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An Interview With Dr. Turi

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Dear reader;

In my long spiritual career I have been asked so many questions and Mister Marti
n Hodgson "Your Source for the Holistic Alternative" launching 11/11 http://www. asked me to respond to his interview. While there are plen
ty questions and answers about my expertise posted at
.php for your needs, in my crazy schedule, I finally found the time to do so
for Martin, and I decided to share it with all my readers.

So tell us Dr. Turi, what exactly is Astropsychology?

Astropsychology is a mixture of the ancient art of astrology, traditional psycho

logy and clinical hypnotherapy - One of my Doctor in psychiatry student told me
he learned more in my week long crash course than the seven years he spent in a
n accredited University. I guess he had enough poisoning his patients...

How did you develop this technique? How does this tie in with the work of Nostra
When asked this question I always respond "do you want the real truth or bull?"
Everyone says "the Truth."

Following my 5th kind UFO close encounter in 1991 above the city of Los Angeles
my wife and I were abducted. The Aliens took away our child from Brigitte's womb
and downloaded me with the Cosmic Code secrets. After the "meeting" I could not
help myself and painted my entire house with astrological symbols, UFO and I co
uld not stop studying the work of Nostradamus and anything else
Incredible experiences, breed incredible people that have incredible wisdom to o
Dr. Turi
While many people have baptized me "The New Nostradamus" "The reincarnation of N
ostradamus" or "Nostradamus reincarnated", born in Provence like him, I only sha
re the same local stars. Meantime, in his prophetic work, 500 years ago, the gre
at Prophet never used a watch or a computer and this is what stimulated me to pr
actice the ancient art the same way, using symbolism, signs and intuition. I hav
e studied numerous form of astrology; none of them gave me the degree of accurac
y I am famous for.

Can you explain to our readers the meaning of the UCI (Unique Celestial Identity
) and how does this tie in with our free will?

UCI stands for Unique Celestial Identity or your inherited karmic celestial prog
ram at birth. The mind is like a computer with a unique celestial program design
ed to make you attract specific experiences, all earned from the positive/nega
tive results of previous past lives *karma. The physical connection between the
mother and the child (or anyone of your family members) is genetically proven us
ing DNA. DNA is short for deoxyribonucleic acid; which is present in almost ever
y cell in your body.

DNA produces a genetic blueprint, unique to each individual which determines you
r physical make up only. You inherited your genetic DNA *physical code from your
parents and a UCI *Unique Celestial / *spiritual identity code from God becaus
e of all your deeds. UCI is the spiritual "DNA" of humans as all people are so v
ery different. Each one of us is directly "genealogically" speaking directly rel
ated to our ancestry and all our current family members. However within the real
m of spirituality, your closest family member's UCI happens to be your utmost st
ranger, yet to be uncovered by our infantile scientific community. In the tighte
st family circle, none of them will think, express, create, behave or agree with
each others as man is not born equal, both physically and spiritually.

As the soul reincarnate on this dense physical world God "imprint" it with both
gifts and shortcomings the person will have to experience and master i.e. gays,
bullies, geniuses, criminals etc. I do cover quite a lot on this subject and off
er the keys of what it means to human in my newsletters. As far as the human fre
e will is concerned, the part of God in each one of us is much stronger than the
stars per say, but without Cosmic Consciousness (understanding the celestial me
chanics) one is prone to "act out" the worst of his UCI and simply becomes a rob
ot of his own stars. 99.09% of the unaware world's population act neurotically j
udging others through their own overpowering UCI.

"Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking, religion, conspiracy and imagination doe

s the rest." There are no accidents just consequences the five logical human sen
ses cannot
Dr. Turi.

You've authored several books in the past. Can you share which of the books offe
r the most guidance to those seeking to explore this subject further?

Each one of my book is designed to bring forth "Cosmic Consciousness" at least t

o a certain degree. My best seller is my yearly Moon Power published since 1995.
"Moon Power" is designed to make people aware that our closest satellite is sol
ely responsible for the dreadful news plaguing humans on earth. In this book I e
xplain in great detail how the moon trigs the human psyche making up all our dai
ly affairs on hearth and how to work in harmony with her. This book is the spiri
tual human "Farmer's Almanac" plotting her whereabouts in the belt of the zodiac
, all year round where the utmost guidance and predictions where published well
before CNN announcements.

