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MM6 Midterm Output

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“On Becoming a High Trust Salesperson”

Earning trust from other people is not that easy. But being a professional salesperson
what I would do to earn their trust is to stay true to my profession and be honest to my
prospects about the product I’m selling. Attending to their needs also is one of the key
that I can earn their trust.

 From the recommended things to do for sales success, which among

them do you think are the three most important?

Law No. 4 Speak to your prospect just as you speak to your family.
Law No. 9 Ask the prospect if there are any barriers to them taking the next
logical step.
Law No. 10 Invite your prospect to take some kind of action.

As a sales person, what you need to do is to be compassionate on your

prospects needs and wants. Because being sensitive to your prospects can
help them change their view towards you as a salesperson. Wherein you can
gain their trust to purchase the products your selling.

 In this millennial age, how would try to ease the bad reputation of
salespeople if you’re a person in sales?

It is hard to change someone’s perspective especially if their mindsets were

different from us, thinking that their always right. Since it is hard to convince
people to believe in us salespeople; especially the millennial and generation Z.
As a salesperson what I would like to do is to explain to them that they should
have respect and decency as well every time they interact with us salespeople.
Even if they are not interested in the products we’re selling.

SALES CASE (p. 67-68)

 What are some of the hardships faced by salespeople during the early
times? Do you think these experiences are still true today?

Some of the hardships faced by the salespeople during the early times that are
still true up to this day are stress, losing deals, pressure from management,
becoming demoralized market changes & self-doubt. There’s no such thing as
a perfect experience being a salesperson. There will always be ups and downs
as you go through this path. But the most important thing that a salesperson
should always remember is to never give up and have trust on their selves and
always look on the brighter side and have positivity in every experiences

 What are the benefits having the sales profession around us?

Having a salesman is beneficial to both the inventors and consumers. It is

beneficial to the inventors because there will be someone whose going to
introduce and sell their products to the public. It is beneficial also to the
customers in a way that there is someone that can provide them enough
information about the product they are purchasing.

 Will you still consider being a salesperson these days, despite the
hardships mentioned by the author? Why? Why not?

Being a salesman may be hard but through this I will be able to help other
people and earn a lot at the same time. This is something that I’ve been looking
forward to. It might be hard at first but with perseverance I believe I can
overcome all these challenges.
SELLING TRENDS (p. 97-100)

“Becoming the Best Salesperson by Reading Body Language”

Body language is business sets the foundation for people to communicate with
others on a deeper level. From your facial expressions to your body movements,
the things that you don’t say can often convey some of the largest volumes of
information .According to studies from language and psychology experts, body
language might even have a bigger impact on a conversation than the words that
you can choose. The most informative body language signals to monitor are your
prospects engagement and disengagement behaviors.

Exploring Sales (p.101-103 )

 What three communication skills do you think are very vital to the
success of a salesperson?

“Can you lead a meeting?”

“Can you negotiate?”
“Can you communicate with your co-workers?”

In my opinion, these 3 following skills stated above were the ones vital to the
success of a salesperson. Because these 3 focuses more on the ways they
communicate with their customers. In which can help them have more clients
that can lead to its salespersons success.
 Which among the communication skills are you good at?

“Can you negotiate?”

“Can you make small talk?”

Ever since I was in high school up to this day, I always ask and convince people
to come with me even if they’re tired or doesn’t want to go, but still they end up
following or coming along with me. In some cases, I also influence some of
other people’s decision in purchasing something whenever they ask my opinion
and eventually end up choosing my suggestion.

I also have another experience in high school during our summer class where
we are taught how to sell our products. The first thing I did was I talked to the
woman regarding about the baby she’s carrying before I get down to business
which is selling my product.

 If you are to suggest the 10th communication skills which a salesperson

must be good at, what is it?

“Can you keep calm under pressure?”

As a salesperson you need to work calmly considering the fact that not all
customers are in good terms with you and if the company are letting you do
some work that you’re not ready with. It is essential to salesperson to keep
calm in every situation so he/she can do her job rightfully.

SALES CASE (p. 105-106)

 What are the positive body language movements that Marcus has

Marcus demonstrated positive body movements by simply showing the

common acceptance signals like the body angle upright, smiling, eye contact,
and pleasant expression. They are positive because this indicate that the
person might meet their needs and caught their attention and interest then he
is able to continue.

 Which among the body language movements he displayed seemed to be


The negative movement Marcus have done was leaning his body far from the
manager, no facial expression while crossing his arms over his chest, losses
eye contact with the manager, talks rapidly, and felt uneasiness by nervous
movements because of the questions asked.
 Was Marcus accepted in the position of sales representative? What body
language movements contributed to your conclusion?

