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KPI's Analysis

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1) Introduction

2) Main KPIs
3) SDCCH congestion 4) TCH congestion 5) CSSR 6) HOSR

7) CDR
8) Useful information

Firstly, we must differentiate between 4 words:

1) Counter:

It is the counters in the BSC that counts every

event in the layer 3 messages.
Such as : K3012B Call Drops in TCH Handovers (Traffic Channel), (ET02) TCH CDR Per Cell & K3016:Configured TCHs

2) KPI:
It is the combination of some counters in a

certain formula to help in judging the network

performance .
Such as: CDR, HOSR & TCH congestion

3) Parameter:
It is the item in the BSC to be adjusted to have a

switch, threshold or an interval

Such as: CRO, Concentric circles HO allowed & UtoO traffic HO allowed.

4) Algorithm:
It is a group of commands controlling a certain

Such as: HO algorithm, Power control algorithm & Direct retry algorithm.

Main KPIs
To judge a network we have 5 main KPIs:

SDCCH congestion

TCH congestion




SDCCH Congestion

SDCCH congestion
1) SDCCH congestion:

Total No. of SDCCH assignment failures(Due to congestion) Total No. of SDCCH requests

SDCCH congestion
SDCCH congestion may be due to:

A) Capacity

No. of required SDCCHs > Configured SDCCHS

B) Availability

No. of Available SDCCHs Configured SDCCHS

SDCCH congestion
Incase of Capacity problem & TCH congestion=0 the solution will be:
Static SD: Traffic in BH > Available capacity Expansion (Static or Dynamic SDCCH)

Dynamic SD: Congestion is due to sudden increase in SD requests

Load sharing

Sharing the load with neighboring cells using both CRO & PBGT parameters

SDCCH congestion
Incase of Capacity problem & TCH congestion0 the solution will be:
Enabling Dynamic SDCCH if TCH & SD congestion are not in the same time Expansion

Physical expansion is needed if TCH & SD congestion are in the same time

Load sharing

Sharing the load with neighboring cells using both CRO & PBGT parameters

SDCCH congestion
Incase of availability :

Checking alarms on the cell

Checking alarms on neighboring cells

TCH Congestion

TCH congestion

No. of TCH assignment failures due to congestion (Stable state + HO)

No. of TCH assignment requests(Stable state + HO)

TCH congestion
SDCCH congestion may be due to:

A) Capacity

No. of required TCHs > Configured TCHS

B) Availability

No. of Available TCHs Configured TCHS

TCH congestion
Incase of Capacity problem the solution will be:
Enabling HR Expansion (Static or Dynamic SDCCH) Remove useless SDs & Packet TSs Add new TRX

Idle mode: CRO & Direct Retry(DR) Load sharing Dedicated mode: Incoming & outgoing PBGT HO & load HO

TCH congestion
Incase of availability :

Available Configured

Checking alarms on the cell

Available = Configured

With sudden increase in traffic then check alarms on neighboring cells




Total No. of TCH assignment failures Total No. of TCH assignment requests Total No. of SDCCH failures

(1 - Total No. of SDCCH requests )

(1 - SDCCH call drop)

For TCH assignment failure, it includes: 1) Radio problems 2) BSS problems 3) Congestion problems

For SD drop rate, it is affected by:
1) Poor coverage

2) UL-DL imbalance
3) High Interference (Internal or External)

4) Cross connection
For SD congestion, it was discussed in the previous slides



Total No. of successful HOs (Incoming + Outgoing + Intracell) Total No. of HO requests (Incoming + Outgoing + Intracell)

HO purposes:

Mobility Sustain calls Save MS & BTS power

We may classify HOs according to:

Network Architecture Intra BSC: Intra-cell Inter-cell Intra-site Inter-site

Synchronization Synchronous Asynchronous

Radio Normal (Better cell/PBGT) Emergency (BQ/Edge/TA/ Interference/Sudden level drop) Performance (Load/Layer/ Level/ Fast moving) Concentric (UtoO/OtoU)


RxLevel RxLevel (neighbour) (serving)

For BQ HO:

Max of (PBGT HO threshold, PBGT HO hystersis)

RxLevel RxLevel (neighbour) (serving)

For Interference HO:

PBGT HO threshold

BQ HO threshold

RxLevel (serving) Quality (serving)

RxLevel threshold BQ threshold

Interference HO has lower priority than BQ HO because there is no condition on the target cell level

For Layer HO: (4) Umbrella (3) Macro (2) Micro (1) Pico

RxLevel Layer HO (Higher priority) threshold


This level is the min. level required for the higher priority cell to trigger layer HO There is no PBGT HO between 2 cells in different layers

Entering higher layer cell is by layer HO & exiting is by Edge HO

For Edge HO:

If UL Edge HO RxLevel threshold OR DL Edge HO RxLevel threshold is satisfied

For Load HO:

If Load HO threshold on source AND Load HO threshold on target cells are satisfied
For TA HO:

TA (serving)

TA HO threshold

It is the logical way to overcome overshooting

For MS fast moving HO:

It is done by increasing the ranking of higher layer & prevent HO to lower layer
For Sudden power drop HO:

It is done in the BSC by comparing values of successive measurement reports. It is disabled in Huawei network
For Level HO:

It is disabled in Huawei network

HO Algorithm: MR

MR preprocessing

Penalty application

Basic ranking (16-Bit)

HO decision



HO Priorities:


2 3 4 5
Load HO Sudden RxLevel drop HO

Interference HO

Edge HO

6 7
Layer/Level HO


8 9 10
MS fast moving HO
Concentric HO

To Analyze HOSR it is divided to:

Intra cell HO failures

Incoming HO failures Outgoing HO failures

Intracell HO failures may be

Congestion on underlaid Underlaid Interference Alarms Faulty EGSM TRXs or DDPUs Path Imbalance

Congestion on overlaid Faulty DCS TRXs or DDPUs Path Imbalance Alarms Wrong DCS electric tilt

Incoming HO failures may be due to

Congestion Failed TCH seizures due to busy TCHs Failed Incoming HO failures

BSS Alarms Faulty TRXs or combiners Path imbalance

Radio External Interference Internal Interference Configuration problem

Outgoing HO failures may be due to

To one cell
Problem in the neighbour cell

To all cells
Revise counters requests

To analysze outgoing HO requests: 1) Quality requests >>> Level requests UL Quality requests >>> DL Quality requests DL Quality requests >>> UL Quality requests 2) Strenth requests >>> Remaining counters UL Strenth requests >>> Remaining counters DL Strenth requests >>> Remaining counters Path Imbalance (UL limited) Path Imbalance (DL limited) or HW problem

External Interference
Internal Interference


3) UL, DL quality & strenth requests >>> PBGT requests Poor coverage area

Ideally, the majority of requests must be PBGT requests



Total No. of dropped calls (Stable state + HO)

No. of successful TCH assignments (Stable state + HO)

Call drops may be due to

Error indication Incase of bad radio conditions if the BTS does not receive the correct frame & T200 timer expired N200+1 times the call drops

Connection Failure Incase MS does not decode SACCH or the BTS does not decode MR until RLT expires(=32 in DL & 24 in UL) the call drops

Release Indication The MS send a disconnection message to the BTS

Call drop reasons: 1) Poor coverage 2) Interference 3) Missing neighbors

4) Outgoing HO failures
5) Congestion on underlaid 6) Overshooting 7) Path imbalance 8) Configuration problems 9) Alarms

Thank You

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