"I know All About You" is the fastest simplest way to get introduced to all the
signs and get to know everyone around you using Astropsychology through my metho
dology. It is designed for the kids or those willing to get the most of my exper
tise but unwilling to do the real mental gymnastics to master the trade. This bo
ok will offer the reader a deeper understanding of all the people around him and
how they behave, perceive and act out the human experience.

"And God Created The Stars" I wrote this book for all my students where I explai
n in great details the concept of Nostradamus' rare methodology by signs and hou
ses. I use very small print thus this 380 page book is more a 500 page loaded of
crucial information that will allow the student to navigate through our solar s
ystem spiritually. This book is a must read to master the dynamics of our solar
system on a high spiritual level and prepare the reader for the study of Astrops

"The Power of The Dragon" Again in this 525 page book, I use very small print tr
ying very hard to pass on a life time of accumulated divine information on the P
ower of the Dragon. This book is the "Ferrari" of the Spirit where I explain the
fate of many famous and infamous people and forever souls that made the human h
istory. From Einstein to serial killers I enunciate how their natal Dragons play
ed a significant part in their endeavors offering them immortality. Knowing and
heeding the location of your natal or hidden Dragon's Head or Tail becomes a maj
or contribution for your success or failure during this particular reincarnation
. Much of the human psychology, past lives residue, blessings and karma resides
right on the Dragon and does indeed offer the true keys of what it means to be h

"Asia Dragon Prediction" was created for the advanced Oriental part of the world
more suited than its occident religious oriented counterpart. It's a version of
Moon Power depicting the stars and fate of all Asia political Leaders.

"Beyond The Secret" is my biography reflecting my incredible, dramatic life wher

e I explained right from my birth (and my past lives) the how and why I became D
r. Turi. I exposed it all, including my UFO, ghosts and so many barely believabl
e experiences I went through cheating death so many times. In this book I clearl
y demonstrate how the Supraconscious acts with the human UCI and create our real
ity because "The future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thought."
I explained outside of conventional science, the why, how and what of everything
under the sky through some of the most dramatic experiences the people of my li
fe, students, patients, clients, friends and family members including myself had
to go through to own true spiritual wisdom. I teach tips and offer explanations
that no accredited colleges or universities and traditionally educated professo
rs will ever be capable of. But why not read the following and judge for yoursel

AMAZON Editorial Reviews -

Product Description

Beyond the Secret is the fascinating autobiography of Dr. Louis Turi. It recount
s his unusual life starting at birth in the Provence region of France, to his li
fe in England and America. His experiences range from tragic to euphoric, mundan
e and miraculous, all of which have given him great compassion for his fellow hu
mans. He explains metaphysical principles that apply to the different chapters o
f his life. There is much more in this life than the Law of Attraction. Other la
ws include metaphysical and cosmological aspects. It is an engaging read you wil
l not be able to set down.

Based on your work, what was the most profound prediction you made that came to
The sad reality is that people reading my work will always remember a bad predic
tion and with a 98% ratio of accuracy I can assure you that all major news where
fully predicted. Again the printing process, dated television and my national r
adio appearances on Coast to Coast am with George Noory makes my claims unarguab
le. Here is the sad endless list of my major predictions taken from my website..

N.Y Terrorist Attack - Iraq War - SARS - Asia Tsunami - Mexico Oil Spill - Icela
ndic Volcano Eruption - Haiti Deadliest Quake Ever, Deadly Hurricane Katrina, Ca
lifornia Fires, Deadliest Tornadoes In The US History, ALL major calamities worl
dwide including the full restructure of the FBI/CIA, the US economy, Mumbai Indi
a UK terrorist Attacks etc. ALL Major Earthquakes above 6.0 were FULLY and UNARG
UABLY predicted in my book Moon Power and on my radio and television shows. Note
also that I am the only Astrophile on the planet posting regularly my "SOS To T
he World" windows in all major popular websites preparing humankind for its impe
nding fate. Of course people can accurately judge or swear by my predictive gift
only if they paid attention to my work and get to know the real me. Until then
a newcomer can only be skeptical! Take the time to investigate my mission to tra
nslate the Creator's will upon mankind and understand the "Cosmic Code" because
this is the only way God will speak to you.