No, because of his posture and body language. From the way he talk, down to
the actions he did and the way he responded to the manager. More of, he’s
afraid of showing his real personality and speaking out about something. The
way he crossed his arms also caused negative action. A lot of people believes
that action speaks louder than words. Which causes the manager to
misinterpret him though it is not his intention to do so.
SELLING TRENDS (p. 135-140)

“Making Purchase Decision Subconsciously”

Based on the article, purchasing decisions are done subconsciously since this is
relative to our current emotions. When we feel sad we want to have something that
can make us feel good. Or perhaps when we’re having a bad day we tend to crave
something that can lighten up our mood. Example for that is food particularly
sweets. This is something that we should seriously consider since purchasing
should not be done subconsciously but with proper thinking and practicality. It is
always better to purchase something that we really need the most before our
wants. And choose wisely in selecting something that would last longer and quality

EXPLORING SALES (p. 141-146)

 From among the rules given in the article, which among them do you think
is the most important in buyer-friendly selling? How about the least

For me, the most important rule is “Research before reaching out”. As a
salesperson you must spend time learning about your target market or your
buyers. If you expect for them to give you their time and learn about your
product. You can learn about them through social media accounts etc. before
attempting to engage with them in a conversation.

On the other hand, the least important rule is “Make it about them”. It is okay to
set aside this rule, although we have to make sure that we are not obnoxious
and irrelevant while sales talking to our customers.

 If given the chance to be a salesperson someday, which of the rules

mentioned will you implement for a successful selling career?

“Ask questions, and listen.”

“Approach them on their level.”
“Remember that you’re selling to a person.”

A key to success in sales is to back your goal with perseverance and

indomitable willpower. Decide to throw your whole heart and soul into
your success and into achieving your sales career goal. Make a complete
commitment to improve your sales career and become one of the most highly-
paid salespeople. Implementing the following rules stated above also helps to
its sales success. Through this you can understand your prospects as well and
everything will in sync.

SALES CASE (p. 141-151)

 Should Olivia pull the plug on the El Diablo project?

Olivia should push through this project as it is now on trend. Once it is

recognized by many, there’s a big possibility they will purchase it out of

 Does Olivia really know exactly their buyers of El Diablo? Why yes? Why

Yes, Olivia really does know their buyers of El Diablo. Because a marketer does
not propose a project without searching about their target buyers.

 Describe exactly the profile of customers the project has?

The profile of the customers of this project has are teenagers. That is why the
content of this project is all about today’s generation, so that a lot of teenagers
can relate. Searching about your target customer’s interests is one of the best
assets that can help you as a marketer think on what is better to offer to them,
which can also help you increase your sales.
SELLING TRENDS (p. 175-178)

“Making Effective Lead Generation Strategies”

When it comes to lead generation, quality matters over quantity. But by the
same token, people don’t like being sold to and they resent the notion that
they’re simply “numbers in a database somewhere”. It may come as no
surprise, but for sheer ease of implementation and effectiveness of results,
nothing beats good, old-fashioned email marketing. Websites and landing
pages are close behind, with content marketing making noticeable gains. It’s
also worth noting that the survey shows email marketing as one of the easiest
tactics to implement. But notice the relative difficulty of other measures such
as content marketing. Sure, it gets decent results, but at what
cost? Effectiveness and difficulty are tied. Keep in mind, email marketing has
been around much longer, and therefore we’ve had much more time to
experiment and learn how to interact with prospects. Huge strides are being
made in creating new tools that make content marketing more relevant and
personable, but we’re still in the collective crawling stages with it.

EXPLORING SALES (p. 179-183)

 What information must a salesperson research on about the company he

is prospecting? Why is it important to do this procedure in selling?

A salesperson must know the history of the company, their clients and
customers. He/she should know the company’s status, their values and what
issues they are facing in the industry, also know the person’s history
background. It is an important procedure for selling because knowing the
customer’s information, they might feel the connection between them and the
salesperson. The customer may feel comfortable also talking with them and will
have interest in buying their products.

 Why is there a need to research also the competitors of the company prior
to the appointment?

It is important to research the company’s competitors because competitors can

help the company make products, services, and marketing stand out. You can
create marketing strategies through this by taking advantage of your
competitors’ weaknesses and improve the company’s performance or

 Why is over-preparation not good? What could be its effect?

