theory as it entertains the audience and allows them to indentify the genre as it is a new sub genre created in this era. Propps theory is created by introducing villain character however, not a stereotypical villain as it is a demon of spiritual insouciance


The Exorcist (1973) The Stepford Wives (1975) Jaws (1975) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

Fear of the unknown, possession, dark sexual symbolism, evil. Teenagers/children, psychos. Killers, violence, slasher films, gothic, blood and gore

Leatherface- wears a mask of human skin, evil, devil, murders with a chainsaw Propps theory stereotypical villain for a psychological horror

--tacking establishing shots, setting the scene -Special effects CGI and technical advances in animatronics -Digetic and nondigectic sound music to add emphasis and scare audience makes it more fearsome. Heightens drama -Flash backs

The Exorcist A mother begins to notice strange unusual behaviour from her little daughter. Strange things start happening in her bedroom, like the bed shaking. In desperation the parents seek the help of a priest. The girl is possessed and starts to attack people. The priest forces the demon into himself and then commits suicide by jumping out of the window

Audience Appeal
Stereotypical psychological horror film. Appeals to audience that enjoy watching psychological horrors which is uses and gratification theory as it is entertaining for the target audience to watch. Also it creates escapism to the audience as they get lost within the narrative. Climax is built up within the narrative which engages the audience as it creates enigma. Propps theory is also used as there is a mother in the story which the theory states should be within every narrative who is in someway the helper as she notices her daughter is possessed before anyone else.

Propps theory is used here as the daughter is a stereotypical psychological villain as she gets possessed and ends up killing herself in the end which leaves the film on a cliff hanger for the audience


Friday the 13th (1980) The Shining (1980) Child's Play (1988) The Fly (1986

Body horror disease, decay, mutilation, violence, blood, slasher. Comedy elements included

Chucky (Childs Play) A violent doll possessed by a serial killers soul. Scary looking, scares on his face, tells a story Propps theory not a stereotypical psychological villain as not a real person however has the same qualities as psychological horror. Binary oppositions of stereotypical qualities and nonstereotypical look of villain. Doll like character makes it un-realistic however, due to the situations taken place and the killing of so many people realism is created.

-CGI and technical advances developed through special effects -High angle shots to show victim makes them look vulnerable and weak -Low angle shots of villain to make them more powerful -Fast paced film -Music during action scenes build up tension and suspense

Childs Play- When Charles Lee Ray needs to get quick escape from cop Mike Norris, he takes his soul and buries it into playful, seemingly good guy doll Chucky. Little does he know a little boy by the name of Andy Barclay will be the new owner of him soon-to-come. Charles confides in Andy while he commits numerous murders. Once the adults accept Andy's story as truth, it's too late

Audience Appeal
Technical codes appeal to the audience as more the technology evolves the more the audience will be appealed. Enigma created throughout the narrative engages the audience as climax builds up throughout the play. Dis-equilibrium is created when he becomes a doll and begins to kill people. Murder and death are stereotypical conventions of a psychological horror. Uses and gratification theory also applies as it uses escapism as the characters used are un realistic however the atmosphere built up makes it more realistic to the audience. Also entertainment to its target audience.


Se7en (1995)classification: 18
Wes Craven's New Nightmare (1994) Classification: The sixth sense (1999)Classification: Funny Games (1997)Classification:

Se7en- Serial Killers, Murders, Violence, Dark Humour, Torture, Ghosts, Realism, Parody, Supernatural

Detectives important, powerful (low angle shots to see this), strong minded witness crimes that have been taken out. Tall, men, strong.

-- lighting, dimmed, creates fearsome atmosphere -- flash backs used -- lashing images --long angle shots to show importance and dominance --CGI used to create scene -- hybrid genres introduced more with elements of actions, romance to create more of a narrative for the audience -Editing used -non digetic and digetic sound (gun shots)used

Se7en -Taking place in a nameless city, Se7en follows the story of two homicide detectives tracking down a sadistic serial killer who chooses his victims according to the seven deadly sins. Together they trace the killers every step, witnessing the aftermath of his horrific crimes one by one as the victims pile up in rapid succession, all the while moving closer to a gruesome fate neither of them could have predicted.

Audience Appeal
Hybrid genre allows the film to attract much more viewers in order to achieve more sales my attracting a mass audience. Equilibrium theory is also used as the story plot builds up throughout the story when they find all the crimes that have been carried out by the serial killer. The disequilibrium happens when they find gruesome fate that couldnt have been predicted. This is engaging for the audience as it is unexpected which is usually what horrors consist of to add more of an impact on the audience. Uses and gratification theory is also used to as they are able to indentify the events with the detectives and follow the narrative. Also it is entertaining as they will be engaged

These characters are non stereotypical to the horror genre however, are stereotypical to the mystery genre which is a sub genre of this film.
Propps theory is used here as they are the heros of the film because they follow and trace all the bad things and crimes the serial killer has done.


Shutter Island ( 2010)
Frailty ( 2001) Bug ( 2006) The Living And The Dead ( 2006) Paranormal Activity (2009)

Viruses, Epidemics,
End of world, Supernatural, Gore, Teen horror, nature influences,

Paranormal activityGirl average stereotypical female, normal people shows how time has evolved using more realism Boy- average stereotypical boy with his girl friend This is Propps theory as they are stereotypical victim for a psychological horror as they are real life people which create realism to the audience which allows them to follow the narrative and make them feel more connected to the characters within the film. This is binary oppositions as it shows the realism of the people against the supernatural events that take place within the film

--High technology to produce special effects -- Tracking shots gives sense of immediacy makes audience feel they are at the scene -- Fast, quick scenes creates tension makes more of an impact on what is going on -- non digetic sound of screams and whispers

Narrative - After a young, middle class couple moves into a suburban 'starter' tract house, they become increasingly disturbed by a presence that may or may not be somehow demonic but is certainly most active in the middle of the night. This creates enigma code as they are unsure of what it is that is bothering them in the house and spirits and ghosts create enigma because you cant see them visually. This makes the audience just as scared as the characters as they can connect with the characters because they cannot see who/what is making these things happen within the house. Uses and gratification is also used to create escapism for the audience as they will feel engaged on the narrative and it will take there mind off

Audience Appeal
Uses and gratification theory is used as this film will entertain a audience, however, it did mostly appeal to a young teenage audience which shows where the mass of people that like psychological horrors come from. This is cultivation theory because it shows how audiences have changed over time as previously it wouldnt of been young teenagers going to see these films it would be mainly adults. Equilibrium theory is also used in this film as they move in the house and everything is fine until weird things start to happen which creates a disequilibrium which makes the audience want to find out about what is going to happen in the end which makes the follow the

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