Remember God's words "I will speak to you but you won't hear me, I will present
myself to you but you won't see me." Let me help you raise your Cosmic Conscious
ness and teach you how to heed God' signs. You may also appreciate these facts a
nd investigate these claims by visiting his website at

I understand that you're also a healer. From my point of view, healing can take
on many different forms. Having said that, there are a growing number of people
and medical doctors who are shying away from traditional allopathic medicine and
the use of prescription drugs in favor of alternative healing. Do you see this
as a growing trend in the foreseeable future? Why?

Indeed with the Internet access people nowadays are able to investigate pretty m
uch everything and get second opinions on anything, especially with prescription
drugs. Again I wrote intensively in my free public Dragon newsletters on this d
eplorable topic and expose some of my own facts about my own patients becoming p
aralyzed after ingesting those dangerous medical prescriptions. As a matter of f
act, one of my student is a Doctor in Psychiatry told me" Dr. Turi I have learne
d more in your week long crash course than seven years in college, and he was fe
ed up poisoning people with chemicals." I have developed my own natural Cabalist
ic Healing methodology and my Phoenix based "Healing Room" offers quite a lot of
information on this subject.

My methodology involves a mixture of Nostradamus rare teachings, American Indian

natural healing, a variety of rocks, eagle feathers, sounds, Clinical Hypnother
apy, universal blood transfusion, Astropsychology, traditional astrology, soul's
cleansing, Astro-taro, chakras power points pressure, massage etc. (602) 265-76

Each year, millions of Americans of all ages are diagnosed with multitudes of ph
ysical and mental disorders that include cancer, depression, loss of self-esteem
, eating disorders, A.D.D., etc. America is also facing a serious crisis involvi
ng homicidal children. Dr. Turi will shed light on these difficult issues by ope
ning your perception to greater physical and spiritual realizations.

Together, we can further the development of Cancer research, bring healing solut
ions, and better understand our children. Many drugs that are prescribed by doct
ors are then abused by the unaware consumers, causing major side effects. Dr. Tu
ri gives further insights to the drastic impact drugs have on both the physical
and spiritual minds. During the plague, in the name of ignorance the Pope ordere
d the killing of cats in all cities in Europe as they were seen as the eyes of e

In the process the rat population exploded and with it new diseases. Nostradamus
' rose petal pills and homeopathic medicines saved Europe from the plague. Dr. T
uri's teachings will open the door to the importance of a lost approach to the m
ind, body and spirit.


Dear Dr. Turi

I want to say that was the most comprehensive treatment I've ever had in one ses
sion. I have had reflexology, chiropractic, ortho bionomic, aura clearing, chakr
as balancing, energy work such as reiki, crystal healing, and many other things
since I choose to not use Medical care (drugs or surgery) to treat health issues
, or should I say to treat sickness issues, and your treatment, Cabalistic heali
ng, was the most comprehensive and healing in one session I have ever experience
d. I feel so much lighter and hopeful now.

I do expect to see ongoing results from what you did. The astrology session was
fantastic, I understand myself so much more now and why things go the way they d
o in my life. I thank Spirit for you and your work. This was the best birthday p
resent I have ever given myself, what I got for the time and money I spent was w
ay beyond my expectations. I shall recommend your Cabalistic Healing session to
anyone on the path to knowing themselves and wanting to be healthier than they e
ver thought they could be. What people need to understand is that sickness comes
from the inside out and all the drugs and surgery they do does not correct the
issues that cause the symptoms they experience, what is done in your sessions ge
ts to the root of the cause of the symptoms and works at that deep level really
creating a healing. Thank you again.
Love and Light...L//// DC FIACA


From: /////
Dr. Turi,
You gave us a lot to think about and work on. The healing on myself I believe, h
as helped my prostate problem. Linda was very impressed with your reading. Best
From: ////
Subject: : headaches
Dear Dr. Turi,
I suffer from Occipital Neuralgia..... What ever you did released all the pain!

Lastly, I'm asking this question for everyone I interview. What do you see for D
ecember 21st, 2012?

I just wish the famous "talking Herds" of this world finally realize the power t
hey exert on the God fearing, uneducated mass and realize, while God put them in
their influential position, it carries also a heavy penalty for their ignorance
of the Cosmic Code rules. First, they are the molder of the human race's futur
e and ALL of them have absolutely no clue about it; secondly this "educated" cro
wd is quite reluctant to accept anything that surpasses their traditional educat
ion and / or erroneous religious convictions. What makes the situation worse is
their unbending rigid blind spirit and the unwillingness (or in-aptitude) to gra
sp the crucial information I generate and the importance of timing. I can only
trust my vision of a much better future once God decides it's time for me, to b
e part of the famous "talking Herds." The only difference between these famous
"talking Heads" and me is that; I possess full Cosmic Consciousness...