If you’re over prepared you might anticipate instead of listening. It will affect
your ability to actively listen to the prospect and speak to them with authenticity.

SALES CASE (p. 185-186)

 What methods should Gilda use to generate sales leads beyond those
provided by her company?

Gilda should use cold calling. Which is the most extreme form of cold
canvassing, because she can knock on doors or make direct phone calls to
organizations or individuals.
 How should Gilda qualify the leads provided by her company and those
she generates herself? What is the profile of an ideal prospect?

Gilda should limit the time wasted on making calls with a low probability of
success and focus their efforts on the more fruitful opportunities.

 How should Gilda prioritize her qualified prospects?

Gilda should prioritize her sales prospects to ensure that she spends most of
her time on the best opportunities. She should create an ideal customer profile
and then analyze sales prospects by comparing them with this ideal customer

 What information should Gilda collect to prepare for sales dialogue with
a prospect?

The information that Gilda should collect to be able to prepare for sales
dialogue with a prospect are the contact details about the leads she’s going to

 Gilda used LinkedIn during college and wanted to employ it in her

strategic prospecting process. How can she best use LinkedIn?

Gilda can use LinkedIn as one of her preference to be able to construct a

strategic prospecting process.
SELLING TRENDS (p. 215-217)

“Branding Myself”

A brand is not what a company says about itself, because it’s a step of developing
your personal brand. It is something we spend in dealing of time, patience and
passion. This will use our personal identity on promoting ourselves become
professional and polished. As marketers, we have to build a personal brand identity
to create the kind of image we wanted to portray.

EXPLORING SALES (p. 219-221)

 What does it mean to ditch a “pitch”?

It basically describes what salespeople used to do: throw information at
prospects hoping to sell a product or service before the buyer could hang up
the phone or slam the door.
 What makes a sales pitch a sales dialogue?

Sales pitch should be short and have a clear message. In the pitch, it should
explain to customers (e.g., what they do and who they are), the problem they're
facing, a plan for how your product will help them, and what their success will
look like as a result of using your product.

 What does the acronym POWN mean in preparing a sales pitch? What
does this prove?

Salespeople need to identify the problems they solve, the opportunities they
capture, and the wants or needs that are addressed by the solution. Once they
know this they need to put together metrics and proof of what they can do or
have done.

SALES CASE (p. 223-225)

 What makes money the motive of today’s customers?

It helps the company get more repeat business from their customers and offer
something better than their competition.

Sometimes it may be they simply want to get a good deal. But it probably really
means they want to have lower costs so they can pass the savings onto their
customers and beat their competition while making more profit themselves.

So the underlying reason is for them to make more money. This enables you
to highlight the benefits and advantages of your products and services that will
enable your prospect to prosper.

 How is reduced risk being applied to a modern day buyer’s factor in


1. Build Customer Awareness about You and Your Company

Educate your prospect about you and your company before you even initiate
the selling process with them. Increase your business accountability by
becoming known as an expert in your field. Create your brand advocates. Be
everywhere your prospects are, in person or via your publications, writing,
advertising and more.

2. Become Famous for Your Customer Support

Think for a second . . . are people afraid to buy from Zappos? Of course not,
the company is famous for its support and because of this one thing alone, it is
hard to fear purchasing from them since they will listen to you if things go wrong.
Strive to achieve the same level of perception about your business. If your
prospects heard about your amazing support before they even met you, how
hard do you think it would be for them to decide to buy?

3. Show Mind Blowing Testimonials

Build social proof of your service and customer support with great testimonials.

Testimonials are like a seal of approval for your business. Showing that others
have been satisfied with your service or product is one of the most powerful
ways to reassure potential clients to buy from you.

4. Offer a Sales Guarantee

Offer a guarantee that will be hard to beat. At my company, we give money

back if our clients realize that our course didn’t bring the desired result. In other
words, there is no risk for the buyer to try us out. Worst comes to worst, they
will lose some time in their day going through our product.

5. Follow Up With Your Prospects

Regardless of what you do, there are times when you are not able to overcome
your prospects fear of buying before they meet you. But, you can still do it
afterwards. Show your prospect that you care about them, reassure them that
you will not disappear the minute they hand over the check. Follow up with
them regularly, check if they don’t have any questions to ask or don’t want to
clarify some information. Be proactive and come up with ways to stay in touch
while offering value.

 If you are a customer will you consider time an element of your buying

Yes, if I were a customer I would consider time as an element in buying motive.

Because it is so important even if it’s a short or long period of time. And I don’t
want to waste my time that may cause conflict to my other commitments.


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