"God created the stars and the heavens for more than the sake of beauty; He gave
them to us for interpretation so that we may live a more productive life. Man
is superior to the stars if he lives in the power of superior wisdom. Such a per
son being the master over heaven and earth, by means of his will, is a Magus, an
d magic is not sorcery but supreme wisdom.
~ Paracelsus

JOIN US THE DAY AFTER - 12/22/2012 - Humankind Universal day of prayer

"The future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the thoughts" humankind, a
s of yet does not understand its serious implications and its accumulated applic
ations. Thus I choose the "DAY AFTER" or December 22nd, 2012 as Dr. Turi's Univ
ersal day of prayer marking the awakening of the power of enlightenment, common
sense and the liberation of the human spirit from fear. On this day NOTHING dram
atic will take place, instead a very constructive celestial energy will bless hu

The Universal gates will open offering humanity a push a rare chance to final
ly connect with the Divine marking the END of the Age of Pisces (religions/decep
tion/misinformation) and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius (UFO/humanitarian/
the truth/the Cosmic Code.) Then, slowly but surely, Jesus' true spiritual celes
tial Ministry will be reinstated. Humankind's cosmic awareness of "Our Father In
The Heavens" and God' signs will be taught and used by all his children of the
world promising the long awaited Universal spiritual rebirth of Humanity.

"When men realize the church is the universe and the twelve Apostles are the twe
lve signs of the zodiac, God's commandments written in Starlight will bring true
love, respect peace and harmony to this world."

Dr. Turi

Dr. Turi is the ONLY Astrophile alive today, using the Dragon predictions, as th
e great Prophet Nostradamus used to do. Since my work exploded on the Internet,
by reading my endless flow of FREE Dragon newsletters, many astrologers from all
over the world have learned and realized its power. This does not mean they wil
l endorse me, my work or say thank you for sharing my 60 years of rare parapsych
ologist work as competition is fierce in all professional endeavors. Do you know
that I have more astrology followers in India than the US? While others descent
readers, who have learn with me over the years and benefit from my endless, uns
elfish guidance and predictions, they are loading me with thanks and great endor

To them I say...THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for your great support and advised them o
f even more help from PVHI Management launching my first Cosmic Code Internet sh
ow soon. Meantime please, post your comments and your very important show sugges
tions directly in my page at
Prepare your questions about the "bully" phenomenon, UFO, the future of mankind
and Dr. Turi on the Air in "Journey into the Light"
Nov. 3rd @ 7pm CT, 5pm PT


Sharing Emails;
Dr. Turi;

Yes, i remember when i first read David Ickes material a few years ago. If i had
n't already spent my life living in fear and learned that fear is just another t
actic that the dark energy uses to attach itself to you and suck the life out of
you. And that fear is the opposite of love, i would have put my head in the sa
nd and stayed there. But when ready the teacher appears and i am ready. I really
do like Ickes material but as you said it can scare the crap out of people... I
'm at a stage now that I need the truth. So that i can handle this planet and th
e beings here without fear or any other neurotic reactions. Again, i really like
your writing and honestly i am tired of being treated as a mushroom, kept in th
e dark and fed BS. I'm also tired of taking on others fears and phobias. I am em
pathic so i must learn to be little tougher skinned. Thanks again. light and lov
DT - Indeed a magnet will not attract a piece of wood, with so much fear spreadi
ng out there and such a luck of true wisdom *Cosmic Consciousness) David ( and s
o many other talking heads on national radio, television etc.) attracts a very
large flock of scared lost souls. "The future is nothing else than the reincarna
tion of the thoughts" humankind, as of yet does not understand its serious impli
cations and its accumulated applications. Unless the Universal spiritual psyche
of this world is turned around and the world realizes my truth in my words, the
Supraconscious in time and space (God) can only rewards or punish humanity (and
Mother Earth) for our lack of wisdom. My mission is to free those souls from fea
rs and ignorance may be one at time but it is David and those "unaware" evil pro
moters' time for now...One must never feed the evil mouth with fears for God did
not put us here on earth to suffer a terrible suffocating end. My time is next
, stand by, the stars do not lie...

"Where Cosmic Consciousness is lacking, religion, conspiracy and imagination doe

s the rest." There are no accidents just consequences the five logical human sen
ses cannot perceive.
Dr. Turi.


Hi, Dr. Turi...I understand you've been incredibly busy with customer demands...
yet I'm trying to get through to you asking..if you could have look at the inten
sity of the coming winter in Europe. The reason for my asking are data, that con
firm the disruption of the Golf Stream regulating our climate...over here (in Ge
rmany) are very much concerned since some indicators like the hottest summer tak
ing place in Russia or unusual flooding in East Germany (where I live) and the e
arly fall of winter in Russia or the alps are to be observed... I'd be so gratef
ul since mainstream media don't feel the necessity to keep us properly informed.
.. It is tough and it is unnerving to being forced to read between the lines at
all times and our world constantly being manipulated to feed only some serving t
heir own interests... Hope to hearing from you soon...and thank you for being so
straight forward on your agenda. I would have long gone for a personalized read
ing, but I do understand, that credit card payments are out of question. all the
best! Best regards Astrid

DT- Hello Astrid;

First thank you for your support, indeed the climate changes are quite obvious a
nd affects the entire planet not only Germany. Mom in France is saying the same
thing and so are my world wide reading audience. If you read my predictions fro
m my website 2011 air /Fire Dragon will produce much damages and I can only sugg
est you to check my SOS to the world deadly windows for they have been on the do
t so far. Unless the Universal spiritual psyche of this world is turned around f
rom North to South lolol (what are the chances of this happening) and the world
realizes my words that the future is nothing else than the reincarnation of the
thoughts, the Supraconscious in time and space (God) can only rewards or punish
humanity (and Mother Earth) for our lack of wisdom. As for your reading many peo
ple from many foreign countries uses Skype for consultation. Once there I can ta
care of your payment through our secure credit card website. Some use Internatio
nal Money order but regardless of the method of payment used, Skype is a serious
tool that helps me considerably "channeling" personal and Universal predictions
, and rare teachings that would help you regenerate your spirit and make a good
use of the wisdom and predictions.


Thank you for you time and advice, Sir :-) I am not an avid user of SKYPE usin
g it only for my man when he is over in San Fransicso on business but I will fi
gure it out and have a look at your website for further information. The process
of gaining a universal conscience , especially the process of learning ( I am t
eaching Music and English at a secondary school in Berlin) still sounds confusin
g for me....I do know that there is a lot more to us human beings who are long b
eing reduced down to obedient "beings"..... I think you may have found one metho
d to decode our brain and help our inner self to wake up to the truth...or at le
ast gain understanding of what truly surrounds us....but maybe there is help on
the way for I purchased some of your books. Be that as it may..., thank you so m
uch again.... best regards

DT- Hello again Astrid; In my case, Skype is a very helpful tool as it allows me
to see the person and channel the spirit to a great extend while offering the v
isual needed to assimilate the "reading". Many people never heard of the Astro-T
arot and seeing the cards with my explanations makes it very easy to assimilate
your own subconscious' message and heed your future. I have noticed a serious in
crease in power channeling since I "upgraded" to Skype leaving no room for confu
sion, fears or misunderstanding. Indeed my website will offer you all the inform
ation needed for any of my services.

Yes 99.09% of the world's population has been "conditioned" and like I use Skype
to free your spirit and upgrade your psyche/perception on the Cosmic Code juris
dictions (God signs), the Illuminati uses visuals too, entertainments, TV, movie
s including archaic religious material to control all form of education. The re
sults are a very chaotic world where wars make billions at the expanse of human
wasted lives. Indeed the program is real and efficient and as solid as my own mi
ssion to bring the light of God back to humans. Yes there is no doubt I have "de
coded" the Cosmic Code and its interaction with the brain and many people such a
s you are slowly awakening to the truth... Indeed my books are a good start but
my wisdom not only changes but increases daily, thus keep it up by becoming a Co
smic Code VIP reader. Lastly, remember there is NO accident for you (or anyone e
lse) to land here reading this material, for God has provided me as a real link
to your spiritually starved spirit. You teach human music to your students, th
is is so beautiful and show the true color of your soul. I teach a different ty
pe of music, a musical sphere only a few selects can hear, a form of high cosm
ic symphony to my own Internet students all over the world...

More at

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